289 research outputs found

    Gender-salient family conflict talk

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    In this paper the analysis of gender aspects of the family dialogue conflict talk within the framework of symmetric relations (husband – wife) is suggested. In recent years the topic of argument has become a significant concern for research on language and communication. Conflict talk is a common practice among humans. We believe that if gender is embedded in society then it should be observeable in talk

    Пути улучшения качества архитектурной среды жилых районов

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    The modern city is a complex socio-economic organism. The state of the environment is one of the most pressing economic, scientific-technical and social problems. Architectural environment of the city residential structures is in continuous development. It is manifested in changes in population size, the shape, size and intensity of use of the mastered territories, to enhance the technical capacity and the complicating of the information field of the city. These factors of development, mobile and rapidly evolving, artificially created material environment, often come into conflict with the nature.Современный город — это сложный социально-экономический организм. Состояние окружающей среды является одной из наиболее актуальных экономических, научно-технических и социальных проблем. Архитектурная среда города находится в непрерывном развитии. Это проявляется в изменении численности населения, формы, размера и интенсивности использования освоенных территорий в целях повышения технического потенциала и усложнения информационного поля города. Факторы развития искусственно созданной материальной среды часто вступают в конфликт с природой

    I cambiamenti ambientali nella steppa Crimea per tutto il periodo romano di storia antica e di là

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    Insieme con l'integrazione di paleo suolo riferimento e archeologia, che permette efficiente ricostruzione paleogeografica dell'ambiente naturale nell'Olocene, ques ta zona integra lo studio del suolo in superficie, risalente metodi archeologici, e lo studio dei paesaggi antichi geoarcheologicayesБелгородский государственный университе

    Коллекции нотного фонда Российской государственной библиотеки

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    There is provided an overview of one of the leading musical holdings of Russia; the article treats of the collection of rare and valuable books. Special attention is paid to the music collection of Prince V. Odoevsky and collections of the famous Russian musicians and musicologists of the XX century.Приведен обзор одного из ведущих нотных фондов России; рассказывается о коллекции редких и особо ценных изданий. Особое внимание уделяется нотной библиотеке князя В.Ф. Одоевского и собраниям известных российских музыкантов и музыковедов ХХ века


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    Purpose of the study: The present paper examined nominative and attributive exophoric reference and their textual referents in the English prescription medication instructions (henceforth is PMI).In the focus of research, there were the key referents that define the translator’s referential knowledge for the PMIs and the cognitive features of the referents verbalized in PMIs by means of nominative and attributive exophoric reference. Nominative and attributive types of exophoric reference and their textual referents ensuring the referential identification of a foreign text and facilitating its understanding are in the focus of this research. Methodology: The methodology of this study includes the following key methods: the method of contextual analysis; distributional analysis; descriptive method; quantitative evaluation method. The texts of prescription medication instructions, e.g. for “Nurofen For Children”, “Ibuprofen 400mg Tablets”, “Panadol”, etc., displayed on the Internet sites of pharmaceutical companies /pharmacies make the corpus of our observation material. Main findings: Using English PMIs as the object of specialized translation, it is established that the PMI text exophoric referential net is created primarily by means of medical terms verbalizing objects and subjects of a PMI text (nominative exophoric reference) and verbal referents of their qualities and features (attributive exophoric reference), actualizing a foreign specialist text referential identity and thus facilitating its understanding. Applications of this study: The study is intended for translators, translation students, ESP researchers. The education of specialized translation professionals should incorporate special text referential analysis as part of pre-translation analysis facilitating special text decoding and optimizing its understanding and subsequent translation. Novelty/Originality of this study: the Nominative Exophoric Reference and Attributive Exophoric Reference creating the Text Exophoric Referential Net are described for English Prescription Medication Instructions as specialist texts intended for translation. It has been found out that both the source and target PMI texts relate to the same three entities of objective reality: MEDICINAL PRODUCT, HEALTH DISORDER, and PATIENT constituting the PMI’s referential identity

    «Музыкальная библиотека сегодня: достижения и проблемы»

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    On the Second All-Russian Workshop “Music Library Today: Achievements and Challenges” devoted to the theme “Printed Music around Us”, held on 25-26 March, 2013 in Moscow.О Втором Всероссийском семинаре «Музыкальная библиотека сегодня: достижения и проблемы» по теме «Ноты вокруг нас», состоявшемся 25-26 марта 2013 г. в Москве

    Gender studies: theoretical framework

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    The given article reviews the main theories of the study of gender and discourse. Three points of agreement of the theories analyzed are singled out. Gender duality and performativity are defined as the most widely debated issues. The functional and constructivist approaches to gender differences are revealed. В статті розглядоються основні теорії гендерної лінгвістики, виділяються точки дотику в різноманітних підходах і трактуванях гендеру

    Частица со спином 1 в цилиндрическом базисе: метод проективных операторов

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    In this paper, the system of equations describing a spin 1 particle is studied in cylindric coordinates with the use of tetrad formalism and the matrix 10-dimension formalism of Duffin – Kemmer – Petieau. After separating the variables, we apply the method proposed by Fedorov – Gronskiy and based on the use of projective operators to resolve the system of 10 equations in the r variable. In the presence of an external uniform magnetic field, we construct in an explicit form three independent classes of wave functions with corresponding energy spectra. Separately the massless field with spin 1 is studied; there are found four linearly independent solutions, two of which are gauge ones, and other two do not contain gauge degrees of freedom. Meanwhile, the method of Fedorov – Gronskiy is also used.В настоящей работе система уравнений, описывающая частицу со спином 1, изучается в цилиндрических координатах с использованием тетрадного формализма и матричного 10-мерного формализма Даффина – Кеммера – Петье. После разделения переменных для решения системы 10 уравнений относительно переменной применяется метод, предложенный Федоровым – Гронским и основанный на применении проективных операторов. При наличии внешнего однородного магнитного поля построены в явном виде три независимых класса волновых функций с соответствующими энергетическими спектрами. Отдельно исследуется безмассовое поле со спином 1; найдено четыре линейно независимых решения, два из которых калибровочные, а остальные два не содержат калибровочных степеней свободы. При этом также используется метод Федорова – Гронского

    GNOM – a program package for small-angle scattering data processing

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