61 research outputs found

    FTIR Characterization of isolated fruit cuticles from tomato species

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    La comunicación arriba reseñada ha sido presentado como póster.The plant cuticle is a lipid extracellular membrane which covers the outer surface of leaves, stems and fruits of higher plants acting as a real interphase between the plant and the environment. The cuticle plays a pivotal role in epidermal development, control of water loss, fruit integrity, firmness and resistance to various disorders [1]. From a morphological point of view, the cuticle (Figure 1) can be described as acutinizedepidermal cell wall [2]. Based on its structural and chemical composition, the cuticle is mainly constituted by a polyester matrix of long chainpolyhydroxy fatty acids named cutin. Additionally, a significant amount of polysaccharides (mainly cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin) is also present. Cuticular waxes, a mixture of different very long chain aliphatic compounds, can be either embedded into the cutin matrix (intracuticular waxes) or deposited on the outer surface of the cuticle (epicuticular waxes) [3]. Finally, phenolic compounds (cinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids) are also present. In tomato, cuticular flavonoids participate in fruit coloration and their presence is influenced by environmental conditions and the stage of development.As it can be observed in Figure 1, the cuticle has an asymmetrical distribution of its components. In its outer surface waxes and aliphatic compounds are very abundant, while the inner surface is rich in polysaccharides from epidermal cell wall. Two parameters have been studied, the esterification index (the ratio between the intensities of the stretching vibration band related to ester functional groups (1730 cm-1) and the stretching vibration associated with methylene groups (2918 cm-1)), which isa relative measure of the cross-linking degree of the cutin matrix, and the amount of flavonoids, calculated as the sum of 1606 cm-1and 1624 cm-1 band areas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Measuring residents' perceptions of corporate social responsibility at small and medium-sized sports events

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    Due to the increase of sports events in local communities, it has become essential to organize such events in a socially responsible way at the environmental, social, and economic levels. The aim of this research was to develop a measurement tool to help determine the degree of social responsibility perceived by residents at small-medium scale sports events, to guide sports managers towards the design of socially responsible sports events. From the elaboration of a questionnaire developed ad-hoc, the perception of the residents was analyzed (n = 516). The psychometric properties of the tool, composed of 35 items, were analyzed by means of an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. As main conclusions, we were able to contrast the validity and reliability of the questionnaire on the perception of corporate social responsibility in small-scale sports events, around the dimensions of Sustainable Sports Activity, Social Cohesion, and Well-Being. As a consequence, it allowed us to identify three strategic management areas towards which the organizers of these events should focus special attention if they want to progress towards the achievement of socially responsible sports event

    Análisis de mutaciones genéticas de alcohol deshidrogenasa, acetaldehído deshidrogenasa y citocromo P 450 en pacientes con hepatopatía alcohólica

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    Objetivos: Establecer la eficacia de los marcadores biológicos de etilismo y de HAA. Analizar las frecuencias de mutaciones genéticas en alcohol deshidrogenasa (ADH), aldehído deshidrogenasa (ALDH) y citocromo P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) y establecer su posible asociación con el desarrollo de hepatitis alcohólica aguda (HAA). Estudiamos un total de 120 pacientes Españoles clasificados en tres grupos en función de lesión histológica hepática y consumo de alcohol: grupo 1= abstemios; grupos 2 = bebedores sin HAA, grupo 3= bebedores con HAA, y un grupo 4 o externo formado por 72 donantes de sangre. El diagnóstico de HAA se estableció en base a la presencia de infiltrado de leucocitos polimorfonucleares en la biopsia.Resultados: La GGT y el VCM mostraron elevados valores predictivos negativos. La leucocitosis y la BR se mostraron específicos pero poco sensibles para HAA. No encontramos las mutaciones R369C ni E487K ni relación entre la mutación R47H y HAA. La mutación c1/c2 de CYP2E1 se halló en el 45 % del grupo 3, frente al 7 %, 15 %, 7 % grupos 1,2 y 4. La presencia de la mutación Rsa I mostró influencia sobre el desarrollo de HAA (odds ratio [OR] = 3,11 (IC 0,82-11,7).Se discuten los resultados con otros autores siendo las principales diferencias respecto a métodos empleados. Conclusiones:1. Los marcadores biológicos clásicos de etilismo más eficaces para descartar consumo en pacientes con hepatopatía son el VCM y la GGT2. La prevalencia de la mutación R47 H en grupo 1 es dos veces superior a la observada en los grupos 2 y 3, sugiriéndo el posible papel protector frente al consumo excesivo de alcohol.3. Los datos sugieren una posible asociación entre la presencia de la mutación Rsa I de CYP2E1 y el desarrollo de HAA. Esta asociación puede ayudar a interpretar la patogénia de HAA. Palabras clave: enzimas del metabolismo de alcohol, mutaciones, hepatitis alcohólica aguda

    Exploiting hybrid parallelism in the kinematic analysis of multibody systems based on group equations

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    Computational kinematics is a fundamental tool for the design, simulation, control, optimization and dynamic analysis of multibody systems. The analysis of complex multibody systems and the need for real time solutions requires the development of kinematic and dynamic formulations that reduces computational cost, the selection and efficient use of the most appropriated solvers and the exploiting of all the computer resources using parallel computing techniques. The topological approach based on group equations and natural coordinates reduces the computation time in comparison with well-known global formulations and enables the use of parallelism techniques which can be applied at different levels: simultaneous solution of equations, use of multithreading routines, or a combination of both. This paper studies and compares these topological formulation and parallel techniques to ascertain which combination performs better in two applications. The first application uses dedicated systems for the real time control of small multibody systems, defined by a few number of equations and small linear systems, so shared-memory parallelism in combination with linear algebra routines is analyzed in a small multicore and in Raspberry Pi. The control of a Stewart platform is used as a case study. The second application studies large multibody systems in which the kinematic analysis must be performed several times during the design of multibody systems. A simulator which allows us to control the formulation, the solver, the parallel techniques and size of the problem has been developed and tested in more powerful computational systems with larger multicores and GPU.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO, as well as European Commission FEDER funds, under grant TIN2015-66972-C5-3-

    Trabajo Social con familias y conflicto familia-trabajo

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    The article analyses the direct and modulating effects of family support on burnout in the work-family conflict in Spanish middle-class families. The analysis has been separated by gender in order to better examine differences. Direct relationships in the data show that family support is negatively related to the two subscales of burnout, especially in women. Regarding the buffer effect on work-family conflict, gender differences were found: in men, as expected, support reduced the perception of lack of self-efficacy, however, in women, when the conflict was due to stress or tension, the support had positive effects. If the conflict was due to time, a reverse effect could be found and support was negative. These results confirm the importance of addressing a conflict that is emerging as a major stressor and increasingly prevalent in the field of social services to families. It is a stressor that has increased its presence as a result of the current economic crisis.El artículo analiza el efecto directo y modulador del apoyo familiar sobre el burnout en el conflicto entre la familia y el trabajo en familias de clase media española, haciendo análisis separados en función del género para analizar mejor las diferencias. Las relaciones directas muestran sobre todo en las mujeres, que el apoyo familiar se relaciona negativamente con las dos subescalas del burnout. Respecto al papel amortiguador del apoyo familiar sobre los efectos del conflicto familia-trabajo se observan también diferencias de género: en los hombres como se esperaba, el apoyo reduce su percepción de falta de autoeficacia, sin embargo, en las mujeres cuando el conflicto es por estrés o tensión, el apoyo es positivo. Y si el conflicto es por tiempo, el apoyo es negativo, mostrando un efecto reverso. Estos resultados confirman la importancia de atender a un conflicto que se perfila como un estresor importante y cada vez más prevalente en el ámbito de los servicios de asistencia social a las familias. Un estresor que ha aumentado su presencia como consecuencia de la actual crisis económica

    ¿Son los Servicios Sociales igualmente accesibles para todos los ciudadanos? La juventud y el Estado de Bienestar español

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    Young people are a central target of social policies. In the Spanish case, we will take into consideration the European context, as our regulations and our programmes are integrated into the main European Union policy guidelines for young people. In the European Union, the participation of young people in designing and managing such policies through social services is considered a priority. However, social spending on youth in Europe is limited, and even more so in the countries of southern Europe. In this paper we analyse the available data on social services activities targeted on Spanish youth. Our findings show the decreasing importance youth play in social policies in a context where the family has become the main provider of resources.Los jóvenes son un objetivo central de las políticas sociales. En el caso español, hay que tener muy en cuenta el contexto europeo, ya que nuestras normas y programas nacionales incorporan las principales orientaciones que ofrecen las políticas de la Unión Europea para los jóvenes. A nivel europeo, la participación de los jóvenes en el diseño y la gestión de este tipo de políticas a través de los servicios sociales se considera una prioridad. Sin embargo, el gasto social en los jóvenes europeos es limitado, y más aún en los países del sur de Europa. En este trabajo se analizan los datos disponibles sobre las actividades de los servicios sociales dirigidos a los jóvenes españoles. Nuestros resultados muestran la disminución de la importancia de jóvenes en las políticas sociales, en un contexto donde la familia se ha convertido en el principal proveedor de recursos

    ¿Políticas privatizadoras o políticas degradadoras? El caso de los ferrocarriles españoles

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    One of the key strategies in the process to modernize the European economy is the privatization of railway transport; separating infrastructure maintenance from transport management. Privatization has led to farreaching changes with respect to organizations, professional careers, and the very culture of railway work. The opinions held by those most closely involved in and affected by these changes can contribute to the analysis of occupational health and safety with a view to preventing failures that have occurred in previous railway privatization processes. In this article, we analyze the effects of this privatization model on the safety and health of railway workers as well as on the safety of passengers and freight.Una estrategia clave en el proceso de modernización de la economía europea es la liberalización del transporte ferroviario, separando el mantenimiento de las infraestructuras de la gestión del transporte. Nos encontramos en un momento de transformación de las organizaciones, de la carrera profesional y de la propia cultura de trabajo ferroviaria. La percepción que trabajadores y directivos tienen sobre las tendencias de cambio en el ámbito de la seguridad y salud pueden contribuir a un diagnóstico acertado que permita no repetir anteriores fracasos en procesos liberalizadores del transporte ferroviario. En este artículo, analizamos las consecuencias, en un sector estratégico, de este modelo liberalizador sobre las condiciones de seguridad y salud de los trabajadores, y su efecto sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y mercancías


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