39 research outputs found

    The Traces of the Old-Turkic Intensive Suffix -d- in Modern Uzbek and Modern Turkish

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    Eski Türkçede kullanılan kimi ekler, bilindiği gibi tarih içinde ya düşmüş, ya şekil değiştirmiş yahut da birkaç kelimede donmuştur. Bu donemin karakteristik eklerinden olan ve fiillere gelerek onları pekiştiren -d- eki acaba biri Karluk diğeri Oğuz grubundan olan Özbekçe ve Türkiye Türkçesinde nasıl bir dönüşüm göstermiştir? Ek korunmuş mudur yoksa değişime mi uğramıştır? Ekin işlevinde değişmeler var mıdır? Bu makalede bu sorulara cevap aranmaktadır. Some suftixes used in Old Turkic either had fallen from usage in the historical process, or has undergone some morphological changes or has become archaic in a few words. What ki nd of changes does the Old Turkic verbal intensive suffix -d- display in Uzbek, which is from the Qarluq group and in Turkish, which is from the Oghuz group? ls the suffix preserved or has it undergone any changes? Does the suffix display any functional changes? The aim of this article is to seek answers for these questions

    Two Important Women Poets in the Last Era of Chagatay Literature : Nadire and Üveysi

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    The two women poets, Nâdire and Üveysî lived and produced written work during the first half of the 18th century. Which was a time of regression and collapse in Chagatay Literature. Both were known at the time and have left a mark even after their death

    Analysis of a Partial Differential Equation Model of Surface Electromigration

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    A Partial Differential Equation (PDE) based model combining surface electromigration and wetting is developed for the analysis of the morphological instability of mono-crystalline metal films in a high temperature environment typical to operational conditions of microelectronic interconnects. The atomic mobility and surface energy of such films are anisotropic, and the model accounts for these material properties. The goal of modeling is to describe and understand the time-evolution of the shape of film surface. I will present the formulation of a nonlinear parabolic PDE problem for the height function h(x,t) of the film in the horizontal electric field, followed by the results of the linear stability analyses and computations of fully nonlinear evolution equation

    An Archaic Verb in Old Turkic: Arı-

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    Bu çalışmada arı- fiilinin Eski Türkçe'den günümüze, Türk dil ve lehçelerinde kazandığı anlamlar üzerinde durulmuş ve fiilin asıl anlamı tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Söz konusu fiilin, daha Eski Türkçe devresinden çok önce anlam değişikliğine uğradığı; Moğolcayla ortaklaştığı hatta Ana Altaycadaki şekli belirlenmeye gayret edilmiştir. Bunun için de semantik ve fonetik veriler kullanılmış; gerek tarihi gerekse yaşayan lehçelere baş vurulmuştur. This paper examines various meanings of the verb arı-, in Turkic Dialects from old Turkic period to modern Turkic Languages The verb underwent semantic changes much before the Old Turkic period and it entered into partnership with Mongolian. We also tried to determine the approxirnate form in pre-Altaic period. For this purpose, we used sernantic and phonetic data and looked at historical and conternporary Turkic dialects

    Abdurishid Yakup, The Turfan Dialect of Uyghur

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    Inference Methods for Synthetic Gene Regulatory Networks

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    This dissertation is concerned with inference methods for synthetic gene regulatory networks. In Chapters 2 and 3, we examine the input–output relation of recently developed synthetic multi–input promoters and describe two descriptive polynomial-Hill models for predicting their behavior. The first method uses only single–input induction data for parameter inference of the model, and predict the responses of multi–input system with n input. We demonstrate that this approach accurately predicts Boolean (on/off) responses of multi–input systems, consisting of novel chimeric transcription factors and hybrid promoters in Escherichia coli. The second method, on the other hand, uses only a small amount of multi–input data for parameter inference and accurately predicts analog multi–input system responses. We also develop a mechanistic model using the idea of the Boltzmann–Gibbs equilibrium distribution inspired by statistical mechanics, which predict the multi–input responses using a similar approach to that in the second method. Recent advances in experimental and imaging techniques have enabled unprecedented insights into the dynamical processes within individual cells. However, many feature of intracellular dynamics remain hidden, or can be measured only indirectly. This makes it challenging to reconstruct the regulatory networks that govern the biochemical processes underlying various cell functions. In Chapters 4 and 5, we demonstrate the Bayesian inference framework, based on replacing uninteresting or unobserved reactions with time delays. Although the resulting models are non-Markovian, recent results on stochastic systems with random delays allow us to rigorously obtain expressions for the likelihoods of model parameters. Consequently, this allows us to extend Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to efficiently estimate reaction rates, and delay distribution parameters, from single–cell assays. We illustrate the advantages, and potential pitfalls, of the approach using a birth–death model with both synthetic and experimental data, and show that we can robustly infer model parameters using a relatively small number of measurements. We demonstrate how to do so even when only the relative molecule count within the cell is measured, as in the case of fluorescence microscopy.Mathematics, Department o


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    Introduction: Varicocele is the most commonly seen and correctable cause of male infertility. This review presents recent updates in the diagnosis and treatment of varicocele in light of current studies in the literature based on the varicocele guideline of the Turkish Society of Andrology

    Bazı küçük kuantum sistemlerin ısıl doğrultma davranışları

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    Thermal rectification behaviors for some small quantum systems are studied by using the Lindblad master equation. From the underlying Hamiltonian dynamics of the composite quantum systems consisting of small quantum systems and reservoirs, Lindblad master equations are obtained by using certain approximations. Optimum operation parameters are determined for a single two-level and two two-level quantum systems. It is shown that there is no thermal rectification behavior when the contact between two reservoirs is a single harmonic oscillator or two harmonic oscillators Lindblad master equation and Hamiltonian dynamics is used separately to show that the zero rectification is due to the linearity of the dynamics of the oscillators and it is not the result of the approximations made when the Lindblad master equation is obtained.Bazı küçük kuantum sistemleri için ısıl doğrultma davranışları Lindblad denklemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Küçük kuantum sistemleri ve rezervuarlardan oluşan bileşik kuantum sistemlerinin altında yatan Hamilton dinamiklerinden, belirli yaklaşımlarla Lindblad denklemleri elde edildi. Tek bir iki seviyeli ve iki iki seviyeli kuantum sistemleri için optimum çalışma parametreleri belirlendi. İki rezervuar arasındaki temas olarak harmonik osilatör ve iki harmonik osilatör için ısıl doğrultma davranışının olmadığı gösterilmiştir. Sıfır doğrultmanın Lindblad denklemini elde ettiğimizde yaptığımız yaklaşımların sonucu olmadığını göstermek için Hamilton dinamiğini kullandık.M.S. - Master of Scienc