176 research outputs found

    Applying market shaping approaches to increase access to assistive technology in low- and middle-income countries

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    Development outcomes are inextricably linked to the health of the marketplace that delivers products and services to people in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Shortcomings in the market for assistive technology (AT) contribute to low access in LMIC. Market shaping is aimed at improving a market's specific outcomes, such as access to high quality, affordable AT, by targeting the root causes of these shortcomings. The paper summarizes the findings of market analyses conducted under the UK aid funded AT2030 programme in support of ATscale and aims to discuss how market shaping can help more people gain access to the AT that they need and what are the best mechanisms to unlock markets and commercial opportunity in LMICs. The paper also explores how market shaping for AT markets could be part of a mission-oriented approach AT policy. A mission-oriented approach can help accelerate progress toward a common objective among stakeholders, at country or global level. While market-shaping activities direct the outcomes of the market toward a specific end goal, such as access to quality, affordable products and services, missions are more comprehensive and include other policy interventions and stakeholder collaborations in order to create a robust and sustainable structure

    P2Y2 receptor activation inhibits the expression of the sodium-chloride cotransporter NCC in distal convoluted tubule cells

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    Luminal nucleotide stimulation is known to reduce Na+ transport in the distal nephron. Previous studies suggest that this mechanism may involve the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− cotransporter (NCC), which plays an essential role in NaCl reabsorption in the cells lining the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). Here we show that stimulation of mouse DCT (mDCT) cells with ATP or UTP promoted Ca2+ transients and decreased the expression of NCC at both mRNA and protein levels. Specific siRNA-mediated silencing of P2Y2 receptors almost completely abolished ATP/UTP-induced Ca2+ transients and significantly reduced ATP/UTP-induced decrease of NCC expression. To test whether local variations in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) may control NCC transcription, we overexpressed the Ca2+-binding protein parvalbumin selectively in the cytosol or in the nucleus of mDCT cells. The decrease in NCC mRNA upon nucleotide stimulation was abolished in cells overexpressing cytosolic PV but not in cells overexpressing either a nuclear-targeted PV or a mutated PV unable to bind Ca2+. Using a firefly luciferase reporter gene strategy, we observed that the activity of NCC promoter region from −1 to −2,200bp was not regulated by changes in [Ca2+]i. In contrast, high cytosolic calcium level induced instability of NCC mRNA. We conclude that in mDCT cells: (1) P2Y2 receptor is essential for the intracellular Ca2+ signaling induced by ATP/UTP stimulation; (2) P2Y2-mediated increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration down-regulates the expression of NCC; (3) the decrease of NCC expression occurs, at least in part, via destabilization of its mRNA

    Scoping Research Report on Assistive Technology - On The Road For Universal Assistive Technology Coverage

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    Over one billion people – largely disabled people and older people – are currently in need of Assistive Technology (AT). By 2050, this number is predicted to double. Despite the proven advantages of AT for disabled and older people, their families, and society, there is still a vast and stubborn gap between the need and the supply; currently only 10% of those who need AT currently have access to it. This Scoping Research Report on Assistive Technology (AT) seeks to unpick and understand the multi-layered and multifaceted ways in which economic, social, and political factors interplay and interact to create barriers to AT for those who need it the most. Through primary and secondary research, they explore the current landscape, the limitations, and current initiatives, ultimately answering the question: “How best should a target intervention around AT sphere affect positive change for poor, disabled and older people in Global South priority countries?”. To understand this question, the research team asked two specific questions: What are the barriers which prevent access to AT for the people that need it, with a focus on those living in low resource settings within DFID priority Global South countries? How should DFID, in partnership with others best direct its intervention toward overcoming these barriers? The work reveals that, while levels of AT market development vary across countries, key barriers are common. These barriers can be classified into 5 main categories related to both supply and demand factors and across the 5Ps of People, Products, Provision, Personnel, and Policy. This work is part of the ‘Frontier Technology Livestreaming’ programm

    Exceptional LAS Requests in Eurotransplant:Analysis of an 8-year Effort to Improve Lung Allocation for Precarious Patients

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    PURPOSE: Following introduction of the lung allocation score (LAS) in 2011, Eurotransplant member centers can apply for an exceptional LAS (eLAS) if the calculated LAS insufficiently reflects the perceived transplant benefit for a patient, specifically in case of primary pulmonary hypertension group 1 and 4; combined lung+non-renal transplantation; rare diseases; or extracorporeal support. Each eLAS proposal is evaluated by a LAS Review Board, consisting of ≥3 lung transplant experts, which subsequently declines or approves the eLAS request in consensus of ≥3 votes. In case of a lower than accepted score, predefined business rules to assign LAS percentiles are used. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all eLAS requests in Eurotransplant from December 2011 until September 2019. RESULTS: Overall, 5183 lung transplants (deceased donors) were performed and 420 eLAS requests were made (Germany 52%, Netherlands 18%, Austria 18%, Belgium 13%), of which 116 (28%) were approved. Most eLAS requests concerned group B/Pulmonary vascular disease (44%), followed by group C/Cystic fibrosis or immunodeficiency disorder (28%), then group D/Restrictive lung disease (15%) and finally group A/Obstructive lung disease (11%); whereas 10 patients (2%) were not classified. The proportion of accepted eLAS requests significantly differed between countries (Germany 25%, Netherlands 37%, Austria 20%, Belgium 36%) (p=0.042). eLAS requests decreased in the Netherlands following its LAS introduction in 2014 (2011-2014 mean 13/yr vs. 2015-2019 mean 4.6/yr; p=0.060). However, since 2015 an overall annual increasing number of eLAS requests is seen, with doubling of the eLAS requests in 2018 vs. 2015, but no difference in acceptance rate (2015-2018: 22.4%) (Figure). Acceptance rates were 38% for Group B, 21% for Group C, 20% for Group D and 11% for Group A. CONCLUSION: The observed variations require further investigation to optimize lung allocation for specific patient populations in Eurotransplant

    Activation of TRPC1 Channel by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor mGluR5 Modulates Synaptic Plasticity and Spatial Working Memory

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    Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors, in particular mGluR5, have been implicated in various forms of synaptic plasticity that are believed to underlie declarative memory. We observed that mGluR5 specifically activated a channel containing TRPC1, an isoform of the canonical family of transient receptor potential (TRPC) channels highly expressed in CA1-3 regions of the hippocampus. TRPC1 is able to form tetrameric complexes with TRPC4 and/or TRPC5 isoforms. TRPC1/4/5 complexes have recently been involved in the efficiency of synaptic transmission in the hippocampus. We therefore used a mouse model devoid of TRPC1 expression to investigate the involvement of mGluR5-TRPC1 pathway in synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Trpc1-/- mice showed alterations in spatial working memory and fear conditioning. Activation of mGluR increased synaptic excitability in neurons from WT but not from Trpc1-/- mice. LTP triggered by a theta burst could not maintain over time in brain slices from Trpc1-/- mice. mGluR-induced LTD was also impaired in these mice. Finally, acute inhibition of TRPC1 by Pico145 on isolated neurons or on brain slices mimicked the genetic depletion of Trpc1 and inhibited mGluR-induced entry of cations and subsequent effects on synaptic plasticity, excluding developmental or compensatory mechanisms in Trpc1-/- mice. In summary, our results indicate that TRPC1 plays a role in synaptic plasticity and spatial working memory processes

    Impact of donor lung quality on post-transplant recipient outcome in the Lung Allocation Score era in Eurotransplant – a historical prospective study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is an impact of donation rates on the quality of lungs used for transplantation and whether donor lung quality affects post-transplant outcome in the current Lung Allocation Score era. All consecutive adult LTx performed in Eurotransplant (ET) between January 2012 and December 2016 were included (N = 3053). Donors used for LTx in countries with high donation rate were younger (42% vs. 33% ≤45 years, P < 0.0001), were less often smokers (35% vs. 46%, P < 0.0001), had more often clear chest X-rays (82% vs. 72%, P < 0.0001), had better donor oxygenation ratios (20% vs. 26% with PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 mmHg, P < 0.0001), and had better lung donor score values (LDS; 28% vs. 17% with LDS = 6, P < 0.0001) compared with donors used for LTx in countries with low donation rate. Survival rates for the groups LDS = 6 and ≥7 at 5 years were 69.7% and 60.9% (P = 0.007). Lung donor quality significantly impacts on long-term patient survival. Countries with a low donation rate are more oriented to using donor lungs with a lesser quality compared to countries with a high donation rate. Instead of further stretching donor eligibility criteria, the full potential of the donor pool should be realized

    Heritable Differences in Schooling Behavior among Threespine Stickleback Populations Revealed by a Novel Assay

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    Identifying the proximate and ultimate mechanisms of social behavior remains a major goal of behavioral biology. In particular, the complex social interactions mediating schooling behavior have long fascinated biologists, leading to theoretical and empirical investigations that have focused on schooling as a group-level phenomenon. However, methods to examine the behavior of individual fish within a school are needed in order to investigate the mechanisms that underlie both the performance and the evolution of schooling behavior. We have developed a technique to quantify the schooling behavior of an individual in standardized but easily manipulated social circumstances. Using our model school assay, we show that threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from alternative habitats differ in behavior when tested in identical social circumstances. Not only do marine sticklebacks show increased association with the model school relative to freshwater benthic sticklebacks, they also display a greater degree of parallel swimming with the models. Taken together, these data indicate that marine sticklebacks exhibit a stronger tendency to school than benthic sticklebacks. We demonstrate that these population-level differences in schooling tendency are heritable and are shared by individuals within a population even when they have experienced mixed-population housing conditions. Finally, we begin to explore the stimuli that elicit schooling behavior in these populations. Our data suggest that the difference in schooling tendency between marine and benthic sticklebacks is accompanied by differential preferences for social vs. non-social and moving vs. stationary shelter options. Our study thus provides novel insights into the evolution of schooling behavior, as well as a new experimental approach to investigate the genetic and neural mechanisms that underlie this complex social behavior

    Predation Risk Shapes Social Networks in Fission-Fusion Populations

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    Predation risk is often associated with group formation in prey, but recent advances in methods for analysing the social structure of animal societies make it possible to quantify the effects of risk on the complex dynamics of spatial and temporal organisation. In this paper we use social network analysis to investigate the impact of variation in predation risk on the social structure of guppy shoals and the frequency and duration of shoal splitting (fission) and merging (fusion) events. Our analyses revealed that variation in the level of predation risk was associated with divergent social dynamics, with fish in high-risk populations displaying a greater number of associations with overall greater strength and connectedness than those from low-risk sites. Temporal patterns of organisation also differed according to predation risk, with fission events more likely to occur over two short time periods (5 minutes and 20 minutes) in low-predation fish and over longer time scales (>1.5 hours) in high-predation fish. Our findings suggest that predation risk influences the fine-scale social structure of prey populations and that the temporal aspects of organisation play a key role in defining social systems