205 research outputs found


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    A conceptual optimal control theory model which considers farm level decision making with respect to soil management is developed. A simplified version of the theoretical model is applied to the Piedmont area of Virginia. The model includes the productivity impacts of both soil erosion and technological progress. Both the theoretical model and its empirical application are improvements over previous efforts. Results suggest that farmers in the study area can achieve substantial reductions in soil erosion by adopting alternative farming practices.Farm Management,


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    A non-linear optimization model which maximizes total Ecuadorian social welfare, defined as the sum of consumers' and producers' surpluses for the four major crops (corn, bananas, rice and African palm) is developed to evaluate the tradeoff between welfare and environmental degradation in Ecuador. It was found that a total welfare loss of US122million(a11percentreductionfromUS122 million (a 11 percent reduction - from US 1.112 billion to US$ 989.66 million) would be expected from a 30 percent reduction in the total pesticide load on the environment in the production of the four major crops. The distributional impacts of the welfare loss were found, however, to be significantly skewed toward the loss of consumers' surplus. Specifically, a 30 percent reduction of total pesticide load on the environment would result in a reduction of 3.86 percent of producers' total surplus while consumers would be expected to loose 19.46 percent of their total surplus.welfare tradeoff, environmental impacts, non-linear optimization, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Elucidating the Molecular Pathway of Atypical Plasmodium falciparum Kinases through Substrate Characterization

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    Plasmodium falciparum, the organism responsible for the most prevalent and most virulent cases of malaria in humans, poses a major burden to the developing world. The parasite is increasingly developing resistance to traditional therapies, such as chloroquine, so the need to determine novel drug targets is more prevalent than ever. One such method involves targeting proteins unique to the malarial proteome that do not have homologues in humans. An especially promising group of targets are protein kinases, which are involved in many different biochemical pathways within the cell. Eukaryotic cell cycle progression is moderated by a family of protein kinases known as the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). These kinases depend on the binding of a cognate regulatory unit (cyclin) in order to enter its activated state. Once activated, these cyclins then mediate phosphorylation events that are crucial to cell cycle advancement . Cyclin Dependent Kinases (CDKs) are common to most eukaryotes and are responsible for regulating the cell cycle of growth and proliferation. Proteins have been previously identified in Plasmodium that have sequence homology to traditional CDK and have a potential function to be classified as CDK-like kinases. Three kinases that fit this description are Plasmodium falciparum Kinase 5, 6, and mrk, or MO15- Related Kinase. These kinases are expected to have roles in both malarial growth and regulation of the cell cycle. Bacterial constructs were generated to express and purify recombinant forms of these kinases and potential substrates. Once the potential interactors were isolated, in vitro protein kinase assays were used to validate the interactions to the kinases as substrates. In summary, the study has identified substrates that are directly phosphorylated by PfPK6, and demonstrated that the identified proteins are not directly phosphorylated by PfPK5 and Pfmrk

    Los museos de ciencias como instrumentos de alfabetización científica

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    Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de la contribución de los museos de ciencias al proceso de alfabetización científica, analizando cómo presentan las relaciones ciencia-tecnología-sociedadambiente. En particular se analiza en qué medida los museos de ciencias contribuyen a superar la visión distorsionada de la tecnología, como mera aplicación de la ciencia, que suele transmitir la enseñanza reglada de las ciencias

    La marca gráfica como signo de identidad. Creación y desarrollo de la marca "El plató de cinema"

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    La marca gráfica como signo distintivo de identidad visual, objeto principal de este trabajo final de máster, se constituye como un elemento muy importante en un contexto social contemporáneo, al determinar mediante sus diversas morfologías toda una serie de diferentes rasgos de identidad y conexiones emocionales con el espectador. Partiendo de una evolución histórica de las funciones de la marca gráfica, llegamos a un estadio actual en el que desarrollamos unas cuestiones generales del concepto marca, para desglosarla en diferentes agentes que intervienen en su concepción y desarrollo. Con el análisis del simbolismo icónico y tipográfico, las referencias funcionales de construcción y las modificaciones expresivas conseguimos unas claves para analizar cualquier marca gráfica. Mediante un estudio posterior de diferentes casos reales de identidad visual en el ámbito cinematográfico, ejemplificamos todos los temas desarrollados y contextualizamos el sector sobre el que hemos desarrollado nuestro proyecto práctico que consiste en la creación y desarrollo de la identidad visual real para una escuela de cine y interpretación con productora cinematográfica propia. La exposición de todo el proceso creativo, desde las primeras ideas o mapas conceptuales hasta los resultados finales ejemplificados con los conceptos teóricos desarrollados, permiten una comprensión de toda la evolución del proceso de trabajo manteniendo siempre un importante vínculo teórico práctico.Segarra Beser, D. (2013). La marca gráfica como signo de identidad. Creación y desarrollo de la marca "El plató de cinema". http://hdl.handle.net/10251/35688.Archivo delegad

    Efecto crónico de la realización de series alternas VS consecutivas en ejercicios de fuerza sobre el rendimiento neuromuscular

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    entrenamiento, utilizando el entrenamiento basado en velocidad para cuantificar y programar la carga de las sesiones durante toda la intervención. Método: 12 estudiantes universitarios divididos en 2 grupos, de series consecutivas (SC) y de series alternas (SA), con experiencia en el entrenamiento de fuerza participaron en un programa de entrenamiento basado en velocidad de 6 semanas donde trabajaron los ejercicios de sentadilla completa (SQ) y press de banca (PB) con una pérdida de velocidad (PV) de 15 y 20% respectivamente, y una intensidad del 55-70% progresivamente. Las posibles adaptaciones del programa se midieron a través de 5 test, test de salto vertical (CMJ), test de cargas progresivas para SQ y PB, y test de fatiga para SQ y PB

    Aportes ao conhecimento da flora e diversidade do bioma cerrado do Brasil e da Bolívia

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2011.O presente trabalho estudou e identificou os padrões de esforços de coleta, riqueza e endemismo florístico atuais do bioma Cerrado boliviano e brasileiro. Para este fim, foi elaborado um banco de dados baseados em 15 táxons de angiospermas utilizados como representantes da flora do bioma Cerrado. O banco de dados foi composto de 18.920 registros, pertencentes a 12 famílias, 61 gêneros e 1.211 espécies. Os resultados indicaram a existência de uma alta correlação entre o número de coleta e número de espécies, indicando que ao menos 90 % do Cerrado têm uma baixa intensidade de amostragem, sendo as áreas com maior riqueza de espécies as que possuem a maior intensidade de amostragem. Baseados na intensidade de amostragem foram identificados três principais centros de riqueza e endemismo florístico que estão localizados no Brasil, Distrito Federal (+ entorno), Chapada dos Veadeiros (Goiás), e a região Sul da Cadeia do Espinhaço (Minas Gerais). Estes três centros de riqueza de espécies e endemismo apresentam na atualidade uma alta pressão antrópica. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study examined and identified patterns of collection efforts, floristic richness and endemism of the current Bolivian and Brazilian Cerrado. To this end, we constructed a database based on 15 taxa’s of flowering plants used as representatives of the flora of the Cerrado biome. The database is about 18.920 records, of 12 families, 61 genera and 1.211 species. The results indicated that there is a high correlation between the number of collection and number of species, indicating at least 90 % of the Cerrado has a low sampling rate, and the areas richest in species that have the highest sampling rate. Based on the sampling intensity we identified three main centers of floristic richness and endemism, that are located in Brazil, Distrito Federal (+ surroundings), Chapada dos Veadeiros (Goiás), and the region south of the Cadeia Espinhaço (Minas Gerais). On the other hand, these three centers of species richness and endemism have today a high human pressure

    Campos e savanas do subandino boliviano : flora, diversidade e fitogeografia

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2017.As formações savânicas continuas na Bolívia representam 20% de seu território, sendo estas o Cerrado, os Llanos de Moxos e o Pantanal. Além destas formações savânicas tradicionalmente conhecidas, também existem coberturas de campos e savanas dispersos ao longo da unidade fisiográfica do subandino boliviano, onde a vegetação dominante ou climáxica atual corresponde a formações florestais, motivo pelo qual, tradicionalmente foram subordinadas baixo a premissa que são pobres em riqueza e diversidade. Até a atualidade, todas estas formações savânicas (continuas e fragmentadas) foram classificadas sob diferentes sistemas e terminologias, ocasionando confusões sobre sua originalidade e a importância de sua conservação. Assim também, todas as classificações existentes estiveram baseadas apenas em caracterizações fisionômicas pouco detalhadas, listas florísticas bastantes escassas, a maioria dos quais sem coletas ou material testemunha. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal gerar conhecimentos florísticos, ecológicos e fitogeográficos dos fragmentos de campos e savanas do subandino boliviano. Para cumprir com este objetivo foram gerados três capítulos, sendo estes: Capítulo 1. Campos y sabanas del Cerrado en Bolivia: delimitación, síntesis terminológica y sus características fisionómicas (já publicada); Capítulo 2. The vascular plants of the grassland and savannas of the subandino of Bolivia: checklist, endemism, and phytogeographic affinities; e Capítulo 3. Classificação e diversidade dos campos e savanas do subandino na Bolívia. O Capítulo 1 foi realizado com a finalidade de padronizar as terminologias utilizadas para nomear as fisionomias de campos e savanas na Bolívia, mas com ênfase no Cerrado, já que, essa terminologia foi arbitrariamente aplicada à outras formações savânicas vizinhas. Como resultado, delimitamos e diferenciamos entre si o Cerrado, Pantanal e Llanos de Moxos; e padronizamos cada terminologia fisionômica, para assim, iniciar com o trabalho nos campos e savanas do subandino boliviano utilizando terminologias uniformizadas. No Capítulo 2, inventariamos a flora dos campos e savanas do subandino e, analisamos suas afinidades fitogeográficas e endemismo. Como resultado foram registrados o total de 939 espécies, das que 21 são novos registros para a flora boliviana e 65 são endêmicas da Bolívia, das quais 27 são específicas dos campos e savanas do subandino e duas são novas para a ciência. Assim também, demostramos que fitogoegraficamente estes campos e savanas são tropicais e não andinos. Finalmente, no Capítulo 3, classificamos os campos e savanas do subandino da Bolívia em função a composição florísticas e fatores ambientais, assim como também determinamos sua riqueza e diversidade de espécies. Como resultado, encontramos que a diferenciação florística é regida pela altitude, temperatura e precipitação, sendo a diferenciação fisionômica relacionada com o pH do solo. Assim, estes campos e savanas foram divididas em seis subtipos, cada uma com diferentes níveis de riqueza e diversidade.Rufford Small Grants Foundation (Project RSG 135131).The savannic vegetation of Bolivia covers 20% of its territory, and it is composed of the Cerrado, Llanos de Moxos and the Pantanal. Besides these traditionally recognized savannas, there are also disjunct areas covered by fields and savannas dispersed within the fisiographic unit known as the bolivian subandino, in which the dominant or climatic vegetation is presently composed of forested areas, to which they have been traditionally subordinated under the belief that they are species-poor and low in diversity. Up to the present, all these savannic formations (continuous or phragmented) have been classified under several different systems and terminologies, leading to confusion as to their originality and their importance for conservation. Besides this, all the classifications that exist have been based on rough physiognomic characterizations, and scant floristic lists, most of which with little or no collections or voucher material. Thus, the present study had as its main objetive to generate floristic, ecological and fitogeographic knowledge of the fields and savanna fragments of the bolivian subandino. To attain these objectives three Chapters were generated, as follows: Chapter 1. Cerrado grasslands and savanna in Bolivia: delimitation, terminology and physiognomies; Chapter 2. The vascular plants of the grassland and savannas of the subandino of Bolivia: checklist, endemism, and phytogeographic affinities; and Chapter 3. Classification and floristic diversity of the grasslands and savannas of the bolivian subandino. Chapter 1 was done with the goal of producing a standard terminology for all the fields and savannic vegetation forms of Bolivia, with emphasis on Cerrado, since this terminology was arbitrarily applied to other savanics formations. As a result, the Cerrado, Pantanal and Llanos de Moxos were delimitated neated and differentiated among themselves; the physiognomic terminology was also standardized, so that, the study of the grasslands and savannas of the subandino begin, using the appropriate terminology. In Chapter 2, the flora of the fields and savannas of the subandino were inventoried and their phytogeographic affinities and degree of endemism was analyzed. As a result, a total de 939 species were recorded, of which 21 are new records for the Bolivian flora and 65 are endemic to Bolivia, of which 27 are restricted to the fields and savannas of the subandino and two are new species. It has also been demonstrated that phytogeographically these fields and savannas are tropical and not Andean. Finally, in Chapter 3. we classify the grasslands and savannas of the subandino of Bolivia in function of the floristic composition and environmental factors, and also determine the richness and species diversity. As a result, floristic differentiation between the different vegetation fragments were found to be determined by altitude, temperature and precipitation, with physiognomic differentiation related to soil pH. Thus, these fields and savannas were divided into six subtypes, each with different levels of richness and diversity

    STEAM education at Master level

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    [EN] This work presents the Innovation and Improvement Learning Project ¿Applying STEAM strategies in the Social Sciences and Arts areas by means of a Service-learning methodology¿ that aims to facilitate the acquisition of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths competences of Master students in the Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV) by means of a service-learning focus. An interdisciplinary group of seven lecturers work in an own model that latter could be also applied to other Master and Bachelor Programs. By now, we have developed a competence sheet for each STEAM competence that could be applied in any subject that would like to work on it. To achieve these competences by a holistic approach, we also relate them to the UPV transversal competences and to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The final objective is that any program could cover all the STEAM competences to add value to the students¿ learning. The first results show that, putting all these concepts together, we compel the students to propose creative solutions that could help organizations as well as individuals.This work has been developed within the project ¿Applying STEAM strategies in the Social Sciences and Arts areas by means of a Service-learning methodology¿, conducted by Professor María de Miguel Molina, and with the support of the Universitat Politécnica de València (Science Education Institute, ICE).De-Miguel-Molina, M.; Catalá-Pérez, D.; Peiró Signes, A.; Segarra-Oña, M. (2020). STEAM education at Master level. Iated. 1260-1264. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2020.04281260126

    An energy-preserving unconditionally stable fractional step method on collocated grids

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    Preservation of energy is fundamental in order to avoid the introduction of unphysical energy that can lead to unstable simulations. In this work, an energy-preserving unconditionally stable fractional step method on collocated grids is presented as a method which guarantees both preservation of energy and stability of our simulation. Using an algebraic (matrix-vector) representation of the classical incompressible Navier-Stokes equations mimicking the continuous properties of the differential operators, conservation of energy is formally proven. Furthermore, the appearence of unphysical velocities in highly distorted meshes is also adressed. This problem comes from the interpolation of the pressure gradient from faces to cells in the velocity correction equation, and can be corrected by using a proper interpolation.This work has been financially supported by the project RETOtwin [PDC2021-120970-I00] funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR. D. Santos acknowledges a FI AGAUR-Generalitat de Catalunya fellowship (2020FI B 00839). The authors thankfully acknowledge these institutions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version