1,244 research outputs found

    Paleomagnetism of the Avalonian Finn Hill sequence of Eastern Newfoundland, Canada

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    As part of a major study of the Avalon zone in eastern Newfoundland, the paleomagnetism of the Finn Hill ignimbrite sequence located in the Colliers-Harbour Main area is described. Detailed alternating field and thermal experiments performed on this Hadrynian ash-flow tuff sequence indicate that it is characterized by two significantly different mean directions of magnetization; I) A(S-l28, I=+25, α95 =7.1°, K-171, N=4 sites) in-situ and (D=225, D + 59, α95=13°, K=48) after tilt correction, 2) B (D=69, I=+52, N= 2 sites) in-sltu and (D=303, I=+40) after tilt correction. The A component is believed to be secondary and the paleopole corresponding to the in-situ direction of magnetization is I4°S, l°W. The B tilt corrected component (D=303, I=+40) is interpreted as a pre- or syn-folding direction of magnetization corresponding with the time of formation of the ignimbrite sequence or slightly later; its corresponding paleopole position Is 39°S, 29°E. It is worth noting that the paleopole (14°S, 1°W) of the secondary component found in the present study is not significantly different from the paleopole (5°S, 8°W) obtained in the Cloud Mountain basalt overlying Grenville basement of northwestern Newfoundland, the age of which is close to latest Precambrian (≈620 Ma), this suggests that in tate Precambrian time, the eastern and western Newfoundland blocks were not very distant from each other or else they were far apart but at the same paleolatitude. The secondary component is Interpreted as representing the magnetic imprint of the Avalonian (Cadomlan) orogenic event. This last interpretation is reasonable since nearby Cambrian units (to the west) are located unconformably above the Precambrian units and are almost flat lying. Consequently, the chances of this secondary component being of Acadian age are relatively small. The new data set of this research fills a definite gap in the paleomagnetic record of the Avalon zone. RÉSUMÉ La description du paléomagnetlsme de la séquence d'ignimbrite de Finn Hill, située dans la région de Colliers - Harbour Main, s'insere dans le cadre d'une étude d'envergure de la zone Avalon de l’est de Terre-Neuve. Cette séquence hadrynienne de tuf volcanique a été soumise à des experiences poussées de champ alternatif et d'anlyse thermique. Les rèsultats indiquent que la séquence est caractérisée par deux sens moyens de L’aimantatlon qui différent de façon significative: 1) A(S-l28, I=+25, α95 =7.1°, K-171, N=4 sites) in-situ et (D=225, D + 59, α95=13°, K=48) après correction de l’incllnaison, 2) B(D=69, I=+52, N= 2 sites) In-situ et (D=303, I=+40) après correction de l'lnclinaison. La composante A serait secondaire et le paléopôle correspondent au sens in-situ de L’aimantation est de I4°S, l°0. On interprète la composante d'inclinaison B corrigée (D=303, I=+40) com me le rèsultat d'une aimantation qui a précede ou qui était con tern poraine au plissement, et correspondent done au temps d'emplacement de la séquence d'ignimbrite, ou survenant peu apres; la position du palépôle correspondent est de 39°S, 29°E. Il est intéressant de noter que le palépôle (14°S, 1°O) de la composante secondaire, relevé dans la présente étude, ne différe pas de façon significative du palépôle {5°S, 8°O) obtenu à partir du basalte de Cloud Mountain qui recouvre le socle grenvillien dans le nord-ouest de Terre-Neuve et dont l'âge est proche du Précambrien tardif (≈620 Ma). Ceci suggère que tard durant le Précambrien, les blocs est et ouest de Terre-Neuve n'étaient pas très distants, ou bien qu'ils étaient très éloigners l'un de l’autre mais situes à la même paléolatitude. On interprète la composante secondaire comme une empreinte magnétique représentant l'orogenèse avalonienne (Cadomien). Cette derniere interprétation est raisonnable puisque les unités cambriennes voisines (a l’ouest) reposent subhorizontalement et en discordance sur les unités précambriennes. Conséquemment, il est peu probable que cette composante secondaire soit d'Sge Acadien. Ces nouvelles données comblent une lacune importante dans L’histoire palfio-magnétlque de la zone Avalon. [Traduit par le journal

    Paleomagnetism of mafic dikes from the Avalon Peninsula, eastern Newfoundland

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    As part of a major study of the Avalon zone in eastern Newfoundland, we describe the palromagnetism of two series of dikes located in the Bauline and Colliers-Harbour Main areas, respectively. Detailed alternating field (AF) and thermal experiments performed on these dikes indicate that they are characterized by two significantly different mean directions of magnetization: SE++(D = 153°, I = +62*; K = 46, N = 12 sites) and SW (D = 217°, I = +58°, K = 58, N = 12 sites ) with corresponding paleopole positions at A (4°N, 34"U; dp,dm = 8", 10°) and C (2"N, 81°W; dp, dm = 6", 9'). Antipoles A and C are located in southerly latitudes, and a comparison with other poles of Avalonian rocks from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland indicates a Silurian to Siluro-Devonian age for these dikes. Poles A and B are interpreted as representing rapid apparent polar wander with respect to eastern Newfoundland during Silurian time. Two components of magnetization, corresponding to two distinct geological events, are observed in the dikes investigated and this situation favours the following geological scenario for the evolution of the Avalon microcontinent: (a) intracratonic rift zone resulting in long-lived Late Hadrynian and Cambrian continental extension, (b) a very late phase of distension in separating miniplates during Silurian and Early Devonian time. RÉSUMÉ Dans le cadre d'une étude d'envergure de la zone d'Avalon menée dans l'est de Terre-Neuve, nous décrivons le paléomagnétisme de deux séries de dykes situées dans les régions de Bauline et de Colliers - Harbour Main respectivement. Des experiences détaillées de désaimantation par champ alternatif (CA) et par lavage thermique démontrent que deux directions moyennes de l'aimantation caractérisent les dykes: SE++(D = 153°, I = +62*; K = 46, N = 12 sites de prélèvement) et SO (D = 217°, I = +58°, K = 58, N = 12 sites de prélèvement) avec des paléopöles correspondants aux positions A (4°N, 34"U; dp,dm = 8", 10°) et C (2"N, 81°W; dp, dm = 6", 9'). Les antipôles A et C se situent à des latitudes méridionales et par comparaison avec d'autres pôles de roches avaloniennes du Nouveau-Brunswick, de la Nouvelle-Écosse et de Terre-Neuve, on attrlbue aux dykes un âge Silurien à Siluro-Dévonien. On interprète les pôles géomagnétiques A et B comme le résultat de displacements rapides du pôle par rapport avec l'est de Terre-Neuve durant le Silurien. On observe dans ces dykes deux composantes de magnétisation, correspondant à deux évènements géologiques distincts. Ceci suggère le scenario suivant pour expliquer l’évolution du microcontinent Avalon: (a) un rift intracratonique qui se traduit par une longue période d'extension continentale depuis l'Hadrynien tardif jusqu'au Cambrien; (b) du Silurien jusqu'au début du Dévonien, une phase tardive de distension lors de la séparation des miniplaques. [Traduit par le journal

    Darwin Tames an Andromeda Dwarf: Unraveling the Orbit of NGC 205 Using a Genetic Algorithm

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    NGC 205, a close satellite of the M31 galaxy, is our nearest example of a dwarf elliptical galaxy. Photometric and kinematic observations suggest that NGC 205 is undergoing tidal distortion from its interaction with M31. Despite earlier attempts, the orbit and progenitor properties of NGC 205 are not well known. We perform an optimized search for these unknowns by combining a genetic algorithm with restricted N-body simulations of the interaction. This approach, coupled with photometric and kinematic observations as constraints, allows for an effective exploration of the parameter space. We represent NGC 205 as a static Hernquist potential with embedded massless test particles that serve as tracers of surface brightness. We explore 3 distinct, initially stable configurations of test particles: cold rotating disk, warm rotating disk, and hot, pressure-supported spheroid. Each model reproduces some, but not all, of the observed features of NGC 205, leading us to speculate that a rotating progenitor with substantial pressure support could match all of the observables. Furthermore, plausible combinations of mass and scale length for the pressure-supported spheroid progenitor model reproduce the observed velocity dispersion profile. For all 3 models, orbits that best match the observables place the satellite 11+/-9 kpc behind M31 moving at very large velocities: 300-500 km/s on primarily radial orbits. Given that the observed radial component is only 54 km/s, this implies a large tangential motion for NGC 205, moving from the NW to the SE. These results suggest NGC 205 is not associated with the stellar arc observed to the NE of NGC 205. Furthermore, NGC 205's velocity appears to be near or greater than its escape velocity, signifying that the satellite is likely on its first M31 passage.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, A pdf version with high-resolution figures may be obtained from http://www.ucolick.org/~kirsten/ms.pd

    Control of fine-structure splitting and excitonic binding energies in selected individual InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    A systematic study of the impact of annealing on the electronic properties of single InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) is presented. Single QD cathodoluminescence spectra are recorded to trace the evolution of one and the same QD over several steps of annealing. A substantial reduction of the excitonic fine-structure splitting upon annealing is observed. In addition, the binding energies of different excitonic complexes change dramatically. The results are compared to model calculations within eight-band k.p theory and the configuration interaction method, suggesting a change of electron and hole wave function shape and relative position.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A Defensin-Like Gene Expressed in the Black-Legged Tick, Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae)

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    The black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis linnaeus (Acari: Ixodidae) is an important vector of microbial pathogens. Knowledge of the tick\u27s innate immune response, particularly defensin and other antimicrobial peptides, is important for understanding how microbes survive in this tick. A defensin gene (slnA) from I. scapularis was obtained by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using mRNA extracted from tissues of female ticks. RT-PCR indicated the gene was expressed in the midgut, haemocytes, and fat-body, although no evidence of a peptide was found. Sequencing a cloned cDNA fragment revealed a 225 bp open reading frame encoding a 74 amino acid pre-prodefensin, including the putative 38 amino acid mature peptide. Similarity between the defensin amino acid sequences of I. scapularis and Dermacentor variabilis (Say) (Acari: Ixodidae) was 62.2% for the pre-prodefensin region; for the mature defensins from these two species the similarity was 78.9%, with the six cysteine residues being located in the same relative position. PCR amplification and sequencing of chromosomal DNA suggests that slnA, along with vsnA, the defensin gene from D. variabilis, does not contain any introns. This is in contrast to the defensins described for the soft tick, Ornithodoros moubata (sensu Walton) (Acari: Argasidae). The role of defensin in the innate immune response of I. scapularis following microbial invasions is discussed

    Conformational Entropy as a Means to Control the Behavior of Poly(diketoenamine) Vitrimers In and Out of Equilibrium.

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    Control of equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermomechanical behavior of poly(diketoenamine) vitrimers is shown by incorporating linear polymer segments varying in molecular weight (MW) and conformational degrees of freedom into the dynamic covalent network. While increasing MW of linear segments yields a lower storage modulus at the rubbery plateau after softening above the glass transition (Tg ), both Tg and the characteristic time of stress relaxation are independently governed by the conformational entropy of the embodied linear segments. Activation energies for bond exchange in the solid state are lower for networks incorporating flexible chains; the network topology freezing temperature decreases with increasing MW of flexible linear segments but increases with increasing MW of stiff segments. Vitrimer reconfigurability is therefore influenced not only by the energetics of bond exchange for a given network density, but also the entropy of polymer chains within the network

    Evolutionary Status of Dwarf ``Transition'' Galaxies

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    We present deep B, R and Halpha imaging of 3 dwarf galaxies: NGC3377A, NGC4286, and IC3475. Based on previous broadband imaging and HI studies, these mixed-morphology galaxies were proposed by Sandage & Hoffman (1991) to be, respectively, a gas-rich low surface brightness Im dwarf, a nucleated dwarf that has lost most of its gas and is in transition from Im to dS0,N, and the prototypical example of a gas-poor ``huge low surface brightness'' early-type galaxy. From the combination of our broadband and Halpha imaging with the published information on the neutral gas content of these three galaxies, we find that (1) NGC3377A is a dwarf spiral; (2) NGC3377A and NGC4286 have comparable amounts of ongoing star formation, as indicated by their Halpha emission, while IC3475 has no detected HII regions to a very low limit; (3) the global star formation rates are at least a factor of 20 below that of 30 Doradus for NGC3377A and NGC4286; (4) while the amount of star formation is comparable, the distribution of star forming regions is very different between NGC3377A and NGC4286; (5) given their current star formation rates and gas contents, both NGC3377A and NGC4286 can continue to form stars for more than a Hubble time; (6) both NGC3377A and NGC4286 have integrated total B-R colors that are redder than the integrated total B-R color for IC3475, and thus it is unlikely that either galaxy will ever evolve into an IC3475 counterpart; and (7) IC3475 is too blue to be a dE. We thus conclude that we have not identified potential precursors to galaxies such as IC3475, and unless signifcant changes occur in the star formation rates, neither NGC3377A nor NGC4286 will evolve into a dwarf elliptical or dwarf spheroidal within a Hubble time.Comment: 34 pages, 6 jpg figures, 3 postscript figures, and 4 tables, uses AASTeX, ApJ, in pres

    Performance of Glass Resistive Plate Chambers for a high granularity semi-digital calorimeter

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    A new design of highly granular hadronic calorimeter using Glass Resistive Plate Chambers (GRPCs) with embedded electronics has been proposed for the future International Linear Collider (ILC) experiments. It features a 2-bit threshold semi-digital read-out. Several GRPC prototypes with their electronics have been successfully built and tested in pion beams. The design of these detectors is presented along with the test results on efficiency, pad multiplicity, stability and reproducibility.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Construction and commissioning of a technological prototype of a high-granularity semi-digital hadronic calorimeter

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    A large prototype of 1.3m3 was designed and built as a demonstrator of the semi-digital hadronic calorimeter (SDHCAL) concept proposed for the future ILC experiments. The prototype is a sampling hadronic calorimeter of 48 units. Each unit is built of an active layer made of 1m2 Glass Resistive Plate Chamber(GRPC) detector placed inside a cassette whose walls are made of stainless steel. The cassette contains also the electronics used to read out the GRPC detector. The lateral granularity of the active layer is provided by the electronics pick-up pads of 1cm2 each. The cassettes are inserted into a self-supporting mechanical structure built also of stainless steel plates which, with the cassettes walls, play the role of the absorber. The prototype was designed to be very compact and important efforts were made to minimize the number of services cables to optimize the efficiency of the Particle Flow Algorithm techniques to be used in the future ILC experiments. The different components of the SDHCAL prototype were studied individually and strict criteria were applied for the final selection of these components. Basic calibration procedures were performed after the prototype assembling. The prototype is the first of a series of new-generation detectors equipped with a power-pulsing mode intended to reduce the power consumption of this highly granular detector. A dedicated acquisition system was developed to deal with the output of more than 440000 electronics channels in both trigger and triggerless modes. After its completion in 2011, the prototype was commissioned using cosmic rays and particles beams at CERN.Comment: 49 pages, 41 figure

    Cavity QED with Diamond Nanocrystals and Silica Microspheres

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    Normal mode splitting is observed in a cavity QED system, in which nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond nanocrystals are coupled to whispering gallery modes in a silica microsphere. The composite nanocrystal-microsphere system takes advantage of the exceptional spin properties of nitrogen vacancy centers as well as the ultra high quality factor of silica microspheres. The observation of the normal mode splitting indicates that the dipole optical interaction between the relevant nitrogen vacancy center and whispering gallery mode has reached the strong coupling regime of cavity QED
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