84 research outputs found

    Metodika optimalizace institucionálního prostředí v železniční dopravě v České republice.

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    Obsahem metodiky je doporučení postupu pro vyřešení otázky absence regulačního orgánu pro sektor železniční dopravy dle požadavků evropské legislativy; dále postup liberalizace železniční dopravy skrze minimalizaci bariér volného podnikání s jasným vymezením činnosti správce infrastruktury a jeho role ve vztahu k incumbentovi (konkrétně v případě České republiky dokončením vydělení infrastruktury a činností spojených s údržbou a řízením sítě od Českých drah). S tím souvisí doporučený postup pro transparentní a nediskriminační stanovení poplatků za použití dopravní cesty včetně odběru trakční energie a rekuperace, s cílem dosáhnout ekonomické rovnováhy mezi užitím cesty a náklady na zajištění provozu na ní. Metodika navrhuje přidělení kapacity na základě ekonomických stimulů (cena cesty ve vazbě na kvalitu, resp. s možností jejich dražby) spolu s uzavřením několikaleté rámcové smlouvy, což by na základě koncepčních požadavků objednatelů a dopravců upřesňovalo strategii investičního rozvoje sítě. Pro osobní dopravu metodika navrhuje základní varianty vzájemného uznávání jízdních dokladů mezi dopravci.The content of this methodology is the recommended procedure for resolving the question of the absence of a regulatory authority of rail industry according to European legislation; further the process of liberalization of rail transport through minimizing barriers to free enterprise with a clear definition of the activity of an infrastructure and its role in relation to the incumbent. Related to this is the recommended procedure for transparent and non-discriminatory infrastructure pricing, including sampling traction and energy recovery, to achieve economic balance between the use of the infrastructure and operation costs. The methodology proposes the allocation of capacity on the basis of economic incentives (costs in relation to quality, auctions) together with framework agreements. For passenger transport methodology proposes the basic variant of mutual recognition of travel documents between carriers

    Metodika vymezování relevantního trhu v odvětví železniční dopravy

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    Obsahem metodiky je doporučení postupu pro vymezování relevantního trhu v případě, kdy to řešený případ vyžaduje, zejména při řešení zneužití dominantního postavení na trhu osobních nebo nákladních železničních dopravních služeb; metodika je také použitelná při provádění doplňkových šetření v oblasti fúzí v odvětví dopravy nebo pro sestavení komplexní odvětvové analýzy v oblasti železničních dopravních služeb. Metodika je založena na inovativním využití spotřebitelského šetření (dotazníkového průzkumu) a obsahuje kompletní návod pro přípravu šetření, sestavení dotazníku a jeho vyhodnocení.The methodology is the recommended procedure for defining the relevant market when it designed the case requires, especially when dealing with abuse of a dominant position in the market for passenger or cargo rail transport services. Methodology is also applicable to conduct supplementary investigations in the area of mergers in the transport sector or to build complex sectoral analysis in the field of railway transport services. The methodology is based on an innovative use of a consumer survey

    Pacific circulation response to eastern Arctic sea ice reduction in seasonal forecast simulations

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    Recent studies point to the sensitivity of mid-latitude winter climate to Arctic sea ice variability. However, there remain contradictory results in terms of character and timing of Northern Hemisphere large-scale circulation features to Arctic sea ice changes. This study assesses the impact of realistic late autumn eastern Arctic sea ice anomalies on atmospheric wintertime circulation at mid-latitudes, pointing to a hidden potential for seasonal predictability. ​Using a dynamical seasonal prediction system, an ensemble of seasonal forecast simulations of 23 historical winter seasons is run with reduced November sea ice cover in the Barents-Kara Seas, and is compared to the respective control seasonal hindcast simulations set. ​A non energy-conserving approach is adopted for achieving the desired sea ice loss, with artificial heat being added conditionally to the ocean surface heat fluxes so as to inhibit the formation of sea ice during November. Our results point to a robust atmospheric circulation response in the North Pacific sector, similar to previous findings on the multidecadal timescale. Specifically, an anticyclonic anomaly at upper and lower levels is identified over the eastern midlatitude North Pacific, leading to dry conditions over the North American southwest coast. The responses are related to a re-organization (weakening) of west-Pacific tropical convection and interactions with the tropical Hadley circulation. ​A possible interaction of the poleward-shifted Pacific eddy-driven jet stream and the Hadley cell is discussed​. ​The winter circulation response in the Euro-Atlantic sector is ephemeral in character and statistically significant in January only, corroborating previous findings of an intermittent and non-stationary Arctic sea ice-NAO link during boreal winter. These results ​aid our understanding of the seasonal impacts of reduced eastern Arctic sea ice on the midlatitude atmospheric circulation with implications for seasonal predictability in wintertime

    Pacific circulation response to eastern Arctic sea ice reduction in seasonal forecast simulations

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    Recent studies point to the sensitivity of mid-latitude winter climate to Arctic sea ice variability. However, there remain contradictory results in terms of character and timing of Northern Hemisphere large-scale circulation features to Arctic sea ice changes. This study assesses the impact of realistic late autumn eastern Arctic sea ice anomalies on atmospheric wintertime circulation at mid-latitudes, pointing to a hidden potential for seasonal predictability. ​Using a dynamical seasonal prediction system, an ensemble of seasonal forecast simulations of 23 historical winter seasons is run with reduced November sea ice cover in the Barents-Kara Seas, and is compared to the respective control seasonal hindcast simulations set. ​A non energy-conserving approach is adopted for achieving the desired sea ice loss, with artificial heat being added conditionally to the ocean surface heat fluxes so as to inhibit the formation of sea ice during November. Our results point to a robust atmospheric circulation response in the North Pacific sector, similar to previous findings on the multidecadal timescale. Specifically, an anticyclonic anomaly at upper and lower levels is identified over the eastern midlatitude North Pacific, leading to dry conditions over the North American southwest coast. The responses are related to a re-organization (weakening) of west-Pacific tropical convection and interactions with the tropical Hadley circulation. ​A possible interaction of the poleward-shifted Pacific eddy-driven jet stream and the Hadley cell is discussed​. ​The winter circulation response in the Euro-Atlantic sector is ephemeral in character and statistically significant in January only, corroborating previous findings of an intermittent and non-stationary Arctic sea ice-NAO link during boreal winter. These results ​aid our understanding of the seasonal impacts of reduced eastern Arctic sea ice on the midlatitude atmospheric circulation with implications for seasonal predictability in wintertime.publishedVersio

    Metodika hodnocení významu regionálních terminálů vysokorychlostních tratí.

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    Metodika stanoví inovativní postup k analýze a zhodnocení potenciálu zamýšlených regionálních terminálů vysokorychlostních tratí. Oproti standardním dopravním modelům vychází i z dalších faktorů ovlivňujících ochotu nabízenou novou mobilitu na vysokorychlostní trati využít ze strany obyvatelstva, jako je rozsah spádového regionu terminálu, jeho napojení na veřejnou dopravu, ekonomická síla regionu, (ekonomická) přitažlivost na vysokorychlostní trať napojených center, či cena za nabízenou přepravní službu.The guidelines set out an innovative approach to analyzing and evaluating the potential of the intended high-speed rail regional terminals. Compared to standard transport models, other factors influencing the willingness to offer new mobility on high-speed lines, such as the extent of the catchment area of the terminal, its connection to public transport, the economic level of the region, (economic) attraction to the high-speed line of the connected centers, or the price for the offered transport service

    Železnice a evropská dopravní politika - ideje, strategie, nástroje a jejich aplikace.

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    Kniha uzavírá monografickou ediční řadu Železniční reformy jako její 6. svazek; předchozí svazky se zabývaly jednotlivými aspekty železniční dopravy: modelováním poptávky po přepravě a její predikcí, regulací konkurenčního prostředí na železnici, konkrétními příběhy reforem odvětví ve Velké Británii a v Německu a ekonomickým zhodnocením liberalizace železničních systémů v Evropě. Tento poslední svazek je věnován komplexní analýze a zhodnocení dopravní politiky ve vztahu k železnicím v zemích Evropské unie. Dopravní politika má v rámci hospodářské politiky Evropské unie, národních států, jednotlivých regionů i měst významné postavení, neboť vzhledem k omezenosti přírodních zdrojů a současně rostoucí poptávce po přepravních službách jsou stále naléhavější fiskální, strategické, environmentální a sociální cíle. Celá kniha je rozdělena celkem do šesti kapitol, které tvoří uzavřené celky, jsou zaměřené na určitý aspekt dopravní politiky na železnici a jsou vždy zakončeny dílčím závěrem. Současně však na sebe kapitoly logicky navazují, doplňují se a tvoří tak jeden celek, z nějž je možné odvodit celkové závěry a doporučení.This monograph deals with the issue of the organization and regulation of transport systems and, above all, the rail transport segment, which is extremely complex in terms of planning, financing and regulation. The book concludes the monographic edition “Railway Reforms” as its 6th volume; the previous volumes addressed individual aspects of rail trans-port: modeling demand for transport and its prediction, regulating the competitive environ-ment on the railways, specific stories of sectoral reforms in the UK and Germany, and eco-nomic appreciation of the liberalization of railway systems in Europe. This last volume is devoted to a comprehensive analysis and assessment of transport policy in relation to the railways in the countries of the European Union. Transport policy has a significant role to play in the economic policy of the European Union, national states, regions and cities, given the scarcity of natural resources and the growing demand for transport services, with fiscal, strategic, environmental and social goals being increasingly urgent. The entire book is divi-ded into six chapters, which form closed units, are focused on a certain aspect of transport policy on the railway and are always concluded by a partial conclusion. At the same time, however, the chapters logically follow and complement each other, forming a whole, from which it is possible to derive overall conclusions and recommendations

    Evidence for solar cycles in a late Holocene speleothem record from Dongge Cave, China

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    The association between solar activity and Asian monsoon (AM) remains unclear. Here we evaluate the possible connection between them based on a precisely-dated, high-resolution speleothem oxygen isotope record from Dongge Cave, southwest China during the past 4.2 thousand years (ka). Without being adjusted chronologically to the solar signal, our record shows a distinct peak-to-peak correlation with cosmogenic nuclide 14C, total solar irradiance (TSI) and sunspot number (SN) at multi-decadal to centennial timescales. Further cross-wavelet analyses between our calcite δ18O and atmospheric 14C show statistically strong coherence at three typical periodicities of ~80, 200 and 340 years, suggesting important roles of solar activities in modulating AM changes at those timescales. Our result has further indicated a better correlation between our calcite δ18O record and atmospheric 14C than between our record and TSI. This better correlation may imply that the Sun–monsoon connection is dominated most likely by cosmic rays and oceanic circulation (both associated to atmospheric 14C), instead of the direct solar heating (TSI)

    Host-specific competitiveness to form nodules in Rhizobium leguminosarum symbiovar viciae

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    Fabeae legumes such as pea and faba bean form symbiotic nodules with a large diversity of soil Rhizobium leguminosarum symbiovar viciae (Rlv) bacteria. However, bacteria competitive to form root nodules (CFN) are generally not the most efficient to fix dinitrogen, resulting in a decrease in legume crop yields. Here, we investigate differential selection by host plants on the diversity of Rlv. A large collection of Rlv was collected by nodule trapping with pea and faba bean from soils at five European sites. Representative genomes were sequenced. In parallel, diversity and abundance of Rlv were estimated directly in these soils using metabarcoding. The CFN of isolates was measured with both legume hosts. Pea/faba bean CFN were associated to Rlv genomic regions. Variations of bacterial pea and/or faba bean CFN explained the differential abundance of Rlv genotypes in pea and faba bean nodules. No evidence was found for genetic association between CFN and variations in the core genome, but variations in specific regions of the nod locus, as well as in other plasmid loci, were associated with differences in CFN. These findings shed light on the genetic control of CFN in Rlv and emphasise the importance of host plants in controlling Rhizobium diversity

    Inoculation requirement of pea and faba bean and selection of Rlv strains

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    Soil is an heterogeneous and fluctuating environment. Water limitation in agronomic soils is often partial but lead locally to the suppression of symbiotic activity and therefore to reduction of N acquisition by the plant. A split-root system was developed in pea to evaluate the capacities of Pea-Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae (Rlv) symbiotic associations to compensate a local reduction of water availability. Root systems are split in two parts watered separately. Soil water content was monitored. Water limitation was exerted by stopping watering of a half root system. Arrest of nitrogen fixation is very rapidly observed in root directly exposed to water stress. This local and partial water limitation of the plant triggered a systemic signaling on well-watered roots of the same plant. The compensatory response occurs by increasing nodule biomass (and therefore nitrogen fixation capacities) of these roots not directly exposed to the water limitation. In preliminary experiments pea plants were inoculated with a reference Rlv strain. Response of and root and nodule development that compensate the local water limitation was confirmed. Interestingly, the compensatory response varies according to the Rlv strain as another Rlv strain, displaying similar nitrogen fixation efficiency in watered conditions, was not able to promote equivalent compensatory response. This experimental system has been used as a screen to select Rlv strains able to promote rapid compensatory responses to water stress

    "Mit sofortiger Wirkung" : Deutsche Rücktrittserklärungen 2010 aus linguistischer Perspektive

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    2010 war für die Bundesrepublik ein Jahr der Rücktritte aus zentralen Machtbereichen der Politik, Kirche und Verwaltung. Die Funktionsträger vermittelten den Eindruck „als sei ihnen die Gestaltung dieses Landes nicht mehr wichtig genug, um ihr Leben damit zu füllen“ (Bartsch 2010, 66). In diesem Aufsatz stehen nicht die Vorgeschichte, Gründe oder die Bewertung von Rücktritten im Vordergrund, sondern die linguistische Perspektive – d.h. die sprachliche Ausgestaltung sowie die Funktionen der Textsorte Rücktrittserklärung