702 research outputs found

    Cultural perspectives on the linguistic representations of emotion and emotion events

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    It is argued that the linguistic representation of emotions and events giving rise to them is influenced by the cultural regulation of the relationship between a person and others. Such cultural variations are expected to be reflected in how emotions and emotion events are represented in language. The two studies provide support for the hypothesis that in a culture where relationships and interdependence are valued emotion terms function as relationship-markers and emotion events are represented by the use of concrete linguistic terms when compared with cultures that emphasise the value of the individual. Moreover, we also found support for the argument that emotion terms function predominantly as self-markers in cultures that value individuality and that they are represented by more abstract terms (adjectives, nouns). The implications of these findings are discussed

    Practices of forest exploitation in priority investment projects: Benefits and implications

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    The paper discusses the topical issues of investment activities enhancement in the forest sector of the Russian economy by implementing the mechanism of priority investment projects in the field of forest exploitation - economic model of public-private partnership proposed by the forest owner (the State) for the private sector. The aim of the considered investment projects is the development of a timber-processing infrastructure, which is reliably provided with wood raw materials. It becomes possible to ensure certain preferences for businessmen that encourage them to invest money into the forest sector. Thus, the other objective is to develop recommendations for attracting investments into the forest sector of the Russian economy in the framework of priority investment projects. The paper analyzes a ten-year experience in the practice of applying priority investment projects in forest exploitation using an integrated approach to studying project management issues and method of comparison. The research identifies positive moments and a number of organizational and methodological shortcomings related to the development and implementation of investment projects in the forest sector of the Russian Federation. A number of areas contributing to the development of investment activities in forest exploitation is proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Prediksi Performa Linear Engine Bersilinder Tunggal Sistem Pegas Hasil Modifikasi Dari Mesin Konvensional Yamaha RS 100CC

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    Linear engine adalah salah satu inovasi dari engine yang dikembangkan karena memiliki performa yang lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan mesin konvensional. Peningkatan performa yang dialami karena berkurangnya gaya gesek yang terjadi. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pembuktian untuk mengetahui performa linear engine hasil modifikasi dari mesin konvensional Yamaha RS 100 CC dengan cara memprediksi melalui simulasi. Dalam analisa ini akan dibandingkan performa mesin konvensional dengan linear engine dalam bentuk perbandingan tekanan dengan volume, daya, torque, BSFC, Brake efficiency dalam variasi kecepatan antara 3.2 m/s – 19.2 m/s. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa performa yang dihasilkan linear engine hasil modifikasi tersebut meningkat. Daya maksimal dari linear engine meningkat sekitar 7.2% dari daya sebelumnya 6.9 kW menjadi 7.4 kW. Begitu juga torque yang dihasilkan meningkat menjadi 12.4 N/m , selain itu BSFC dari linear engine mengalami perbaikan sekitar 2 – 10% dari BSFC sebelumnya

    Practices of forest exploitation in priority investment projects: Benefits and implications

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    The paper discusses the topical issues of investment activities enhancement in the forest sector of the Russian economy by implementing the mechanism of priority investment projects in the field of forest exploitation - economic model of public-private partnership proposed by the forest owner (the State) for the private sector. The aim of the considered investment projects is the development of a timber-processing infrastructure, which is reliably provided with wood raw materials. It becomes possible to ensure certain preferences for businessmen that encourage them to invest money into the forest sector. Thus, the other objective is to develop recommendations for attracting investments into the forest sector of the Russian economy in the framework of priority investment projects. The paper analyzes a ten-year experience in the practice of applying priority investment projects in forest exploitation using an integrated approach to studying project management issues and method of comparison. The research identifies positive moments and a number of organizational and methodological shortcomings related to the development and implementation of investment projects in the forest sector of the Russian Federation. A number of areas contributing to the development of investment activities in forest exploitation is proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Analisa Penggunaan Bahan Bakar Bioethanol Dari Batang Padi Sebagai Campuran Pada Bensin

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    Kandungan minyak bumi didunia semakin menipis, karena semakin bertambahnya kebutuhan manusia terhadap penggunaan minyak bumi sebagai bahan bakar. Dengan kondisi yang semakin menipis ini, cadangan minyak diprediksi hanya cukup untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Semakin menipisnya kandungan minyak bumi menyebabkan harga bahan bakar melambung tinggi. Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai sumber daya alam yang melimpah. Banyak kekayaan alam yang terdapat di Indonesia, dimana sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu urat nadi bangsa Indonesia. Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor yang mempunyai peranan strategis dalam struktur pembangunan perekonomian nasional. Melimpahnya sumber daya alam dan semakin menipisnya kandungan minyak bumi di Indonesia mendorong manusia beralih menggunakan bahan bakar alternative yang ramah lingkungan dan mempunyai jumlah atau stok yang banyak. Bahan bakar yang berasal dari alam disebut bioethanol. Salah satu sumber daya alam yang bisa digunakan untuk dijadikan bahan bakar yaitu Batang padi. Pada saat panen padi para petani hanya mengambil biji atau berasnya saja, sekam dan batang padi hasil panen dibuang begitu saja padahal sekam dan batang padi bisa digunakan untuk membuat bahan bakar alternative yaitu bioethanol. Penelitian ini membahas tentang bagaimana pembuatan bioethanol dari batang padi, kandungan ethanol dalam batang padi, uji performa mesin otto dengan variasi konsentrasi bahan bakar bensin dengan etanol dengan variasi 100% Bensin, 75% Bensin + 25%Etanol, 50% Bensin + 50% Etanol, 25% Bensin + 75% Etanol dan 100% Etanol. Serta dengan variasi pembebanan yaitu dengan menggunakan beban 500, 1000, 1500, 2000,2500 watt. Selain itu juga dilakukan penelitian emisi yang dihasilkan oleh bahan bakar bioethanol. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan bahan bakar bioethanol memilki kandungan ethanol sebesar 95% dan hasil uji performa dari mesin otto dengan menggunakan variasi konsentrasi bahan bakar dan variasi pembebanan menunjukkan bahwa Daya, RPM, Torsi dan SFOC dari penggunaan variasi bahan bakar dan pembebanan menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter tersebut mengalami peningkatan apabila dibandingkan dengan penggunaan bahan bakar bensin. Selain itu dari segi emisi yang dihasilkan, emisi NOx mengalami peningkatan

    State support for research in pharmacology: an analysis of foreign and domestic experience

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    The goal of research was to analyze the management of innovative activities for innovative medicines market launch in Russia and abroad. In the study there were used methods of cognition, including methods of empirical (observation, comparison) and theoretical studies (analysis, synthesis, aggregation), scientific assessment, SWOT-analysis. The analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the planning and management of research in pharmacology was carried ou

    Situating person memory: the role of the visual context on memory for behavioral information

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    Person memory has been mainly investigated as an individual process. In contrast, we argue that person memory results from the interplay between the individual and the context. Thus, the way people acquire and retrieve social information is constrained by the context in which these processes take place. This argument was explored in three experiments. In an impression formation paradigm, we manipulated the meaningfulness of contextual information (objects) for a stereotypical target. Results showed that meaningful contextual information presented during the encoding of behavioral information improved memory.for the behavioral information but also for the contextual information (Experiment 1-2); that this memory advantage only occurs when the encoding goal requires some degree of cognitive organization (Experiment 2); and finally, that meaningful contextual information also enhances memory when presented at retrieval (Experiment 3). These results are consistent with a situated cognition perspective according to which the context where cognitive activities take place can be used to facilitate cognitive activity. We discuss the implications of these results for the standard person memory view and identify new routes for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Formation of the Rational Socio-Economic Worldview Based on the Laws of Nature and Society

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    The study is aimed at the improvement of social and economic relations based on modern directions of the formation of a rational socio-economic worldview, eliminating the sociological contradictions of modern society. The use of a system-holistic interdisciplinary methodology determines the need to review the development tools of the problem of creating a rational worldview in society. The basis of the research methodology has become the conceptual matrix of the formation of a rational worldview according to community levels, taking into account the basic socio-economic law of human development in any system. The article presents the results of a study designed as a clarification of the concept of “rational worldview”, creating a list of the benefits of forming a rational socio-economic worldview based on the laws of nature and society, and determining the directions of formation of a rational worldview in the context of the topic under study. The results of the study can be used in the system of state management of economic processes. Novelty/Originality of this study: (1) actualized, based on the systematization of scientific views, the theoretical provisions of the formation of a rational socio-economic worldview and determined the modern directions of its development; (2) the analysis of modern practices of the life of modern society is carried out and the logical and ideological contradictions in the field of behavioral economics are highlighted; (3) the conceptual apparatus of the category “rational worldview” has been clarified in the context of the contradictions in the functioning of socio-economic systems; (4) a conceptual matrix for the formation of a rational worldview has been developed; (5) the advantages of the formation of a rational worldview among the subjects of the development of society are formulated, based on social criteria analysis