78 research outputs found

    On the Use of Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Data for the Automatic Detection and Delineation of Surface Water Bodies

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    There is economical and ecological relevance for remote sensing applications of inland and coastal waters: The European Union Water Framework Directive (European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 2000) for inland and coastal waters requires the EU member states to take actions in order to reach a good ecological status in inland and coastal waters by 2015. This involves characterization of the specific trophic state and the implementation of monitoring systems to verify the ecological status. Financial resources at the national and local level are insufficient to assess the water quality using conventional methods of regularly field and laboratory work only. While remote sensing cannot replace the assessment of all aquatic parameters in the field, it powerfully complements existing sampling programs and offers the base to extrapolate the sampled parameter information in time and in space. The delineation of surface water bodies is a prerequisite for any further remote sensing based analysis and even can by itself provide up-to-date information for water resource management, monitoring and modelling (Manavalan et al., 1993). It is further important in the monitoring of seasonally changing water reservoirs (e.g., Alesheikh et al., 2007) and of shortterm events like floods (Overton, 2005). Usually the detection and delineation of surface water bodies in optical remote sensing data is described as being an easy task. Since water absorbs most of the irradiation in the near-infrared (NIR) part of the electromagnetic spectrum water bodies appear very dark in NIR spectral bands and can be mapped by simply applying a maximum threshold on one of these bands (Swain & Davis, 1978: section 5-4). Many studies took advantage of this spectral behaviour of water and applied methods like single band density slicing (e.g., Work & Gilmer, 1976), spectral indices (McFeeters, 1996, Xu, 2006) or multispectral supervised classification (e.g., Frazier & Page, 2000, Lira, 2006). However, all of these methods have the drawback that they are not fully automated since the analyst has to select a scene-specific threshold (Ji et al., 2009) or training pixels. Moreover there are certain situations where these methods lead to misclassification. For instance, water constituents in turbid water as well as water bottom reflectance and sun glint can raise the reflectance spectrum of surface water even in the NIR spectral range up to a reflectance level which is typical for dark surfaces on land such as dark rocks (e.g., basalt, lava), bituminous roofing materials and in particular shadow regions. Consequently, Carleer & Wolff (2006) amongst others found the land cover classes water and shadow to be highly confused in image classifications. This problem especially occurs in environments where both, a high amount of shadow and water regions can exist, such as urban landscapes, mountainous landscapes or cliffy coasts as well as generally in images with water bodies and cloud shadows. In this investigation we focus on the development of a new surface water body detection algorithm that can be automatically applied without user knowledge and supplementary data on any hyperspectral image of the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) spectral range. The analysis is strictly focused on the VNIR part of the electromagnetic spectrum due to the growing number of VNIR imaging spectrometers. The developed approach consists of two main steps, the selection of potential water pixels (section 4.1) and the removal of false positives from this mask (sections 4.2 and 4.3). In this context the separation between water bodies and shadowed surfaces is the most challenging task which is implemented by consecutive spectral and spatial processing steps (sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2) resulting in very high detection accuracies

    MDAS: a new multimodal benchmark dataset for remote sensing

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    In Earth observation, multimodal data fusion is an intuitive strategy to break the limitation of individual data. Complementary physical contents of data sources allow comprehensive and precise information retrieval. With current satellite missions, such as ESA Copernicus programme, various data will be accessible at an affordable cost. Future applications will have many options for data sources. Such a privilege can be beneficial only if algorithms are ready to work with various data sources. However, current data fusion studies mostly focus on the fusion of two data sources. There are two reasons; first, different combinations of data sources face different scientific challenges. For example, the fusion of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and optical images needs to handle the geometric difference, while the fusion of hyperspectral and multispectral images deals with different resolutions on spatial and spectral domains. Second, nowadays, it is still both financially and labour expensive to acquire multiple data sources for the same region at the same time. In this paper, we provide the community with a benchmark multimodal data set, MDAS, for the city of Augsburg, Germany. MDAS includes synthetic aperture radar data, multispectral image, hyperspectral image, digital surface model (DSM), and geographic information system (GIS) data. All these data are collected on the same date, 7 May 2018. MDAS is a new benchmark data set that provides researchers rich options on data selections. In this paper, we run experiments for three typical remote sensing applications, namely, resolution enhancement, spectral unmixing, and land cover classification, on MDAS data set. Our experiments demonstrate the performance of representative state-of-the-art algorithms whose outcomes can serve as baselines for further studies. The dataset is publicly available at https://doi.org/10.14459/2022mp1657312 (Hu et al., 2022a) and the code (including the pre-trained models) at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7428215 (Hu et al., 2022b)

    Reduction of Radiometric Miscalibration—Applications to Pushbroom Sensors

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    The analysis of hyperspectral images is an important task in Remote Sensing. Foregoing radiometric calibration results in the assignment of incident electromagnetic radiation to digital numbers and reduces the striping caused by slightly different responses of the pixel detectors. However, due to uncertainties in the calibration some striping remains. This publication presents a new reduction framework that efficiently reduces linear and nonlinear miscalibrations by an image-driven, radiometric recalibration and rescaling. The proposed framework—Reduction Of Miscalibration Effects (ROME)—considering spectral and spatial probability distributions, is constrained by specific minimisation and maximisation principles and incorporates image processing techniques such as Minkowski metrics and convolution. To objectively evaluate the performance of the new approach, the technique was applied to a variety of commonly used image examples and to one simulated and miscalibrated EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) scene. Other examples consist of miscalibrated AISA/Eagle VNIR (Visible and Near Infrared) and Hawk SWIR (Short Wave Infrared) scenes of rural areas of the region Fichtwald in Germany and Hyperion scenes of the Jalal-Abad district in Southern Kyrgyzstan. Recovery rates of approximately 97% for linear and approximately 94% for nonlinear miscalibrated data were achieved, clearly demonstrating the benefits of the new approach and its potential for broad applicability to miscalibrated pushbroom sensor data

    The EnMAP imaging spectroscopy mission towards operations

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    EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) is a high-resolution imaging spectroscopy remote sensing mission that was successfully launched on April 1st, 2022. Equipped with a prism-based dual-spectrometer, EnMAP performs observations in the spectral range between 418.2 nm and 2445.5 nm with 224 bands and a high radiometric and spectral accuracy and stability. EnMAP products, with a ground instantaneous field-of-view of 30 m x 30 m at a swath width of 30 km, allow for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of surface variables from frequently and consistently acquired observations on a global scale. This article presents the EnMAP mission and details the activities and results of the Launch and Early Orbit and Commissioning Phases until November 1st, 2022. The mission capabilities and expected performances for the operational Routine Phase are provided for existing and future EnMAP users

    Estimating the Influence of Spectral and Radiometric Calibration Uncertainties on EnMAP Data Products—Examples for Ground Reflectance Retrieval and Vegetation Indices

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    As part of the EnMAP preparation activities this study aims at estimating the uncertainty in the EnMAP L2A ground reflectance product using the simulated scene of Barrax, Spain. This dataset is generated using the EnMAP End-to-End Simulation tool, providing a realistic scene for a well-known test area. Focus is set on the influence of the expected radiometric calibration stability and the spectral calibration stability. Using a Monte-Carlo approach for uncertainty analysis, a larger number of realisations for the radiometric and spectral calibration are generated. Next, the ATCOR atmospheric correction is conducted for the test scene for each realisation. The subsequent analysis of the generated ground reflectance products is carried out independently for the radiometric and the spectral case. Findings are that the uncertainty in the L2A product is wavelength-dependent, and, due to the coupling with the estimation of atmospheric parameters, also spatially variable over the scene. To further illustrate the impact on subsequent data analysis, the influence on two vegetation indices is briefly analysed. Results show that the radiometric and spectral stability both have a high impact on the uncertainty of the narrow-band Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), and also the broad-band Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is affected

    AROSICS: An Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software for Multi-Sensor Satellite Data

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    Abstract Geospatial co-registration is a mandatory prerequisite when dealing with remote sensing data. Inter- or intra-sensoral misregistration will negatively affect any subsequent image analysis, specifically when processing multi-sensoral or multi-temporal data. In recent decades, many algorithms have been developed to enable manual, semi- or fully automatic displacement correction. Especially in the context of big data processing and the development of automated processing chains that aim to be applicable to different remote sensing systems, there is a strong need for efficient, accurate and generally usable co-registration. Here, we present AROSICS (Automated and Robust Open-Source Image Co-Registration Software), a Python-based open-source software including an easy-to-use user interface for automatic detection and correction of sub-pixel misalignments between various remote sensing datasets. It is independent of spatial or spectral characteristics and robust against high degrees of cloud coverage and spectral and temporal land cover dynamics. The co-registration is based on phase correlation for sub-pixel shift estimation in the frequency domain utilizing the Fourier shift theorem in a moving-window manner. A dense grid of spatial shift vectors can be created and automatically filtered by combining various validation and quality estimation metrics. Additionally, the software supports the masking of, e.g., clouds and cloud shadows to exclude such areas from spatial shift detection. The software has been tested on more than 9000 satellite images acquired by different sensors. The results are evaluated exemplarily for two inter-sensoral and two intra-sensoral use cases and show registration results in the sub-pixel range with root mean square error fits around 0.3 pixels and better.Peer Reviewe

    Mapping of Ni-Cu-PGE ore hosting ultramafic rocks using airborne and simulated EnMap hyperspectral data

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    Hyperspectral imaging is a promising avenue to facilitate detailed continuous regional mapping in sub-Arctic regions. This study investigates the use of AISA optical airborne hyperspectral and simulated EnMAP satellite imagery (2m and 30m spatial resolution, respectively) to demonstrate the capability of producing detailed maps to highlight ultramafic rock units associated with Ni-Cu-(PGE) mineralization in the presence of lichen coatings. A total of 20 AISA flight-lines were flown over part of the Proterozoic fold and thrust Cape Smith Belt (Nunavik, Canada) in 2008. These lines have been radiometrically leveled and merged to form a single mosaic approximately 10x20 km in size. This mosaic was subsequently used to generate a simulated EnMAP scene using the EnMAP End-to-End Simulation Tool (EeteS). The Spatial Spectral Endmember Extraction tool (SSEE) was used on both the AISA and EnMAP simulation data to derive spectral endmembers for the complete study area. Image endmember spectra were compared and contrasted with spectral measurements taken from field samples to determine if spectral features associated with index minerals that discriminate between rock types and lichen were well represented. Results show that the 2m AISA imagery allowed for a better representation of specific rock types compared with the 30m EnMAP simulated data. The derived endmembers were also used to map the distribution of various geological materials for both scenes using the Iterative Spectral Mixture Analysis tool. Results indicate that the airborne data, as expected, allow for better detailed regional mapping compared with the EnMAP simulated data. However, results also showed that even at the 30m spatial resolution of the EnMAP data, broad scale lithological units could be discriminated and mapped. This work is a collaboration between the German Remote Sensing Data Center and the University of Alberta, Canada
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