35 research outputs found


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    The article studies and analyses interculturality in ELT by means of intertextuality.The main focus of this paper is onthe integration of an intercultural approach in the content of modern academic curricula, as well as the intertextual features of texts in a foreign language classroom. The precedent texts, representing the phenomenon of intertextuality, developinterculturality in education via reflexive understanding of the Self and the Other on the border of cultures and values. Thus, the concepts of “intertextuality” and “interculturality” are analyzed in this article, their interrelation is shown, some ways of understanding of the precedent texts and implementation of interculturality in ELT are offered.The article focuses on the linguistic features of educational texts, not so much on the traditional and stereotyped cultural and value differences between the representatives of different nationalities, which leads to the establishment of barriers in interpersonal interaction, but rather on the cultivation of similarity, acceptance of cultural diversity, and awareness of Self and one's own identity.There are many effective ways to develop intercultural skills, applying such methods as CLIL, case-study, role-plays, lapbooking, projects. The conclusion reflects the main results of the research, revealing the essence of transformations of precedent texts, which form the students’ image of the world and affect the addressee in the way, necessary for the addresser.

    Вступ до спеціальності: робоча програма нормативної навчальної дисципліни

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    Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни «Вступ до спеціальності» для студентів напряму «Дошкільна освіта». Мета вивчення курсу – розкриття перед студентами перспективи і шляхів оволодіння професійною діяльністю педагога, сприяння підготовці першокурсників до педагогічної практики

    Формування готовності дітей до школи: робоча програма нормативної навчальної дисципліни

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    Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни «Формування готовності дітей до школи» для студентів напряму 6.010101 «Дошкільна освіта». Мета вивчення курсу – розкрити суть готовності дитини до шкільного навчання; визначити завдання підготовки до школи; проаналізувати роль сім’ї та дошкільного закладу у формування готовності до шкільного навчання; обґрунтування шляхів формування готовності дитини до навчання у школі

    Педагогіка дошкільна: робоча програма нормативної навчальної дисципліни

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    Програма навчальної дисципліни «Педагогіка дошкільна» для студентів cпеціальності 6.01010101 «Дошкільна освіта»

    An analysis of a choreographic work: fundamental and innovative methodology

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    The article analyzes the methodology of professional critical analysis of dance art work and outlines the prospects of development of this vector of choreological activities. The purpose of the article is a goal-oriented description of methods of professional analysis of choreographic works in the context of habit training of choreographers’ critical thinking. The methods used are as follows: method of synthesis, systematic approach, method of structural analysis, method of analysis of musical content, analysis of the specific character of audience perception, analysis of semiotic components of the work, analysis of the dialectic of a choreographic text. The criteria for the analysis of choreographic works can be worked out through the use of innovative technologies. it is possible to make additional arguments based on the experience of mathematical, music and linguistic methodology. The combination of innovative technologies with techniques that consider the quantitative and qualitative indicators of dance, allows the analysis of a choreographic work to move to a new more evidence-based level. Further development of this applied research issue can be aimed at improving the theoretical apparatus of the proposed innovative methods, or the development of new techniques based on technical developments in the field of GPS-devices

    Research of readiness of teachers of rural secondary schools for innovations

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    The purpose is to establish the interdependence of key parameters and construct a factor structure of teachers’ readiness to reform and deploy innovative technologies in rural secondary schools. Research methods: ANOVA factor analysis with reduction of factor proportions, standard valid and reliable psychodiagnostics methods, statistical reliability coefficients. Results. The factor structure ensures the following main factors (73.92%). It has been found that the main are “MARI” (F1) (52.56%) and “CRI” (F2) (9.28%), which are interconnected with “SLRI” (F3) (p≤.01) and F4 “PRI” (F4) (p≤.01). Conclusions. It has been stated that the obtained scientific facts give an objective understanding of the subject of research and its determinants. The curriculum for the initiative to modernize education in rural areas is composed of established scientific facts and argumentation of the results obtained. It was noted that results will allow to operationalize the educational and professional training of future specialists in order to prepare them for modernization of training and teaching

    Formation of pedagogical culture of parents as the basis of interaction pre-school and family

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    У статті розглянуто проблему формування педагогічної культури батьків як основу взаємодії дошкільного навчального закладу та сім’ї. Проаналізовано останні дослідження, у яких започатковано розв’язання цієї проблеми. Розкрито сутність поняття педагогічна культура батьків. In the article the problem of formation of pedagogical culture of parents as the basis for interaction between kindergarten and family. Analyzed past studies in which a solution of the problem. The essence of the concept of pedagogical culture of parents. Identified the basic functions of the family. The characteristic principles of individual and group forms of cooperation between kindergarten and family

    Comparison analysis of the correlation between emotional stability and mental health parameters in athletes of various skill levels

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between emotional stability and the following mental health parameters: personal anxiety, self-regulation, neuroticism, and life purpose in athletes of various levels of qualification. Research methods: the study used standardized valid methods including standard questionnaires, r-Pearson correlation analysis, and Student’s t-test to determine significant differences. Results. The research was based on the idea of athletes as self-organization and self-development subjects. As athletes’ sports qualifications increased, there was a statistically significant decrease in personal anxiety, neuroticism, and an improvement in self-regulation as predictors of emotional stability (р<.05; р<.01). Diverse life goals (.233; р<.05) and belief in their implementation (.437; р<.01) were vital for athletes’ dischargers.  athletes of the highest level were well aware (.501; р<.01) of the need for diversity (.382; р<.05) and harmony (.434; р<.05) of life purposes. Conclusions. The connection between respondents’ emotional stability and mental health was experimentally proven. Emotional stability has been demonstrated to have a positive impact on the development of respondents’ sports qualifications. The level of awareness of athletes’ life purposes – complex dynamic formations that reflect the nature of knowing their own life situation determined their psychological well-being

    Empirical research of the development of the emotional and volitional spheres of older preschool children

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    The aim of the article is an empirical study of psychological determinants and significant correlations between the development of older preschool children’s emotional and volitional spheres. The importance of preschool age in the development of the child’s psyche, feelings, emotions, self-control, empathy, and reflexive capacities was emphasized. Self-control was found to be low in a significant proportion of the respondents (n=46; 62.16%). The emotional reaction, which is the child’s empathic ability to empathize and sympathize, had high levels, according to the study (M1= 18.12; M2=12.00; M3=10.01). The empathetic capacity of a senior preschooler was in the active development phase and encourages the formation of empathic and reflexive abilities through play activities, particularly through such a form of leading mental activity as story-role play. The correlation matrix revealed that “Self-control” and “Emotional response” had a positive and relevant correlation (rs = .141; р < .05). It is stated that the presence of this correlation in the researched groups was a good marker of older preschool children’s emotional and volitional development

    Research of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The aim of the article was empirical research of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is devoted to an empirical study of the factor structure and the prevailing correlations between the psycho-emotional states of the respondents. Valid empirical methods with standardized questionnaires were used: the dominant coping strategy research method, the test of differentiation of emotional states, and the anxiety research method. The study’s empirical picture constructed. Psycho-emotional states were qualitatively interpreted, states were distinguished, and semantic psychological parameters were defined. The factor structure of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers was determined. The psycho-emotional state of F1 “Isolated activity”, which had the most intercorrelations and had the most significant (p≤.01) correlation with F4 “Pragmatic avoidance” (.344), was found to have the greatest factor load. It was empirically established and theoretically substantiated that the structure, variables, and interdependence of the factors of dominant psycho-emotional states were important components in solving issues of lecturers’ professional activity. It was noted that the findings may be useful for university administrations and pedagogical psychology researchers