252 research outputs found

    Zircon Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Evolution of the Mount Givens Pluton, Central Sierra Nevada Batholith

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    The Late Cretaceous Mount Givens pluton, located in the central Sierra Nevada batholith, is noteworthy for its large size (~1400 km2) and relative compositional and textural homogeneity. The pluton is characterized by a 30 km wide, ellipse-shaped northern lobe (ca. 98-91 Ma) that connects with a long mass (ca. 95-91 Ma) about 15 km wide and extends 50 km SE. Zircon trace elements and d18O and eHf from a sample suite representative of the observable petrologic diversity of the pluton document significant heterogeneities. All zircons have high Ti-in-zircon model temperatures (850-1000 °C), pronounced negative Eu anomalies, and concave down MREE and HREE patterns, indicating initial melts were undersaturated in zircon and that zircon growth occurred during ascent or emplacement of Mount Givens magmas. Zircon trace elements record appreciable variation, and suggest that crystal transfer was ongoing throughout pluton growth. Significant variations in O and Hf isotopes require mixing of multiple, isotopically distinct sources. Longitudinal variation in both systems suggests increasing mantle contributions in the eastern portion of the pluton. A clear decrease in isotopic variability at all scales in post-95 Ma samples indicates that later magmas were more thoroughly mixed prior to emplacement. This increase in zircon isotopic homogeneity paired with the narrow timespan of intrusion hints that the inner portion of the northern lobe may have existed as a large melt reservoir

    An Attempt at Assessment of Alnetum Incanae Lüdi 1921 Transformations in the Skawica River Valley (The Beskid Żywiecki MTS)

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    The paper presents an attempt at assessment of Alnetum incanae LÜDI 1921 transformations in the Skawica River valley. The field studies were carried out in the whole Skawica valley. On the basis of phytosociological relevés, the participation of species which prefer riparian habitats, the number and cover of anthropophytes, including invasive plants, were analyzed. The presence of synanthropic sites was also taken into consideration. The research demonstrated that in the study area phytocoenoses of the Alnetum incanae association have primarily retained natural character, in spite of a noticeable influence of human impact. The results suggested that the vicinity of synanthropic sites does not eliminate natural components of phytocoenosis

    Using Structural Analysis to Assess Possible Formation Mechanisms of the Gneiss Domes of the Harvey Cardiff Domain, Eastern Ontario

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    Gneiss domes are structural features associated with orogens worldwide. This study provides a structural analysis of the domes of the Harvey Cardiff Domain, associated with the Grenville Orogeny. Structural data and oriented samples were collected during field work in the summer of 2012. These were used in combination with published and unpublished foliation and lineation data to analyze structural patterns and determine a mechanism of formation for the domes. The end member scenarios for dome formation were taken from the gneiss dome classification scheme devised by Yin (2004). Most of these mechanisms were eliminated based on a lack of necessary large scale geologic features in the region of the study area. An analysis of the foliation pattern of the Cheddar and Cardiff domes was most consistent with formation by diapirism. However, the foliation patterns of the domes differ from the expected diapiric pattern, and seems to represent a non-horizontal slice through a diapir, cutting through a diapir neck in the north and a diapir hat in the south. This pattern can also be explained by rotation of diapiric foliation due to strain induced by the main orogenic event. This hypothesis was tested using COMSOL, a finite elastic strain model, and found to be realistic. With the methods used in this study it is not possible to tell whether this rotation occurred after or during dome emplacement

    Analysis of relationships between drivers’ perception of road infrastructure in Poland and their involvement in road accidents and collisions

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    Road accidents and collisions are very common in Poland and, although for the last several years their number has been constantly decreasing, it is still one of the highest in Europe.This article attempts to provide an answer to the question whether drivers’ overrating the changes in the Polish road transport infrastructure might contribute to the status quo – the factor that has so far been left uninvestigated. In [21], the authors demonstrate that drivers take notice of the changes and perceive them as changes for the better

    Significance of protection of the meadow and grassland communities for maintenance the floristic diversity in the area of the south-eastern Silesian Upland (Poland)

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    Variety of relief and geology of the south-eastern Silesian Upland results in richness and diversity of its vegetation. Wet meadows and xerothermic grasslands are one of its most valuable components. In their phytocoenoses many protected (27 in meadows and 22 in grasslands) and rare (25 and 34) species have been noted. Among them there are threatened species put on the ìRed list of the vascular plants in Polandî. A few species represent the mountain element. Some meadow and grassland phytocoenoses from the south-eastern part of the Silesian Upland are characterised by exceptionally high floristic richness. The Cirsietum rivularis patches have proved to be the richest among them. Large-scale cessation of usage caused that meadows and grasslands actually need urgent active protection here. This is the only chance of survival for many rare protected and threatened plants

    Xerothermic grasslands of Pilica surroundings - diversity, threats and directions of changes

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    Xerothermic grasslands from three stands in the surroundings of the town of Pilica in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland were investigated. It was ascertained that they represent two phytosociological units: Adonido-Brachypodietum (with two variants) and Silene otites-Thymus austriacus community. Moreover, phytocoenoses with a high contribution of xerothermic plants (Thymus-Anthyllis vulneraria community) were found in some places on the abandoned fields. On the basis of the comparison of new data and old phytosociological releves, only slight changes over 30 years were observed. The differences concerned mostly the coverage of particular species. However, some plants disappeared and other were new (e.g. seedlings of trees and shrubs). Generally, these species were not too frequent and had inconsiderable cover. The changes which occurred manifested themselves also in the differences of mean values of some ecological indicators and in the increase of competitors, as well as clonal species

    Relationship between Motor Symptoms, Cognition, and Demographic Characteristics in Treated Mild/Moderate Parkinson\u27s Disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Although Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized primarily by motor symptoms, PD patients, at all stages of the disease, can experience cognitive dysfunction. However, the relationships between cognitive and motor symptoms and specific demographic characteristics are not well defined, particularly for patients who have progressed to requiring dopaminergic medication. OBJECTIVE: To examine relationships between motor and cognitive symptoms and various demographic factors in mild to moderate, PD patients requiring anti-PD medication. METHODS: Cognitive function was assessed in 94 subjects with a variety of neuropsychological tests during baseline evaluations as part of an experimental treatment study. Data were analyzed in relation to Unified Parkinson\u27s Disease Rating Scale motor scores and demographic variables. RESULTS: Of the UPDRS subscores analyzed, posture/balance/gait was associated with the highest number of adverse cognitive outcomes followed by speech/facial expression, bradykinesia, and rigidity. No associations were detected between any of the cognitive performance measures and tremor. Motor functioning assessed in the off condition correlated primarily with disease duration; neuropsychological performance in general was primarily related to age. CONCLUSION: In PD patients who have advanced to requiring anti-PD therapies, there are salient associations between axial signs and cognitive performance and in particular, with different aspects of visuospatial function suggesting involvement of similar circuits in these functions. Associations between executive functions and bradykinesia also suggest involvement similar circuits in these functions

    Zielnik Muzeum Górnośląskiego w Bytomiu

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    Zelnik Muzeum Górnośląskiego w Bytomiu powstał z połączenia zbiorów zielni­kowych przedwojennego Muzeum Śląskiego w Katowicach, niemieckiego Muzeum Górnośląskiego w Gliwicach i nabytków uzyskanych po II wojnie światowej (zakupy, darowizny i prace terenowe)[...