171 research outputs found

    Etnografía en la “Ecoferia la Tierra Sabe”: un estudio de subjetividades emergentes

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados parciales e interrogantes surgidos en una investigación realizada en el marco de una Beca de Experiencia Laboral de la FCNyM llevada a cabo durante el corriente año. El objetivo principal es analizar y describir las prácticas que tienen lugar en el espacio público del Jardín Botánico del Parque Saavedra de La Plata, focalizando en los discursos y representaciones en torno a los estilos de vida y hábitos de consumo de los actores presentes en el espacio. En los últimos años la ciudad de La Plata es escenario de la conformación de un circuito “alternativo” (Magnani, 2014), caracterizado por la emergencia y proliferación de espacios de producción, distribución y consumo en donde participan diversos actores con propuestas culturales, educativas y comerciales que promueven formas de gestionar la alimentación y la salud y maneras de organizarse que buscan escapar de las prácticas y discursos hegemónicos. Dentro de este circuito podemos trazar una red de espacios que incluyen centros culturales, emprendimientos productivos autogestivos, centros o institutos de terapias alternativas, entre otros. En las páginas siguientes narraré la historia del surgimiento del mercado alternativo en el Jardín Botánico, dando cuenta de los diversos actores y discursos que jugaron en la configuración del mismo tal como existe en la actualidad. El relato nos permitirá observar cómo el espacio emerge, en primer lugar, a partir de un posicionamiento en relación a lo público, al consumo y a la búsqueda de un estilo de vida más saludable. Mostraremos cómo a partir de estos posicionamientos comunes llegan a confluir en él una gran cantidad de propuestas, a la par que se da cierta fragmentación respecto del modo de establecer y resignificar los vínculos con el Estado.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Maternal attitudes and child-feeding practices: relationship with the BMI of Chilean children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chile has experienced the nutritional transition due to both social and economic progress. As a consequence, higher rates of overweight and obesity have been observed in children. In western countries, researchers have tried to determine pathways by which parents influence their children's eating behavior; up to now findings have been inconsistent. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cross-sectional and retrospective relationship between maternal attitudes and child-feeding practices and children's weight status in children who had been subject of an obesity prevention intervention for two years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 2006, for a cross-sectional study, a random sample of 232 children (125 girls, mean age 11.91 ± 1.56 y and 107 boys mean age 11.98 ± 1.51 y) was selected from three primary schools from a small city called Casablanca. Weight and height were determined to assess their nutritional status, using body mass index (BMI) <it>z </it>scores. Child-feeding practices and attitudes were determined cross-sectionally in 2006, using the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ). To analyze the relationship between trends in weight change and child-feeding practices and attitudes, BMI <it>z </it>scores of all the 232 children in 2003 were used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cross-sectionally, mothers of overweight children were significantly more concerned (P < 0.01) about their child's weight. Mothers of normal weight sons used significantly more pressure to eat (P < 0.05). Only in boys, the BMI <it>z </it>score was positively correlated with concern for child's weight (r = 0.28, P < 0.05) and negatively with pressure to eat (r = -0.21, P < 0.05). Retrospectively, the change in BMI <it>z </it>score between age 9 and 12 was positively correlated with concern for child's weight, but only in boys (r = 0.21, P < 0.05). Perceived child weight and concern for child's weight, explained 37% in boys and 45% in girls of the variance in BMI <it>z </it>score at age 12.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Mothers of overweight children were more concerned with their children's weight; this indicated the Western negative attitude towards childhood overweight. None of the child-feeding practices were significantly correlated with a change in BMI <it>z </it>score.</p

    Determinants of changes in dietary patterns among Chinese immigrants: a cross-sectional analysis

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    Background: Chinese individuals who have immigrated to a Western country initially tend to have a lower risk ofcardiovascular disease (CVD) compared to people who are already living there. Some studies have found, however,that CVD risk increases over time in immigrants and that immigration to a western country is associated withchanges in dietary patterns. This could have unfavourable effects on the risk of CVD. There is limited knowledge onthe food patterns, awareness and knowledge about healthy nutrition among Chinese immigrants. The objective forthis study is to explore changes in food patterns, and levels of awareness and knowledge of healthy nutrition bylength of residence among Chinese immigrants to Canada.Methods: 120 Chinese individuals born in China but currently living in Canada completed an assessment on sociodemographiccharacteristics, changes in dietary patterns and variables of awareness and knowledge about healthyfoods. With ordinal logistic regression the associations between the quartiles of length of residence and dietarypatterns, variables of awareness and knowledge about healthy foods were explored, adjusting for age, sex,education and body mass index.Results: More than 50% of the participants reported increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, decreasingthe use of deep-frying after immigration. Increased awareness and knowledge about healthy foods was reportedby more than 50% of the participants. Ordinal regression indicated that Chinese immigrants who lived in Canadathe longest, compared to Chinese immigrants who lived in Canada the shortest, consumed significant greaterportion sizes (OR: 9.9; 95% CI: 3.11 - 31.15), dined out more frequently (OR: 15.8; 95% CI: 5.0 - 49.85), and consumedconvenience foods more often (OR: 3.5; 95% CI: 1.23 - 10.01).Conclusions: Chinese immigrants reported some favourable changes in their dietary intake and greater awarenessand more knowledge about healthy foods after immigration. However, an increase in portion size, an increasedfrequency of dining out and an increased consumption of convenience foods could indicate some unfavourablechanges. These results suggest that health promotion strategies should build on the observed benefits ofimproved nutritional knowledge and target areas of portion size and convenience eating

    Improving dietary intake during lunch through the provision of a healthy school lunch at Dutch primary schools : Design of a pretest-posttest effectiveness study

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    Background: Since there is a shift from eating lunch at home to eating lunch at primary schools in the Netherlands, providing a school lunch may be an important opportunity to improve the diet quality of Dutch children. Therefore, the aim of this Healthy School Lunch project is to encourage healthy eating behavior of children at primary schools by offering a healthy school lunch, based on the guidelines for a healthy diet. In this study, two research questions will be addressed. The first research question is: What and how much do children consume from a self-served school lunch and how do they evaluate the lunch? The second research question is: Do children compensate healthier school lunches by eating less healthy outside school hours? The purpose of this paper is to report the rationale and study design of this study. Methods: In the Healthy School Lunch project children in grades 5-8 (aged 8-12 years) of three primary schools in the Netherlands will receive a healthy school lunch for a 6-month period. To answer research question 1, lunch consumption data will be collected at baseline and again at 3- A nd 6-months. This will be measured with lunch photos and questionnaires among children. To answer the second research question, a quasi-experimental, pre-test post-test intervention-comparison group design (3 intervention schools and 3 comparison schools) will be carried out. Potential compensation effects will be measured with a single brief questionnaire among parents at the three intervention and three comparison schools at month 6 of the lunch period. The school lunch will also be evaluated by parents (discussion groups) and teachers and support staff (brief questionnaires). Discussion: Results of this study will provide valuable information to influence future school lunch interventions and policies. Trial registration: This study is registered at the Netherlands trial register (NTR): Trialregister.nl, Trial NL7402 (NTR7618), registered retrospectively at 2018-11-13.</p

    Overweight and obese adults have low intentions of seeking weight-related care:A cross-sectional survey

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    Background The prevalence of obesity is growing worldwide. Obesity guidelines recommend increasing the level of weight-related care for persons with elevated levels of weight-related health risk (WRHR). However, there seems to be a discrepancy between need for and use of weight-related care. The primary aim of this study is to examine predisposing factors that may influence readiness to lose weight and intention to use weight-related care in an overweight population. Methods A population-based, cross-sectional survey was conducted. Data were collected using an online self-administered questionnaire sent to a population-representative sample of 1,500 Dutch adults on the Health Care Consumer Panel (n = 861 responded). Data were used from individuals (n = 445) with a mildly, moderately or severely elevated level of WRHR. WRHR status was based on self-reported data on Body Mass Index, risk assessment for diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), or co-morbidities. Results 55.1% of persons with increased WRHR were ready to lose weight (n = 245). Depending on level of WRHR; educational level, marital status, individuals with an accurate perception of their weight and better perceptions and expectations of dietitians were significantly related to readiness to lose weight. Most of them preferred individual weight-loss methods (82.0% of n = 245). 11% (n = 26 of n = 245) intended to use weight-related care. Weight-related care seeking was higher for those with moderate or severe WRHR. Expectations and trust in dietitians did not seem to influence care seeking. Conclusions Many Dutch adults who are medically in need of weight-related care are ready to lose weight. Most intend to lose weight individually, and only a few intend to use weight-related care. Therefore, obesity prevention initiatives should focus on monitoring weight change and weight-loss plans, and timely referral to obesity management. However, many people are not ready to lose weight. For this group, strategies for behaviour change may depend on WRHR, perceptions of weight and dietitians, educational level and marital status. Obesity prevention initiatives should focus on increasing the awareness of the seriousness of their condition and offering individually appropriate weight management programmes. Keywords: Overweight, Obesity, Weight change, Patient’s acceptance of health care, Perception, Dietary service

    Changes in the Health-Related Quality of Life and Weight Status of Children with Overweight or Obesity Aged 7 to 13 Years after Participating in a 10-Week Lifestyle Intervention

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess changes in the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and weight status of children with overweight and obesity after participating in a 10-week family-based combined lifestyle group intervention in their community. Methods: In total, 340 children with overweight or obesity aged between 7 and 13 years, as well as one of their primary caregivers, took part in this intervention, in a real-world setting. The intervention comprised 20 group sessions for a 10-week period, and focused on improving knowledge, attitudes, social support, and self-efficacy in regard to healthy lifestyles. The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 (PedsQL) and Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Kids (IWQOL-KIDS) questionnaires were used to determine generic and weight-specific HRQOL. Changes in HRQOL and BMI (standard deviation [SDS] of BMI, objectively measured) were tested using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Mann-Whitney U test, and paired t-test. Results: Generic quality of life (Z = -3.58, r = -0.25), weight-specific quality of life (Z = -4.83, r = -0.34), and SDS-BMI (d = 0.21) were all significantly improved after participating in the 10-week intervention. The mean attendance rate was 73.74%. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that participation in the intervention LEFF for children with overweight and obesity was associated with improved generic and weight-specific HRQOL and SDS-BMI

    Влияние толщины диффузионного слоя на возникновение динамических неустойчивостей в модельном электрокаталитическом процессе

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    Определено влияние толщины диффузионного слоя Нернста на возникновение неустойчивостей Хопфа, седло–узел и гомоклинной неустойчивости в модельном электрокаталитическом процессе на поверхности сферического электрода при потенциостатических условиях. Показано, что увеличение толщины диффузионного слоя Нернста способстует расширению области потенциалов (в системе могут наблюдаться спонтанные периодические колебания тока), а также области бистабильности системы. Возможная реализация в системе гомоклинной бифуркации может привести и к более сложным динамическим режимам.Визначено вплив товщини дифузійного шару Нернста на виникнення нестійкості Хопфа, сідло–вузол та гомоклінної нестійкості в модельному електрокаталітичному процесі на поверхні сферичного електроду за потенціостатичних умов. Показано, що збільшення товщини дифузійного шару Нернста спричинює розширення області потенціалів (у системі можуть спостерігатися спонтанні періодичні коливання струму), а також області бістабільності системи. Можлива реалізація в системі гомоклінної біфуркації може привести і до більш складних динамічних режимів.The influence of the Nernst diffusion layer thickness on the appearance of the Hopf instability, saddle–node instability, and homoclinic instability in a model electrocatalytic process on a spherical electrode surface under potentiostatic conditions is determined. It is shown that the Nernst diffusion layer thickness increase leads to an increase in the potential range, where spontaneous periodic current oscillations can be observed and also in the system bistability range. A possible realization of the homoclinic bifurcation in the system can initiate more complicated dynamical regimes