319 research outputs found

    Thermal infrared observations of the Hayabusa spacecraft target asteroid 25143 Itokawa

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    We obtained N- and Q-band observations of the Apollo-type asteroid 25143 Itokawa during its close Earth approach in July 2004 with TIMMI2 at the ESO 3.6 m telescope. Our photometric measurement, in combination with already published data, allowed us to derive a radiometric effective diameter of 0.32+/-0.03 km and an albedo of 0.19 +0.11/-0.03 through a thermophysical model. This effective diameter corresponds to a slightly asymmetrical and flattened ellipsoid of the approximate size of 520(+/-50) x 270(+/-30) x 230(+/-20) m, based on the Kaasalainen et al. (2005) shape model. Our studies show that the thermal observations lead to size estimates which are about 15% smaller than the radar results (Ostro et al. 2005), slightly outside the stated radar uncertainties of +/-10%. We determined a rather high thermal inertia of 750 Jm-2s-0.5K-1. This is an indication for a bare rock dominated surface, a thick dust regolith can be excluded as well as a metallic surface. From our data we constructed a 10.0 micrometer thermal lightcurve which is nicely matched in amplitude and phase by the shape and spin vector solution in combination with our TPM description. The assumed S-type bulk density in combination with radiometric size lead to a total mass estimate of 4.5 +2.0/-1.8 x 10^10 kg.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication by A&A 29/Aug/200

    Thermal infrared observations of near-Earth asteroid 2002 NY40

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    We obtained N-band observations of the Apollo asteroid 2002 NY40 during its close Earth fly-by in August 2002 with TIMMI2 at the ESO 3.6 m telescope. The photometric measurement allowed us to derive a radiometric diameter of 0.28+/-0.03 km and an albedo of 0.34+/-0.06 through the near-Earth asteroid thermal model (NEATM) and a thermophysical model (TPM). The values are in agreement with results from radar data, visual and near-IR observations. In this first comparison between these two model approaches we found that the empirical NEATM beaming parameter η\eta=1.0 corresponds to a thermal inertia values of about 100 Jm2s0.5K1\mathrm{J m^{-2} s^{-0.5} K^{-1}} for a typical range of surface roughness, assuming an equator-on viewing angle. Our TPM analysis indicated that the surface of 2002 NY40 consists of rocky material with a thin or no dust regolith. The asteroid very likely has a prograde sense of rotation with a cold terminator at the time of our observations. Although both model approaches can fit the thermal spectra taken at phase angles of 22^{\circ} and 59^{\circ}, we did not find a consistent model solution that describes all pieces of photometric and spectroscopic data. In addition to the 2002 NY40 analysis, we discuss the possibilities to distinguish between different models with only very few photometric and/or spectroscopic measurements spread over a range of phase angles.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, A&A accepte

    Estimating the abundance of common dolphins on the southern coast of South Africa

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    Sightings made on an aerial survey in December 1982 and on a ship-based survey in January/February 1983 have been used to assess the size of the population of common dolphins (Delphinus capensis) occurring over the continental shelf south of South Africa. Thirteen sightings (12 primary) were made in 2,445.7 n. miles flown on the aerial survey and 10 sightings (6 primary) in 1,772.2 n. miles steamed on the ship-based survey. Sightings and effort in both surveys have been stratified by water depth (0-100 m, 100- 200 m) and geographical region (west coast, south coast). Because of difficulties in accurately estimating the size of schools in this highly gregarious species, numbers of individuals were counted in composite aerial photographs taken of the school. Radial distance and angle estimates to sightings from the ship were smeared to allow for estimation errors. Assuming g(0) = 1.0, both data sets resulted in roughly similar estimates of the number of schools (52-58 for aerial, 40-59 for ship-based across a range of sensitivity tests), but mean school size estimates differed significantly (454 SE 90 for aerial, 159 SE 27 for ship-based). As the aerial estimates were based on counts of animals in composite vertical photographs, they are considered more reliable than the ship-based estimates that were made from a lower vantage point and at a greater angle. Given the small number of primary sightings on each survey, it was considered preferable to produce a combined estimate using school density estimates from both surveys weighted by their inverse variances but applying the mean school size from the aircraft. The resultant population estimate of 49 schools (CV = 0.29) and 22200 individuals (CV = 0.35) is discussed in relation to known or estimated incidental mortalities in South African waters

    General relativistic radiation hydrodynamics of accretion flows. I: Bondi-Hoyle accretion

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    We present a new code for performing general-relativistic radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of accretion flows onto black holes. The radiation field is treated in the optically-thick approximation, with the opacity contributed by Thomson scattering and thermal bremsstrahlung. Our analysis is concentrated on a detailed numerical investigation of hot two-dimensional, Bondi-Hoyle accretion flows with various Mach numbers. We find significant differences with respect to purely hydrodynamical evolutions. In particular, once the system relaxes to a radiation-pressure dominated regime, the accretion rates become about two orders of magnitude smaller than in the purely hydrodynamical case, remaining however super-Eddington as are the luminosities. Furthermore, when increasing the Mach number of the inflowing gas, the accretion rates become smaller because of the smaller cross section of the black hole, but the luminosities increase as a result a stronger emission in the shocked regions. Overall, our approach provides the first self-consistent calculation of the Bondi-Hoyle luminosity, most of which is emitted within r~100 M from the black hole, with typical values L/L_Edd ~ 1-7, and corresponding energy efficiencies eta_BH ~ 0.09-0.5. The possibility of computing luminosities self-consistently has also allowed us to compare with the bremsstrahlung luminosity often used in modelling the electromagnetic counterparts to supermassive black-hole binaries, to find that in the optically-thick regime these more crude estimates are about 20 times larger than our radiation-hydrodynamics results.Comment: With updated bibliographyc informatio

    Formation of black hole and accretion disk in a massive high-entropy stellar core collapse

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    We present the first numerical result of fully general relativistic axisymmetric simulations for the collapse of a rotating high-entropy stellar core to a black hole and an accretion disk. The simulations are performed taking into account the relevant microphysics. We adopt as initial condition a spherical core with constant electron fraction (Ye=0.5Y_e = 0.5) and entropy per baryon ss = 8 kBk_B, and angular velocity is superimposed. In the early phase, the core collapses in a homologous manner. Then, it experiences a weak bounce due to the gas pressure of free nucleons. Because the bounce is weak, the core collapses eventually to a black hole. Subsequent evolution depends on initial angular velocity. When the rotation is not fast, a geometrically thin (but optically thick) accretion disk is formed, and shock waves are formed in the inner part of the disk. For the moderately rotating case, the thin accretion disk expands eventually to be a geometrically thick torus after sufficient accumulation of the thermal energy generated at the shocks. Furthermore, convection occurs inside the torus. Neutrino luminosities vary violently with time because of the convective motion. For the rapidly rotating case, by contrast, a geometrically thick torus is formed soon after the black hole formation, and convective activity is weak due to the presence of epicyclic mode.Comment: 30 pages, 33 figures with low resolution, accepted for publication in Ap

    Observational upper limits on the gravitational wave production of core collapse supernovae

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    The upper limit on the energy density of a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background obtained from the two-year science run (S5) of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) is used to constrain the average GW production of core collapse supernovae (ccSNe). We assume that the ccSNe rate tracks the star formation history of the universe and show that the stochastic background energy density depends only weakly on the assumed average source spectrum. Using the ccSNe rate for z10z\leq10, we scale the generic source spectrum to obtain an observation-based upper limit on the average GW emission. We show that the mean energy emitted in GWs can be constrained within <(0.491.98)1mmMc2< (0.49-1.98){1mm} M_{\odot} c^{2} depending on the average source spectrum. While these results are higher than the total available gravitational energy in a core collapse event, second and third generation GW detectors will enable tighter constraints to be set on the GW emission from such systems.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    Thermal Infrared Imaging Experiments of C-Type Asteroid 162173 Ryugu on Hayabusa2

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    The thermal infrared imager TIR onboard Hayabusa2 has been developed to investigate thermo-physical properties of C-type, near-Earth asteroid 162173 Ryugu. TIR is one of the remote science instruments on Hayabusa2 designed to understand the nature of a volatile-rich solar system small body, but it also has significant mission objectives to provide information on surface physical properties and conditions for sampling site selection as well as the assessment of safe landing operations. TIR is based on a two-dimensional uncooled micro-bolometer array inherited from the Longwave Infrared Camera LIR on Akatsuki (Fukuhara et al., 2011). TIR takes images of thermal infrared emission in 8 to 12 μm with a field of view of 16×12∘ and a spatial resolution of 0.05∘ per pixel. TIR covers the temperature range from 150 to 460 K, including the well calibrated range from 230 to 420 K. Temperature accuracy is within 2 K or better for summed images, and the relative accuracy or noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) at each of pixels is 0.4 K or lower for the well-calibrated temperature range. TIR takes a couple of images with shutter open and closed, the corresponding dark frame, and provides a true thermal image by dark frame subtraction. Data processing involves summation of multiple images, image processing including the StarPixel compression (Hihara et al., 2014), and transfer to the data recorder in the spacecraft digital electronics (DE). We report the scientific and mission objectives of TIR, the requirements and constraints for the instrument specifications, the designed instrumentation and the pre-flight and in-flight performances of TIR, as well as its observation plan during the Hayabusa2 mission

    Gravitational waves from axisymmetrically oscillating neutron stars in general relativistic simulations

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    Gravitational waves from oscillating neutron stars in axial symmetry are studied performing numerical simulations in full general relativity. Neutron stars are modeled by a polytropic equation of state for simplicity. A gauge-invariant wave extraction method as well as a quadrupole formula are adopted for computation of gravitational waves. It is found that the gauge-invariant variables systematically contain numerical errors generated near the outer boundaries in the present axisymmetric computation. We clarify their origin, and illustrate it possible to eliminate the dominant part of the systematic errors. The best corrected waveforms for oscillating and rotating stars currently contain errors of magnitude 103\sim 10^{-3} in the local wave zone. Comparing the waveforms obtained by the gauge-invariant technique with those by the quadrupole formula, it is shown that the quadrupole formula yields approximate gravitational waveforms besides a systematic underestimation of the amplitude of O(M/R)O(M/R) where MM and RR denote the mass and the radius of neutron stars. However, the wave phase and modulation of the amplitude can be computed accurately. This indicates that the quadrupole formula is a useful tool for studying gravitational waves from rotating stellar core collapse to a neutron star in fully general relativistic simulations. Properties of the gravitational waveforms from the oscillating and rigidly rotating neutron stars are also addressed paying attention to the oscillation associated with fundamental modes

    Gravitational Wave Signatures of Hyperaccreting Collapsar Disks

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    By performing two-dimensional special relativistic (SR) magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we study possible signatures of gravitational waves (GWs) in the context of the collapsar model for long-duration gamma-ray bursts. In our SR simulations, the central black hole is treated as an absorbing boundary. By doing so, we focus on the GWs generated by asphericities in neutrino emission and matter motions in the vicinity of the hyperaccreting disks. We compute nine models by adding initial angular momenta and magnetic fields parametrically to a precollapse core of a 35M35 M_{\odot} progenitor star. As for the microphysics, a realistic equation of state is employed and the neutrino cooling is taken into account via a multiflavor neutrino leakage scheme. To accurately estimate GWs produced by anisotropic neutrino emission, we perform a ray-tracing analysis in general relativity by a post-processing procedure. By employing a stress formula that includes contributions both from magnetic fields and special relativistic corrections, we study also the effects of magnetic fields on the gravitational waveforms. We find that the GW amplitudes from anisotropic neutrino emission show a monotonic increase with time, whose amplitudes are much larger than those from matter motions of the accreting material. We show that the increasing trend of the neutrino GWs stems from the excess of neutrino emission in the direction near parallel to the spin axis illuminated from the hyperaccreting disks. We point out that a recently proposed future space-based interferometer like Fabry-Perot type DECIGO would permit the detection of these GW signals within \approx 100 Mpc.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures, ApJ in pres

    Gravitational Waves from Gravitational Collapse

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    Gravitational wave emission from the gravitational collapse of massive stars has been studied for more than three decades. Current state of the art numerical investigations of collapse include those that use progenitors with realistic angular momentum profiles, properly treat microphysics issues, account for general relativity, and examine non--axisymmetric effects in three dimensions. Such simulations predict that gravitational waves from various phenomena associated with gravitational collapse could be detectable with advanced ground--based and future space--based interferometric observatories.Comment: 68 pages including 13 figures; revised version accepted for publication in Living Reviews in Relativity (http://www.livingreviews.org