149 research outputs found

    Amino Acids Were Not All Created Equal

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    The contention that amino acids were not all created equal is based on the simple premise that intestinal uptakes of non-bound (synthetic, crystalline, feed-grade) amino acids are more rapid than their protein-bound counterparts. The post-enteral ramifications of this difference in bioequivalence are amplified in broiler chickens given their express growth rates and just one complication is the post-prandial oxidation of amino acids. The lack of bioequivalence between non-bound and protein-bound amino acids is a real obstacle to the development and adoption of reduced-crude protein diets that have the potential to promote sustainable chicken-meat production Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine our contention that amino acids were no longer created equal with the introduction of non-bound amino acids

    Amino Acids Were Not All Created Equal

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    The contention that amino acids were not all created equal is based on the simple premise that intestinal uptakes of non-bound (synthetic, crystalline, feed-grade) amino acids are more rapid than their protein-bound counterparts. The post-enteral ramifications of this difference in bioequivalence are amplified in broiler chickens given their express growth rates and just one complication is the post-prandial oxidation of amino acids. The lack of bioequivalence between non-bound and protein-bound amino acids is a real obstacle to the development and adoption of reduced-crude protein diets that have the potential to promote sustainable chicken-meat production Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine our contention that amino acids were no longer created equal with the introduction of non-bound amino acids

    The multidimensional causal factors of ‘wet litter’ in chicken-meat production

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    The problem of ‘wet litter’, which occurs primarily in grow-out sheds for meat chickens (broilers), has been recognised for nearly a century. Nevertheless, it is an increasingly important problem in contemporary chicken-meat production as wet litter and associated conditions, especially footpad dermatitis, have developed into tangible welfare issues. This is only compounded by the market demand for chicken paws and compromised bird performance. This review considers the multidimensional causal factors of wet litter. While many causal factors can be listed it is evident that the critical ones could be described as micro-environmental factors and chief amongst them is proper management of drinking systems and adequate shed ventilation. Thus, this review focuses on these environmental factors and pays less attention to issues stemming from health and nutrition. Clearly, there are times when related avian health issues of coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis cannot be overlooked and the development of efficacious vaccines for the latter disease would be advantageous. Presently, the inclusion of phytate-degrading enzymes in meat chicken diets is routine and, therefore, the implication that exogenous phytases may contribute to wet litter is given consideration. Opinion is somewhat divided as how best to counter the problem of wet litter as some see education and extension as being more beneficial than furthering research efforts. However, it may prove instructive to assess the practice of whole grain feeding in relation to litter quality and the incidence of footpad dermatitis. Additional research could investigate the relationships between dietary concentrations of key minerals and the application of exogenous enzymes with litter quality

    The challenge to reduce crude protein contents of wheat-based broiler diets

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    The challenge to reduce crude protein (CP) contents of wheat-based broiler diets is both justified and formidable because the performance of broiler chickens offered reduced-CP, wheat-based diets is usually compromised. Moreover, broiler chickens offered wheat-based diets do not accommodate CP reductions as well as do those offered maize-based diets; this appears to stem from the higher protein concentrations and more rapid starch digestion rates of wheat. The higher protein concentrations of wheat than maize result in elevated inclusion levels of non-bound (synthetic, crystalline) amino acids (NBAA). This may be an impediment, because non-bound and protein-bound amino acids are not bioequivalent and intestinal uptakes of NBAA are more rapid than their protein-bound counterparts. This leads to post-enteral amino acid imbalances and the deamination of surplus amino acids, which generates ammonia (NH3). Because NH3 is inherently detrimental, it must be detoxified and eliminated as uric acid, which attracts metabolic costs. Moreover, inadequate NH3 detoxification may seriously compromise broiler growth performance. Also, consideration is given to some intrinsic wheat factors, including soluble non-starch polysaccharides, amylase–trypsin inhibitors and gluten, that may hold relevance. Several strategies are proposed that may enhance the performance of birds offered reduced-CP, wheat-based diets, including capping dietary starch:protein ratios, blending wheat with sorghum, whole-grain feeding in association with phytase, dietary inclusions of L-carnitine and the use of protected or slow-release amino acids. In future research, it should prove instructive to compare different wheats with a wide range of protein contents that, importantly, have been fully characterised for relevant parameters, to ascertain the most appropriate properties. The successful development and adoption of reduced-CP, wheat-based diets would be an enormous advantage for the Australian chicken-meat industry as it would diminish the huge dependence on imported, expensive soybean meal

    A Phase I Trial of Aminolevulinic Acid-Photodynamic Therapy for Treatment of Oral Leukoplakia

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    Background Photodynamic therapy with aminolevulinic acid (ALA PDT) for oral leukoplakia has shown promising effects in regression of oral leukoplakia. Although ALA has been extensively studied and is an ideal photosensitizer, the optimal light dose for treatment of oral leukoplakia has not been determined. We conducted a phase I study to determine MTD and DLT of PDT in patients treated with ALA for leukoplakia. Methods Patients with histologically confirmed oral leukoplakia received a single treatment of ALA PDT in cohorts with escalating doses of light (585 nm). Clinical, histologic, and biologic markers were assessed. Results Analysis of 11 participants is reported. No significant toxicity from ALA PDT was observed in patients who received ALA with a light dose of up to 4 J/cm2. One participant experienced transient grade 3 transaminase elevation due to ALA. One participant had a partial clinical response 3 months after treatment. Biologic mucosal risk markers showed no significant associations. Determination of MTD could not be accomplished within a feasible timeframe for completion of the study. Conclusions ALA PDT could be safely administered with a light dose up to 4 J/cm2 and demonstrated activity. Larger studies are needed to fully elucidate the MTD and efficacy of ALA-PDT

    Effects of phytase inclusions in diets containing ground wheat or 12.5% whole wheat (pre- and post-pellet) and phytase and protease additions, individually and in combination, to diets containing 12.5% pre-pellet whole wheat on the performance of broiler chickens

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    Each of eight dietary treatments was offered to seven replicates (six birds per cage) of male Ross 308 chicks from 7 to 28 days post-hatch. The diets contained 741 g/kg wheat incorporated as ground (3.2 mm hammer-mill screen) wheat or 125 g/kg whole wheat included in diets, either pre- or post-pelleting. In Experiment 1 of the study, ground grain, pre-pellet and post-pellet whole grain diets were offered with and without phytase as a 3 × 2 factorial array of treatments. The effects of dietary treatments on gizzard and pancreas weights, bone mineralisation, excreta dry matter, growth performance, nutrient utilisation, digestibility coefficients and disappearance rates of starch and protein (N) in four small intestinal segments were determined. Post-pellet whole grain addition significantly increased gizzard weight by 12.5% (18.17 versus 16.15 g/kg;

    Effects of reducing dietary crude protein and whole grain feeding on performance and amino acid metabolism in broiler chickens offered wheat-based diets

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    A total of 336 off-sex, male Ross 308 chicks were offered seven dietary treatments from 7 to 35 days post-hatch; each treatment was offered to eight replicate cages with six birds per cage. Three wheat-based diets were formulated to declining crude protein (CP) levels of 215, 190 and 165 g/kg but with a constant energy density (12.70 MJ/kg), electrolyte balance (250 mEq/kg) and digestible lysine level (11.00 g/kg). In a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement birds were offered either 215 or 165 g/kg CP diets to which 0%, 12.5% and 25.0% whole gain was incorporated post-pelleting. In addition, a ground grain, 190 g/kg CP diet served as a seventh treatment. The assessed parameters included growth performance, relative gizzard, pancreas and abdominal fat-pad weights, nutrient utilisation, concentrations of free amino acid in portal (anterior mesenteric vein) and systemic (brachial vein) plasma and apparent jejunal and ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients and disappearance rates. The CP reduction from 215 to 165 g/kg compromised FCR by 5.99% (1.576 versus 1.487; P

    The multidimensional causal factors of ‘wet litter’ in chicken-meat production

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    The problem of ‘wet litter’, which occurs primarily in grow-out sheds for meat chickens (broilers), has been recognised for nearly a century. Nevertheless, it is an increasingly important problem in contemporary chicken-meat production as wet litter and associated conditions, especially footpad dermatitis, have developed into tangible welfare issues. This is only compounded by the market demand for chicken paws and compromised bird performance. This review considers the multidimensional causal factors of wet litter. While many causal factors can be listed it is evident that the critical ones could be described as micro-environmental factors and chief amongst them is proper management of drinking systems and adequate shed ventilation. Thus, this review focuses on these environmental factors and pays less attention to issues stemming from health and nutrition. Clearly, there are times when related avian health issues of coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis cannot be overlooked and the development of efficacious vaccines for the latter disease would be advantageous. Presently, the inclusion of phytate-degrading enzymes in meat chicken diets is routine and, therefore, the implication that exogenous phytases may contribute to wet litter is given consideration. Opinion is somewhat divided as how best to counter the problem of wet litter as some see education and extension as being more beneficial than furthering research efforts. However, it may prove instructive to assess the practice of whole grain feeding in relation to litter quality and the incidence of footpad dermatitis. Additional research could investigate the relationships between dietary concentrations of key minerals and the application of exogenous enzymes with litter quality

    Extending daily feed access intervals does not influence lysine HCl utilization but enhances amino acid digestibilities in broiler chickens

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    Off-sex, male Ross 308 chickens were offered maize-soy diets without and with 3.5 g/kg lysine monohydrochloride (HCl), which contained 10.0 or 12.8 g/kg digestible lysine, from 7 to 28 D post-hatch. Birds were permitted access to diets at intervals of 12, 16, and 20 h/day. Lysine HCl improved weight gain (1,465 vs. 1,417 g/bird; P 0.35) between lysine HCl and feed access intervals for parameters of growth performance were not observed, it was concluded that feed access intervals do not influence lysine utilization. The implications of these findings are discussed
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