30 research outputs found

    Formal analysis of the communication of probabilistic knowledge

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    This paper discusses questions about communication of probabilistic knowledge in the light of current theories of agent communication. It will argue that there is a semantic gap between these theories and research areas related to probabilistic knowledge representation and communication, that creates very serious theoretical problems if agents that reason probabilistically try to use the communication framework provided by these theories. The paper proposes a new formal model, which generalizes current agent communication theories (at least the standard FIPA version of these theories) to handle probabilistic knowledge communication. We propose a new probabilistic logic as the basis for the model and new communication principles and communicative acts to support this kind of communication.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Agents 1Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Formal analysis of the communication of probabilistic knowledge

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    This paper discusses questions about communication of probabilistic knowledge in the light of current theories of agent communication. It will argue that there is a semantic gap between these theories and research areas related to probabilistic knowledge representation and communication, that creates very serious theoretical problems if agents that reason probabilistically try to use the communication framework provided by these theories. The paper proposes a new formal model, which generalizes current agent communication theories (at least the standard FIPA version of these theories) to handle probabilistic knowledge communication. We propose a new probabilistic logic as the basis for the model and new communication principles and communicative acts to support this kind of communication.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Agents 1Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Subunits of the chaperonin CCT are associated with Tetrahymena microtubule structures and are involved in cilia biogenesis

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    The cytosolic chaperonin CCT is a heterooligomeric complex of about 900 kDa that mediates the folding of cytoskeletal proteins. We observed by indirect immunofluorescence that the Tetrahymena TpCCTalpha, TpCCTdelta, TpCCTepsilon, and TpCCTeta-subunits colocalize with tubulin in cilia, basal bodies, oral apparatus, and contractile vacuole pores. TpCCT-subunits localization was affected during reciliation. These findings combined with atomic force microscopy measurements in reciliating cells indicate that these proteins play a role during cilia biogenesis related to microtubule nucleation, tubulin transport, and/or axoneme assembly. The TpCCT-subunits were also found to be associated with cortex and cytoplasmic microtubules suggesting that they can act as microtubule-associated proteins. The TpCCTdelta being the only subunit found associated with the macronuclear envelope indicates that it has functions outside of the 900 kDa complex. Tetrahymena cytoplasm contains granular/globular-structures of TpCCT-subunits in close association with microtubule arrays. Studies of reciliation and with cycloheximide suggest that these structures may be sites of translation and folding. Combined biochemical techniques revealed that reciliation affects the oligomeric state of TpCCT-subunits being tubulin preferentially associated with smaller CCT oligomeric species in early stages of reciliation. Collectively, these findings indicate that the oligomeric state of CCT-subunits reflects the translation capacity of the cell and microtubules integrity


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    O consumo de pescado vem crescendo muito nos últimos anos no Brasil. A inserção do pescado na alimentação se deve ao seu valor biológico e aos benefícios à saúde do consumidor. Assim como os peixes, a carne de mariscos possui proteína de alto valor biológico, é rica em ácidos graxos poli-insaturados e tem pequenas concentrações de ácidos graxos saturados totais. A sua composição nutricional a caracteriza como um alimento saudável. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar um mapeamento do volume de produção de patentes a fim de verificar a frequência de depósitos e as perspectivas sobre a utilização da carne de marisco na indústria de alimentos no Brasil e no mundo. Para tal foi realizado levantamento de dados junto aos bancos de dados de patentes do INPI e do escritório de patentes Europeu – Espacenet. Os maiores depositantes e inventores encontram-se nos países asiáticos. A principal área de utilização que envolve o marisco e as tecnologias empregadas concentra-se na área da indústria alimentícia, especificamente naquelas que envolvem a inovação tecnológica. As perspectivas quanto a utilização do marisco na indústria de alimentos são as melhores possíveis, em função do grande valor nutricional e potencialidade de uso em outras áreas, essa perspectiva está disponível para todos os países

    Perfil da mortalidade infantil em Petrolina (PE) entre os anos de 1994 a 2005

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    Infant mortality is a public health problem that has experienced reductions in recent years in Brazil, due to better conditions of life and investments to promote maternal and child health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile of infant mortality in Petrolina-PE, between the years 1994 to 2005. There has been research that are descriptive and quantitative, using indicators of live births and infant mortality, describing the profile of infant mortality in Petrolina. We applied the system DATASUS for data collection, and the income was through graphs and tables. In the data analysis, we observed that, in Petrolina over the 12 years studied was an average of 25 infant deaths per thousand live births. In an attempt to minimize the mortality public health policies need to be more effective actions, with focus to education in maternal and child health, and invest in the achievement of pre-natal to better quality.A mortalidade infantil é um problema de saúde pública que vem sofrendo reduções nos últimos anos no Brasil, devido às melhores condições de vida da população e investimentos de promoção à saúde materno-infantil. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o perfil da mortalidade infantil em Petrolina (PE), entre os anos de 1994 a 2005. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de caráter descritivo e quantitativo, utilizando-se os indicadores de nascidos vivos e mortalidade infantil e descrevendo-se o perfil da mortalidade infantil em Petrolina. Empregou-se o sistema DATASUS para a coleta de dados, e a demonstração dos resultados ocorreu através de gráficos e tabelas. Na análise dos dados, observou-se que, em Petrolina, durante os 12 anos estudados, ocorreu uma média de 25 mortes infantis por mil nascidos vivos. Na tentativa de minimizar a mortalidade infantil, as políticas públicas de saúde necessitam de ações mais efetivas, com enfoque para a educação em saúde materno-infantil, além de investimentos na realização de um pré-natal de melhor qualidade

    Erratum to: The study of cardiovascular risk in adolescents – ERICA: rationale, design and sample characteristics of a national survey examining cardiovascular risk factor profile in Brazilian adolescents

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    Erratum to: The study of cardiovascular risk in adolescents – ERICA: rationale, design and sample characteristics of a national survey examining cardiovascular risk factor profile in Brazilian adolescents

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