800 research outputs found
Team Assisted Individualization Berbantuan Flash Player Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Kompetensi Perbaikan Transmisi Manual
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : 1) Mengetahui pelaksanaan team assisted individualization berbantuan flash player untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar kompetensi perbaikan transmisi manual siswa kelas XII TKR.2 SMK Negeri 6 Purworejo Semester 5 Tahun Pelajaran 2018-2019. 2) Mengetahui dan meningkatkan motivasi belajar kompetensi perbaikan transmisi manual siswa kelas XII TKR.2. 3) Mengetahui dan meningkatkan hasil belajar kompetensi perbaikan transmisi manual siswa kelas XII TKR.2. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian 30 siswa kelas XII TKR 2 SMK Negeri 6 Purworejo. Implementasi menggunakan descriptive statistics. Hasil penelitian : 1) Pelaksanaan team assisted individualization berbantuan flash player dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar kompetensi perbaikan transmisi manual. 2) Terdapat peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa kelas XII TKR 2 sebesar 20% dari 56,67% saat pra siklus menjadi 76,67% pada siklus 2. 3) Terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas XII TKR 2 sebesar 30% dari 46,67% menjadi 76,67% pada siklus 2 atau dari 14 siswa menjadi 23 siswa yang mendapat nilai di atas KK
Identifying the Vulnerability of Earthen Levees to Slump Slides using Geotechnical and Geomorphological Parameters
The main goal of this research is to investigate vulnerability of levees to future slump slides. In the first part, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) imagery is used as input in an automated classification system for characterizing areas on the levee having anomalies. In addition, a set of in-situ soil data is collected to provide detailed soil properties over the study area. In-situ soil properties of different classes characterized by the classifier are analyzed to determine how similarities between different areas. The second part, a database including of 34 slump slides that occurred in the lower Mississippi River levee system over a period of two years is used. The impacts of rainfall as well as several spatial geometrical and geomorphological variables (including channel width, river sinuosity index, riverbank erosion, channel shape condition and distance to river) are analyzed and tested for significance and used for developing a logistic regression model
The factor that affecting the ability of middle income household to have affordable home ownership in urban area, Kuala Lumpur / Syahidah Sehat
The main purpose of this study is to examine the factor that affecting the ability of middle income household to have affordable home ownership in urban area. The factor such as macro factor (location, loan interest rates charged effect and financing facilities) and micro factor (demographic behaviour) are been used as the independent variables for this study. The distribution of questionnaire has been used to collect the information needed from the respondent which is specifically to the middle income group. From 100 questionnaires that have been distributed, only 87 questionnaires can be used. Then, the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS version 17 and 19 program. Those variables were testing by Pearson Correlation to find the significant relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The result from the findings represents that all independent variables is significant towards dependent variables and can be used in making prediction on this study. This topic was chosen by researcher is because the researcher wants to know the reasons on why most of the middle income earners cannot afford to have affordable home ownership in urban areas, Kuala Lumpur
Studi tentang panoptikon dalam kehidupan sosial selalu dihubungkan dengan kuasa dalam pendisiplinan tubuh. Dalam banyak tulisan para sarjana menggunakan teori ini untuk melihat bagaimana relasi kuasa mempengaruhi proses pendisiplinan. Di sisi lain studi tentang tarekat dihubungkan dengan upaya pendisiplinan batin bagi jamaahnya. Artikel ini akan membahas struktur kepemimpinan dalam tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah di Aceh. Dalam relasi ini kepemimpinan dalam tarekat memiliki dua dimensi sekaligus, dimensi relasi kuasa antara Mursyid dengan jamaah, di sisi lain memiliki proses pendisiplinan batin melalui riyadah. Artikel ini focus pada relasi yang terbangun dalam tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah yanga da di Aceh. Tarekat ini memiliki akar yang kuat pada Syaikh Muda Waly al-Khalidi yang berasal dari Labuhanhaji, Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Dalam prosesnya tarekat ini memiliki pengembangan variasi kepemimpinan yang menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan zaman. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa hierarkhi kepemimpinan tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah di Aceh merupakan sebuah patronase panoptic dimana relasi yang ada bukan hanya relasi organisasi biasa, namun memiliki makna spiritual
BERTAHAN DALAM PERUBAHAN: Modifikasi dan Afiliasi Politik Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah di Aceh
Sebuah organisasi sosial-keagamaan secara alamiah memiliki naluri untuk bertahan dalam perubahan sosial yang ada di sekitarnya, termasuk gerakan tarekat. Perubahan ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan lebih banyak jamaah dan mempertahankan eksistensi gerakan di tengah lingkungannya. Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah di Aceh merupakan tarekat yang masih baru dibandingkan tarekat lain yang sudah ada di sana sebelumnya. Perubahan politik yang dinamis di Aceh juga mempengaruhi perubahan dalam bidang keagamaan. Artikel ini akan mencoba menjelaskan proses perubahan yang terjadi dalam gerakan tarekat Naqsyabandiyah di Aceh, bentuk perubahannya, dan relasi perubahan tersebut dengan kekuasaan. Dari pengamatan dan wawancara yang penulis lakukan dengan kelompok pelaku tarekat tampak bahwa perubahan dalam tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah yang ada di Aceh terkait erat dengan peran yang dimainkan oleh aktor-aktor tarekat sebagai agensinya. Perubahan itu juga berbeda antara apa yang dilakukan oleh satu tokoh dengan tokoh lainnya. Penulis berpendapat bahwa perubahan dalam tarekat di Aceh mengarah kepada upaya membangun eksistensi diri di tengah perubahan sosial politik yang ada di sana. Para aktor menyesuaikan praktik tarekat untuk masyarakat urban sehingga mendapat lebih banyak pengikut bahkan terkadang dengan menyamarkan nama tarekat di belakangnya.A socio-religious organization naturally has the instinct to survive in the social changes that surround it, including the tarekat movement. This change was made to gather more worshipers and maintain the existence of the movement in its environment. The Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah sufi order in Aceh is a relatively new compared to other tarekat that have existed there before. This article will try to explain the process of change that occurred in the Naqsybanadiyah tarekat movement in Aceh, the form of change, and the relationship between these changes and power. From the observations and several interviews that the author conducted with groups of tarekat actors, it appears that changes in the Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah tarekat in Aceh are closely related to the role played by actors as their agencies. The changes also differ between what one character does to another. The author argues that changes in tarekat in Aceh lead to efforts to build self-existence in the socio-political changes that are there. Actors adapt tarekat practices to urban communities so as to gain more followers, sometimes even by disguising the tarekat name behind the
Ketertarikan Mahasiswa Patani Melanjutkan Studi Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia
This research is motivated by curiosity about why Patani people choose to study in Indonesia, while Malaysia is a neighboring country of Patani which is geographically relatively close and also classified as advanced education. The object of research is the past and continues until now, so this study uses the total history method. To get research data, it is mostly used with the documentation method. The documentation method is complemented by the interview method. For Patani students and alumni who can still be found, the data collection techniques used are interviews and observations and are equipped with documentation methods. The results of the study show that the History of Islamic Studies of Patani students in Indonesia from 1963-2019 can be divided into three. First, in 1963-1991, where they studied only on the island of Java and were limited to the cities of Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta. Second, in 1992-2013, they expanded the study area to Medan and Banda Aceh. Third, in 2014-2019, they studied spread throughout Indonesia. In the first stage, it can be said that they chose the place to study because of the quality factor. In the second stage due to geographical proximity. While the third is because of the available scholarships
Dimensi Akhlak Dalam Shalat Telaah Teologis-filosofis
Akhlak reflects the identity and quality of the individual, society, tribe and nation and even the parameter of dignity of all human civilization throughout the ages. The essence of Islam is akhlak. The concept is stated in the Hadith saying that Allah not merely sent Muhammad SAW except for an important task to edify mankind. Islamic education that focuses on the formation of akhlak is essential. Akhlak-based Islamic education studies and practices good behaviour and teaches students to avoid reprehensible behavior. Theologically, examining the akhlak can be done by using theological and philosophical approaches together. Religion (revelation) from God and philosophy (reason) come also from Allah swt. Methodologically, morals can be studied by using method tajribi (inductive) and method of qiyas (deductive). In didactic, akhlak can be taught, through role models and habituation
New Religious Movement di Indonesia: Studi Kasus Agama Pran-Soeh di YOGYAKARTA
This paper describes the dynamics and development of Pran-Soeh: the local Javanese mysticism with followers of approximately 700 people in Yogyakarta and Central Java. It concludes that the emergence of Pran-Soeh is motivated by its followers' move to acommodate the mainstream religius belief with the local Javanese mysticism at the backdrop of mounting pressures from the spread of other formal religious belief in the country. As a minority religious group, Pran-Soeh's historical development has been very much influenced by its dialectical interaction with other formal religion in Indonesia. The article also highlights that the hegemony of the government-endorsed religiosity has obstructed the development of Pran-Soeh
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Rumah Gerat Kecamatan Biru-Biru Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Lokasi ini dijadikan sebagai tempat untuk mengetahui peran dan tanggung jawab orang tua dalam proses belajar pada masa Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu kepala dusun, anak, dan orang tua. Pengumpulan data diambil melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Penulis berperan sebagai pewawancara secara langsung untuk menggali data melalui kepala dusun, anak, dan orang tua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran dan tanggung jawab orang tua dalam proses belajar pada masa Covid-19 di Desa Rumah Gerat yaitu orang tua melaksanakan peran dan tanggung jawab dalam bentuk ganda yaitu pertama menjadi orang tua dan kedua menjadi guru di dirumah; memenuhi fasilitas yang dibutuhkan anak, membimbing mengawasi;memotivasi; member nasihat; dan bertanggung jawab dalam mencari nafkah serta keberhasilan anak dalam belajar. Kesulitan yang dihadapi orang tua yaitu dalam membimbing anak; ekonomi; pembagian wakt
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