10,491 research outputs found

    New computer system simplifies programming of mathematical equations

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    Automatic Mathematical Translator /AMSTRAN/ permits scientists or engineers to enter mathematical equations in their natural mathematical format and to obtain an immediate graphical display of the solution. This automatic-programming, on-line, multiterminal computer system allows experienced programmers to solve nonroutine problems

    Weak Lensing Reconstruction and Power Spectrum Estimation: Minimum Variance Methods

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    Large-scale structure distorts the images of background galaxies, which allows one to measure directly the projected distribution of dark matter in the universe and determine its power spectrum. Here we address the question of how to extract this information from the observations. We derive minimum variance estimators for projected density reconstruction and its power spectrum and apply them to simulated data sets, showing that they give a good agreement with the theoretical minimum variance expectations. The same estimator can also be applied to the cluster reconstruction, where it remains a useful reconstruction technique, although it is no longer optimal for every application. The method can be generalized to include nonlinear cluster reconstruction and photometric information on redshifts of background galaxies in the analysis. We also address the question of how to obtain directly the 3-d power spectrum from the weak lensing data. We derive a minimum variance quadratic estimator, which maximizes the likelihood function for the 3-d power spectrum and can be computed either from the measurements directly or from the 2-d power spectrum. The estimator correctly propagates the errors and provides a full correlation matrix of the estimates. It can be generalized to the case where redshift distribution depends on the galaxy photometric properties, which allows one to measure both the 3-d power spectrum and its time evolution.Comment: revised version, 36 pages, AAS LateX, submitted to Ap

    The hyaluronan-binding serine protease from human plasma cleaves HMW and LMW kininogen and releases bradykinin

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    The influence of the hyaluronanbinding protease (PHBSP), a plasma enzyme with FVII- and pro-urokinase-activating potency, on components of the contact phase (kallikrein/kinin) system was investigated. No activation or cleavage of the proenzymes involved in the contact phase system was observed. The procofactor high molecular weight kininogen (HK), however, was cleaved in vitro by PHBSP in the absence of any charged surface, releasing the activated cofactor and the vasoactive nonapeptide bradykinin. Glycosoaminoglycans strongly enhanced the reaction. The cleavage was comparable to that of plasma kallikrein, but clearly different from that of coagulation factor FXIa. Upon extended incubation with PHBSP, the light chain was further processed, partially removing about 60 amino acid residues from the Nterminus of domain D5 of the light chain. These cleavage site(s) were distinct from plasma kallikrein or FXIa cleavage sites. PHBSP and, more interestingly, also plasma kallikrein could cleave low molecular weight kininogen in vitro, indicating that domains D5(H) and D6(H) are no prerequisite for kininogen cleavage. PHBSP was also able to release bradykinin from HK in plasma where the pro-cofactor circulates predominantly in complex with plasma kallikrein or FXI. In conclusion, PHBSP represents a novel kininogen-cleaving and bradykinin-releasing enzyme in plasma that shares significant catalytic similarities with plasma kallikrein. Since they are structurally unrelated in their heavy chains (propeptide), their similar in vivo catalytic activities might be directed at distinct sites where PHBSP could induce processes that are related to the kallikrein/kinin system

    Microlensing events from the 11-year observations of the Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project

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    We present the results of the decade-long M31 observation from the Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project (WeCAPP). WeCAPP has monitored M31 from 1997 till 2008 in both R- and I-filters, thus provides the longest baseline of all M31 microlensing surveys. The data are analyzed with the difference imaging analysis, which is most suitable to study variability in crowded stellar fields. We extracted light curves based on each pixel, and devised selection criteria that are optimized to identify microlensing events. This leads to 10 new events, and sums up to a total of 12 microlensing events from WeCAPP, for which we derive their timescales, flux excesses, and colors from their light curves. The color of the lensed stars fall between (R-I) = 0.56 to 1.36, with a median of 1.0 mag, in agreement with our expectation that the sources are most likely bright, red stars at post main-sequence stage. The event FWHM timescales range from 0.5 to 14 days, with a median of 3 days, in good agreement with predictions based on the model of Riffeser et al. (2006).Comment: 44 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables. ApJ accepte

    Weak Lensing Analysis of the z~0.8 cluster CL 0152-1357 with the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We present a weak lensing analysis of the X-ray luminous cluster CL 0152-1357 at z~0.84 using HST/ACS observations. The unparalleled resolution and sensitivity of ACS enable us to measure weakly distorted, faint background galaxies to the extent that the number density reaches ~175 arcmin^-2. The PSF of ACS has a complicated shape that also varies across the field. We construct a PSF model for ACS from an extensive investigation of 47 Tuc stars in a modestly crowded region. We show that this model PSF excellently describes the PSF variation pattern in the cluster observation when a slight adjustment of ellipticity is applied. The high number density of source galaxies and the accurate removal of the PSF effect through moment-based deconvolution allow us to restore the dark matter distribution of the cluster in great detail. The direct comparison of the mass map with the X-ray morphology from Chandra observations shows that the two peaks of intracluster medium traced by X-ray emission are lagging behind the corresponding dark matter clumps, indicative of an on-going merger. The overall mass profile of the cluster can be well described by an NFW profile with a scale radius of r_s =309+-45 kpc and a concentration parameter of c=3.7+-0.5. The mass estimates from the lensing analysis are consistent with those from X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich analyses. The predicted velocity dispersion is also in good agreement with the spectroscopic measurement from VLT observations. In the adopted WMAP cosmology, the total projected mass and the mass-to-light ratio within 1 Mpc are estimated to be 4.92+-0.44 10^14 solar mass and 95+-8 solar mass/solar luminosity, respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. 58 pages, 26 figures. Figures have been degraded to meet size limit; a higher resolution version available at http://acs.pha.jhu.edu/~mkjee/ms_cl0152.pd

    The Effects of Massive Substructures on Image Multiplicities in Gravitati onal Lenses

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    Surveys for gravitational lens systems have typically found a significantly larger fraction of lenses with four (or more) images than are predicted by standard ellipsoidal lens models (50% versus 25-30%). We show that including the effects of smaller satellite galaxies, with an abundance normalized by the observations, significantly increases the expected number of systems with more than two images and largely explains the discrepancy. The effect is dominated by satellites with ~20% the luminosity of the primary lens, in rough agreement with the typical luminosities of the observed satellites. We find that the lens systems with satellites cannot, however, be dropped from estimates of the cosmological model based on gravitational lens statistics without significantly biasing the results.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, more discussion of sis vs sie and inclusion of uncorrelated contribution

    A Comparison of Simple Mass Estimators for Galaxy Clusters

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    High-resolution N-body simulations are used to investigate systematic trends in the mass profiles and total masses of clusters as derived from 3 simple estimators: (1) the weak gravitational lensing shear field under the assumption of an isothermal cluster potential, (2) the dynamical mass obtained from the measured velocity dispersion under the assumption of an isothermal cluster potential, and (3) the classical virial estimator. The clusters consist of order 2.5e+05 particles of mass m_p \simeq 10^{10} \Msun, have triaxial mass distributions, and significant substructure exists within their virial radii. Not surprisingly, the level of agreement between the mass profiles obtained from the various estimators and the actual mass profiles is found to be scale-dependent. The virial estimator yields a good measurement of the total cluster mass, though it is systematically underestimated by of order 10%. This result suggests that, at least in the limit of ideal data, the virial estimator is quite robust to deviations from pure spherical symmetry and the presence of substructure. The dynamical mass estimate based upon a measurement of the cluster velocity dispersion and an assumption of an isothermal potential yields a poor measurement of the total mass. The weak lensing estimate yields a very good measurement of the total mass, provided the mean shear used to determine the equivalent cluster velocity dispersion is computed from an average of the lensing signal over the entire cluster (i.e. the mean shear is computed interior to the virial radius). [abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Complete paper, including 3 large colour figures can also be obtained from http://bu-ast.bu.edu/~brainerd/preprints

    Electromechanical Reliability Testing of Three-Axial Silicon Force Sensors

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    This paper reports on the systematic electromechanical characterization of a new three-axial force sensor used in dimensional metrology of micro components. The siliconbased sensor system consists of piezoresistive mechanicalstress transducers integrated in thin membrane hinges supporting a suspended flexible cross structure. The mechanical behavior of the fragile micromechanical structure isanalyzed for both static and dynamic load cases. This work demonstrates that the silicon microstructure withstands static forces of 1.16N applied orthogonally to the front-side of the structure. A statistical Weibull analysis of the measured data shows that these values are significantly reduced if the normal force is applied to the back of the sensor. Improvements of the sensor system design for future development cycles are derived from the measurement results.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    HST/ACS weak lensing analysis of the galaxy cluster RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z=1.24

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    We present a weak lensing analysis of one of the most distant massive galaxy cluster known, RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z=1.24, using deep images from the Advanced Camera for Survey (ACS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). By taking advantage of the depth and of the angular resolution of the ACS images, we detect for the first time at z>1 a clear weak lensing signal in both the i (F775W) and z (F850LP) filters. We measure a 5-\sigma signal in the i band and a 3-\sigma signal in the shallower z band image. The two radial mass profiles are found to be in very good agreement with each other, and provide a measurement of the total mass of the cluster inside a 1Mpc radius of M(<1Mpc) = (8.0 +/- 1.3) x 10^14 M_\odot in the current cosmological concordance model h =0.70, \Omega_m=0.3, \Omega_\Lambda=0.7, assuming a redshift distribution of background galaxies as inferred from the Hubble Deep Fields surveys. A weak lensing signal is detected out to the boundary of our field (3' radius, corresponding to 1.5Mpc at the cluster redshift). We detect a small offset between the centroid of the weak lensing mass map and the brightest cluster galaxy, and we discuss the possible origin of this discrepancy. The cumulative weak lensing radial mass profile is found to be in good agreement with the X-ray mass estimate based on Chandr and XMM-Newton observations, at least out to R_500=0.5Mpc.Comment: 38 pages, ApJ in press. Full resolution images available at http://www.eso.org/~prosati/RDCS1252/Lombardi_etal_accepted.pd

    The Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project (WeCAPP): the M31 Nova catalogue

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    We present light curves from the novae detected in the long-term, M31 monitoring WeCAPP project. The goal of WeCAPP is to constrain the compact dark matter fraction of the M31 halo with microlensing observations. As a by product we have detected 91 novae benefiting from the high cadence and highly sensitive difference imaging technique required for pixellensing. We thus can now present the largest CCD and optical filters based nova light curve sample up-to-date towards M31. We also obtained thorough coverage of the light curve before and after the eruption thanks to the long-term monitoring. We apply the nova taxonomy proposed by Strope et al. (2010) to our nova candidates and found 29 S-class novae, 10 C-class novae, 2 O-class novae and 1 J-class nova. We have investigated the universal decline law advocated by Hachichu and Kato (2006) on the S-class novae. In addition, we correlated our catalogue with the literature and found 4 potential recurrent novae. Part of our catalogue has been used to search for optical counter-parts of the super soft X-ray sources detected in M31 (Pietsch et al. 2005). Optical surveys like WeCAPP, and coordinated with multi-wavelength observation, will continue to shed light on the underlying physical mechanism of novae in the future.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables, A&A accepted for publication. The appendix is stored in the Data Conservanc
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