172 research outputs found
"TRAINING FOR THE UNIVERSAL MUSEUM" addresses a theme of our time. A Canadian, Marshall McLuhan, coined the phrase "global village" for this age which has witnessed mass travel, mass communications, even mass credit. Are we now about to see the "mass museum", a museum presumably homogenized and popularized for whatever constitutes the greatest cohort of global visitor which might arrive on the doorsteps of every-museum, every-where? The contributors to this volume think not. But there is in these papers some evidence of worry that we as individuals and institutions responsible for the education and professional development of museum workers are failing to consider seriously the impacts of the "global" forces at work in modern societies. Angelica Ruge discusses how the Germans are re-organizing museum training into a cohesive scheme, searching out the best elements from the former two states that now comprise the new German state. Margaret Greeves and Chris Newbery document the British search for a value free (and universally applicable?) set of museological skills which will underpin performance standards in the workplace. Both of these papers offer a response to the redefinition of the post-modern national state which as we watch, is redrawing political boundaries on every continent, and emphasizing the portability of skills and learning for the itinerant knowledge-industry worker.
The Role of International Forums in the Advancement of Sustainable Development
Climate advocates are increasingly raising specific climate change concerns before domestic courts, human rights tribunals, international commissions and other national and international decisionmaking bodies. Win or lose, these litigation strategies are significantly changing and enhancing the public dialogue around climate change. This article discusses the awareness-building impacts of climate litigation as well as related impacts such strategies may have on the development of climate law and policy. The article argues that litigation\u27s focus on specific victims facing immediate threats from climate change has increased the political will to address climate change both internationally and nationally. It has also shifted the debate towards questions of compensation and adaptation, and has brought new and democratic voices to the climate policy debate. As a result, climate litigation is leaving an important imprint on climate policy regardless of whether a tort action in the United States or the Inuit human rights claims, for example, ultimately prevail - and as demonstrated by the recent US Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v. EPA, some climate claims will prevail, setting important precedents for the future direction of climate law and policy
DECLARAÇÃO DE LISBOA, Resoluções da Comissão Internacional de Formação de Pesooal (ICTOP)
Considerando que rápidas mudanças nas condições mundiais provocaram uma depreciação da herança natural e cultural, designadamente pela combinação dos interesses nacionais e internacionais; e, Considerando que há determinadas ideias e convicções que são fundamentais para a existência humana e a interconexão entre as pessoas, as pessoas e o ambiente, e as pessoas e a sua natureza universal; e, - Considerando que é necessário para os museus como instituições "ao serviço da sociedade e do seu desenvolvimento" assumirem um papel de liderança na comunidade internacional; - Assim, a Comissão Internacional de Formação de Pessoal, reunida em Lisboa, Portugal, de 3 de Outubro 1994, tomou as seguintes resoluções
The enterprising manager and project performance
Project managers can play a key role in implementing organizational strategy by using entrepreneurial approaches when responding to new needs and opportunities. Nevertheless, the operational responsibilities of a project manager – planning and control – are in stark contrast to the characteristics of an entrepreneur. In light of these contradictory viewpoints, it is important to assess whether managers showing entrepreneurial characteristics are associated with more successful projects. A field survey was conducted, involving 164 project managers most of whom were male and had graduate-level education and broad practical business experience. Non-parametric statistics was used and showed that enterprising tendency on the part of project managers is correlated with more successful projects, and creativity, in particular, was one of the most relevant variables
Oral intake of specific bioactive collagen peptides reduces skin wrinkles and increases dermal matrix synthesis
Dietary consumption of food supplements has been found to modulate skin functions and can therefore be useful in the treatment of skin aging. However, there is only a limited number of clinical studies supporting these claims. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the effectiveness of the specific bioactive collagen peptide (BCP) VERISOL® on eye wrinkle formation and stimulation of procollagen I, elastin and fibrillin biosynthesis in the skin was assessed. A hundred and fourteen women aged 45-65 years were randomized to receive 2.5 g of BCP or placebo, once daily for 8 weeks, with 57 subjects being allocated to each treatment group. Skin wrinkles were objectively measured in all subjects, before starting the treatment, after 4 and 8 weeks as well as 4 weeks after the last intake (4-week regression phase). A subgroup was established for suction blister biopsies analyzing procollagen I, elastin and fibrillin at the beginning of the treatment and after 8 weeks of intake. The ingestion of the specific BCP used in this study promoted a statistically significant reduction of eye wrinkle volume (p < 0.05) in comparison to the placebo group after 4 and 8 weeks (20%) of intake. Moreover a positive long-lasting effect was observed 4 weeks after the last BCP administration (p < 0.05). Additionally, after 8 weeks of intake a statistically significantly higher content of procollagen type I (65%) and elastin (18%) in the BCP-treated volunteers compared to the placebo-treated patients was detected. For fibrillin, a 6% increase could be determined after BCP treatment compared to the placebo, but this effect failed to reach the level of statistical significance. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that the oral intake of specific bioactive collagen peptides (Verisol®) reduced skin wrinkles and had positive effects on dermal matrix synthesis
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