113 research outputs found

    Metodología learning by doing aplicada a Science en educación primaria

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    El presente trabajo se centra en la metodología learning by doing para la enseñanza de Science. Con el uso de esta metodología se permite a los alumnos conseguir una experiencia práctica en la clase de ciencias. Este trabajo también ofrece una propuesta de Unidad Didáctica para la enseñanza de botánica a alumnos de tercer curso de Enseñanza Primaria en un contexto bilingüe. La Unidad Didáctica se divide en ocho secciones en las que se utiliza la experimentación y las recompensas como un medio para conseguir conocimiento y motivaciónGrado en Educación Primari

    Betterment planning in South Africa.

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    Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, 1982.Betterment Planning is the major form of rural development planning which has been implemented in the Reserve areas of South Africa. The first Bettemnent schemes were begun after 1939. Whilst Betterment Planning has undergone certain modifications in theory and implementation over the past 42 years, it is still being implemented by the 'homeland' governments. This paper is of necessity only a preliminary study or working paper, the aim of which is to explore the theoretical and concrete issues which a comprehensive evaluation of Betterment Planning would need to confront in detail. I have chosen to analyse Betterment Planning for a number of reasons. First, whilst preparing a report on settlement patterns in KwaZu1u/Natal for the Buthelezi Commission early in 1981, I found that there was very little published material on Betterment Planning. Further, in the course of this research, I was surprised to find that practising planners and academics in Natal seemed to know little about it. Second, reports on development planning for the homelands ignore Betterment Planning entirely. For example, the "Towards a Plan for KwaZulu" (1978) makes no mention what soever of the Betterment Planning in KwaZulu, let alone undertakes an analysis of the successes/failures of its implementation. Yet it stresses that: "the reform and development of the agricultural sector should be accorded the highest priority. Failure to make progress in this area will jeopardise all the objectives of the Plan." (Thorrington-Smith et al 1978 : 22). To undertake rural development planning without an analysis and understanding as to why it is necessary, can only result in the proposed plans being at best superficial and, at worst, ones which exacerbate the problem they set out to solve. All too often development planning is nothing more than problem-solving oriented: the problem is identified and described, and the planners put forward a solution to solve it. However, for a solution to have even a chance of being successfully implemented, the causes and history of the problem must be fully analysed and understood. It is just as crucial to analyse and evaluate previous attempted solutions to the problem. For, in failing, they may have become additional constraints, i.e. in themselves the previous solutions may have become part of the problem. Third, most of the homelands are politically 'semi-independent' or 'independent'. They have their own agriculture and planning departments which have realized that rural development is a priority in any homeland development. Consequently in recent years, these homelands have been looking for new rural development strategies. In the light of my second point above, it is therefore important that Betterment Planning is analysed and evaluated. Fourth, the writings of neo-Marxist and Marxist theoreticians on South Africa have almost completely failed to address the role and function of Betterment Planning in the transformation of the South African social formation. Most of their attention has been focussed on the white agricultural areas

    Las necesidades de la formación del sector turístico en Castilla y León y la adecuación de la oferta formativa

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    Revisión sistemática de la literatura del uso de Moodle en Formación Profesional en España

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    Los avances tecnológicos que se están gestando actualmente en los contextos económico, político y social a nivel mundial, han dejado atrás los días en que el aprendizaje estaba limitado al aula de clases y donde el docente estaba considerado como la principal fuente de saberes; la tecnología digital ha liberado el aprendizaje y la virtualidad se ha convertido en una necesidad indiscutible. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el uso de la plataforma Moodle en la Formación Profesional en el contexto español a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura por medio de la cual se espera conocer el uso de Moodle, la plataforma de acceso libre comúnmente empleada en la educación a distancia. Los resultados señalan que la plataforma Moodle por las características y funcionalidades que posee, es una herramienta a la que puede sacársele mucho beneficio, siempre y cuando se tengan las competencias digitales que utilizarla requiere, además es de gran aceptación por parte de los usuarios, docentes y estudiantes.The technological advances that are currently taking place in the global economic, political and social contexts have left behind the days when learning was limited to the classroom and where the teacher was considered the main source of knowledge; digital technology has released learning and virtuality has become an indisputable necessity. The objective of this is to analyze the use of the Moodle platform in Vocational Training in the Spanish context through a Systematic review of the literature through which it is expected to know the use of Moodle, the free access platform normally used in education from distance. The results indicate that the Moodle platform, due to the characteristics and functionalities it has, is a tool that can be greatly benefited, as long as you have the digital skills that using it requires, it is also highly accepted by users, teachers and students

    Administración en MongoDB

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    MongoDB es uno de los principales sistemas de bases de datos no relacionales que encontramos en la actualidad, motivo por el cual se convierte en el protagonista de nuestra investigación. El principal objetivo de este proyecto es el de conocer más en profundidad la administración de este tipo de bases de datos, conocer su comportamiento, y también su rendimiento cuando los utilizamos en diversos entornos. Todo ello se llevará a cabo a través de la realización de un conjunto de pruebas cuyos resultados serán utilizados posteriormente en la docencia, concretamente en la asignatura ”Administración de bases de datos”, de esta manera, el alumno tomará contacto también con sistemas no relacionales. Nos centraremos aquí, por lo tanto, en escenarios y operaciones comunes que podemos encontrarnos cuando utilizamos este tipo de bases de datos, todo ello enfocado con sencillez y de manera concisa, por lo que es posible que eche en falta una mayor profundización a la hora de realizar pruebas o un mayor nivel de detalle en las realizadas.Grado en Ingeniería Informática de Sistema

    Defining a relevant architecture in South Africa

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    Architecture in South Africa is at a crossroads. Afteryears of repression and isolation during which contemporary architecture lost its way, there is now a desperate need for architects to respond to the social a nd cultural challenges of a society riven by massive material contrasts. Within architecture schools, a student body more representative of society than hitherto is engaged in projects which reflect the very diverse needs of the community. Central to the effectiveness of such teaching programmes is the presence of teachers fully engaged in practice, creating a responsible architecture fora renewed nation

    Towards a postural indicator of back pain in horses (<i>Equus caballus</i>)

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    Postures have long been used and proved useful to describe animals' behaviours and emotional states, but remains difficult to assess objectively in field conditions. A recent study performed on horses using geometric morphometrics revealed important postural differences between 2 horse populations differing in management conditions (leisure horses living in social groups used for occasional "relaxed" riding/riding school horses living in individual boxes used in daily riding lessons with more constraining techniques). It was suggested that these postural differences may reflect chronic effects of riding techniques on the horses' kinematics and muscular development. In the present study, we tried to evaluate the interest of postural measures to assess welfare in horses. This study was separated into 2 parts. First, 18 horses coming from these 2 types of populations (leisure/riding school horses) were submitted to 2 back evaluations by 1) manual examination (experienced practitioner) and 2) sEMG measures along the spine. We then measured neck roundness on 16 of these 18 horses. The results highlighted high correlations between manual and sEMG examinations over the spine. sEMG measures at the different locations were strongly correlated all over the spine. Moreover, neck postures and muscular activities were strongly correlated, horses with concave necks having higher sEMG measures both at precise locations (i.e. cervical sites) but also when comparing neck postures to the whole spine muscular activity highlighting the functioning of horses' back as a whole. Lastly, strong differences appeared between the populations, leisure horses being evaluated as having sounder spines, exhibiting lower sEMG measures and rounder neck than the riding school horses. sEMG measures and neck "roundness" seemed therefore to be reliable indicators of back disorders, easy to evaluate in field conditions. This highlights the accuracy of using postural elements to evaluate the animals' general state and has important implications for animals' welfare evaluations

    Enantioselective Catalysis of the Aza-Cope Rearrangement by a Chiral Supramolecular Assembly

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    The chiral supramolecular catalyst Ga{sub 4}L{sub 6} [L = 1,5-bis(2,3-dihydroxybenzoylamino)naphthalene] is a molecular tetrahedron that catalyzes the 3-aza-Cope rearrangement of allyl enammonium cations. This catalysis is accomplished by preorganizing the substrate in a reactive conformation within the host. This work demonstrates that through the use of enantiopure assembly, its chiral cavity is capable of catalyzing the 3-aza-Cope rearrangement enantioselectively, with yields of 21-74% and enantiomeric excesses from 6 to 64% at 50 C. At lower temperatures, the enantioselectivity improved, reaching 78% ee at 5 C. This is the highest enantioselectivity to date induced by the chiral cavity of a supramolecular assembly

    Foot-and-mouth disease:overview of motives of disease spread and efficacy of available vaccines

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    Control and prevention of foot and mouth disease (FMD) by vaccination remains unsatisfactory in endemic countries. Indeed, consistent and new FMD epidemics in previously disease-free countries have precipitated the need for a worldwide control strategy. Outbreaks in vaccinated animals require that a new and safe vaccine be developed against foot and mouth virus (FMDV). FMDV can be eradicated worldwide based on previous scientific information about its spread using existing and modern control strategies