8 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Activity of the ATG4 Cysteine Proteases

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    While only one Atg4 is present in yeast, there are four Atg4 homologues in human and in mouse with different substrate specificities and catalytic efficiencies. The molecule Atg4 is a type of cysteine protease, and is known for its crucial roles in cleavage of the Atg8 family proteins before they can be conjugated to phospholipids, and also in cleavage of the conjugated Atg8 molecules from the membrane, a process known as deconjugation. Both processes are required for the maximal efficiency in autophagosome biogenesis. Atg4 could thus be a target for intervention of the autophagy process. It is thus important to measure Atg4 activity to determine and to modulate the autophagy function. Here we review the catalytic functions and regulatory mechanisms of human Atg4 proteases, and discuss the methodology for analyzing Atg4 activity in details

    [Os(bpy)2(CO)(enIA)][OTf]2: A Novel Sulfhydryl-Specific Metal-Ligand Complex

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    The synthesis and physical-chemical characterization of the metal-ligand complex [Os(bpy)2(CO)(enIA)][OTf]2 (where enIA ) ethylenediamine iodoacetamide) with a sulfhydryl-specific functional group is described. The UV and visible absorption and luminescence emission, including lifetime and steady-state anisotropy, are reported for the free probe and the probe covalently linked to two test proteins. The spectroscopic properties of the probe are unaffected by chemical modification and subsequent covalent linkage to the proteins. The luminescence lifetime in aqueous buffer is approximately 200 ns and the limiting anisotropy is greater than 0.125, suggesting a potentially useful probe for biophysical investigations

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the 136 Unique Tetranucleotide Sequences of DNA Oligonucleotides. I. Research Design and Results on d(C(p)G) Steps

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    We describe herein a computationally intensive project aimed at carrying out molecular dynamics (MD) simulations including water and counterions on B-DNA oligomers containing all 136 unique tetranucleotide base sequences. This initiative was undertaken by an international collaborative effort involving nine research groups, the “Ascona B-DNA Consortium” (ABC). Calculations were carried out on the 136 cases imbedded in 39 DNA oligomers with repeating tetranucleotide sequences, capped on both ends by GC pairs and each having a total length of 15 nucleotide pairs. All MD simulations were carried out using a well-defined protocol, the AMBER suite of programs, and the parm94 force field. Phase I of the ABC project involves a total of ∌0.6 ÎŒs of simulation for systems containing ∌24,000 atoms. The resulting trajectories involve 600,000 coordinate sets and represent ∌400 gigabytes of data. In this article, the research design, details of the simulation protocol, informatics issues, and the organization of the results into a web-accessible database are described. Preliminary results from 15-ns MD trajectories are presented for the d(CpG) step in its 10 unique sequence contexts, and issues of stability and convergence, the extent of quasiergodic problems, and the possibility of long-lived conformational substates are discussed