8 research outputs found

    Türkiye’de bulunan yoğun bakımlarda sabun, kağıt havlu ve alkol bazlı el dezenfektanı yeterli mi?: Phokai çalışması sonuçları

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    Introduction: Hand hygiene is one of the most effective infection control measures to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated infections (HCAI). Water, soap, paper towel and hand disinfectant must be available and adequate in terms of effective hand hygiene. The adequacy of hand hygiene products or keeping water-soap and paper towel is still a problem for many developing countries like Turkey. In this multicenter study, we analyzed the adequacy in number and availability of hand hygiene products.Materials and Methods: This study was performed in all intensive care units (ICUs) of 41 hospitals (27 tertiary-care educational, 10 state and four private hospitals) from 22 cities located in seven geographical regions of Turkey. We analyzed water, soap, paper towel and alcohol-based hand disinfectant adequacy on four different days, two of which were in summer during the vacation time (August, 27th and 31st 2016) and two in autumn (October, 12th and 15th 2016).Results: The total number of ICUs and intensive care beds in 41 participating centers were 214 and 2357, respectively. Overall, there was no soap in 3-11% of sinks and no paper towel in 10-18% of sinks while there was no alcohol-based hand disinfectant in 1-4.7% of hand disinfectant units on the observation days. When we compared the number of sinks with soap and/or paper towel on weekdays vs. weekends, there was no significant difference in summer. However, on autumn weekdays, the number of sinks with soap and paper towel was significantly lower on weekend days (p<0.0001, p<0.0001) while the number of hand disinfectant units with alcohol-based disinfectant was significantly higher (p<0.0001).Conclusion: There should be adequate and accessible hand hygiene materials for effective hand hygiene. In this study, we found that soap and paper towels were inadequate on the observation days in 3-11% and 10-18% of units, respectively. Attention should be paid on soap and paper towel supply at weekends as well

    Use of Divalent Calcium and Magnesium Ions on Solid-Liquid Seperation of Fine Coal Tailings

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    Solid-liquid separation of fine coal tailings is one of the most important problems of coal processing plants. In the concept of this paper, the solid-liquid separation of fine coal tailings collected from Manisa Soma Imbat A.S. Coal Processing Plant in Turkey was studied using divalent calcium and magnesium ions in absence and presence of SNF-923 flocculant. The results indicated that the settling rate of the tailing sample increased to 1.4 cm/min and 1.0 cm/min 10 min at 1x10(-1) M and 1x10(-2) M CaCl2 and MgCl2, respectively. The use of flocculant in the absence or presence of 1 x10(-1) M CaCl2 showed no effect on the settlement rate. However, the turbidity of the residual solution decreased to 8 NTU in the presence of 1x10(-1) M CaCl2 while it was 343 when SNF-923 used alone. The floc size analyses of the sample showed that the use of 150 g/t SNF-923 with 1 x10(-1) M CaCl2 or MgCl2 increased the floc size to 104 and 120 mu m, respectively (9% volume) while the particle size of the original sample was 104 mu m (5.7% volume). Furthermore, the particle size of the flocs increased to 363 mu m (9.1% volume) when 150 g/t SNF-923 used alone. These results clearly indicated that the use of divalent ions along with the flocculant improved considerably the settling process

    Evaluation of Coal Preparation Plant Tailings by Ultrasonic Flotation

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    Ultrasound is one of the effective methods used for improving flotation results. In this study, the tailings of various coal preparation plants in the vicinity of the Catalagzi Thermal Power Plant in Zonguldak, Turkey were used to investigate the effects of ultrasound on coal flotation. In the experimental study, the conditioning was performed with and without the ultrasound. After that, the flotation tests were carried out with four different collector (diesel oil) dosages (215, 430, 645, and 860 g/t) while the frother dosage was kept as 16 mg/L. The ash analyses of the flotation products were performed, and the ash content, ash rejection recovery, combustible recovery, and separation efficiency values were calculated. Finally, the flotation results with and without ultrasound were compared to each other. The results indicated that the combustible recovery increased from 72% to 75 %, while the ash content of the concentrate decreased from 37% to 24% at 400 g/t diesel oil dosage. At the same disel dosage, ash rejection recovery increased from 77% to 88%, while separation efficiency increased from 50% to 63%

    Effect of Monovalent Sodium and Potasium Ions on the Settlement of Fine Coal Processing Plant Tailings

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    Solid-liquid separation has an important role in coal processing in terms of environmental, economical and technical concepts. In this study, the settlement possibilities of the fine coal tailings of Manisa Soma Imbat A.S. Coal Processing Plant in Turkey were investigated using an anionic flocculant (SPP-600) and monovalent ions (Na+ and K+). As a result, it was found that the coal tailings were not settled without the chemicals, 1x10(-3), and 1x10(-2) M NaCl and KCl solutions. The settling rate increased to 1.4 and 1.2 cm/min at 1 M NaCl and KCl solutions, respectively in 10 min. The use of 150 g/t SPP-600 increased the settling rate over 2 cm/min in 10 min. The turbidity tests showed that Na+ and K+ could not decrease the turbidity of the suspensions alone. However, the minimum turbidity values were obtained when 150 g/t SPP-600 used with 1 M NaCl. Moreover, this study also indicated that the particle size of the flocs increased to 138, 181 and 478 mu m, respectively with the use of 1 M KCl+150 g/t SPP-600, 1 M NaCl+150 g/t SPP-600, and 150 g/t SPP-600

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    Poster presentations.

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