127 research outputs found

    ¿Están preparados los docentes de lengua extranjera en formación inicial para AICLE en Cataluña? Un análisis de necesidades desde la perspectiva de los agentes implicados

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    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an educational approach that has been fostered as a way to increase students’ foreign language competence. However, its implementation has not always come along with the sufficient teacher training. This study aims to examine CLIL teachers’ competences and identify what training needs preservice language teachers have towards these competences. The participants of this study are pre-service primary and secondary foreign language teachers (n=44), CLIL teacher trainers, inspectors and CLIL coordinators (n=18). Peacock’s (2009) questionnaire is used to analyse pre-service teachers’ training needs towards language, self-reflection, methodological and classroom management competences. A semi-structured interview is used to elicit stake-holders’ perceptions towards CLIL teachers’ competences and training needs. The quantitative data shows that stakeholders believe that language, methodological and classroom management competences are equally necessary for a CLIL teacher. Apart from the initial domains analysed, participants consider that content knowledge and teamwork, interschool collaboration and material development competences are also relevant. In addition, training needs relative to these competences are found. However, considerable deep training needs for methodology and foreign language competence are identified. The findings have implications for CLIL teacher education.El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE) es un enfoque educativo que pretende desarrollar la competencia lingüística en una lengua extranjera del alumnado. No obstante, su implementación no siempre ha ido acompañada de la suficiente formación docente. Este estudio examina las competencias de los docentes AICLE e identifica las necesidades de formación que los docentes de lengua extranjera en formación inicial tienen respecto a estas competencias. Los participantes son docentes de lenguas extranjeras de primaria y secundaria en formación inicial (n=44), formadores AICLE, inspectores y coordinadores AICLE (n=18). Las necesidades de formación de los estudiantes respecto a la competencia comunicativa, de autorreflexión, metodológica y de gestión del aula se han estudiado con el cuestonario de Peacock (2009). Se ha utilizado una entrevista semiestructurada para comprender las necesidades de formación identificadas. Los participantes consideran que la competencia comunicativa, la metodológica y la de gestión del aula son igualmente necesarias para un docente AICLE. Asimismo, los participantes consideran que el conocimiento del contenido y las competencias de trabajo en equipo, colaboración interescolar y de desarrollo de materiales son también relevantes. Se identifican necesidades de formación para todas las competencias siendo las más destacadas la competencia metodológica y la comunicativa

    Pattern Recognition in a High Pressure Time Projection Chamber prototype with a Micromegas readout for the 136Xe double beta decay

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    The objective of this study has been to analyse the pattern recognition potential for background discrimination in a high pressure Time Projection Chamber (TPC) equipped with Micromegas detectors looking for the 136Xe neutrinoless double beta decay (ββ0ν). In addition the commissioning of a medium size prototype equipped with pixelized Micromegas allows to do first recognition of tracks in long drift distances (38 cm) and to study the performance of these detectors on it. Results show good pattern recognition capabilities and energy resolutions, proven the operability of these detectors for a ββ0ν experiment. The study of the background rejection potential in a 100kg TPC operating with Xe gas at 10 bar and equipped with Micromegas to study the ββ0ν have been done with MonteCarlo simulations. After the application of discrimination algorithms based on pattern recognition a rejection power of six orders of magnitude was obtained while the signal efficiency is 40%

    Reverse engineering applied to biomodelling and pathological bone manufacturing using FDM technology

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    [EN] Reverse engineering and medical image-based modeling technologies allow manufacturing of 3D biomodels of anatomical structures of human body. These techniques are based on anatomical information from scanning data such as CT and MRI, whose scanners are used for scanning data acquisition of the external and internal geometry of anatomical structures. These 3D biomodels have many medical applications such surgical training, preoperative planning, surgical simulation, diagnosis and treatments. 3D virtual models of human body structures based on CT are increasingly being used in clinical practice. A data processing methodology is required to obtain an accurate 3D model suitable for manufacturing using AM, and specially the FDM technologies. This study shows a step-by-step methodology to process the CT information in bounded uncertainty conditions in order to obtain the STL models of the degenerated bone components, and to manufacture the 3D biomodels for surgery analysis with optimal design and details, and with an adequate accuracy to ensure proper results by surgeons analysis.The authors wish to acknowledge the support of Ms. Jerica Risent and Mr. Joan Ortiz of Ford Motor Company for his assistance in the scanning of printed models. This work was supported by the Polisabio Funding (UPV-Fisabio 2017)Laura Piles; Miguel J. Reig; Vte. Jesús Seguí; Rafael Pla; Fernando Martínez; José Miguel Seguí (2019). Reverse engineering applied to biomodelling and pathological bone manufacturing using FDM technology. Procedia Manufacturing. 41:739-746. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.promfg.2019.09.065S73974641Van Eijnatten, M., Berger, F. H., de Graaf, P., Koivisto, J., Forouzanfar, T., & Wolff, J. (2017). Influence of CT parameters on STL model accuracy. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 23(4), 678-685. doi:10.1108/rpj-07-2015-0092Lalone, E. A., Willing, R. T., Shannon, H. L., King, G. J. W., & Johnson, J. A. (2015). Accuracy assessment of 3D bone reconstructions using CT: an intro comparison. Medical Engineering & Physics, 37(8), 729-738. doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2015.04.010Stull, K. E., Tise, M. L., Ali, Z., & Fowler, D. R. (2014). Accuracy and reliability of measurements obtained from computed tomography 3D volume rendered images. Forensic Science International, 238, 133-140. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.03.005Van Eijnatten, M., van Dijk, R., Dobbe, J., Streekstra, G., Koivisto, J., & Wolff, J. (2018). CT image segmentation methods for bone used in medical additive manufacturing. Medical Engineering & Physics, 51, 6-16. doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2017.10.008Javaid, M., & Haleem, A. (2018). Additive manufacturing applications in medical cases: A literature based review. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 54(4), 411-422. doi:10.1016/j.ajme.2017.09.003D.V.C. Stoffelen, K. Eraly, P. Debeer, The use of 3D printing technology in reconstruction of a severe glenoid defect: a case report with 2.5 years of follow-up, Journal of Shoulder Elbow Surgery, 24 (2015) e218-e22

    Infografia Avaluació entre iguals

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    Infografia orientada a l'estudiantat on s'expliquen les característiques i beneficis de l'avaluació entre iguals.Infografia elaborada en el marc del projecte d’Innovació Docent Implementació de processos d’avaluació entre iguals per contribuir al desenvolupament de la competència d’aprendre a aprendre en el Grau de Mestre d’Educació Primària (2019PID-UB/017

    Exemples de bones pràctiques de feedback

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    Document que té per objectiu oferir al professorat orientacions per treballar l'alfabetització sobre feedback i l'avaluació entre iguals.Material elaborat en el marc del Projecte d’Innovació Docent Implementació de processos d’avaluació entre iguals per contribuir al desenvolupament de la competència d’aprendre a aprendre en el Grau de Mestre d’Educació Primària (2019PID-UB/017

    Feedback en educación superior

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    Guía para facilitar prácticas de feedback en educación superiorGuia per facilitar pràctiques de feedback en educació superiorGuidelines for enhancing feedback practices on higher educatio

    Evaluative Judgement as a key component of learning to learn competence: The impact of assessment criteria

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    [spa] Se presenta el diseño de un proyecto de investigación que tiene por objetivo analizar los efectos que tienen los tipos de criterios de evaluación y las estrategias de apropiación de los criterios en el desarrollo del juicio evaluativo y en la competencia de aprender a aprender. La experiencia se implementa en los grados de las Facultades de Educación de 5 universidades de habla catalana. La investigación consiste en seleccionar los tipos de criterios y las estrategias de apropiación de los criterios a utilizar; determinar las condiciones y seleccionar el soporte para la evaluación entre iguales; administrar el cuestionario MSLQ a modo de pre- y post-test para evaluar la competencia de aprender a aprender y un cuestionario de satisfacción y de percepción del aprendizaje; y, finalmente, analizar los resultados cuantitativa y cualitativamente en términos de evolución del juicio evaluativo y de la competencia de aprender a aprender del alumnado de acuerdo a las características de cada asignatura.[eng] The design of a research project is presented which aims is to analyse the effect of the type of assessment criteria and the appropriation strategies on evaluative judgement and learning to learn competence. This experience is introduced to the Education degrees of 5 catalan-speaking universities. The research consists of selecting the type of assessment criteria and appropriation strategies to be used; determining the condicions and support for peer-assessment; administering MSLQ questionnaire as a pre- and post-test to assess the evolution of students’ learning to learn competence; applying a satisfaction and learning perception questionnaire; and, finally, analysing the quantitative and qualitative results in terms of the evolution of students’ evaluative judgement and learning to learn competence depending on the characteristics of the subject