15 research outputs found

    Analisis Beban Pencemar dan Kapasitas Asimilasi di Estuari Sungai Belau Teluk Lampung

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    ABSTRACTUtilization around of Belau Rivers was diverse, such as agriculture, industry, households, hotels, markets, residential population and fishing boats. According to the explanation, the purpose of this study was to determine distribution and concentration distribution patterns of Pb, Cd, and Cr which evaluated from the distribution of salinity, calculate the assimilation capacity in marine and analyzing the direction of environmental management Estuary Belau at Lampung Bay. The data was analyzed by using the view pattern of relationship between dissolved heavy metals and salinity through mixing graph approach. Furthermore, to know the pollutant load and capacity of assimilation were use a graph of the relationship between the concentration of each parameter with pollutant load on these parameters. The results analysis of pollutant loads and assimilation capacity showed that the parameters of TSS, BOD and COD were still able to perform self purification, whereas for the parameters of nitrate, phosphate, Pb, Cd and Cr were unable to perform self-purification. The management must be built not only within the autority of Lampung Government and the staffs, but also must be holistic upstream to downstream along the river that involves several government autority. Keywords: Pollution Load , heavy metals, the assimilation capacity, Estuary Bela

    sea water quality assessment based on tidal condition in sawaibu bay manokwari

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    Sanggeng traditional market that located in the coastal area of Manokwari city as a community trade center which providing daily community needs. Generally, the commodities that available are either household need, fish market and agriculture products, in addition due to market location in the city center it effects to highly community activities. Thus, effect to uncontrolled organic waste is source from mainly agricultural product, fishes, and also from others organic products. This condition is happening in highly intensity and still continues everyday, so it could affect to waters environmental degradation. Indicator that used to assessing water quality degradation based on highly organic waste is by assessed organic concentration then comparing with KLH 51 year 2004. Based on result of turbidity and dissolved oxygen parameter was found that highly condition at BLK location. In addition, highest TSS and TOM was found at waters around of hadi Mall. Highest BOD5 concentration was found in around of Fish market waters. Tides factor also effected to physical and chemical distribution in these waters. This condition shows that organic waste impact to water quality at Sawaibu Bay could affect to waters organisms' lif

    Akumulasi Biomasa Fitoplankton yang Diukur sebagai Klorofil-a di Perairan Teluk Doreri, Provinsi Papua Barat

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    The accumulation of phytoplankton biomass measured as chlorophyll-a is highly depends on the availability of ammonia and silicate in the waters. The purpuses of the study were examining the concentration of chlorophyll-a and its relation with ammonia and silicate in the waters of Doreri Bay, Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province. Water sampling is carried out at 10 stations. Parameters measured include chlorophyll-a, ammonia and silicate. The measurement results of chlorophyll-a concentration ranged from 0.23-3.77 μg/L with an meanof 0.82 μg/L. Ammonia and silicate concentrations ranged from 2.35-4.11 μM with an mean of 2.64 μM and 2.00-7.50 μM with an mean of 3.91 μM, respectively. The relationships of chlorophyll-a concentration with ammonia and silicate showed positive and negative relationships, respectively.  Akumulasi biomasa fitoplankton yang diukur sebagai klorofil-a sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan amonia dan silikat di perairan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi klorofil-a serta hubungannya dengan amonia dan silikat di perairan Teluk Doreri, Kabupaten Manokwari, Provinsi Papua Barat. Pengambilan contoh air dilakukan pada 10 stasiun. Parameter yang diukur meliputi klorofil-a, amonia dan silikat. Hasil pengukuran konsentrasi klorofil-a berkisar dari 0,23-3,77 μg/L dengan rata-rata sebesar 0,82 μg/L. Konsentrasi amonia dan silikat secara berturut-turut berkisar dari 2,35-4,11 μM dengan rata-rata sebesar 2,64 μM dan 2,00-7,50 μM dengan rata-rata sebesar 3,91μM. Hubungan konsentrasi klorofil-a dengan amonia dan silikat secara berturut-turut menunjukkan hubungan positif dan negatif.


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    Pasar Sanggeng, pasar Wosi, pelabuhan, PLTD (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Disel), perhotelan dan pemukiman penduduk yang terletak di pesisir Teluk Doreri Kota Manokwari, menjadi salah satu pusat aktivitas yang melayani kebutuhan masyarakat. Akibat adanya aktivitas yang tinggi tersebut menyebabkan pembungan sampah-sampah organik dan anorganik tidak terawasi atau terkontrol dengan baik. Kondisi ini berlangsung secara terus menerus setiap hari sehingga dapat menyebabkan terjadi degradasi kualitas perairan. Tujuan Penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui status kualitas perairan di Teluk Doreri Kabupaten Manokwari. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Agustus tahun 2016 bertempat di Laboratorium Kelautan, Ilmu Kelautan Unipa dan Laboratorium Prolink IPB Bogor. Lokasi pengambilan sampel air di sekitar perairan Sawaibu, Wosi, Andai, Sowi dan Perairan Maruni. Data parameter yang diambil melalui pengukuran langsung dan tidak langsung. Pengukuran secara langsung meliputi parameter salinitas, pH, suhu dan oksigen terlarut. Sedangkan pengukuran tidak langsung dengan cara mengambil sampel air. Pengambilan sampel air digunakan untuk penentuan parameter kekeruhan, nitrat, fosfat dan logam berat. Sampel air tersebut langsung dimasukan dalam botol polyetelin dan dikirim ke Prolink IPB Bogor untuk dianalisis. Pengukuran mengacu pada Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 1998). Hasil penelitian dari lima lokasi di perairan Teluk Doreri berkisar antara 0,17 – 6,16 NTU untuk kekeruhan, 4,64 – 5,04 untuk pH, 5,1 -6 mg/L untuk oksigen terlarut, 30 – 33 ‰ untuk salinitas, 29, 8 – 30,6 oC untuk suhu air, 0,1 -0,8 mg/L untuk nitrat dan fosfat berkisar 0,08 – 0,16 mg/L. Hasil logam berat cadmium (Cd) menunjukan potensi toksik yang tinggi bagi biota perairan di Teluk Doreri. Parameter logam berat cadmium, nitrat dan fosfat sangat mengkuatirkan serta dapat menyebabkan gangguan terhadap lingkungan khususnya bagi biota perairan. Parameter – parameter tersebut telah melampaui baku mutu yang ditetapkan kementerian lingkungan hidup no 51 tahun 2004.WATER QUALITY IN THE DORERI BAY DISTRICT MANOKWARI. Traditional markets (Pasar Sanggeng and Wosi), port, PLTD (Power Plant), hotels and residential areas are located in the cost of Doreri bay in Manokwari district. Activities in those areas create organic and inorganic wastes that have been used the Doreri bay as a water dump. The waste has been dumped since long time ago and continue up to nowadays.  That cause water quality degradation of Doreri bay. The research objective was to determine the status of water quality in Doreri Bay, Manokwari Regency. The water quality study has been carried out in August 2016 in Marine laboratory of UNIPA and Prolink laboratory in IPB. Water samples collected from Sawaibu, Wosi, Andai, Sowi and Maruni beach.  Data were divided base on the data collection which is directly and indirectly collected. Water salinity, pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen are direct data collection. Turbidity, nitrate, phosphate and heavy metals are indirect data collection that has been analyzed in Prolink IPB. The water has been analyses by using Standard Method for Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 1998). The results show that turbidity of five areas range from 0.17 to 6.16 NTU, pH range from 4.64 to 5.04, dissolved oxygen between 5.1 -6 mg/L, water salinity range from 30-33%, water temperature between 29, 8 - 30.6 oC, 0.1 -0.8 mg/L for nitrate and phosphate between 0.08 - 0.16 mg/L. Heavy metal (cadmium) showed high potential toxic risk on the biota of Doreri bay. Cadmium, nitrate, and phosphate are a heavy metal that categorized as concerned pollutant to the Dorery bay. Those heavy metal have been exceeded the water quality standard base on Ministry of environment number 51-2004.

    Makroavertebrata Bentos sebagai Bioindikator Kualitas Air Sungai Nimbai Manokwari, Papua Barat

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    Benthos macroinvertebrates have been used as bioindicators to assess the waters quality of the stream, but still are very rarely to applied in West Papua streams. Benthos macroinvertebrates can describe the stream water quality so that very well be used as bioindicators, due to each species has a different tolerance to interference organic pollutants in waters. This study aimed to assess the water quality of Nimbai stream using benthos macroinvertebrates tolerance level and several water quality parameters. Data retrieval was conducted in JuneJuly and SeptemberOctober 2012 in seven stations (L1L7) from Nimbai upstream to downstream that connected to Prafi river. The water macroinvertebrates were taken using surber with mesh size 200 ÎĽm and then was identified at the family level. At L5 station near the oil palm waste disposal installations was contains oil and fat (<1-3 mg/l), which resulted in dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH is lower than the other stations. Similarly the value of H' is low (0.83), however, the value of C (0.79) was high that dominated by Oligochaeta. Famili biotic index (FBI) value obtained showed that water quality in the L1L4 stations was in good to excellent condition, but the quality at L5 station is classified as very poor. As the distance far away from the sources of pollution in the L5 station, water quality tends to improve as shown in the L6 and L7 stations. The result of this study shows the important benefits of benthos macroinvertebrates as bioindicators for assessing the quality of stream waters, and can be described aquatic environments disturbance to the benthos macroinvertebrates habitats in Nimbai stream

    Struktur Vegetasi Riparia dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kondisi Habitat Ikan Pelangi Arfak, Melanotaenia Arfakensis di Sungai Nimbai, Manokwari Papua Barat

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    Riparian vegetation has an important role in maintaining water stability, one of which is the river. This study aims to describe the structure of riparian vegetation so that its implications can be seen for the conditions of rainbow arfak habitat on the Nimbai River. The study was conducted in three forest types, namely primary riparia forest, secondary riparia forest and open riparia forest. Sample collection of riparian vegetation was carried out by purposive sampling using sample plots. Plots measuring 2 m x 2 m are used to sample seedling and understorey growth, plots measuring 5 m x 5 m for growth at the stake level, while plots measuring 10 m x 10 m and 20 m x 20 m, for growth of pole and tree levels respectively. The identification results obtained a total of 35 species of understorey and 51 tree-level plants in all three types of riparian forests. Based on the analysis of vegetation structure, it is known that the condition of primary riparia forest and secondary riparian forest still relatively supports the life of arfak rainbow fish compared to open riparian forest. Higher tree level density associated with canopy cover which has implications for the temperature of the water to be colder and less fluctuating, input larger litter into the food chain in the river, and hold suspended particles into the river. Also, the function of riparian vegetation in spawning activities, substrate attaching eggs and nursery habitat for arfak rainbow fish larvae. The results of this study indicate the importance of riparian vegetation structure on the condition of rainbow arfak fish habitat. An understanding of the structure of vegetation is also a basic information for efforts to rehabilitate this endemic fish habitat to maintain the existence of a natural population.Vegetasi riparia memunyai peran penting dalam menjaga kestabilan perairan, salah satunya adalah sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur vegetasi riparia sehingga dapat diketahui implikasinya terhadap kondisi habitat ikan pelangi arfak di Sungai Nimbai. Penelitian dilakukan pada tiga tipe hutan, yaitu hutan riparia primer, hutan riparia sekunder dan hutan riparia terbuka. Pengumpulan contoh vegetasi riparia dilakukan secara purposif sampling menggunakan petak contoh. Petak berukuran 2 m x 2 m digunakan untuk mencuplik pertumbuhan tingkat semai dan tumbuhan bawah, petak ukuran  5 m x 5 m untuk pertumbuhan tingkat pancang, sedangkan petak ukuran 10 m x 10 m dan 20 m x 20 m, masing-masing untuk pertumbuhan tingkat tiang dan pohon. Hasil identifikasi diperoleh total 35 jenis tumbuhan bawah dan 51 tumbuhan tingkat pohon di ketiga tipe hutan riparia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis struktur vegetasi diketahui bahwa kondisi hutan riparia primer dan hutan riparia sekunder masih relatif mendukung kehidupan ikan pelangi arfak dibandingkan hutan riparia terbuka. Kerapatan tingkat pohon yang lebih tinggi berkaitan dengan tutupan tajuk yang berimplikasi terhadap suhu air menjadi lebih dingin dan kurang berfluktuasi, masukan serasah lebih besar ke rantai makanan di sungai, dan menyanggah partikel tersuspensi masuk ke sungai. Juga fungsi vegetasi riparia dalam aktivitas pemijahan, substrat penempelan telur dan habitat pembesaran larva ikan pelangi arfak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan arti penting struktur vegetasi riparia terhadap kondisi habitat ikan pelangi arfak. Pemahaman mengenai struktur vegetasi juga menjadi informasi dasar bagi upaya rehabilitasi habitat ikan endemik ini untuk mempertahankan keberadaan populasinya alami


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    ABSTRACTArfak rainbow fish, Melanotaenia arfakensis is an endemic fish on several river systems in the northeastern part of the Vogelkop peninsula. This study aims to describe the growth, age at first maturity, and sexual dimorphism of this endemic fish on the Nimbai Stream and the Aimasi Stream, the Prafi River system. The fish were caught using handnet, then were measured their standard length and individual weight. Data were analyzed to estimated growth patterns, von Bertalanffy's growth rate, age at first maturity and sexual dimorphism characteristics. The results showed that male growth patterns varied, with a tendency of the increase in body length faster than that of body weight (negative allometric patterns) with b values ranging from 2.886 to 3.132. On the other hand, the female individuals had positive allometric patterns (b values ranged from 3.062 to 3.378). The growth rate (K) of male body length was faster (0.165-0.174) than that of female individuals (0.159-0.163). Male individuals reached the first maturity condition earlier (at age of 1.83-2.18 years) than female individuals (at age of 2.49-2.64 years). Sexual characteristics between the sexes are related to body height starting to appear when fish are of a standard length of larger than 18.22 mm or when male fish begin to approach the time of the first sexual maturity. Understanding of growth, age, and the characteristics of the sexual dimorphism of endemic fish has an important meaning in monitoring population conditions and for conservation efforts in their natural habitat