56 research outputs found

    Canadian Cardiovascular Society Clinical Practice Update on Contemporary Management of the Patient with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    Numerous guidelines on the diagnosis and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) have been published, by learned societies, over the last decade. While helpful they are often long and less adapted to non-experts. This writing panel was challenged to produce a document that grew as much from years of practical experience as it did from the peer-reviewed literature. As such, rather than produce yet another set of guidelines, we aim here to deliver a concentrate of our own experiential learning and distil for the reader the essence of effective and appropriate HCM care. This Clinical Practice Update on HCM is therefore aimed at general cardiologists and other cardiovascular practitioners rather than for HCM specialists. We set the stage with a description of the condition and its clinical presentation; discuss the central importance of 'obstruction' and how to look for it; review the role of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; reflect on the appropriate use of genetic testing; review the treatment options for symptomatic HCM - crucially including cardiac myosin inhibitors; and deal concisely with practical issues surrounding risk assessment for sudden cardiac death, and management of the end-stage HCM patient. Uniquely, we have captured the pediatric experience on our panel to discuss appropriate differences in the management of younger patients with HCM. We ask the reader to remember that this document represents expert consensus opinion rather than dogma and to use their best judgement when dealing with the HCM patient in front of them

    Association between different levels of dysglycemia and metabolic syndrome in pregnancy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, we sought to evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in a cohort of pregnant women with a wide range of glucose tolerance, prepregnancy risk factors for MS during pregnancy, and the effects of MS in the outcomes in the mother and in the newborn.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>One hundred and thirty six women with positive screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) were classified by two diagnostic methods: glycemic profile and 100 g OGTT as normoglycemic, mild gestational hyperglycemic, GDM, and overt GDM. Markers of MS were measured between 2428<sup>th </sup>during the screening.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of MS was: 0%; 20.0%; 23.5% and 36.4% in normoglycemic, mild hyperglycemic, GDM, and overt GDM groups, respectively. Previous history of GDM with or without insulin use, BMI β‰₯ 25, hypertension, family history of diabetes in first degree relatives, non-Caucasian ethnicity, history of prematurity and polihydramnios were statistically significant prepregnancy predictors for MS in the index pregnancy, that by its turn increased the adverse outcomes in the mother and in the newborn.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of MS increases with the worsening of glucose tolerance; impaired glycemic profile identifies pregnancies with important metabolic abnormalities even in the presence of a normal OGTT, in patients that are not classified as having GDM.</p

    Blood pressure variability and closed-loop baroreflex assessment in adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome during supine rest and orthostatic stress

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    Hemodynamic abnormalities have been documented in the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), indicating functional disturbances of the autonomic nervous system responsible for cardiovascular regulation. The aim of this study was to explore blood pressure variability and closed-loop baroreflex function at rest and during mild orthostatic stress in adolescents with CFS. We included a consecutive sample of 14 adolescents 12–18Β years old with CFS diagnosed according to a thorough and standardized set of investigations and 56 healthy control subjects of equal sex and age distribution. Heart rate and blood pressure were recorded continuously and non-invasively during supine rest and during lower body negative pressure (LBNP) of –20Β mmHg to simulate mild orthostatic stress. Indices of blood pressure variability and baroreflex function (Ξ±-gain) were computed from monovariate and bivariate spectra in the low-frequency (LF) band (0.04–0.15Β Hz) and the high–frequency (HF) band (0.15–0.50Β Hz), using an autoregressive algorithm. Variability of systolic blood pressure in the HF range was lower among CFS patients as compared to controls both at rest and during LBNP. During LBNP, compared to controls, Ξ±-gain HF decreased more, and Ξ±-gain LF and the ratio of Ξ±-gain LF/Ξ±-gain HF increased more in CFS patients, all suggesting greater shift from parasympathetic to sympathetic baroreflex control. CFS in adolescents is characterized by reduced systolic blood pressure variability and a sympathetic predominance of baroreflex heart rate control during orthostatic stress. These findings may have implications for the pathophysiology of CFS in adolescents

    Current Antiviral Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis B: Efficacy and Safety

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    The treatment of chronic hepatitis B is in constant evolution. Interferon, the first agent licensed for chronic hepatitis B treatment, has been superseded by the growing popularity of nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (NA). However, resistance to these agents is a major challenge. Newer NAs, such as entecavir and tenofovir dipivoxil fumarate, have very low resistance rates and favorable safety profiles. Long-term use of these agents can effectively suppress hepatitis B virus DNA, leading to decrease in incidence of hepatitic flares, as well as in the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The efficacy and safety of various antiviral agents is discussed in this review
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