39 research outputs found

    Distinction between sequential and direct ionization in two-photon double ionization of helium

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    This paper aims to shed some light on the role of the direct, or nonsequential, ionization channel in the regime in which the sequential channel is open in two-photon double ionization (TPDI) of helium. In this regime the sequential channel dominates any direct contribution unless the laser pulse is of very short duration, in which case their distinction is hard to draw. Based on both a simple model and full solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, we aim to provide evidence of direct double ionization by identifying a term proportional to the pulse duration in the double ionization yield. Indeed, such a term is identified in the energy-differential yield. When it comes to the total double ionization probability, however, it turns out that the net first-order contribution is negative. The nature of the negative first-order contribution is discussed, and we argue that it is of correlated origin

    Nonsequential Two-Photon Double Ionization of Atoms: Identifying the Mechanism

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    We develop an approximate model for the process of direct (nonsequential) two-photon double ionization of atoms. Employing the model, we calculate (generalized) total cross sections as well as energy-resolved differential cross sections of helium for photon energies ranging from 39 to 54 eV. A comparison with results of \textit{ab initio} calculations reveals that the agreement is at a quantitative level. We thus demonstrate that this complex ionization process is fully described by the simple model, providing insight into the underlying physical mechanism. Finally, we use the model to calculate generalized cross sections for the two-photon double ionization of neon in the nonsequential regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Wave functions associated with time-dependent, complex-scaled Hamiltonians evaluated on a complex time grid

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    We solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation with themethod of uniform complex scaling and investigate the possibility to evaluate the solution on a complex time grid. With this approach it is possible to calculate properties that relate directly to the continuum part of the complex scaledwave function, such as the photoelectron spectrum after photoabsorption

    A Schr\"{o}dinger equation for relativistic laser-matter interactions

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    A semi-relativistic formulation of light-matter interaction is derived using the so called propagation gauge and the relativistic mass shift. We show that relativistic effects induced by a super-intense laser field can, to a surprisingly large extent, be accounted for by the Schr{\"o}dinger equation, provided that we replace the rest mass in the propagation gauge Hamiltonian by the corresponding time-dependent field-dressed mass. The validity of the semi-relativistic approach is tested numerically on a hydrogen atom exposed to an intense XUV laser pulse strong enough to accelerate the electron towards relativistic velocities. It is found that while the results obtained from the ordinary (non-relativistic) Schr{\"o}dinger equation generally differ from those of the Dirac equation, merely demonstrating that relativistic effects are significant, the semi-relativistic formulation provides results in quantitative agreement with a fully relativistic treatment

    Alternative gauge for the description of the light-matter interaction in a relativistic framework

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    We present a generalized velocity gauge form of the relativistic laser-matter interaction. In comparison with the (equivalent) regular minimal coupling description, this new form of the light-matter interaction results in superior convergence properties for the numerical solution of the time-dependent Dirac equation. This applies both to the numerical treatment and, more importantly, to the multipole expansion of the laser field. The advantages of the alternative gauge is demonstrated in hydrogen by studies of the dynamics following the impact of superintense laser pulses of extreme ultraviolet wavelengths and sub-femtosecond duration