58 research outputs found


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    The library is an administration establishment. Reference administration is considered as the core of the library administrations. A reference administration is a definitive objective of all library administrations. Reference administrations have assumed a focal position in library and data administrations. They are additionally viewed as customized administrations since much of the time an individual discourse happens between a client and a reference administrator. The Reference and Information Services Section tends to all parts of reference works, in a wide range of libraries, in all areas of the world. Current interests include the new electronic condition and the subsequent changes in reference work, job of the reference custodian, and the nature of reference administrations. Reference administrations may differ from library to library, yet most libraries have data where help from an administrator is accessible. At last, the paper proposes some new zones of research that might be embraced to improve the arrangement of customized data administrations or reference administration in libraries


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    ABSTRACT Purpose: In this paper, the philosophical position of the scientist is investigated which will explain the purposes behind the decision approach utilized in this examination. In this way, the principal motivation behind this paper is to exhibit the examination approach and techniques utilized in this investigation to respond to the exploration questions and to accomplish the examination objective. Design / Methodology/ Approach Research Design is a groundbreaking strategy indicating the strategies and methodology controlling the specialist to gather their information and investigation their exploration. The most widely recognized research structures that analysts consistently use are exploratory, expressive, and easygoing. In the present investigation, a graphic and quantitative examination is utilized as a reason the examination to get and break down the information. Research Limitations The example was chosen from six regions of South Tamil Nadu, which incorporates Madurai, Dindigul, Kanyakumari, Sivagangai, Tirunelveli, and Virudhunagar. Hence a decent example is a smaller than normal rendition of the populace and a great example configuration includes the accompanying: • Sample Unit • Sample Size • Sampling Technique Originality / Value The polls were dispersed to examine researchers during 2015-2016. Information sources are named being either essential sources or auxiliary sources. A source is essential if the information gatherer is the one utilizing the information for the investigation. A source is optional if one association or individual has accumulated information to be utilized by another association or person. Both essential and optional information has been gathered in this exploration

    Loading as a design parameter for genetic circuits

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    A significant problem when building complex biomolecular circuits is due to context-dependence: the dynamics of a system are altered upon changes to its context, potentially degrading the system's performance. Here, we study retroactivity, a specific type of context-dependence, by analyzing the effects of loads on a transcription factor applied by the transcription factor's target sites. In particular, we study this loading effect on the model of an activator-repressor oscillator, a widely studied motif in synthetic and systems biology. Our analysis indicates that strong activation and weak repression are key for a stable limit cycle. Repression can be effectively weakened by adding load to the repressor, while activation can be effectively weakened by adding load to the activator. Therefore, loading the repressor can be employed as a design parameter to establish a stable limit cycle. In contrast, loading the activator is deleterious to the clock

    By using Internet of Things Analysis of Waste Monitoring System

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    Metropolitan territories in urban areas are confronting poor strategy for waste administration. Since there is quick increment of urban populace unhygienic conditions are winning. To maintain a strategic distance from this condition and to enhance the personal satisfaction powerful waste administration is utilized. In proposed framework, squander container is checked with the sensors and GSM framework. An android application is utilized to screen data with respect to squander independent of area. By this squanders are expelled effectively

    Clinical study of risk factors, clinical presentation and management of cellulitis lower limb

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    INTRODUCTION: Cellulitis is defined as inflammation of skin and subcutaneous tissue,characterised by erythema, swelling, warmth and pain. It can affect any part but most commonly lowerlimb is involved. The identification of risk factors and timely intervention of lower limb cellulitis will reduce the morbidity and mortality. AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of the study is to assess the risk factors of cellulitis lower limb and to study the clinical presentation and management of cellulitis lower limb. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY: A prospective study carried out in 100 Patients with cellulitis of lowerlimb admitted in general surgery OPD in Tirunelveli Medical College. RESULTS: Most of the patients affected were elderly population explained by poor immune response and associated comorbidities. Males(85%) affected more than females. Most patients had unilateral involvement (94%). High grade cellulitis are present in most cases. Regarding risk factors diabetes mellitus is more common followed by infected traumatic ulcers and post bite cellulitis. Pus culture showed staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus species are most common. Piperacillin tazobactum and imipenam are the most sensitive antibiotics in majority of cases. Doppler performed showed no patients in the study had deep venous thrombosis. Osteolytic changes were noticed in 12% of population. 13% of patients were managed conservatively, 75% of patients required wound debridement and fasciotomy, 12% required amputation. 61% of patients had resultant wound which healed by secondary intention, rest were treated by split skin grafting. 1% population expired because of septicaemia. CONCLUSION: This study on cellulitis lowerlimb found out that diabetes mellitus is the most common risk factor. Early screening and good glycaemic control prevent the incidence of cellulitis lowerlimb. Hospital admission for severe forms of cellulitis , appropriate and emergency surgical interventions as needed, employing culture directed antibiotics, managing comorbidities can salvage limb and lives

    Serum Uric Acid Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes Mellitus is strongly associated with hyperuricemia. The role of uric acid is a independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease is a matter of controversy. The present study was proposed to asses the uric acid status in patients with diabetes mellitus and to find out its association with age, gender, BMI, WHR, smoking and CAD. With rigid criteria, patients were selected carefully and evaluated on social, clinical, and laboratory aspects after getting institutional, ethical clearance and informed consent. 30 healthy age, sex matched individuals were kept as control. There were 46 males and 24 Females in the study group and 18 males and 12 females in the control group. The mean and standard deviation of age among the patient group was 60.01± 8.82 and 56.27 ± 7.84 in control group. There was no significant difference among cases and controls in relation to age. In study group, BMI below 25 seen in 32 cases (45.7%) BMI above 25 seen in 38 cases (54.3%) which was significantly more than controls. BMI had significantly correlated with hyperuricemia. Similarly WHR was greater among women than men in diabetics, which also correlated with elevated serum uric acid significantly. Elevated serum uric acid level was noticed more among those who had hypertension (21.4%), dyslipidemia (28.6%), Coronary artery disease (21.4%) and they were significant. Patients with longer duration of diabetes also had elevated uric acid level. The factors contribute to hyperuricemia in diabetes are 1. Hyperinsulinemia acutely reduces urinary uric acid and sodium excretion. 2. Hyperinsulinemia imposes a chronic antinatriuretic and antiuricosuric pressure on the kidney. 3. Microvascular disease in diabetes mellitus causes local tissue ischemia, and decreased renal blood flow. Ischemia with associated lactate production that blocks urate secretion in proximal tubules. Increased uric acid synthesis due to increased purine metabolism, ischemia induced increased xanthine oxidase production, insulin resistance, and diuretic use. Meticulous control of blood sugar, hypertension, dyslipidemia, body weight and abdominal girth, form an essential component of diabetes which will bring down uric acid level, a less discussed issue among diabetic population. In view that it is worth to explore uric acid levels atleast in patients with family history of diabetes and in obese diabetic patients to detect early cardiovascular complications

    Study on etiopathogenesis clinical presentation and outcome in 100 young stroke patients.

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    OBJECTIVES: To study 100 cases of completed stroke patients in the age group < 45 years with regard to 1. Etiopathogenic risk factors analysis, 2. Clinical presentation of young stroke 3. Their outcome in further follow up. DESIGN: Single Observational study. This study was conducted among 100 Young stroke patients who were admitted in our hospital with various etiologies since March 2013 to February 2014. RESULTS & CONCLUSION Stroke under 45 yrs is common in the age group between 35-45 years. Males are affected more than females in young stroke. Ischemic stroke more common than hemorrhagic stroke. Thrombotic stroke more common than embolic stroke in ischemic strokes Anterior circulation strokes more common than posterior circulation strokes. MCA more commonly involved than ACA and PCA. Motor weakness is the common presentation of young stroke followed by unsteadiness, unconsciousness and speech disturbances. Right sided weakness more common than left sided weakness. Hemiparesis more common than hemiplegia. Motor aphasia most common type of aphasia in our study. Smoking and Alcohol are the most common risk factor for ischemic stroke followed by Dyslipidemia, Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension. Atrial fibrillation is the most common risk factor for embolic stroke. Rheumatic heart disease is the most common cardiac disease causing embolic stroke. Hypertension is the single most important factor for hemorrhagic stroke. Vasculitis,Hypercoagulable states, Homocystinemia, APLA are rare risk factors for young stroke. Weakness and speech disturbances were improved significantly. Unsteadiness not improved significantly. Death were seen in 12 cases

    Rhabdomyolysis from influenza b infection: A case report

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    Rhabdomyolysis is a syndrome characterized by muscle necrosis and the release of intracellular muscle constituents into the&nbsp;circulation. Here, we report the case of an 18-year-old male with cerebral palsy who was admitted to the hospital with symptoms&nbsp;of lower respiratory tract infection and with high-grade fever. His initial blood workup revealed an elevated creatinine and CPK of&nbsp;32,000 which was suggestive of rhabdomyolysis. His worsening renal function with acidosis and hyperkalemia required initiation&nbsp;of hemodialysis. A respiratory viral PCR profile revealed Influenza B. He was re-started on Oseltamivir with gradual clinical&nbsp;improvement. Respiratory viral PCR testing should be considered in patients with features of lower respiratory tract infection and&nbsp;rhabdomyolysis as this can detect influenza B and other viruses which cannot be detected by doing H1N1 PCR

    iAssist versus conventional total knee arthroplasty in patients with varus and valgus deformities

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    Background: Accelerometer and gyroscope based iAssist system's accuracy in restoring the hip knee angle (HKA) in valgus and varus deformity patients is compared to that of conventional system.Methods: In this retrospective study we compared the HKA of 26 patients in iAssist group with that of 26 patients in conventional group. The knee joints were evaluated with full leg length radiographs.Results: The iAssist group patients’ post-operative hip knee angle was much near to our target angle when compared to that of patients in conventional technique group.Conclusions: iAssist brings the high accuracy associated with large console CAS systems with lower costs and helps surgeons in low volume hospitals achieve specific intra operative goals with the familiarity of conventional guides
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