81 research outputs found

    Landscapes of loss and destruction: : Sámi elders’ childhood memories of the second world war

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    The so-called Lapland War between Finland and Germany at the end of the Second World War led to a mass-scale destruction of Lapland. Both local Finnish residents and the indigenous Sámi groups lost their homes, and their livelihoods suffered in many ways. The narratives of these deeply traumatic experiences have long been neglected and suppressed in Finland and have been studied only recently by academics and acknowledged in public. In this text, we analyze the interviews with four elders of one Sámi village, Vuotso. We explore their memories, from a child’s perspective, scrutinizing the narration as a multilayered affective process that involves sensual and embodied dimensions of memory. © 2019 Museum Tusculanum Press. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    A novel multigrid method for electronic structure calculations

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    A general real-space multigrid algorithm for the self-consistent solution of the Kohn-Sham equations appearing in the state-of-the-art electronic-structure calculations is described. The most important part of the method is the multigrid solver for the Schroedinger equation. Our choice is the Rayleigh quotient multigrid method (RQMG), which applies directly to the minimization of the Rayleigh quotient on the finest level. Very coarse correction grids can be used, because there is no need to be able to represent the states on the coarse levels. The RQMG method is generalized for the simultaneous solution of all the states of the system using a penalty functional to keep the states orthogonal. The performance of the scheme is demonstrated by applying it in a few molecular and solid-state systems described by non-local norm-conserving pseudopotentials.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Asymmetric Genome Organization in an RNA Virus Revealed via Graph-Theoretical Analysis of Tomographic Data

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    Cryo-electron microscopy permits 3-D structures of viral pathogens to be determined in remarkable detail. In particular, the protein containers encapsulating viral genomes have been determined to high resolution using symmetry averaging techniques that exploit the icosahedral architecture seen in many viruses. By contrast, structure determination of asymmetric components remains a challenge, and novel analysis methods are required to reveal such features and characterize their functional roles during infection. Motivated by the important, cooperative roles of viral genomes in the assembly of single-stranded RNA viruses, we have developed a new analysis method that reveals the asymmetric structural organization of viral genomes in proximity to the capsid in such viruses. The method uses geometric constraints on genome organization, formulated based on knowledge of icosahedrally-averaged reconstructions and the roles of the RNA-capsid protein contacts, to analyse cryo-electron tomographic data. We apply this method to the low-resolution tomographic data of a model virus and infer the unique asymmetric organization of its genome in contact with the protein shell of the capsid. This opens unprecedented opportunities to analyse viral genomes, revealing conserved structural features and mechanisms that can be targeted in antiviral drug desig

    Genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome and its link to cardiovascular disease

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    Understanding genetic architecture of plasma lipidome could provide better insights into lipid metabolism and its link to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Here, we perform genome-wide association analyses of 141 lipid species (n = 2,181 individuals), followed by phenome-wide scans with 25 CVD related phenotypes (n = 511,700 individuals). We identify 35 lipid-species-associated loci (P <5 x10(-8)), 10 of which associate with CVD risk including five new loci-COL5A1, GLTPD2, SPTLC3, MBOAT7 and GALNT16 (false discovery rate<0.05). We identify loci for lipid species that are shown to predict CVD e.g., SPTLC3 for CER(d18:1/24:1). We show that lipoprotein lipase (LPL) may more efficiently hydrolyze medium length triacylglycerides (TAGs) than others. Polyunsaturated lipids have highest heritability and genetic correlations, suggesting considerable genetic regulation at fatty acids levels. We find low genetic correlations between traditional lipids and lipid species. Our results show that lipidomic profiles capture information beyond traditional lipids and identify genetic variants modifying lipid levels and risk of CVD

    Ruttoa ylätunturissa?:saamelaisten poronhoitokohteiden ajoittuminen Enontekiön Yliperällä

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    Abstract Plague in the high fjelds? : Dating of the Sámi reindeer herding sites at Enontekiö Yliperä This paper presents new radiocarbon dates from the high fell region of Enontekiö Yliperä in the transnational Sápmi, the homeland of Europe’s only indigenous people Sámi. 50 new dating samples were collected from archaeological sites related to the development of reindeer domestication and herding. Based on the radiocarbon ages, it appears that small-scale reindeer herding in a hunterherder society commenced in this area by the turn of the 10th–11th century AD, and developed into mobile nomadic pastoralism by the 15th–16th century AD. There is a notable gap in the local radiocarbon chronology in the 14th century, analogous that of the neighboring inner Troms in Norway. This hiatus mirrors ostensibly the tipping point between a hunter-herder society and a mobile pastoralist adaptation and is simultaneous with widescale socioeconomic and environmental fluctuations. These include for example the cooling of environment during the Little Ice Age, and the Black Death pandemic in the mid-1300s.Čoahkkáigeassu Rohttu badjosiin? Sámi boazodoalločuozáhagaid áiggálaš saji gávdnan Eanodaga Giehtaruohttasis Dán artihkkalis ovdanbuktojuvvojit ođđa radiočitnaáigemeroštallamat Eanodaga Giehtaruohttasa guovllus rájirasttildeaddji Sámis, mii lea Eurohpa áidna álgoálbmot sápmelaččaid ruovttueanan. Arkelogalaš čuozáhagain čoggojuvvoje 50 ođđa áigemeroštallančájánasa, mat laktásit bohcco seatnadeapmái ja boazodoalu gárggiideapmái. adičitnaáigemeroštallama vuođul orru leame nu, ahte bivdi-čoaggiservošis johttáhuvvon smávvahápmásaš boazodoallu álggii guovllus maŋemusat 900- 1000-logu molsašumis máá ja gárggiidii ealloboazodoallun 1400–1500-loguid máá. Báikkálaš radiočitnakronologiijas lea mearkkašahtti boatka 1300-logus, dego maid Norgga sis-Romsa guovllus. Dát boatka speadjalastá jáhkehahttivuođa mielde bivdi-čoaggiadaptašuvnna ja johtti ealloboazodoalu jorggáldaga, mii gávdná saji ovttaáigásažžan viiddes sosioekonomalaš ja biraslaš iežáhuvvamiiguin. Dát leat ovdamearkka dihte dálkkádaga čoaskun Smávvajiekŋabaji áigge ja 1300-logu beallemutto Čáhppes sorbmi -pandemiija

    Maanmittauslaitoksen uusi ja tarkempi laserkeilausaineisto (Laserkeilausaineisto 5p) kuoppajäännösten tutkimuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä Maanmittauslaitos on tuottanut vapaasti saatavilla olevaa ilmalaserkeilausaineistoa yli kymmenen vuotta. Arkeologit ovat aktiivisesti käyttäneet Laserkeilausaineisto 2008–2019 -aineistoa tutkimuksissaan, mutta sen käyttöä on rajoittanut harva mittauspistetiheys (0,5 pistettä/m²). Kesällä 2020 tilanne muuttui merkittävästi, kun Maanmittauslaitos alkoi tuottamaan uutta, kymmenen kertaa tarkempaa Laserkeilausaineisto 5p -aineistoa, jossa nimensä mukaan on 5 pistettä/m². Museoviraston ja Oulun yliopiston LIDARK-hanke aloitti alkuvuodesta 2021 tutkimaan tämän tarkemman aineiston arkeologisia käyttömahdollisuuksia. Uusi aineisto mahdollistaa kohteiden ja arkeologisten ilmiöiden tarkan paikantamisen ja tarkkuutensa ansiosta myös mahdollisuuden tarkastella yksittäisten rakenteiden ominaisuustietoja. Esittelemme tässä artikkelissa lyhyesti Laserkeilausaineisto 5p:n käyttömahdollisuuksia kahden esimerkin kautta. Aineiston arkeologinen soveltaminen on vasta käynnistynyt ja kehitämme uusia menetelmiä ja lähestymistapoja. Tulevaisuudessa erilaisten ilmalaserkeilausaineistosta tunnistettavien kohteiden määrä maassamme tulee kasvamaan merkittävästi erityisesti vähän tutkituilla, syrjäisemmillä alueilla.Sammanfattning Lantmäteriverket har framställt fritt tillgängligt flygburet laserskannat material under mer än tio år. Arkeologer har aktivt använt sig av materialet Laserskannat material 2008–2019 i sin forskning, men dess glesa mätpunktstäthet (0,5 punkter/m²) har begränsat dess användning. Sommaren 2020 ändrade situationen avsevärt, då Lantmäteriverket började framställa det nya, tio gånger mer precisa Laserskannat material 5p-materialet, vars punkttäthet likt dess namn antyder är 5 punkter/m². Museiverkets och Uleåborgs universitets LIDARK-projekt började undersöka det mer precisa materialets användningsmöjligheter under början av år 2021. Det nya materialet möjliggör en precis platsbestämning av lokaler och arkeologiska fenomen, och tack vare dess precision är det även möjligt att granska informationen i enskilda strukturers egenskaper. I denna artikel presenterar vi kort användningsmöjligheterna av Laserskannat material 5p utgående från två exempel. Tillämpningen av materialet i arkeologiska syften har bara börjat, och vi utvecklar nya metoder och tillvägagångssätt. I framtiden kommer mängden lokaler i vårt land som är identifierbara i flygburet laserskannat material att växa avsevärt särskilt i avlägsna, sparsamt undersökta områden