768 research outputs found

    Galactic X-ray Survey

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    We review highlights of the results obtained from recent Galactic X-ray survey observations, in particular ASCA Galactic center and plane survey and our Chandra deep survey on the (l,b)=(28.5,0) region. Strong hard X-ray diffuse components are observed from Galactic ridge, center and bulge, and they have both thermal and non-thermal spectral components. Dozens of discrete and extended sources have been discovered on the Galactic plane, which also indicate thermal and/or non-thermal X-ray energy spectra. They are often associated with radio sources and are considered to be SNR candidates. Most of the hard X-ray point sources in the outer part of the Galactic plane are considered to be background AGNs, while fraction of the Galactic hard X-ray sources (such as quiescent dwarf novae) increases toward the Galactic center. Most of the soft X-ray sources on the Galactic plane are presumably nearby active stars.Comment: Presented at "X-ray surveys in the light of new observations", 4-6 September, Santander, Spain. 4 pages with 4 figure

    Tissue Determinants of Human NK Cell Development, Function, and Residence.

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    Immune responses in diverse tissue sites are critical for protective immunity and homeostasis. Here, we investigate how tissue localization regulates the development and function of human natural killer (NK) cells, innate lymphocytes important for anti-viral and tumor immunity. Integrating high-dimensional analysis of NK cells from blood, lymphoid organs, and mucosal tissue sites from 60 individuals, we identify tissue-specific patterns of NK cell subset distribution, maturation, and function maintained across age and between individuals. Mature and terminally differentiated NK cells with enhanced effector function predominate in blood, bone marrow, spleen, and lungs and exhibit shared transcriptional programs across sites. By contrast, precursor and immature NK cells with reduced effector capacity populate lymph nodes and intestines and exhibit tissue-resident signatures and site-specific adaptations. Together, our results reveal anatomic control of NK cell development and maintenance as tissue-resident populations, whereas mature, terminally differentiated subsets mediate immunosurveillance through diverse peripheral sites. VIDEO ABSTRACT


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    Abstract We report the diffuse X-ray features which are possible SNR candidates near the Galactic Center (GC) observed with Chandra. G0.570−0.018 has a extremely small (20 diameter) shelllike morphology. The X-ray spectrum exhibits a strong Fe-K line emission and is well fitted by NEI model with a temperature of about 6 keV. These features suggest that G0.570−0.018 is a quite young (t ∼ 100 year) SNR. Diffuse hard X-ray were also detected from G359.92−0.09. The X-ray spectrum exhibits strong Fe-K line emission. The X-ray excess coincides with the shell-type feature observed with radio continuum (e.g

    Asymptotic Regge Trajectories of Non-strange Mesons

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    We analyze the asymptotic behavior of Regge trajectories of non-strange mesons. In contrast to an existing belief, it is demonstrated that for the asymptotically linear Regge trajectories the width of heavy hadrons cannot linearly depend on their mass. Using the data on masses and widths of rho_J, omega_J, a_J and f_J mesons for the spin values J \leq 6, we extract the parameters of the asymptotically linear Regge trajectory predicted by the finite width model of quark gluon bags. As it is shown the obtained parameters for the data set B correspond to the cross-over temperature lying in the interval 170.9-175.3 MeV which is consistent with the kinetic freeze-out temperature of early hadronizing particles found in relativistic heavy ion collisions at and above the highest SPS energy.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Brazilian Front-of-Package Labeling: A Product Compliance Analysis 12 Months after Implementation of Regulations

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    This study investigated the presence of front-of-package labeling on food products in major retailers in Brazil after its implementation in 2022. Carried out from May to October 2023, we analyzed 2145 products of brands present in five Brazilian states. A total of 541 products presented front-of-package warnings. The categories varied in their adherence to front-of-package labeling, highlighting a prevalence of combined warnings, such as high in added sugar and high in saturated fat on sweet biscuits and chocolates. Sausages showed a high prevalence of high in sodium and high in saturated fat warnings. Beverages stood out as high in added sugar, while fats, dairy products, frozen preparations, seasonings, and sauces presented diversity in the warnings. Other products, such as panettone, showed a high presence of alerts. The study demonstrated the widespread presence of front-of-package labeling on ultra-processed products highly consumed by the Brazilian population. Considering the alarming presence of these foods in the Brazilian diet, it is concluded that front-of-package nutrition labeling is crucial to inform and raise awareness among consumers, allowing healthier choices and potentially contributing to a reduction in chronic diseases and the costs associated with treatment in the health system.This work was supported by the FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal. Furthermore, we would like to thank the Centre for Studies in Education and Innovation (CI&DEI), Centre for Natural Resources, Environment and Society (CERNAS), and the Institute Polytechnic of Viseu for their support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Empowering Women in Integrated Crop-Livestock Farming through Innovation Platforms: Experience in Semi-arid Zimbabwe

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    Empowering Women in Integrated Crop-Livestock Farming through Innovation Platforms has drawn upon the experience gained during the ZimCLIFS project in semi-arid Zimbabwe, funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, to introduce legume fodder crops like Mucuna as a better livestock feed, to improve market linkages for farmers to benefit from higher livestock productivity and to enhance knowledge and skills among support services enabling upscaling of the impacts of the integrated crop-livestock systems. In particular, it looks at how agricultural innovation platforms of commodities important for women farmers (goat, groundnut) can empower women in this rural context. In rural Zimbabwe, women farmers face multiple challenges such as degraded soil, lack of labor, inaccessible/far-off markets to sell their produce/livestock, inadequate supplies of resources (seeds/fertilizers), as also climate change-related issues such as frequent droughts and dry spells. Innovation platforms that support integrated crop-and-livestock systems and particularly increase women farmers’ ability to grow and monetize high-value crops and livestock can significantly mitigate the challenges faced by them and improve their livelihoods. By encouraging women to participate in processes of market development, capacity building and infrastructure improvement, a gender-sensitive framework can be implemented and maintained sustainably..

    Patient-specific iPSC-derived cellular models of LGMDR1

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    Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy recessive 1 (LGMDR1) represents one of the most common types of LGMD in the population, where patients develop a progressive muscle degeneration. The disease is caused by mutations in calpain 3 gene, with over 500 mutations reported to date. However, the molecular events that lead to muscle wasting are not clear, nor the reasons for the great clinical variability among patients, and this has so far hindered the development of effective therapies. Here we generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from skin fibroblasts of 2 healthy controls and 4 LGMDR1 patients with different mutations. The generated lines were able to differentiate into myogenic progenitors and myotubes in vitro and in vivo, upon a transient PAX7 overexpressing protocol. Thus, we have generated myogenic cellular models of LGMDR1 that harbor different CAPN3 mutations within a human genetic background, and which do not derive from muscular biopsies. These models will allow us to investigate disease mechanisms and test therapies. Despite the variability found among iPSC lines that was unrelated to CAPN3 mutations, we found that patient-derived myogenic progenitors and myotubes express lower levels of DMD, which codes a key protein in satellite cell regulation and myotube maturation