30 research outputs found


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    Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de la pérdida de implantes dentales en una facultad peruana de odontología, entre los años 2001y 2011. Material y métodos. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, observacional y transversal. Se observaron 431 historias clínicasde pacientes atendidos en la maestría en periodoncia de la USMP, entre los años 2001 y 2011. Fueron colocados 1136 implantesdurante ese periodo; estos se agruparon según edad y género del paciente, y maxilar y año en que se colocaron. Se determinóla prevalencia de la pérdida de los implantes dentales, respecto a la cantidad total concerniente a cada categoría. Resultados.La ocurrencia de pérdida de implantes dentales fue de 1,85%, respecto a la cantidad total de implantes dentales colocados.Específicamente, de 1,88% en el maxilar superior, 2,30% en el maxilar inferior, 1,80% en pacientes de género masculino, y 1,57%en pacientes de género femenino. Según la edad del paciente fueron de 2

    Probiotics and oral health : a systematic review

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    Probiotics are microorganisms, mainly bacteria, which benefit the host?s health. Many studies support the role of probiotics as a contributor to gastrointestinal health, and nowadays many authors are trying to prove its influence in oral health maintenance. To review the published literature with the purpose of knowing the importance of using probiotics as a preventive and therapeutic method for oral infectious diseases management. An electronic search in PubMed database with the keywords ?oral health AND probiotics AND dentistry? was conducted. The inclusion criteria were: randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that assess the action of any probiotic strain in the treatment and / or prevention of an infectious oral disease, RCTs that assess the action of any probiotic strain on counting colony forming units (CFU) of oral pathogens, systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The Jadad scale was used to assess the high quality of RCTs. Fifteen articles were considered for this review. Of which, 12 were RCTs of good / high quality (Jadad scale), two meta-analysis and one systematic review. The literature reviewed suggests probiotics usage could be beneficial for the maintenance of oral health, due to its ability to decrease the colony forming units (CFU) counts of the oral pathogens. However, randomized clinical trials with long-term follow-up periods are needed to confirm their efficacy in reducing the prevalence/incidence of oral infectious diseases. Furthermore, the recognition of specific strains with probiotic activity for each infectious oral disease is required, in order to determine exact dose, treatment time and ideal vehicles

    Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with implant and regenerative treatments : systematic review

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    The aim of this study was to determine if the treatment with bisphosphonates other anti-resorptive and antiangiogenic agents influences the success of regenerative and / or implant treatments. We reviewed the literature from the last 5 years in the PubMed database, using the following words: ?Sinus Floor Augmentation?[Mesh] OR ?Dental Implants?[Mesh]) OR ?Guided Tissue Regeneration?[Mesh]) AND ?Osteonecrosis?[Mesh]. The articles were selected following the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were evaluated using the 22 items of the STROBE declaration. The following PICO clinical question was applied: Does the treatment with agents associated with drug osteonecrosis influence the success of regenerative and implant treatments? The initial search resulted in a total of 27 articles. After eliminating those that did not refer to the topic, were duplicated or did not meet the inclusion / exclusion criteria, a full reading of the articles was made evaluating their methodological quality, obtaining six studies with high methodological quality and two with moderate. The literature regarding this topic is scarce, randomized clinical trials would be necessary to establish protocols relative to implant treatment in patients on antiresorptive treatments. The risk of developing an osteonecrosis associated with the regeneration / implant placement in patients with benign bone diseases is scarce, but it exists and it should not be underestimated. Especially, in the posterior areas of the jaw, if the duration of treatment with BP is greater than 3 years, and if the patient is under therapy with systemic corticosteroids

    Probiotics and oral health: A systematic review

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    Background: Probiotics are microorganisms, mainly bacteria, which benefit the host's health. Many studies support the role of probiotics as a contributor to gastrointestinal health, and nowadays many authors are trying to prove its influence in oral health maintenance. Objectives: To review the published literature with the purpose of knowing the importance of using probiotics as a preventive and therapeutic method for oral infectious diseases management. Material and Methods: An electronic search in PubMed database with the keywords 'oral health AND probiotics AND dentistry' was conducted. The inclusion criteria were: randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that assess the action of any probiotic strain in the treatment and / or prevention of an infectious oral disease, RCTs that assess the action of any probiotic strain on counting colony forming units (CFU) of oral pathogens, systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The Jadad scale was used to assess the high quality of RCTs. Results: Fifteen articles were considered for this review. Of which, 12 were RCTs of good / high quality (Jadad scale), two meta-analysis and one systematic review. Conclusions: The literature reviewed suggests probiotics usage could be beneficial for the maintenance of oral health, due to its ability to decrease the colony forming units (CFU) counts of the oral pathogens. However, randomized clinical trials with long-term follow-up periods are needed to confirm their efficacy in reducing the prevalence/ incidence of oral infectious diseases. Furthermore, the recognition of specific strains with probiotic activity for each infectious oral disease is required, in order to determine exact dose, treatment time and ideal vehicles

    Use of local anesthetics with a vasoconstrictor agent during dental treatment in hypertensive an coronary disease patients. A systematic review

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    Coronary disease and Hypertension are highly prevalent health problems worldwide, with the latter being one of the most common diseases in patients visiting dental clinics. Local anesthetics (LAs) with vasoconstrictor agents (VC) are known to be commonly used in dental practice. For the above-mentioned rea- sons, dentists should know how to adapt and treat patients with these hazardous conditions. Objective The aim of this study was to find out if the use of local anesthetics (LAs) in combination with vasoconstrictor (VC) agents in dental treatment presents a risk in patient with a known history of Hypertension and/or Coronary disease. Materials and methods This systematic review was conducted in accordance with The PRISMA guidelines and registered on the PROSPERO database (CRD42020187369). The search strategy was based on Mesh terms, Boolean operator AND, and the PICO model. It was designed to identify all the randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published in the last 30 years, which assessed whether the use of LA with VC agents in dental treatment produces a significant increase/decrease in hemodynamics in patients with known history of Hypertension and/or Coronary disease. The Cochrane Collaboration's tool was used to assess risk of bias of the included RCTs. Results An initial electronic search resulted in 87 papers; however only 9 RCTs met the inclusion criteria. There was a total of 482 subjects ( N = 482), of which 412 had a known history of Hypertension or Coronary disease

    Use of Local Anesthetics Associated with Vasoconstrictors in Dentistry. Is it a Safe Treatment? A Literature Update

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    The use of local anesthetics associated with vasoconstrictors offers advantages and disadvantages associated to its sympathomi- metic effect and it should be considered during the dental treatment. This effect should be taken into consideration especially when the patient has a cardiovascular, endocrine or respiratory compromise. Objective: Perform a bibliographical update on the use of local anesthetics with vasoconstrictors in 'risk' patients. Conclusion: The use of local anesthetics associated with vasoconstrictors is safe in patients with cardiovascular compromise as well as in controlled diabetic patients as long as a correct anesthetic technique is performed (avoiding intravascular anesthetic infiltra - tion), the dose is not superior to 5.4 ml (equivalent to 3 vials of anesthetic with 1:100000 epinephrine), the analgesia maintenance and the behavioral management of the patient are appropriate during the treatment. In the case of patients with endocrine disorders such as decompensated diabetes mellitus, uncontrolled hyperthyroidism or pheochromocytoma the use of vasoconstrictors is con- traindicated, independently of the dose and/or the anesthetic technique

    Asociación entre la participación del hombre en la Planificación Familiar y la concordancia de la pareja sobre el número de hijos, ENDES Perú, 2019

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    Objetivo: Estimar la asociación entre la participación del hombre en la planificación familiar (PF) y la concordancia en el número de hijos por la pareja. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron los datos de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar (ENDES 2019), de acuerdo con los criterios de inclusión (mujeres en edad fértil en unión, no gestantes, uso métodos anticonceptivos El análisis consideró un diseño muestral complejo y se utilizaron los factores de ponderación y expansión correspondientes para recomponer la estructura poblacional de referencia. Se usaron modelos lineales generalizados (GLM) de la familia Poisson. Las variables con valor de p <0.1 en el análisis bivariado fueron incluidas en el análisis multivariado. Se reportaron los Razón de Prevalencia crudas y ajustadas (RP) con intervalos de confianza al 95%, considerándose un valor de p < 0,05 como estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: El 39.5% de las encuestadas se encuentran entre los 30 a 39 años. Aproximadamente el 77.3 % de ellas residen en el área urbana. Respecto al nivel educativo, el 43.1% de las encuestadas cuentan con secundaria completa. Además, el 65.6 % estaban conviviendo y un 34.4% estaban casadas. El 96.4% refieren que los cónyuges aprobaron el uso de PF y que el 76.9% de las parejas habían decidido juntos el uso de contraceptivos. Se realizó el modelo de regresión crudo y ajustado. Se encontró que las parejas que concordaron en el número de hijos tuvieron un 43% (p<0.001) más de probabilidad de decidir juntos el uso de un método anticonceptivo respecto a su contraparte. Conclusiones: Existe la asociación entre la concordancia de la pareja en el número de hijos y la participación del hombre en la planificación familiar. Se requiere mantener el fortalecimiento de las estrategias realizadas por el Ministerio de Salud, además de fomentar la PF con un enfoque holístico.Objective: To estimate the association between the participation of men in family planning (FP) and the concordance in the number of children by the couple. Materials and methods: Data from the Demographic and Family Health Survey (ENDES 2019) were used, according to the inclusion criteria (women of childbearing age in union, non-pregnant women, use of contraceptive methods). The analysis considered a complex sample design and the factors used were of weighting and expansion to recompose the reference population structure. Generalized Linear Models (GLM) of the Poisson family were used. Variables with a p value <0.1 in the bivariate analysis were included in the multivariate analysis. Ratio of Crude and adjusted prevalence (PR) with 95% confidence intervals, considering a value of p < 0.05 as statistically significant. Results: 39.5% of the respondents are between 30 and 39 years old. Approximately 77.3% of them reside in the urban area. Regarding the educational level, 43.1% of the respondents have completed high school. In addition, 65.6% were living together and 34.4% were married. 96.4% reported that the spouses approved the use of FP and that 76.9% of the couples had decided together to use contraceptives. The raw and adjusted regression model was performed. It was found that couples who agreed on the number of children were 43% (p<0.001) more likely to decide together to use a contraceptive method than their counterparts. Conclusions: There is an association between the couple's concordance in the number of children and the man's participation in family planning. It is necessary to maintain the strengthening of the strategies carried out by the Ministry of Health, in addition to promoting FP with a holistic approach.Tesi

    Comunicación bucosinusal: Revisión de la literatura

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    Oralantral comunication is a surgical complication that manifests itself with the connection of the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus . Its etiology is related multiple factors. For its diagnosis and treatment it is necessary evaluate clinical caracteristics like the symtoms associated with the oralantral communication, onset and the size it manifests itself. If the oralantral comunication is not corrected , inflamatory and infectuos conditions can occur in the maxillary sinus .La comunicación bucosinusal es un tipo de complicación quirúrgica que se caracteriza por la presencia de una solución de continuidad entre la cavidad bucal y el seno maxilar. Su etiología está relacionada con diferentes factores. Para su diagnóstico y tratamiento es necesario evaluar las características clínicas de la misma, como sintomatología asociada, tiempo de evolución y tamaño. En caso de que esta quede expuesta y no reciba el tratamiento adecuado, podría desarrollarse un proceso infeccioso o inflamatorio en el seno maxilar

    Seroprevalence of human toxocariasis in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction:The current study aimed to quantitatively synthesize available evidence regarding the seroprevalence of human toxocariasis in Latin America and the Caribbean.Methods:A systematic research involving six electronic databases was conducted using a research strategy that combined MeSH terms with free terms. Article selection and information extraction were performed using a double and independent approach. The Newcastle-Ottawa tool was used to assess the risk of bias in the included articles. The meta-analysis used the random-effects approach, with subgroup analysis and sensitivity analysis for risk of bias also being performed.Results:We included 101 articles with a total of 31,123 participants. The studies were conducted between 1990 and 2022, with Brazil accounting for the largest number of studies (n = 37). The overall seroprevalence of human toxocariasis was 31.0% (95% CI: 27.0-35.0%, I2 = 99%). The prevalence of the main characteristics observed in seropositive patients were as follows: ocular toxocariasis (30.0%), asymptomatic (26.0%), and presence of dogs at home (68.0%). In addition, the seroprevalence was lower in studies including only adults than in those including children or both. In contrast, no differences in seroprevalences were found between studies conducted in the community and hospital.Conclusion:The overall seroprevalence of human toxocariasis in Latin America and the Caribbean was high. Notably, our findings showed that the seroprevalence was increased among populations who kept a dog at home but was decreased in populations comprising only adults. Our findings can be used to establish epidemiological surveillance strategies for the prevention and early identification of toxocariasis