13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Postural Parathyroid Hormone Change in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism

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    Purpose. In the present study, we aimed to investigate postural change of PTH in normal individuals and in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). Methods. Twenty-two patients with PHPT and nine healthy controls were enrolled. Following 12 h of fast, patients stayed in recumbent position for an hour and PTH and total Ca measurements were performed at the 45th and 60th minutes of resting. Afterwards, the patients resumed an upright posture for an hour and again blood samples were taken at the 45th and 60th minutes of standing. Results. In the PHPT group, mean PTH was calculated as 153.9 pg/mL in the recumbent position while it was 206.3 during upright position (Δ change was 47.7) (P<0.001). In the control group mean serum PTH was measured as 41.2 pg/mL in the recumbent position while it was 44.8 pg/mL in the upright position (Δ change was 1.7) (P=0.11). In both groups, serum Ca was higher in the upright position compared to the recumbent position (P<0.001). Conclusion. Postural change of serum PTH is significant only in PHPT group. Postural PTH test may give a clue to the clinician when the diagnosis of PHPT is equivocal

    Gynecomastia: Clinical evaluation and management

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    Gynecomastia is the benign enlargement of male breast glandular tissue and is the most common breast condition in males. At least 30% of males will be affected during their life. Since it causes anxiety, psychosocial discomfort and fear of breast cancer, early diagnostic evaluation is important and patients usually seek medical attention. Gynecomastia was reported to cause an imbalance between estrogen and androgen action or an increased estrogen to androgen ratio, due to increased estrogen production, decreased androgen production or both. Evaluation of gynecomastia must include a detailed medical history, clinical examination, specific blood tests, imaging and tissue sampling. Individual treatment requirements can range from simple reassurance to medical treatment or even surgery. The main aim of any intervention is to relieve the symptoms and exclude other etiological factors

    Evaluation of biochemical and clinical markers of endothelial dysfunction and their correlation with urinary albumin excretion in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    ABSTRACT Objective Endothelial dysfunction (ED) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. The purpose of the study was to determine flow mediated endothelial dependent vasodilatation (FMD) measurements and serum soluble (s) endothelin-1 (ET-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) levels in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) with or without increased urinary albumin excretion (UAE) and compare them with the healthy controls. Subjects and methods Seventy three patients with T1DM were enrolled. Patients were divided into two subgroups according to microalbumin measurements in 24-hr urine collections. The diabetic patients without microalbuminuria (41 patients) were defined as Group I and those with microalbuminuria (32 patients) were defined as group II. A hundred age and sex matched healthy subjects participated as the control group (Group III). Serum sET-1, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 levels and FMD measurements were determined in all participants. Results Median FMD measurement was significantly lower in the diabetic groups compared with the control group (6.6, 6.4 and 7.8% in Group I, II and III, respectively) (p < 0.05). FMD was negatively correlated with age (p = 0.042). Median serum sICAM-1 level was higher in the patient groups compared to the control group (p < 0.05). Median serum sVCAM-1 level was higher in the group of patients with increased albuminuria compared to the normoalbuinuric and the control group (p < 0.05). Serum sVCAM-1 level was found to be positively correlated with degree of urinary albumin excretion (p < 0.001). Conclusion We assume that sVCAM-1 may be used as a predictive marker for risk stratification for nephropathy development and progression

    Simultaneous Occurrence of Different Follicular Neoplasms within the Same Thyroid Gland

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    WOS: 000378923800003Purpose: Neoplasms of the thyroid gland are classified according to the cells they originate from and commonly develop from cells of follicular origin. The most common differentiated thyroid cancers (DTC) are papillary and follicular carcinomas. Coexistence of two different histological types of primary follicular thyroid neoplasm is a rare condition. There are previous reports of concomitant medullary and papillary thyroid cancers. However, there is scarce data about the simultaneous occurrence of the two different histological types of primary follicular thyroid tumors and this is the first study on that subject. Material and Method: From January 2007 to September 2014, our institutional database was reviewed for patients who underwent thyroid surgery for various indications. Medical records and cytopathology reports of those patients were examined retrospectively. Simultaneous neoplasms of follicular origin were noted. Results: A total of 3.700 patients were operated. Histopathological examination revealed a benign pattern in 2.686 (73%) patients and a malignant pattern in 1.014 (27%) patients. Among the patients with the diagnosis of DTC, only 20 (1.9%) had a concomitant neoplasm within the same thyroid gland. Discussion: Such simultaneous tumors may be a part of a familial tumor syndrome or an unidentified novel gene mutation playing role in the pathogenesis of more than one type of tumor. Based on the current evidence, the synchronous occurrence of those neoplasms in a given patient is likely coincidental in the literature. Further studies on larger patient population with standardized genetic characterization are needed

    Evaluation of Serum Fibrinogen, Plasminogen, α2-Anti-Plasmin, and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Levels (PAI) and Their Correlation with Presence of Retinopathy in Patients with Type 1 DM

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    Background. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of blindness in the world. Retinopathy can still progress despite optimal metabolic control. The aim of the study was to determine whether different degrees of DR (proliferative or nonproliferative) were associated with abnormally modulated hemostatic parameters in patients with T1DM. Method. 52 T1DM patients and 40 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Patients were subdivided into three categories. Group I was defined as those without retinopathy, group II with NPRP, and group III with PRP. We compared these subgroups with each other and the control group (Group IV) according to the serum fibrinogen, plasminogen, alpha2-anti-plasmin (α2-anti-plasmin), and PAI. Results. We detected that PAI-1, serum fibrinogen, and plasminogen levels were similar between the diabetic and control groups (P=0.209, P=0.224, and P=0.244, resp.), whereas α2-anti-plasmin was higher in Groups I, II, and III compared to the control group (P<0.01, P<0.05, and P<0.001, resp.). There was a positive correlation between serum α2-anti-plasmin and HbA1c levels (r=0,268, P=0.031). Conclusion. To our knowledge there is scarce data in the literature about α2-anti-plasmin levels in type 1 diabetes. A positive correlation between α2-anti-plasmin with HbA1c suggests that fibrinolytic markers may improve with disease regulation and better glycemic control

    Evaluation of preoperative ultrasonographic and biochemical features of patients with aggressive parathyroid disease: is there a reliable predictive marker?

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    ABSTRACT Objective Parathyroid cancer (PC) represents < 1% of cases of PHPT. Tumors demonstrating atypical histopathologic features and don’t fulfill criteria for carcinoma are classified as atypical adenomas (APA). The purpose of this study was to determine a biochemical or ultrasonographic feature that can predict aggressive disease requiring more extensive surgery and closer follow-up. Subjects and methods Twenty eight patients operated for PHPT and diagnosed with atypical adenoma (23 patients) or carcinoma (5 patients) were enrolled in this study. The control group consisted of 102 patients operated between the same dates and diagnosed with classical PA. Classical adenomas, atypical adenomas, and carcinomas were compared according to their biochemical and ultrasonographic parameters. Results Serum Ca levels were significantly higher in the PC group compared with the APA and classical PA groups. Serum median PTH, Serum ALP and UCa was significantly higher in the APA and carcinoma groups compared to the classical PA group. ROC analysis was made to determine the best cut off values for predicting aggressive disease were 12.45 mg/dL, 265.05 pg/mL, 154.5 IU/l, 348.5 mg/day and 21.5 mm for Ca, PTH, ALP, UCa and the adenoma diameter, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that serum Ca, ALP and isoechoic/cystic appearance were independent predictors for aggressive disease. Conclusion Preoperatively high PTH, ALP, and UCa levels and large lesions with isoechoic or cystic appearances may be predictive of atypical adenoma or carcinoma in patients being evaluated for PHPT. In such cases, surgeons may prefer en bloc parathyroidectomy to minimally invasive surgery

    Is There Any Correlation between Baseline Serum Cortisol Levels and Disease Severity in PCR-Positive COVID-19 Patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus?

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    Background: COVID-19 has caused a pandemic and is associated with significant mortality. The pathophysiology of COVID-19, affecting many organs and systems, is still being investigated. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and possibly adrenal glands are the targets of SARS-CoV-2 because of its angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) receptors expression. Hypocortisolemia can be seen in the postinfection period. COVID-19 infection tends to be severe in diabetic patients due to immune dysfunction. In this study, our aim was to investigate the relationship between basal cortisol levels and the course of COVID-19 infection in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Methods: Our retrospective study included 311 PCR-positive COVID-19 patients over the age of 18 who were hospitalized in Ankara City Hospital Infectious Diseases Department or Intensive Care Unit (ICU) between 15 March 2020 and 15 May 2020. Serum basal cortisol, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), HbA1c values, and diabetes history were recorded within the first 24 h of hospitalization. The presence of pulmonary involvement was noted from the patients&rsquo; imaging records. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, patients with chronic liver disease or chronic kidney disease, and patients who were already using steroids or had started COVID-19 infection treatment within the 72 h before blood collection were excluded from the study. Results: Of the 311 patients, 100 had Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2D), while 211 did not. The age, serum basal cortisol, and glucose levels of the patients with T2D (64.51 &plusmn; 12.29, 19.5 &plusmn; 13.12, and 143.5 (77&ndash;345)) were higher than those of the patients without T2D (46.67 &plusmn; 16.38, 15.26 &plusmn; 8.75, and 96 (65&ndash;202)), and the differences were statistically significant (p = 0.004, p = 0.004, and p &lt; 0.001, respectively). The basal cortisol values of the ICU patients (27.89 (13.91&ndash;75)) were significantly higher than those of the ward patients (13.68 (1.48&ndash;51.93)) and patients who were transferred to the ICU from the ward due to worsening conditions (19.28 (7.74&ndash;55.21)) (p &lt; 0.001 and p = 0.007, respectively). The factors affecting ICU admission were determined to be age, T2D history, basal cortisol, and elevation in FPG using univariate logistic regression analysis. In the multiple logistic regression analysis, age, basal cortisol level, and infiltrative involvement in thorax CT were determined to be the risk factors affecting intensive care admission. Conclusion: High basal cortisol levels in patients with T2D may predict the severity of COVID-19 infection or mortality. Although high basal cortisol levels are among the risk factors affecting ICU admission, patients with COVID-19 should also be evaluated in terms of clinical and laboratory findings and relative adrenal insufficiency