21 research outputs found

    Developing Bus Rapid Transit Systems In Brazil Through Public Private Partnerships

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    By the end of the 1970’s, Brazil was leading the implementation of high-flow bus priority schemes. Busways were introduced in cities like São Paulo, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and Goiânia under the coordination of a Federal agency. But the constitutional reform of 1988 delegated most of the Federal attributions back to States and Cities including those related to urban transit transportation, causing the curtailment of a successful national program. Many Brazilian cities are incapable of contracting financial debts to implement public infrastructures and private investments geared towards implementing new urban transport infrastructure are still very limited. In Brazil, there is a great predominance of buses over rail-based technologies in the provision of transit services. The operation of the transit systems is mostly private, with fares covering vehicle capital and operating costs whereas the public sector provides and maintains the infrastructure for operating the bus services. This paper explores new dimensions for the participation of the private sector in the provision of the transit infrastructure based on publicprivate partnership (PPP) schemes conceived for bus rapid transit (BRT) projects in São Paulo and Porto Alegre. The regulatory-normative framework in Brazil is based on the concept that the State should provide only infrastructure services that are essential and when no other source is available. The 1995 Concessions’ Law provided the legal-institutional framework for private participation to proceed on a wider scale in the country. A 2004 law establishes the general rules for PPP and provides for solid public payment guarantees as part of an additional effort to attract the private sector to invest in infrastructure and to eliminate the existing bottlenecks that have put the Brazilian economic development on hold. BRT systems, as opposed to rail-based technologies, have the ability to deliver a high-quality mass transit system within the budgets of even the low income municipalities. It is estimated that only the Brazilian cities with more than 1 million inhabitants present a potential for implementing 590 km of bus corridors. Most of the already existing busway corridors in Brazil need renovation and BRT systems offer the opportunity of increasing transit productivity while overcoming the problems generated by the irrationality of multiple superimposed radial routes converging to terminals located at the city centres. The BRT project of Porto Alegre consists of a diametral route crossing the city centre and linking trunk and feeding interchange terminals being planned to accommodate areas dedicated to retail and service activities. It is expected that these areas shall generate enough revenues to remunerate private investors, under a PPP scheme, for the construction of the terminals and most of the infrastructure required to upgrade some sections of the existing busways to BRT standards. The BRT project for the East-Northeast zone of São Paulo proposes to use value capture mechanisms made legal by the Statute of the Cities, enacted in 2001. These include the concept of an urban operation – a legally defined set of interventions and projects to be carried out within a specific area – and the issue of tradable certificates of additional building rights in the area. In combination, these mechanisms allow the anticipation of the financial resources required to execute the proposed projects needed to raise property values in the region.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne


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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as publicações acerca das dimensões e atributos utilizados na governança pública e identificar os aspectos que possam colaborar com a governança das plataformas logísticas, as quais são consideradas empreendimentos logísticos de grande porte que atendem a uma área ou região, onde se concentram atividades relacionadas a logística, distribuição de produtos, dentre outras, e contam com a presença de diversos atores. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada classifica-se, quanto ao nível, como exploratória, e a estratégia de pesquisa utilizada foi a revisão bibliográfica. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o qualitativo. Foram analisadas 53 publicações compostas por 103 autores, e como resultado desta pesquisa identificou-se um conjunto de dezoito dimensões compostas por 35 atributos de desempenho. Os atributos associados a governança pública apresentam aspectos relevantes e aplicáveis em plataformas logísticas e podem contribuir para a adequada gestão e condução deste tipo de empreendimento logístico


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    A governança pública está relacionada às estruturas e aos processos de tomada de decisão, a qual envolve as responsabilidades dos governos, a fim de examinar e confirmar a eficácia da governança na organização na qual tem uma participação ou está inserida. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as publicações acerca das dimensões e dos atributos de desempenho utilizados na governança pública e identificar os aspectos que possam corroborar com a governança de plataformas logísticas, que são considerados empreendimentos logísticos de grande porte que atendem a uma área ou região, onde se concentram atividades relacionadas à logística, à distribuição de produtos, dentre outras, e contam com a presença de diversos atores. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada se classifica quanto ao nível como exploratória e a estratégia de pesquisa adotada foi a revisão bibliográfica. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o qualitativo. Foram verificadas 53 publicações compostas por 103 autores e como resultado desta pesquisa identificou-se um conjunto de 19 dimensões compostas por 44 atributos de desempenho. Os atributos de desempenho associados à governança pública apresentam aspectos relevantes e aplicáveis em plataformas logísticas que tenham a participação do poder público e também podem contribuir para adequada gestão e condução deste tipo de empreendimento logístico

    The progression rate of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 changes with stage of disease

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    BACKGROUND: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) affects several neurological structures, giving rise to multiple symptoms. However, only the natural history of ataxia is well known, as measured during the study duration. We aimed to describe the progression rate of ataxia, by the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA), as well as the progression rate of the overall neurological picture, by the Neurological Examination Score for Spinocerebellar Ataxias (NESSCA), and not only during the study duration but also in a disease duration model. Comparisons between these models might allow us to explore whether progression is linear during the disease duration in SCA2; and to look for potential modifiers. RESULTS: Eighty-eight evaluations were prospectively done on 49 symptomatic subjects; on average (SD), study duration and disease duration models covered 13 (2.16) months and 14 (6.66) years of individuals' life, respectively. SARA progressed 1.75 (CI 95%: 0.92-2.57) versus 0.79 (95% CI 0.45 to 1.14) points/year in the study duration and disease duration models. NESSCA progressed 1.45 (CI 95%: 0.74-2.16) versus 0.41 (95% CI 0.24 to 0.59) points/year in the same models. In order to explain these discrepancies, the progression rates of the study duration model were plotted against disease duration. Then an acceleration was detected after 10 years of disease duration: SARA scores progressed 0.35 before and 2.45 points/year after this deadline (p = 0.013). Age at onset, mutation severity, and presence of amyotrophy, parkinsonism, dystonic manifestations and cognitive decline at baseline did not influence the rate of disease progression. CONCLUSIONS: NESSCA and SARA progression rates were not constant during disease duration in SCA2: early phases of disease were associated with slower progressions. Modelling of future clinical trials on SCA2 should take this phenomenon into account, since disease duration might impact on inclusion criteria, sample size, and study duration. Our database is available online and accessible to future studies aimed to compare the present data with other cohorts

    Logistics Platforms: an approach about the typologies and characteristics through a systematic review

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    Currently the constant competition of markets has done with the organizations start to rethink their logistics strategies in the form of using a system of logistics operations that is capable to integrate the resources and actors involved in the supply chain. This work had as objective of research analyze the main typologies and characteristics of logistic platforms. The research methodology adopted to reach the goals of the research was based on a systematic review, because it allowed to the researchers the elaboration and development of knowledge about the topic logistics platform in a structured way, clear and objective. It has become evident during the research and analysis of the works that the use of logistics platforms emerge as an alternative face to contemporary challenges, where a logistic redesign is necessary to meet the demands and transposition of the current restrictions imposed on the distribution of products in urban centers or even to respond dynamically and efficiently to the various links in the supply chain.Atualmente a constante competição dos mercados tem feito com que as organizações passem a repensar suas estratégias logísticas, sob forma de utilizar um sistema de operações logísticas que seja capaz de integrar os atores e recursos envolvidos na cadeia de suprimentos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo de pesquisa, analisar as principais tipologias e características das plataformas logísticas. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada para atingir aos objetivos da pesquisa foi baseada na revisão sistemática, pois possibilitou aos pesquisadores a elaboração e desenvolvimento do conhecimento acerca do tema plataforma logística de uma forma estruturada, clara e objetiva. Ficou evidenciando durante a pesquisa e análise dos trabalhos que a utilização de plataformas logísticas surgem como uma alternativa frente aos desafios contemporâneos, onde se faz necessário um redesenho logístico para atendimento as demandas e a transposição das restrições atuais impostas a distribuição de produtos em centros urbanos ou mesmo para responder de forma dinâmica e eficiente aos diversos elos da cadeia de suprimentos.210234Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Ils ont Ă©crit dans la revue et ils se souviennent des Rencontres

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    Hayrabet Alacahan Pendant les 20e Rencontres, 2008. 1. Selon vous, quel est l’événement qui a le plus marqué les trente dernières années du cinéma latino-américain, et pourquoi ? Selon moi, c’est sans aucun doute l’émergence des écoles de cinéma en Amérique latine, après les années 1970 et 1980, lorsque les coups d’État militaires abolissaient peu à peu tous les gouvernements constitutionnels et que ces régimes imposaient la répression illégale, la violence indiscriminée, la persécution, la ..