85 research outputs found

    Firm value and working capital decisions: Further evidence from an emerging market

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    This study investigates the effects of working capital management decisions on market values using a sample data set containing annual measurements for 317 Turkish publicly traded companies between 2010 and 2018. Cash ratio, Current ratio, Net Working Capital, and Cash Conversion Cycle are used as indicators of the liquidity policies of the sample firms. The specified dynamic model is estimated using the System GMM estimator. The findings show that firms can affect their market values by managing their liquid assets efficiently. However, this relationship weakens as cash holdings increase. In other words, a long cash conversion cycle and a large amount of net working capital are not considered negative signals by investors if accompanied by sufficient cash holdings. Hence, it can be said that cash management can help reduce the negative impact of working capital investments on firm value. This study found no evidence of the effects of the current ratio and net working capital on firm value

    A modified newton method formulation for microwave imaging

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    A new variant of Newton type methods has been developed for quantitative microwave imaging. To deal with the ill-posedness of the inverse problems, standard Newton type methods involve a linearization of the so called data equation using the Fréchet derivative with respect to the contrast function. Here, the formulation is expanded to include the object equation, therefore, the formulation seeks to reduce the errors in both the data and the object equations. While this modification does not remove the need to solve forward problem at each step, it nevertheless significantly improves convergence rate and the performance. To assess the efficiency of the proposed technique, numerical simulations with synthetic and experimental data have been carried out. The results demonstrate that the proposed variant outperforms the standard Newton method, and shows comparable performance to the contrast source inversion (CSI) algorithm with fewer iterations.WOS:000654830800354Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072Conference Proceedings Citation Index- ScienceProceedings PaperUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIRAralık2020YÖK - 2020-2

    A novel approach to determine anti-proliferative, anti-migratory and anti-microbial properties of 2-phenylethylammonium carboxylate molecular salts

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    2-Phenylethylammonium (PEA) salt derivatives have been prepared between 2-phenylethylamine with various aromatic carboxylic acids (nicotinic, benzoic, salicylic, and γ-resorcylic) and confirmed by spectroscopic analyses. Additionally, the possible biological activities of these salts have been examined and the antiproliferative and antimigrative effects of salts on breast and colon cancer cell lines have been determined. Furthermore, to obtain preliminary data for the effects of the indicated compounds on cancer angiogenesis, in vitro migration analysis has been performed by human vascular endothelial cells. The antibacterial effects of the compounds have also been investigated. Therefore, an important contribution has been made to studies conducted to better recognize the pharmacological effects of salts

    Is polysomnographic examination necessary for subjects with diaphragm pathologies?

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    OBJECTIVES: While respiratory distress is accepted as the only indication for diaphragmatic plication surgery, sleep disorders have been underestimated. In this study, we aimed to detect the sleep disorders that accompany diaphragm pathologies. Specifically, the association of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with diaphragm eventration and diaphragm paralysis was evaluated. METHODS: This study was performed in Süreyyapasa Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital between 2014-2016. All patients had symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (snoring and/or cessation of breath during sleep and/or daytime sleepiness) and underwent diaphragmatic plication via video-assisted mini-thoracotomy. Additionally, all patients underwent pre- and postoperative full-night polysomnography. Pre- and postoperative clinical findings, polysomnography results, Epworth sleepiness scale scores and pulmonary function test results were compared. RESULTS: Twelve patients (7 males) with a mean age of 48 (range, 27-60) years and a mean body mass index of 25 (range, 20-30) kg/m2 were included in the study. Preoperative polysomnography showed obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in 9 of the 12 patients (75%), while 3 of the patients (25%) were regarded as normal. Postoperatively, patient complaints, apnea hypopnea indices, Epworth sleepiness scale scores and pulmonary function test results all demonstrated remarkable improvement. CONCLUSION: All patients suffering from diaphragm pathologies with symptoms should undergo polysomnography, and patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome should be operated on. In this way, long-term comorbidities of sleep disorders may be prevented

    A perspectiva dos estudantes pré-clínicos sobre o ensino da ética médica: um estudo de grupo focal na Turquia

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    Aim: We aimed to receive the opinions of the preclinical medical students on medical ethics education, and to present some suggestions for the education program. Methods: Focus group discussions were held with third-grade medical students. The analyses were implemented using Creswell’s six-step qualitative data analysis. Results: During the data analysis, themes with the following titles were identified: necessity of the education, content, education methods, assessment, participation, contribution of the education, moving to clinical training and suggestions. Discussion: The students stated that the discussions on movies/books/case-based scenarios are more useful than lectures. Although they believed that student assessment was necessary for the medical ethics education, they had negative attitudes towards Multiple Choice Questions. At the stage of moving to the clinical training, their feelings and thoughts about the learning outcomes they would gain from ethical education were contradictory. Conclusion: Each theme and code obtained from the students’ expressions may contribute to improving medical ethics education for all institutions. Besides student education, it is also necessary the faculty development programs on medical ethics education for clinical teachers. Additionally, further studies can be conducted on the actions that need to be taken to help students internalize the ethical issues and feel the need of learning more.Nuestro objetivo consistió en recibir las opiniones de estudiantes de medicina en pre-clínica sobre educación en ética médica y presentar algunas sugerencias para el programa de educación. Métodos: Se mantuvo discusiones de grupo focal con estudiantes de medicina de tercer grado. Se implementó el análisis cualitativo de datos de seis pasos de Creswell. Resultados: Mediante el análisis de datos, se identificaron los siguientes temas: necesidad de la educación, contenido, métodos de educación, evaluación, participación, contribución de la educación, el paso a formación clínica y sugerencias. Discusión: Los estudiantes consideraron que las discusiones sobre películas/libros/escenarios de casos eran más útiles que las clases dictadas. Aunque pensaban que la evaluación de los estudiantes era necesaria para la educación en ética médica, no valoraron positivamente las pruebas de preguntas con respuesta múltiple. En el paso a la formación clínica, sus sentimientos y pensamientos sobre los resultados del aprendizaje en educación ética eran contradictorios. Conclusión: Cada tema y código obtenido de las propuestas de los estudiantes puede contribuir a mejorar la educación en ética médica en las instituciones. Además de la educación, también es necesario desarrollar programas sobre educación ética médica para los profesores clínicos. Además, se pueden realizar más estudios sobre las acciones que se necesitan tomar para ayudar a los estudiantes a internalizar los temas éticos y sentir la necesidad de aprender más.Objetivo: tivemos como objetivo coletar as opiniões dos estudantes pré-clínicos de medicina no ensino da ética médica e apresentar algumas sugestões para o programa de ensino. Métodos: foram realizadas discussões em grupos focais com estudantes do 3º período de medicina. As análises foram implementadas usando o método qualitativo de seis etapas de Creswell. Resultados: Durante a análise de dados, os seguintes temas foram identificados: a necessidade da educação, conteúdo, métodos de ensino, avaliação, participação, contribuição da educação, transição para o treinamento clínico e sugestões. Discussão: Os alunos concluíram que as discussões sobre filmes/livros/estudos de caso são mais úteis que aulas expositivas. Embora eles acreditassem que a avaliação de alunos era necessária para o ensino da ética médica, eles tinham atitudes negativas em relação a questões de múltipla escolha. Na fase de transição para o treinamento clínico, seus sentimentos e pensamentos sobre os resultados da aprendizagem, que eles obteriam com o ensino da ética eram contraditórios. Conclusão: Cada tema e código obtidos das opiniões dos alunos podem contribuir para melhorar o ensino da ética médica para todas as instituições. Além do ensino dirigido ao aluno, é necessário que haja também programas de desenvolvimento do corpo docente acerca da educação de ética médica. Ademais, mais estudos podem ser realizados sobre as ações que precisam ser tomadas para ajudar os alunos a interiorizar as questões éticas e sentir a necessidade de aprender mais a respeito

    The place of corporate culture in human resources management and an example

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    GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Name and Surname: Sema Bilgin Field: Public Administration Programme: Human Resources Management and Development Supervisor: Assistant Professor Ahmet Tuğrul Savaş Degree Awarded and Date: Master - January 2005 Keywords : Corporate Culture, Human Resources Management ABSTRACT THE PLACE OF CORPORATE CULTURE IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND AN EXAMPLE In today's business world the competition is very dense by the effect of globalization. Organizations have to create differences for struggle by competition. One of the differences that organizations have to create is to turn into an institution by values that fit to the organization. In the way of institution process organizations create their own values and they hope from their employees to share their values. This is the process of creating corporate culture. In this process Human Resources Management direct their procedures according to corporate culture. In this thesis we looked the process of creating corporate culture by literature review. We also analyzed the interaction of Human Resources Management with this process. And we gave an example by descriptive research technique which is the method of qualitative researh. And this example is chosen from the ''Next 500 Major Industrial Enterprises of Turkey 2003 Research'' which is made by İstanbul Chamber of Industry. We chosed this example because of it is one of the 10 foundation of this research which supported our theory section. GENEL BİLGİLER İsim ve Soyadı: Sema Bilgin Anabilim Dalı: Kamu Yönetimi Programı: Human Resources Management and Development Tez Danışmanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ahmet Tuğrul Savaş Tez Türü ve Tarihi: Yüksek Lisans - Ocak 2005 Anahtar Kelimeler : Kurum Kültürü, İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi KURUM KÜLTÜRÜNÜN İNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİNDEKİ YERİ VE BİR ÖRNEK Günümüzde globalleşmenin etkisiyle artan rekabet ortamında geride kalmamak adına işletmeler çeşitli şekillerde farklılık yaratma çabasındadırlar. Bu çabalardan bir tanesi oturmuş değerler bütünü çerçevesinde kurumsallaşma çabasıdır. Kurumsallaşma yolunda ilerlerken, bir taraftan işletme değerleri belirlenir ve diğer taraftan bu değerlerin bütün çalışanlar tafarından paylaşılması beklenir. İşte bu süreç kurum kültürü yaratma sürecidir. Bu süreçte İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi kurum kültürüne göre politikalarına yön verir. Biz bu çalışmada kurum kültürü oluşum sürecine literatür taramasıyla bakarken bu sürecin İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimiyle etkileşimini inceledik ve Nitel Araştırma Yöntemlerinden biri olan Tanımlayıcı (Betimsel) Analiz metodu kullanarak bir örnek verdik. Bu örneği, İstanbul Sanayi Odasının ''Türkiyenin İkinci 500 Büyük Sanayi Kuruluşu 2003'' araştırmasında ilk 10 daki işletmelerden biri olduğu ve çalışmamızın teori bölümünü desteklediği için seçtik

    Rehberli araştırmanın işbirlikli ve bireysel öğretim yönteminin uygulandığı ortamda üniversite öğrencilerinin kimya başarılarına ve kimya dersine karşı tutumlarına etkisi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, rehberli araştırma yöntemine göre hazırlanan etkinliklerin işbirlikli ve bireysel öğrenme ortamında uygulanmasının fen bilgisi öğretmenliği 1. sınıf öğrencilerinin kimyadaki stokiyometrik problemleri çözme başarılarına ve kimya dersine karşı tutumlarına etkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmanın örneklemini, Türkiye?deki bir devlet üniversitesinin Eğitim Fakültesi Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği bölümünün birinci sınıfında okuyan, 55 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Gruplar rastgele seçilerek deney grubunda rehberli araştırma yöntemine göre hazırlanmış kimyadaki stokiyometrik problemlerle ilgili etkinlikler işbirlikli öğrenme ortamında; kontrol grubunda ise, aynı etkinlikler bireysel öğrenme ortamında uygulanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak 51 sorudan oluşan Kimyadaki Stokiyometrik Problemleri Çözme Başarı Testi (KSPÇBT) ve 25 maddeden olu?an 5?li likert tipi Kimyaya Karşı Tutum Ölçeği (KKTÖ) ön ve son test olarak uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizi öğrencilerin kimyadaki stokiyometrik problemleri çözme başarılarının istatistiksel olarak deney grubu lehine anlamlı olduğunu göstermiştir (F= 154,63; sd=1,51; p0.05).The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of activities prepared according to guided inquiry instruction using with cooperative learning and individual learning methods on university students‟ achievements of chemistry problem solving and attitudes toward chemistry. The sample of study consisted of 55 students who are from the Department of Primary Science Education a State University in Turkey. Groups were randomly chosen from classes. In the experimental group activities along with Stoichiometric Problems in chemistry which was prepared according to guided inquiry instruction were applied in cooperative learning; where as in control group the same activities were applied in individual learning. Stoichiometric Chemistry Problem Solving Test included 51 items and Attitude toward Chemistry Scale included 25 items was applied pre and post tests for both of groups as measurement tools. According to findings of study, the experimental group scored higher than the control group in solving stoichiometric problems achievement in chemistry (F= 154,63;df=1,51; p0.05). However, in chemistry stoichiometric problems solving achievement test‟s sub-dimensions were examined, there was a significant difference for experimental group in students‟ solving problem achievement, solving stoichiometric problems sub-dimension along with some chemistry units but, there was no significant difference between both group‟s achievements in solving stoichiometric problems sub-dimension along with another. Also, there was no significant difference between both groups‟ attitudes toward chemistry ( F= 39,98; df =1,51; p>0.05)

    Rehberli araştırmanın işbirlikli ve bireysel öğretim yönteminin uygulandığı ortamda üniversite öğrencilerinin kimya başarılarına ve kimya dersine karşı tutumlarına etkisi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, rehberli araştırma yöntemine göre hazırlanan etkinliklerin işbirlikli ve bireysel öğrenme ortamında uygulanmasının fen bilgisi öğretmenliği 1. sınıf öğrencilerinin kimyadaki stokiyometrik problemleri çözme başarılarına ve kimya dersine karşı tutumlarına etkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmanın örneklemini, Türkiye"deki bir devlet üniversitesinin Eğitim Fakültesi Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği bölümünün birinci sınıfında okuyan, 55 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Gruplar rastgele seçilerek deney grubunda rehberli araştırma yöntemine göre hazırlanmış kimyadaki stokiyometrik problemlerle ilgili etkinlikler işbirlikli öğrenme ortamında; kontrol grubunda ise, aynı etkinlikler bireysel öğrenme ortamında uygulanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak 51 sorudan oluşan Kimyadaki Stokiyometrik Problemleri Çözme Başarı Testi (KSPÇBT) ve 25 maddeden oluşan 5"li likert tipi Kimyaya Karşı Tutum Ölçeği (KKTÖ) ön ve son test olarak uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizi öğrencilerin kimyadaki stokiyometrik problemleri çözme başarılarının istatistiksel olarak deney grubu lehine anlamlı olduğunu göstermiştir (F= 154,63; sd=1,51; p?0.05). Bununla birlikte, başarı testinin alt boyutları incelendiğinde, bazı kimya konularında öğrencilerin problem çözme başarılarında deney grubu lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu, ancak bazılarında her iki grubun başarısı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılığın olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, her iki grubun da kimya dersine karşı tutumları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılığın olmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır (F= 39,98; sd =1,51; p>0.05).The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of activities prepared according to guided inquiry instruction using with cooperative learning and individual learning methods on university students" achievements of chemistry problem solving and attitudes toward chemistry. The sample of study consisted of 55 students who are from the Department of Primary Science Education a State University in Turkey. Groups were randomly chosen from classes. In the experimental group activities along with Stoichiometric Problems in chemistry which was prepared according to guided inquiry instruction were applied in cooperative learning; where as in control group the same activities were applied in individual learning. Stoichiometric Chemistry Problem Solving Test included 51 items and Attitude toward Chemistry Scale included 25 items was applied pre and post tests for both of groups as measurement tools. According to findings of study, the experimental group scored higher than the control group in solving stoichiometric problems achievement in chemistry (F= 154,63; df=1,51; p?0.05). However, in chemistry stoichiometric problems solving achievement test"s sub-dimensions were examined, there was a significant difference for experimental group in students" solving problem achievement, solving stoichiometric problems sub-dimension along with some chemistry units but, there was no significant difference between both group"s achievements in solving stoichiometric problems sub-dimension along with another. Also, there was no significant difference between both groups" attitudes toward chemistry ( F= 39,98; df =1,51; p>0.05)

    Firm value and working capital decisions: further evidence from an emerging market

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    This study investigates the effects of working capital management decisions on market values using a sample data set containing annual measurements for 317 Turkish publicly traded companies between 2010 and 2018. Cash ratio, Current ratio, Net Working Capital, and Cash Conversion Cycle are used as indicators of the liquidity policies of the sample firms. The specified dynamic model is estimated using the System GMM estimator. The findings show that firms can affect their market values by managing their liquid assets efficiently. However, this relationship weakens as cash holdings increase. In other words, a long cash conversion cycle and a large amount of net working capital are not considered negative signals by investors if accompanied by sufficient cash holdings. Hence, it can be said that cash management can help reduce the negative impact of working capital investments on firm value. This study found no evidence of the effects of the current ratio and net working capital on firm value