1,004 research outputs found


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    A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network(MANET) is a structure-less network where the mobile nodes randomly moved in any direction within the transmission range of the network. Due to this mobility, wide range of intrusion occurs in MANET. Therefore, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are significant in MANETs to identify the malicious behavior. In order to improve the secured data communication an efficient Quantum Phase Shift Energy Conserved Data Security (QPSEC-DS) technique is introduced. The Quantum Phase Shift (QPS) technique is used for ensuring the security during the data transmission from sender to receiver in MANET. Initially, the quantum based approach is used to encrypt the information using QPS at the sender through secret key distribution. The receiver side also performs the same QPS, and then the encrypted bit is received successfully. This in turns attains the secured packet transmission without any malicious node in the MANET. Based on the phase shifting, the energy conservation between the sender and receiver is measured for transmitting the data packet using QPSEC-DS technique. Also, the enhanced Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol is applied in QPSEC-DS technique is implemented to improve the energy management and secured data communication between the source and destination in an efficient manner. The QPSEC-DS technique conducts the simulations work on parameters including packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, communication overhead and end to end delay

    Fatal acute haemolysis and methaemoglobinaemia in a man with renal failure and Alkaptonuria - Is nitisinone the solution?

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    Haemolysis and methaemoglobinaemia (MetHb) are rare metabolic complications that can occur in Alkaptonuria (AKU), for which there is no curative treatment. Presented is a case of a man who had AKU, and serves as a reminder of life-threatening complications that can occur with haemolysis and MetHb. This case presents an opportunity to revisit important considerations relating to the investigation and treatment of haemolysis and MetHb with a view to raising awareness, and in doing so hopefully reducing the uniformly fatal outcome. Additionally it is proposed that treatment of haemolysis and MetHb with nitisinone is considered as a potentially lifesaving treatment as it is believed that reducing the concentration of circulating homogentisic acid will reduce oxidative stress

    Detection of algorithmically generated malicious domain names using masked N-grams

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    Malware detection is a challenge that has increased in complexity in the last few years. A widely adopted strategy is to detect malware by means of analyzing network traffic, capturing the communications with their command and control (C&C) servers. However, some malware families have shifted to a stealthier communication strategy, since anti-malware companies maintain blacklists of known malicious locations. Instead of using static IP addresses or domain names, they algorithmically generate domain names that may host their C&C servers. Hence, blacklist approaches become ineffective since the number of domain names to block is large and varies from time to time. In this paper, we introduce a machine learning approach using Random Forest that relies on purely lexical features of the domain names to detect algorithmically generated domains. In particular, we propose using masked N-grams, together with other statistics obtained from the domain name. Furthermore, we provide a dataset built for experimentation that contains regular and algorithmically generated domain names, coming from different malware families. We also classify these families according to their type of domain generation algorithm. Our findings show that masked N-grams provide detection accuracy that is comparable to that of other existing techniques, but with much better performance

    Multi-Component Dark Matter Systems and Their Observation Prospects

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    Conversions and semi-annihilations of dark matter (DM) particles in addition to the standard DM annihilations are considered in a three-component DM system. We find that the relic abundance of DM can be very sensitive to these non-standard DM annihilation processes, which has been recently found for two-component DM systems. To consider a concrete model of a three-component DM system, we extend the radiative seesaw model of Ma by adding a Majorana fermion \chi and a real scalar boson \phi, to obtain a Z_2 \times Z'_2 DM stabilizing symmetry, where we assume that the DM particles are the inert Higgs boson, \chi and \phi. It is shown how the allowed parameter space, obtained previously in the absence of \chi and \phi, changes. The semi-annihilation process in this model produces monochromatic neutrinos. The observation rate of these monochromatic neutrinos from the Sun at IceCube is estimated. Observations of high energy monochromatic neutrinos from the Sun may indicate a multi-component DM system.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Koordinasi antara Pejabat Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dinas Kehutanan dengan Kepolisian Daerah Riau dan Kejaksaan Tinggi Riau dalam Melakukan Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Perusakan Hutan Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Perusakan Hutan di Provinsi Riau

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    Environmental crime happened a long time and occurs every year in Indonesia. In carrying out law enforcement in the field of the environment, especially in the forestry sector would not necessarily be carried out by the Indonesian National Police in view of the many obstacles encountered made the police should be assisted by the Civil Servant Investigators Forestry Service and the High Court of Riau that has been set in the contitution authorities between law enforcement agencies to coordinate and cooperate in the prevention and eradication of forest destruction.The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of coordination that has been by the Directorate of Special Criminal Riau Police, Civil Servant Investigators Forestry Service and the High Court of Riau in prevention and law enforcement in the forestry sector in accordance with Law Number 18 Year 2013 on the Prevention and Eradication of forest destruction, to determine obstacles in preventing and combating forest destruction, and to know the effort in overcoming dam prevention and eradication of forest destruction.This type of research is a sociological research, because this research author directly conduct research on the location or point examined in order to provide a complete and clear picture of the issues examined. This research was conducted at the Directorate of Special Crime, the Forest Service and the High Court of Riau.The prevention and destruction of forest law enforcement, law enforcement officers in the value is less coordination and lack of cooperation among law enforcement agencies. For that law enforcement officers are expected to further improve coordination in order to create its enforcement of the law especially those in the forestry sector

    IRQX: A Framework for Information Retrieval Algorithms Using Query Expansion Techniques

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    The number of information retrieval users and their operations are continuously increasing with the rapid growth of internet technologies. Information Retrieval is one of the most prevalent operations that is frequently used by the Internet users. The process of Information Retrieval may cause two problems. First, the search engine may retrieve irrelevant documents and second it may fail to retrieve the relevant documents. Many approaches have been proposed to improve the query representation by reformulating the queries. Among them, Query Expansion (QE) is one of the most effective approaches. In Information Retrieval, Query Expansion is referred to as the techniques or algorithms that reformulate the original query by adding or modifying new terms into the query, in order to achieve better retrieval results. This paper contributed to the process of information retrieval algorithms using query expansion techniques to improve the precision and recall. The proposed framework Information Retrieval algorithms using Query Expansion (IRQX) facilitates the users to select their choice of algorithms based on their need

    Molluscicidal effect of biogenic silica and botanical pesticides for the control of Achatina fulica (giant African land snail) and Laevicaulis alte (garden slug)

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    The molluscicidal effect of silica synthesized from rice husk ash (RHA) on snails (Achatina fulica Bowdich) and slugs (Laevicaulis alte Férussac) was assessed under laboratory conditions. The silica particles derived from RHA were also coated with leaf extracts (botanical pesticides): Azadirachta indica A. Juss, Pongamia pinnata (L.), Nicotiana tabacum (L.), and Calotropis procera (L.). The silica coated with plant extracts and the uncoated silica were applied to the molluscs in dust or slurry form. Inactivation, mortality, and body fluid loss in A. fulica and L. alte were observed over 24 h and recorded. The body fluid losses were 25%–42% for snails and 37%–62% for slugs that had been dusted with silica. During the experiment it was also noted that as the concentration of silica increased (0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g), the time required for inactivation and mortality was reduced. The dust application was more effective than the slurry. The lower concentration of silica in the slurry (0.05 and 0.10 g) did not have any significant effect on A. fulica or L. alte. For A. fulica the biopesticide-coated silica particles were more effective when coated with neem, followed by tobacco and karanj; for L. alte, the particles were most effective when coated with tobacco, followed by neem and karanj. The plant extract (liquid as well as dry powder) without silica showed no molluscicidal effect on A. fulica and L. alte, except for some temporary inactivation, particularly with tobacco extract. The application of common salt, a practice often used by farmers, was also tested. It was observed that the effects of common salt on A. fulica and L. alte were less significant than those of silica coated with botanical pesticides.
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