367 research outputs found

    Charles W. Bolen Faculty Recital Series: Duo MemDi: Igor Kalnin, Violin; Rochelle Sennet, Piano; September 23, 2023

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    Kemp Recital HallSeptember 23, 2023Saturday Evening7:00 p.m

    When grassroots innovation movements encounter mainstream institutions: implications for models of inclusive innovation

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    Grassroots innovation movements (GIMs) can be regarded as initiators or advocates of alternative pathways of innovation. Sometimes these movements engage with more established science, technology and innovation (STI) institutions and development agencies in pursuit of their goals. In this paper, we argue that an important aspect to encounters between GIMs and mainstream STI institutions is the negotiation of different framings of grassroots innovation and development of policy models for inclusive innovation. These encounters can result in two different modes of engagement by GIMs; what we call insertion and mobilization. We illustrate and discuss these interrelated notions of framings and modes of engagement by drawing on three case studies of GIMs: the Social Technologies Network in Brazil, and the Honey Bee Network and People's Science Movements in India. The cases highlight that inclusion in the context of GIMs is not an unproblematic, smooth endeavour, and involves diverse interpretations and framings, which shape what and who gets included or excluded. Within the context of increasing policy interest, the analysis of encounters between GIMs and STI institutions can offer important lessons for the design of models of inclusive innovation and development

    A drawback for substitutional arguments

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    Competing theories on the semantics of group pejorative terms (also known as‘slurs’)comprise both advocates and opponents to the Identity Thesis (IT), according to whichthese terms and their neutral counterparts do not differ in semantic value. In the oppo-nents’camp, Christopher Hom has offered an argument based on substitution of slurs andneutral counterparts that both supports his semanticist approach and cast doubts on all IT-based approaches to slurs. We aim to point to a dilemma triggered by this argument based on evidence showing that substitution of some words (including but not restricted to slurs)for non-problematically co-referential pairs may fail to preserve truth-values in some linguistics contexts

    La autoayuda y el consumo de dispositivos psíquicos en el caso de la Innovación

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    Innovation appears in the business world and, generally, in the organizational spheres, as a demand of the economic system that is characteristic of informational capitalism and its’ predominant logics: the search of and added value. This is done parallel to the cultural logics that have cleaned out and taken down the modern psychic individual. The initiative and the motivation have passed from being a raw material to a high-elaborated product, a product that can be worked apart form the individual through the traditional ways or be included in an psychoanalyzed auto construction. This text analyses the psycho-cultural function and the success of the self-help books along with its’ “psycho-ideology.” The culture of self-help has as a horizon all types of relational spheres and all dispositions, feelings, and emotions. This article is focused on the case of innovation, that is, the analysis of the functions of the books of self-help that are directed to make people more innovative and proactive.<br><br>La innovación aparece en el mundo de la empresa y, en general, en los ámbitos organizacionales, como demanda del sistema económico propio del capitalismo informacional y de su lógica imperante: la búsqueda del valor añadido. Y lo hace en concurso con lógicas culturales que han ido vaciando y desmontando al sujeto psíquico moderno. La iniciativa y la motivación han pasado de materia prima a producto altamente elaborado. Un producto que puede ser trabajado desde fuera del sujeto por las vías tradicionales, o bien inserto en una autoconstrucción psicologizante. Este texto analiza la función psicocultural y el éxito de los libros de autoayuda junto con su “psico-ideología”. Si bien la cultura de la autoayuda tiene como horizonte todo tipo de ámbito de relación y todas las disposiciones, sentimientos y emociones, el artículo se ocupa del caso de la innovación, es decir, del análisis de la función de los libros de autoayuda destinados a convertir a la gente en innovadora y proactiva

    ‘Christians, out here?’ Encountering Street-Pastors in the post-secular spaces of the UK’s night-time economy

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    This paper explores the concept of the post-secular city by examining the growing presence of Street-Pastors in the night-time economy of British cities. Street-Pastors are Christian volunteers who work to ensure the safety of people on a ‘night out’. We contribute to work that has called for greater attention to be placed on the ways in which religious faith and ethics are performed to create liminal spaces of understanding in urban areas. Drawing upon in-depth ethnographic research conducted in a range of UK towns and cities, we consider this distinct form of faith-based patrolling in relation to the spatial processes and practices of urban-nightscapes. By exploring the geographies of Street-Pastors, we not only contribute to more nuanced accounts of ‘drinking spaces’ but provide an empirical engagement with the growing body of work on urban rhythms and encounters