31 research outputs found

    Total Degree Formula for the Generic Offset to a Parametric Surface

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    We provide a resultant-based formula for the total degree w.r.t. the spatial variables of the generic offset to a parametric surface. The parametrization of the surface is not assumed to be proper.Comment: Preprint of an article to be published at the International Journal of Algebra and Computation, World Scientific Publishing, DOI:10.1142/S021819671100680

    Transgenic mice expressing bovine PrP with a four extra repeat octapeptide insert mutation show a spontaneous, non-transmissible, neurodegenerative disease and an expedited course of BSE infection

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    AbstractTransgenic (Tg) mice carrying four extra octapeptide repeats (OR) in the bovine PrP gene (10OR instead of 6) have been generated. In these mice, neuropathological changes were observed depending upon the level of transgene expression. These changes primarily involved a slowly advancing neurological disorder, characterized clinically by ataxia, and neuropathologically, by vacuolization in different brain areas, gliosis, and loss of cerebellar granule cells. Accumulation of insoluble bovine 10OR-PrP (bo10OR-PrP) was observed depending on the level of expression but no infectivity was found associated with this insoluble form. We also compared the behavior of bo6OR-PrP and bo10OR-PrP Tg mouse lines in response to BSE infection. BSE-inoculated bo10ORTg mice showed an altered course of BSE infection, reflected by reduced incubation times when compared to bo6ORTg mice expressing similar levels of the wild type 6OR-PrP. In BSE-inoculated mice, it was possible to detect PrPres in 100% of the animals. While insoluble bo10OR-PrP from non-inoculated bo10ORTg mice was non-infectious, brain homogenates from BSE-inoculated bo10ORTg mice were highly infectious in all the Tg mouse lines tested. This Tg mouse model constitutes a new way of understanding the pathobiology of bovine transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. Its potential applications include the assessment of new therapies against prion diseases

    Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Replicon Particles Can Induce Rapid Protection against Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus

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    We have previously shown that delivery of the porcine type I interferon gene (poIFN-α/β) with a replication-defective human adenovirus vector (adenovirus 5 [Ad5]) can sterilely protect swine challenged with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) 1 day later. However, the need of relatively high doses of Ad5 limits the applicability of such a control strategy in the livestock industry. Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE) empty replicon particles (VRPs) can induce rapid protection of mice against either homologous or, in some cases, heterologous virus challenge. As an alternative approach to induce rapid protection against FMDV, we have examined the ability of VRPs containing either the gene for green fluorescent protein (VRP-GFP) or poIFN-α (VRP-poIFN- α) to block FMDV replication in vitro and in vivo. Pretreatment of swine or bovine cell lines with either VRP significantly inhibited subsequent infection with FMDV as early as 6 h after treatment and for at least 120 h posttreatment. Furthermore, mice pretreated with either 107 or 108 infectious units of VRP-GFP and challenged with a lethal dose of FMDV 24 h later were protected from death. Protection was induced as early as 6 h after treatment and lasted for at least 48 h and correlated with induction of an antiviral response and production of IFN- α. By 6 h after treatment several genes were upregulated, and the number of genes and the level of induction increased at 24 h. Finally, we demonstrated that the chemokine IP-10, which is induced by IFN- α and VRP-GFP, is directly involved in protection against FMDV

    In vivo murine model of acquired resistance in myeloma reveals differential mechanisms for lenalidomide and pomalidomide in combination with dexamethasone

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    The development of resistance to therapy is unavoidable in the history of multiple myeloma patients. Therefore, the study of its characteristics and mechanisms is critical in the search for novel therapeutic approaches to overcome it. This effort is hampered by the absence of appropriate preclinical models, especially those mimicking acquired resistance. Here we present an in vivo model of acquired resistance based on the continuous treatment of mice bearing subcutaneous MM1S plasmacytomas. Xenografts acquired resistance to two generations of immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs; lenalidomide and pomalidomide) in combination with dexamethasone, that was reversible after a wash-out period. Furthermore, lenalidomide-dexamethasone (LD) or pomalidomide-dexamethasone (PD) did not display cross-resistance, which could be due to the differential requirements of the key target Cereblon and its substrates Aiolos and Ikaros observed in cells resistant to each combination. Differential gene expression profiles of LD and PD could also explain the absence of cross-resistance. Onset of resistance to both combinations was accompanied by upregulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinaseextracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK)ERK pathway and addition of selumetinib, a small-molecule MEK inhibitor, could resensitize resistant cells. Our results provide insights into the mechanisms of acquired resistance to LD and PD combinations and offer possible therapeutic approaches to addressing IMiD resistance in the clinic.Peer Reviewe

    Immunosuppression during Acute Infection with Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Swine Is Mediated by IL-10

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    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is one of the most contagious animal viruses, causing a devastating disease in cloven-hoofed animals with enormous economic consequences. Identification of the different parameters involved in the immune response elicited against FMDV remains unclear, and it is fundamental the understanding of such parameters before effective control measures can be put in place. In the present study, we show that interleukin-10 (IL-10) production by dendritic cells (DCs) is drastically increased during acute infection with FMDV in swine. In vitro blockade of IL-10 with a neutralizing antibody against porcine IL-10 restores T cell activation by DCs. Additionally, we describe that FMDV infects DC precursors and interferes with DC maturation and antigen presentation capacity. Thus, we propose a new mechanism of virus immunity in which a non-persistent virus, FMDV, induces immunosuppression by an increment in the production of IL-10, which in turn, reduces T cell function. This reduction of T cell activity may result in a more potent induction of neutralizing antibody responses, clearing the viral infection

    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) causes an acute disease that can be lethal for adult laboratory mice.

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    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is a picornavirus that causes an acute vesicular disease of cloven-hoofed animals. This virus continues to be threat to livestock worldwide with outbreaks causing severe economic losses. However, very little is known about FMDV pathogenesis, partially due to the inconveniences of working with cattle and swine, the main natural hosts of the virus. Here we demonstrate that C57BL/6 and BALB/C adult mice are highly susceptible to FMDV infection when the virus is administered subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. The first clinical signs are ruffled fur, apathy, humped posture, and wasting, which are followed by neurological signs such as hind-limb paralysis. Within 2-3 days of disease onset, the animals die. Virus is found in all major organs, indicating a systemic infection. Mice developed microvesicles near the basal layer of the epithelium, event that precedes the vesiculation characteristics of FMD. In addition, a lymphoid depletion in spleen and thymus and severe lymphopenia is observed in the infected mice. When these mice were immunized with conventional inactivated FMDV vaccine, they were protected (100% of vaccinated animals) against challenge with a lethal dose of FMDV. The data indicate that this mouse model may facilitate the study of FMDV pathogenesis, and the development of new effective vaccines for FMD

    Comparison of three monoclonal antibodies for use in immunohistochemical detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy protease-resistant prion protein

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    Confirmatory diagnosis of prion diseases in humans and animals relies on the histopathological examination and immunodetection of the protease-resistant isoform of prion protein (PrPres). The generation of novel PrP-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) has greatly improved diagnostic methodology and basic research on prion diseases as well. In this study, the performance of 3 different PrP-specific MAbs in recognizing brain PrP res deposits from cows affected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was compared by using a standard immunohistochemical technique under different pretreatment conditions. All antibodies showed similar reactivity after denaturing treatment. However, greater differences were found among them after proteinase K treatment, even in the absence of a denaturing step. In fact, 1 MAb (2A11) was able to react with PrPres deposits in the absence of a denaturing step, yielding the strongest signal and confirming the usefulness of MAb 2A11 in immunohistochemistry for the diagnosis of BSE

    Distribution of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) in brains of livestock and domesticated species.

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    In transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) the prion protein (PrP) plays a central role in pathogenesis. The PrP gene (Prnp) has been described in a number of mammalian and avian species and its expression product, the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)), has been mapped in brains of different laboratory animals (rodent and non-human primates). However, mapping of PrP(C) expression in mammalian species suffering from natural (bovine and ovine) and experimental (swine) TSE or in species in which prion disease has never been reported (equine and canine) deserves further attention. Thus, localising the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) distribution in brain may be noteworthy for the understanding of prion disease pathogenesis since lesions seem to be restricted to particular brain areas. In the present work, we analysed the distribution of PrP(C) expression among several brain structures of the above species. Our results suggest that the expression of PrP(C), within the same species, differs depending on the brain structure studied, but no essential differences between the PrP(C) distribution patterns among the studied species could be established. Positive immunoreaction was found mainly in the neuropil and to a lesser extent in neuronal bodies which occasionally appeared strongly stained in discrete regions. Overall, the expression of PrP(C) in the brain was significantly higher in grey matter areas than in white matter, where accumulation of PrP(Sc) is first observed in prion diseases. Therefore, other factors besides the level of expression of cellular PrP may account for the pathogenesis of TSEs

    Distribution of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) in brains of livestock and domesticated species.

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    In transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) the prion protein (PrP) plays a central role in pathogenesis. The PrP gene (Prnp) has been described in a number of mammalian and avian species and its expression product, the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)), has been mapped in brains of different laboratory animals (rodent and non-human primates). However, mapping of PrP(C) expression in mammalian species suffering from natural (bovine and ovine) and experimental (swine) TSE or in species in which prion disease has never been reported (equine and canine) deserves further attention. Thus, localising the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) distribution in brain may be noteworthy for the understanding of prion disease pathogenesis since lesions seem to be restricted to particular brain areas. In the present work, we analysed the distribution of PrP(C) expression among several brain structures of the above species. Our results suggest that the expression of PrP(C), within the same species, differs depending on the brain structure studied, but no essential differences between the PrP(C) distribution patterns among the studied species could be established. Positive immunoreaction was found mainly in the neuropil and to a lesser extent in neuronal bodies which occasionally appeared strongly stained in discrete regions. Overall, the expression of PrP(C) in the brain was significantly higher in grey matter areas than in white matter, where accumulation of PrP(Sc) is first observed in prion diseases. Therefore, other factors besides the level of expression of cellular PrP may account for the pathogenesis of TSEs

    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) causes an acute disease that can be lethal for adult laboratory mice

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    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is a picornavirus that causes an acute vesicular disease of cloven-hoofed animals. This virus continues to be threat to livestock worldwide with outbreaks causing severe economic losses. However, very little is known about FMDV pathogenesis, partially due to the inconveniences of working with cattle and swine, the main natural hosts of the virus. Here we demonstrate that C57BL/6 and BALB/C adult mice are highly susceptible to FMDV infection when the virus is administered subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. The first clinical signs are ruffled fur, apathy, humped posture, and wasting, which are followed by neurological signs such as hind-limb paralysis. Within 2-3 days of disease onset, the animals die. Virus is found in all major organs, indicating a systemic infection. Mice developed microvesicles near the basal layer of the epithelium, event that precedes the vesiculation characteristics of FMD. In addition, a lymphoid depletion in spleen and thymus and severe lymphopenia is observed in the infected mice. When these mice were immunized with conventional inactivated FMDV vaccine, they were protected (100% of vaccinated animals) against challenge with a lethal dose of FMDV. The data indicate that this mouse model may facilitate the study of FMDV pathogenesis, and the development of new effective vaccines for FMD. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved