50 research outputs found


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    Resolve projesi Türkiye gazete haberler


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    The organic (ecologic-biologic) agricultural practices in Turkey began in 1985 with organic raisins and dried figs demand of European countries. As of 2015, 1829291 tons of organic products from 197 different products, which comprise grapes, in 515268 ha, are produced by 69967 farmers. Currently, the number of registered enterprises operating in organic agriculture is over 1500. As in the entire in world and in Turkey, the share of organic production in grape production is increasing. Organic grape production is carried out in 10645 ha area in Turkey. This amount constitutes approximately 2.3% of the total grape production area in Turkey. Organic grape is the second major product of Turkey export, and the export share of organic products in recent years is increased to 20-30%. The share of the organic table grape production in total organic grape production is an increasing trend and the studies in this direction are continuing

    Bağlarda toprak yapısını iyileştirme teknikleri kılavuzu

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    Guidelines for soil functionality restoration in degraded areas of vineyard (Turkish language

    Evaluation of the Mineral Element Profile of Wastes of Some Wine Grape (Vitis Vinifera L.) Varieties

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    In this study, the level of macro and micro elements of six wine grape cultivars were determined in seeds, bagasse (skin and pulp) and pomace (seed, skin and pulp) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and atomic absorption spectroscopy after microwave digestion (ICP-AES). The levels of macro and micro elements exhibited a genotype dependent alteration and affected by the part of the berry sampled. Potassium was the predominant macro element in bagasse and pomace, varying from 6.78 g/kg dry weight in pomace (Carignane) to 21.05 g/kg dry weight in bagasse (Cabernet Sauvignon). However, the level of calcium was higher than potassium in seeds and varied between 4.95 g/kg (Kalecik karası) and 6.73 g/kg (Carignane). Seeds were also richer than the bagasse and pomace related with phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur. Among the micro elements, Fe had the highest amount in all parts of the berries. Its content ranged from 13.9 mg/kg dry weights in bagasse of Semillon to 24.8 mg/kg dry weight in seeds of Syrah. Iron, manganese, zinc and molybdenum in seeds; copper and boron in bagasse were higher amount than the other groups analyzed. The results of this study show that all parts of the grape berries are potentially rich sources of mineral elements. So, they could be used as a food supplement to improve the nutritive value of the human diet and for some engineering processes in food industry

    The Effects of Different Substrates with Chemical and Organic Fertilizer Applications on Vitamins, Mineral, and Amino Acid Content of Grape Berries from Soilless Culture

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    Due to its advantages, soilless cultivation has been used for both early- and late-maturing grape varieties. High nutritional and energy value is one of the strongest features that make the grape an effective component of agriculture and the human diet. Therefore, it was thought that it would be useful to determine the nutrient content of the berries in a soilless culture study carried out on the Early Cardinal grape variety. One-year-old vines were trained to a guyot system and grown in 32-liter plastic pots containing four different solid growing media, namely, zeolite, cocopeat, and zeolite+cocopeat (Z + C) (1:1 and 1:2, v:v). A total of three different nutrient solutions (Hoagland, Hoagland A (adapted to the vine) and organic liquid worm fertilizer (OLWF)) were applied to the plants. Grapevines were given different solutions starting from the bud burst. Z + C (1:1) substrate mixture giving the highest values of 14 amino acids, vitamins, and most macro- and microelements. Hoagland and Modified Hoagland nutrient solutions mostly gave higher values than OLWF for the properties studied. In general, it was observed that there were no significant losses in terms of mineral, vitamin, and amino acid composition in soilless grape cultivation

    ReSolVe project – Restoring optimal Soil functionality in degraded areas within organic Vineyards

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    In both conventional and organic European vineyards, it is quite common to have areas characterized by problems in vine health, grape production and quality. These problems are very often related to sub-optimal soil functionality, caused by an improper land preparation before vine plantation and/or management. Different causes for soil malfunctioning can include: poor organic matter content and plant nutrient availability (both major and trace elements); imbalance of some element ratios (Ca/Mg, K/Mg, P/Fe, and Fe/Mn); pH; water deficiency; soil compaction and/or scarce oxygenation. Fertility related problems can often be compensated in conventional settings with externally introduced fertilizers that are not permitted in organic vineyards. ReSolVe is a transnational and multidisciplinary research project aimed at testing the effects of selected agronomic strategies for restoring optimal soil functionality in degraded areas within organic vineyard. The term "degraded areas within vineyard" means areas showing reduced vine growth, disease resistance, grape yield and quality. These areas may have lost their soil functionality because of either an improper land preparation, or an excessive loss of soil organic matter and nutrients, erosion and/or compaction. The project, financed by Core-Organic plus program of the ERA-NET plus action (2015-2018), aims at identifying the main causes of the soil functionality loss and testing different organic recovering methods. The different restoring strategies will implement: i) compost, ii) green manure with winter legumes, iii) dry mulching with cover crops. The strategies will be tested according to their efficiency to improve: i) plant and roots growth and well-being; ii) grape yield and quality; iii) quality of soil ecosystem services and their stability over the years; iv) better express of the “terroir effect”, that is, the linkage of wine quality to the environmental characteristics of the cultivation site. The project involves 8 research groups in 6 different EU countries (Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, and Turkey), with experts from several disciplines, including soil science, ecology, microbiology, grapevine physiology, viticulture, and biometry. The experimental vineyards are situated in Italy (Chianti hills and Maremma plain, Tuscany), France (Bordeaux and Languedoc), Spain (La Rioja) and Slovenia (Primorska) for winegrape, and in Turkey (Adana and Mersin) for table grape. The restoration techniques and the monitoring methodologies developed and tested during the ReSolVe project will be described in specific final guidelines. The restoration techniques will be accessible for all the European farmers and will be low cost and environmental-friendly. A protocol of analyses and measurements between the all partners will allow an effective and comparable monitoring of vineyard ecosystemic functioning in European countries

    Değişik anaçların erkenci bazı üzüm çeşitlerinde erkencilik, verim, kalite özellikleri, büyüme ve mineral madde alımlarıyla çeşitlerin karbonhidrat düzeylerine etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar

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    TEZ605Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1988.Kaynakça (s. 174-186) var.xv, 188 s. ; 30 cm.

    Effects of different bud loads and irrigations applied at different leaf water potential levels on Kalecik Karasi grape variety

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    WOS: 000363554800005The effects of two irrigation practices (RDI-I and RDI-II) and two bud load treatments on the yield and quality of the Kalecik Karasi red wine grape variety were studied. The midday leaf water potential thresholds were used for irrigation timing, and those values were set as -10 bars until flowering, -13 bars between the berry set-veraison and the veraison-ripening periods, and -12 bars after harvest for both irrigation treatments. Water volumes applied in the irrigations of the RDI-I plots were 50% and 75% of the cumulative evaporation from a class A pan between the berry set-veraison and veraison-ripening growth stages, respectively, while those portions for the RDI-II treatment were vice versa. The effects of control (K) and two-fold increased bud loads (2K) based on mean pruning weight on the grape yield and quality were also investigated. Irrigation and higher bud load treatments considerably increased grape yield in both years of the study. The highest and lowest grape yields were obtained in the RDI-II and the nonirrigated treatments, respectively. The increase in grape yield of irrigated vines in relation to nonirrigated ones was 53.3% in the first year and 54.3% in the second year. With doubling the bud load, the achieved increases in grape yield were 37.8% and 45.1% compared to the traditional bud loads in the first and the second year, respectively. The bud load effect was more apparent for the irrigated vines compared to the rain-fed cultivation. Cluster weight was also higher for the irrigated vines. These increases can most probably be related to improved canopy development under irrigation application. The leaf stomatal conductance was higher as a consequence of the higher soil water contents in both irrigated treatments. The improved gas exchange due to the stomatal openings led to a higher leaf area index as well as an increase in grape yield of the irrigated plants. Our findings reveal that the grape yield of the Kalecik Karasi grape variety can be increased with irrigation and higher bud load applications. It is also worth noting that a limited irrigation application may help to maintain a better berry quality compared to the traditional rain-fed grape cultivation.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [112O059]This study has been supported by a grant from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (Project number: 112O059)

    ReSolve Project activities from Turkish partners

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    Video about the field experiments of Resolve project in the experimental vineyards in Turkey


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    Bu çalışmada, Cocopeat ve Perlit:Torf (2:1) katı kültür ortamlarında yetiştirilen 2 ve 3 yaşlı Yalova incisi ve Prima üzüm çeşitlerinde kök budama uygulamasının üzüm verimi ve bazı salkım ve tane özellikleri ile yaprakların makro ve mikro besin maddeleri düzeyine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Kuş net altında ve 32 litrelik saksılarda yetiştirilen bitkilere haftada bir kez değiştirilmiş Hoagland besin çözeltisi uygulanmıştır. Bitkilerin gelişme dönemlerine göre verilen su miktarı günde ortalama 1–3 litre arasında değişmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Yalova İncisi kök budama uygulamalarından çok, Prima çeşidi ise nispeten daha az etkilenmiştir. Bitki yaşının artmasıyla Yalova İncisinde bir miktar verim kaybı olmuş, Prima çeşidinde uygulama etkilerinin önemli olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Yalova İncisi için Cocopeat, Prima için Perlit:Torf ortamı daha uygun bulunmuştur. Kök budama uygulaması Yalova incisinde salkım büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak verimi azaltmıştır. Bu etki Prima’da daha az olmuştur. Bunlara karşın, elde edilen değerlerin sofralık üzümlerde istenen standart kalite değerleri içinde yer aldığı görülmüştür. Uygulamalar bitki besleme açısından değerlendirildiğinde makro elementlerde genel olarak Yalova incisinde ve Prima’da N’un fazlalık, K’un noksanlık sınır değerleri içinde yer aldığı saptanmıştır. Mikro element içerikleri ise yeterli düzeyde bulunmuştur.In this study, the effects of root pruning on two and three year old Yalova İncisi and Prima grape cultivars grown in Cocopeat and Perlite:Peat (2:1) solid culture media were investigated. Modified Hoagland nutrient solution was applied to plants grown in 32 liter pots and under bird nets once a week intervals. The amount of water given to the plants varied from 1 to 3 liter for per day, according to the development periods of plants. As a result of the study, Yalova İncisi was more affected from root pruning practices than the Prima variety. Depending on the increase in plant age, Yalova İncisi had lost some yield, but the application effects were not significant in the Prima variety. Cocopeat for Yalova İncisi and Perlite:Peat medium for Prima were more suitable. Root pruning decreased grape yield of Yalova İncisi, depending on the size of the clusters. This effect was less in Prima. On the other hand, the values obtained are included in the standard quality values given for table grapes. Considering macro elements, N was in excess and K was in deficiency limit values in both cultivars. Their micro element contents were found to be sufficient