328 research outputs found

    Modelling in the scientific approach to teaching life and earth sciences: Views and practices of Moroccan teachers

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    Modeling is a fundamental tool in the teaching and learning processes of life and earth sciences. It serves as an investigative instrument that enables students to test hypotheses and solve scientific problems. This paper presents the findings of a survey conducted among 96 Moroccan life and earth sciences teachers teaching students at the primary, junior high and high school levels. The study aims to highlight the role of modelling in life sciences instruction and explore teachers' understanding, approaches and perceptions towards models and modeling practices. A questionnaire-based methodology was employed to collect data on teachers' awareness of the significance of models in life sciences and the instructional approaches that are adopted in these models. The findings reveal Moroccan teachers' clear grasp of models' significance in teaching life sciences. Moreover, they employ similar approaches to models and modeling practices. The research highlights instructors' awareness of models' potential to increase the effectiveness and appeal of scientific instruction. It establishes modeling's pivotal role in instructing life sciences, emphasizing the need to incorporate modeling activities into the curriculum to nurture students' scientific inquiry and problem-solving skills. The study's practical implications suggest the value of training programs and professional development initiatives for teachers to promote model use in life sciences instruction. Enhancing teachers' knowledge and pedagogical strategies related to modeling can enrich science education leading to increased student engagement and achievement in the life sciences

    L'insegnamento dell'evoluzione nei manuali scolastici di otto paesi costieri del Mediterraneo

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    I manuali scolastici di biologia di otto paesi mediterranei affrontano il tema dell'evoluzione in modi molto differenti. In Algeria e in Libano, l'argomento non viene trattato o non più. In Tunisia, il tema è trattato nella classe terminale (ovvero nell'ultima classe del Liceo n.d.R.), ma senza un capitolo specifico sull'evoluzione umana. In Maroccco, l'evoluzione è stata appena reintrodotta in classe terminale ma senza l'evoluzione umana. Il tema è più ampiamente coperto a Cipro e a Malta, e sopratutto in Italia e in Francia. Quando esso è affrontato, vi si individuano dei valori impliciti come l'antropocentrismo, il finalismo, l'occidentalismo, il dogmatismo

    L'enseignement de l'évolution dans les manuels scolaires de huit pays riverains de la Méditerranée

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    The topic Evolution strongly differs among the school textbooks of biology in eight Mediterranean countries. In Algeria and Lebanon, it is not (or no more) present. In Morocco also, but it is just now reintroduced (nevertheless without the human origin). Poorly taught in Tunisia, the topic is more present in Cyprus and Malta, and even more in Italian and French textbooks. When it is present, we identified some implicit values as anthropocentrism, goal-ended evolution, occidentalism and dogmatism.Les manuels scolaires de biologie de huit pays méditerranéens abordent le thème de l'évolution de façon très différente. En Algérie et au Liban, il n'est pas ou plus traité. En Tunisie, le thème est traité en Terminale, mais sans chapitre spécifique à l'évolution humaine. Au Maroc, l'évolution vient d'être réintroduite en Terminale, sans l'évolution humaine. Le thème est plus largement couvert à Chypre et à Malte, et surtout en Italie et en France. Quand il est abordé, on y retrouve des valeurs implicites telles que l'anthropocentrisme, le finalisme, l'occidentalisme, le dogmatism


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    Smoking is a major public health problem. Indeed, the tobacco’s impact on health and the environment is well established both in active smokers than among passive smokers. Morocco is considered as one of the biggest tobacco users in the Mediterranean and young children are the main victims of the tobacco trade. The smoking prevalence rate in Morocco is high among young people. Faced with this situation and therapeutic difficulties, prevention remains the best way to educate young people. We ask the following questions: - What are the causes that lead young people to give to smoking? - Do they know that passive smoking? - Are they aware of the anti smoking law? - In their opinion, what is the most efficient way to fight against this scourge? The tool of investigation and collection of information used is a questionnaire to young people (pupils and students) smokers and nonsmokers whose age varies between 13 and 25 years. The questionnaire was validated and tested well before administration. The results we collect might as well argue that young smokers are given to tobacco under the influence of a peer who push them to try cigarettes or other drugs. Family problems and social pressure were also the source of their smoking behavior and that contributed to the aggravation of tobacco use and the resurgence of the scourge. Similarly non smokers youth think also the same causes of smokers addictive behavior. These young people questioned whether smokers or non-smokers seem to ignore what is passive smoking. They are not aware of the anti-tobacco law that bans smoking in public places as well as its sales to minors and the legal provisions on sanctions. The respondents believe that the most effective way to reduce smoking especially among young people is education. Preventive education addictive behavior in the family, at school and on the streets to develop life skills for young people to make informed and responsible choices for themselves as screw towards others and the environment


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    In this study, we present the results of the application of a historical approach in teaching the concept of gene. However, this is one of the most problematic concepts of genetics in both secondary and university levels. The approach consists of identifying and bringing out the conceptions of preservice teachers of biology. It aims in confronting the various historical models of the concept of "gene" built since its invention by Wilhelm Johansen in 1909 until the advent of molecular biology. These pre-service teachers act as scientists by carrying out a critical analysis of each of the six models listed in the literature. Also, they discussed its internal and external consistency as well as its limits. They suggest an alternative model which will be in turn analyzed and modified to reach the current model. Pre-service teachers are well aware of the cognitive processes and historical construction of this concept. They have the opportunity to review their spontaneous conceptions that hinder the construction of knowledge, in the consideration of historical scientific models. A test was administered to pre-service teachers before and after the activity. It consisted of a questionnaire about the concept of gene, its functions, and its related concepts. The same test was administered to a control group of pre-service teachers who received a classical instruction on the same subject. Therefore, this approach is more effective than the classical method because it allows an evolution of the conceptions of pre-service teachers

    Les valeurs transmises par les manuels scolaires marocains et par les enseignants à travers l'éducation à la santé et à la sexualité

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    Atelier 8 : transmission et genreLa conception actuelle de l'Éducation à la Santé est au coeur de l'éducation de la personne et du citoyen (WHO, 1997, 1999), dans une perspective d'apprentissage de la liberté et du " vivre ensemble ", plutôt que d'intégration de préceptes normatifs. L'Éducation à la Santé et à la Sexualité est directement conditionnée par les pratiques pédagogiques scolaires, mais également par les conceptions que les enseignants se sont construits sur les questions de santé, de sexualité et sur leur mission. Ce travail présente, dans un premier temps, une analyse de contenu de manuels scolaires traitant des sujets ayant trait à l'Éducation à la santé et à la sexualité, dans le but d'identifier les valeurs transmises par ces manuels. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons cherché à analyser les conceptions d'enseignants et de futurs enseignants à propos de l'éducation à la santé et à la sexualité et à identifier les valeurs qu'expriment ces conceptions. Les données nécessaires ont été collectées à l'aide d'un questionnaire. Des résultats détaillés sont présentés et discutés

    Conceptions of Moroccan secondary school students in relation to the “Integrative Concept” of plate tectonics

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    The study of learners’ conceptions of geological concepts has been the subject of several studies in the field of earth science didactics. The majority of these studies show that learners have misconceptions that can be an obstacle to learning Earth sciences. The present work aimed to identify the views of second year undergraduate students on plate tectonics to identify some of the barriers to teaching this unifying scientific theory across the different disciplines of the Earth sciences. The data was gathered with questionnaire administered to students in the second year of the Baccalaureate before teaching about plate tectonics. The results of our study confirmed that student learners do indeed have conceptions of plate tectonics and associated phenomena but have great difficulty in mobilizing their knowledge to explain geological phenomena related to plate tectonics. These difficulties may have several origins: the nature of the geological knowledge transposed, and the very limited knowledge of teachers with a bachelor’s degree in Biology.

    University students' conceptions about the concept of gene: Interest of historical approach

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    International audienceConcepts of genetics are often difficult to teach, specifically the central concept of gene. Even the scientists disagree when defining this concept. This paper investigates university students' understanding about the gene and its functions. The results show the dominance of two conceptions of the gene: the Neoclassical model and the Mendelian model. The existence of hybrid conceptions and the lack of the modern model show that students are unable to mobilize the knowledge taught in biology. These results suggest to improve the teaching methods of genetics, for instance, by developing activities that bring students face to face with their conceptions

    A Spatial-based KDD Process to Better Understand the Spatiotemporal Phenomena

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a knowledge discovery process ap- plied to hydrological data. To achieve this objective, we combine succes- sive methods to extract knowledge on data collected at stations located along several rivers. Firstly, data is pre processed in order to obtain different spatial proximities. Later, we apply two algorithms to extract spatiotemporal patterns and compare them. Such elements can be used to assess spatialized indicators to assist the interpretation of ecological and rivers monitoring pressure data

    Effet de différents sels de calcium in vitro et in vivo sur le développement des champignons de postrécolte du melon

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    Objectifs : L’efficacité in vitro et in vivo du silicate, l’hydroxyde, l’oxyde, le sulfate et l’hypochlorite de calcium a été testée sur le développement des champignons responsables de la pourriture du melon en post-récolte.Méthodologie et Résultats : les sels de calcium ont été testés in vitro à 200, 400, 600, 800 et 1000 ppm et in vivo à 600 ppm contre Alternaria alternata, Fusarium oxysporum et Trichothecium roseum isolées à partir de deux variétés de melon Cantaloup et Galia. Le silicate, l’hydroxyde et l’oxyde de calcium se sont avérés efficaces sur les isolats de F. oxysporum, d’A. alternata et de T. roseum à 1000 ppm avec des pourcentages compris entre 66,7% et 85,7% pour la croissance mycélienne, 62,8 et 92,4% pour la production des conidies et 82,8 et 98,8 % pour leur germination. Les champignons testés sont moyennement sensibles au sulfate de calcium alors que l’hypochlorite de calcium est sans action. In vivo, le silicate, l’hydroxyde et l’oxyde de calcium à 600 ppm ont pu inhiber les pourritures superficielles causées par l’isolat A4 d’A. alternata, F2 de F. oxysporum et Tr de Trichothecium roseum avec des pourcentages d’inhibition allant de 51% à 86% sur les fruits de melon Cantaloup et de 52% à 85% sur ceux de Galia. La profondeur de la pourriture à l’intérieur du fruit a été réduite avec des pourcentages d’inhibition compris entre 53% et 85% sur Cantaloup et entre 50% et 91% sur Galia.Conclusion et application de la recherche : Le silicate, l’hydroxyde et l’oxyde de calcium sont les sels de calcium les plus efficaces aussi bien in vitro qu’in vivo contre les champignons responsables des pourritures de melon en post-récolte. Les résultats obtenus vont permettre de s’orienter vers la lutte par les sels de calcium contre les pathogènes responsables des pourritures du melon en post-récolte, avant l’entreposage, en raison de son efficacité contre les maladies d’origine fongiques.Mots clés : Alternaria alternata, Fusarium oxysporum, Trichothecium roseum, melon, post récolte, sels de calcium.In vitro and in vivo Effect of some calcium salts on the development of post-harvest fungi in melonABSTRACTObjectives: the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of silicate, hydroxide, oxide, sulfate and calcium hypochlorite were tested on the development of fungi responsible for storage rot in melon fruit.Methodology and results : Calcium salts were tested in vitro at 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 ppm and in vivo at 600 ppm against Alternaria alternata, Fusarium oxysporum and Trichothecium roseum isolated from two varieties of melon Cantaloupe and Galia. In vitro, silicate, hydroxide and calcium oxide were effective at 1000 ppm on the F. oxysporum, A. alternata and T. roseum isolates. The inhibition percentage was 66.7%- 85.7% for mycelial growth, 62.8-92.4% for conidia production and 82.8-98.8 % for conidia germination. Calcium sulfate was moderately effective against the three stages of the fungi life cycle whereas calcium hypochlorite was ineffective. In vivo, 600 ppm of calcium silicate, calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide inhibited superficial rot due to A. alternata isolate A4, F. oxysporum isolate F2 and T. roseum isolate Tr with 51 and 86% on Cantaloupe and 52 and 85% on Galia. The depth of rot inside the fruit decreased with 53 and 85% in Cantaloupe and 50 and 91% in Galia.Conclusion and application of research: Silicate, hydroxide and oxide are the calcium salts most effective against the fungal species responsible for storage rot in melon fruit. The results obtained point to research on calcium salts control against the pathogens responsible for post-harvest rots in melons, before storage, because of their effectiveness against fungal diseases.Keywords: Alternaria alternata, calcium salts, Fusarium oxysporum, melon, rot, storage, Trichothecium roseum
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