1,240 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of Natural Family Planning

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    Natural Family Planning Federation of America, Inc.

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    Pengaruh Dosis Sludge dan Pupuk MKP Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Lobak Pada Tanah Gambut

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    Effect of Sludge and MKP Fertilizer Doses on Radish Plant Growth and Yield on Peatsoils. The development of the horseraean plant in peat land is faced with the number of obstacles in low, low ph, inlet, high c-organics with varying degrees of maturity and low - base base soils that are causing the growth and development of plants to be stunted, That would make a sludge delivery out of MKP fertilizer. The study is aimed at seeing the effect that doses of sludge given and MKP fertilizers have on the growth and growth of turnip plants in the peat soil. The research was conducted on KEP’S Agroland at Jl. Sui Raya Dalam, Pontianak City from March 12th to April 31th  2021. The study uses field experimental methods with comprehensive design prosecutions consisting of 2 treatment factors. The first factor is the sludge with the levels of treatment and the second factor is MKP fertilizer. Each factor is repeated 3 times, each denteronomy consisting of 4 plant samples, making the total number of plants 108. The first factor is the dose of sludge and the second is the dose of MKP fertilizer which has three levels of treatment each. Every treatment is repeated three times. A sludge dose consists of 0, 200, 320 g/polybag (equivalent to 0, 25, 40 tons /ha), while the MKP dosage consists of 0, 2, 4 g/polybag (equivalent to 0, 150, 250 kg/ha). The observed variabel is that of the number of leaves, the fresh weight of the plant, the fresh weight of the bulbous, the length of the tuber diameter and the plant’s dry weight. The research suggests and that there is no interaction between her and MKP for all variables. The treatment of sludge and MKP involving a dose of sludge 25 tons/hectares is equivalent to 200 g/polybag and MKP 150 kg/hectares is equivalent to 2 g/polybag is an efficient gift


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    ABSTRAKSofiyani, Seli. 2018. Strategi Guru dalam Mengembangkan Nilai Tanggung Jawab Siswa di SD Negeri 2 Arongan Kecamatan Kuala Pesisir Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Skripsi, Jurusan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:(1)Dra. Syarifah Habibah, M. Pd(2) Drs. Soedirman Z, M. PdKata Kunci:Strategi Guru, Pengembangan Nilai Tanggung Jawab.Strategi yang dilakukan guru dalam pengembangan nilai tanggung jawab merupakan salah satu komponen terpenting dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Nantinya strategi tersebut akan sangat berpengaruh pada pemahaman dan pengamalan nilai tanggung jawab siswa. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana strategi guru dalam mengembangkan nilai tanggung jawab siswa dan apa saja kendala guru dalam mengembangkan nilai tanggung jawab siswa di SD Negeri 2 Arongan Kecamatan Kuala Pesisir Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi yang digunakan guru dalam pengembangan nilai tanggung jawab siswa dan untuk mengetahui apa saja kendala guru dalam pengembangan nilai tanggung jawab siswa di SD Negeri 2 Arongan.Pendekatan dan jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian ini bertempat di SD Negeri 2 Arongan Kecamatan Kuala Pesisir Kabupaten Nagan Raya, dengan subjek penelitian 3 orang guru kelas IV, V dan VI. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui observasi dan wawancara, data yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara diolah dengan tiga tahapan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang digunakan guru dalam mengembangkan nilai tanggung jawab siswa sudah baik, dengan membiasakan siswa untuk melakukan hal-hal yang harus dilakukan dan memberikan contoh teladan yang baik bagi siswa agar menjadi pembiasaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Adapun yang menjadi kendala guru dalam mengembangkan nilai tanggung jawab siswa yaitu kurangnya kesadaran dari dalam diri siswa itu sendiri, seperti siswa lalai dalam mengerjakan tugas, tidak serius dalam belajar, sehingga siswa tidak menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan baik


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    Salah satu bentuk transformasi yang menarik perhatian masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan dan usia adalah adaptasi memoar ke dalam film. Salah satunya yang pantas dikaji adalah memoar dengan judul Sokola Rimba karya Butet Manurung yang diubah ke dalam bentuk film berjudul Sokola Rimba karya Riri Riza. Hal yang melatarbelakangi kajian adalah minimnya pengetahuan peserta didik dalam mengapresiasi karya sastra hasil adaptasi. Kajian ini menelaah kekayaan kearifan lokal di Indonesia yang berperan dalam kehidupan suatu kelompok masyarakat rimba di Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas, Jambi. Kajian bandingan yang dilakukan adalah kajian struktur yang meliputi alur, latar, tokoh, dan sudut pandang, serta membandingkan kearifan lokal yang terdapat di dalam memoar dengan film Sokola Rimba. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik analisis konten. Teori struktur faktual cerita Robert Stanton, model analisis semiotik Todorov/Barthes, dan kerangka kebudayaan Kluchkhohn digunakan dalam kajian ini. Perbedaaan struktur tampak pada peristiwa, tokoh, dan alur. Persamaan tampak pada latar, dan sudut pandang. Perbedaan kearifan lokal tampak pada tidak terdapatnya ajaran bekerja keras, ajaran bertanggung jawab, ajaran menghargai waktu, humo setopon, dan hukum besasanding di dalam film. Persamaan kearifan lokal tampak pada kepercayaan bahwa pendidikan dapat membawa penyakit, tradisi bersalin di tana peranaaon, melangun untuk mengurangi kesedihan, dan meminta izin kepada leluhur untuk mengambil madu (melantak Sialang), dan ajaran menjalin persahabatan. Hasil kajian ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru dan murid sebagai referensi tambahan dalam mengapresiasi karya sastra. Penyajian bahan ajar ini dalam bentuk buku pengayaan bermuatan kearifan lokal. ; One form of transformation that attracted people’s attention from various backgrounds and ages is the adaptation of memoir into a film. One of the literary works that deserve studied is a memoir with the title Sokola Rimba by Butet Manurung which is converted into a movie called Sokola Rimba by Riri Riza. The background of this studies is the lack of knowledge of learners in appreciating literary adaptations. This study examines the wealth of local knowledge in Indonesia that play a role in the life of forest community in Bukit Dua Belas National Park, Jambi. Comparative studies discussed about structure that includes the plot, setting, characters, and point of view, as well as comparing the local knowledge contained in the memoirs with the film of Sokola Rimba. This study uses a qualitative method with content analysis techniques. The theory of the factual story structure by Robert Stanton, semiotic analysis model by Todorov/Barthes, and cultural framework by Kluchkhohn used in this study. The Differences of the structure that often appears are events, characters, and plot. Simillarities are appears from the setting, and points of view. The differents of local knowledge seen in the absence of the hard work doctrines, responsibility, appreciate the time, humo setopon, and Besasanding rules inthe film. Simillarities of local knowledge appears on the belief that consider that education can bring disease, customary land tana peranaaon used for tradition to give birth, melangun to reduce saddness, and asked permission from progenitor to take honey (melantak Sialang), and the doctrines to made friendship. The result from this study can be used by teachers and student as additional refferences for appreciating the literary works. Presentation of these materials in the form of books that consist of local knowledge

    Teaching English through Online Games for Junior High School Students

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    Teaching language is an attractive activity both for the teacher and for the acceptor. They can interact together in this act. Teaching English is a challenge for the teachers to make the students interest in English because as we know English is not the first language for some countries in this world including Indonesia. There are various ways and ideas to teach English so that it can be fun and interest to be taught and to be learnt. But those ways and ideas also should be an up date method and also use a modern technology to be implemented. Along with the development of modern technology, the teachers should involve with it and make it as a part of English teaching tools. Two of the famous and sophisticated tools are computer and the internet. These things have a close relation to be urgent equipment for people. In this article, the writer wants to purpose the use of online games as a way to teach English for junior high school. Te article aims to give another teaching alternative in attracting the junior high school students to learn English in funny and enjoyable way. Through online games they do not only can play the various games but also indirectly they do the exercises of English skills


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil miskonsepsi siswa SMA kelas XI di Rayon H Kota Bandung pada materi gaya antarmolekul. Penelitian ini dilakukan di tiga SMA kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 284 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal pilihan ganda two-tier berbasis piktorial sebanyak delapan butir soal. Instrumen tersebut telah diuji validitasnya dengan nilai CVR dan CVI sebesar 1, serta nilai reliabilitas (Cronbach’s Alpha) seluruh butir soal sebesar 0,755. Berdasarkan hasil aplikasi tes, terdapat delapan miskonsepsi yang teridentifikasi. Miskonsepsi yang paling banyak dialami siswa adalah miskonsepsi pada konsep gaya London (50,70%). Miskonsepsi siswa SMA kelas XI di Rayon H Kota Bandung pada materi gaya antarmolekul di sekolah kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan berdasarkan hasil uji ANAVA satu jalur yang menunjukkan tingkat signifikansi 0,043. Miskonsepsi siswa SMA kelas XI di Rayon H Kota Bandung pada materi gaya antarmolekul berdasarkan perbedaan gender tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan berdasarkan hasil uji-t yang menunjukkan tingkat signifikansi 0,679.;---The aim of this research is to determine profile of the eleventh-grade high school students’ misconceptions in H district of Bandung City on intermolecular forces material. This research was conducted in three high schools (high, middle, and low level) with 284 students as participants. This research used descriptive method. The instrument that used is two-tier multiple choice-based on pictorial which consist 8 questions. The validity of instrument has been tested with CVR and CVI values are one and the value of reliability for the entire items ( Cronbach’s Alpha) amounted to 0.755. Based on the results of the application, there are eight misconceptions that identified. The identified misconceptions which most experienced by students is misconception about London force (50.70%). Misconceptions of the eleventh-grade high school students in H District of Bandung City on the intermolecular forces material (high, middle and low level school) had significant differences based on one way ANOVA test result that indicates the level of significance 0.043. Misconception of the eleventh-grade high school students in H District of Bandung City on intermolecular forces material based on gender differences didn’t have significant difference by t-test results that indicates the level of significance 0.679


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    This study aims to determine "The Ability to Write Procedure Texts in Class XI TKJ Students at SMK Negeri 1 Bengkayang". The problem in this study is the ability to write procedural texts from the aspect of structure (goals, steps, and closing), linguistic rules (command verbs, technical words, conjunctions, persuasive statements, tool descriptions), and aspects of content accuracy with the type of text. This study uses descriptive statistical methods in quantitative form. The technique that used in data collection is the test technique (in the form of essay questions). The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results of the research on the ability to write procedural texts in class XI TKJ SMK Negeri 1 Bengkayang are in the "enough" category. The average value in the structural aspect is 31.08 in the capable category, the average value in the linguistic rule aspect is 28.66 in the sufficient category, and the average value in the content accuracy aspect with the type of text is 11.52 with the capable category.

    Residency, Identity, and Language Attitude in Food-Talk

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    The research aims at describing the influence of residency between urban and suburban language speakers in showing language attitude when talking about food. The data were collected through participant observation as well as recording technique, noting technique and ethnographic interview. The findings show the identity of urban and suburb language speakers in talking about food including 1) urban identity description of health dealing with diet and disease, 2) suburban identity description of the concept of villagers who love traditional food, and 3) suburban identity description of traditional food ritual. Language attitude in food-talk between urban and suburban language speakers including 1) attitude indicated by the use of pronoun we; 2) the descipription of special food vocabularies refer tofood process and menus; and 3) attitude indicated in lexical borrowing. The distinc attitude and identity between urban and suburban language speakers are determined by the description of special food vocabularies related to process, material and menus. Suburban people are proud of explaining their food ritual in gathering food ingredient and processing it using their mother tongue. In urban society, speakers tend to talk about food dealing with modern life style, such as health. &nbsp
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