314 research outputs found

    Emerging trends in contemporary festival practice

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    The Festival is a form that transcends cultures, histories and regimes. It is a construct that has been utilised in a variety of ways, for a variety of purposes, but its raison d'etre is always community, sometimes as celebrated from a popularist level, at other points manipulated by the wielders of power. In its modern context, the festival has similarly been deployed as either a means of celebrating a sense of local community, or embraced by governments as a symbol of sophisticated cosmopolitanism. This research aims to contextualise a particular kind of festival practice within both an historical and contemporary context. This is structured through three key areas: at the heart of the thesis is a study of a particular kind of contemporary festival model, the boutique festival, as produced by the Programming Unit of the Queensland Performing Arts Centre. This festival construct is significant in its positioning of the audience as both producer and consumer in a playful and intelligent manner. This kind of model is different from the more conventional high arts or community arts festival models. Secondly, the research explores how current renderings of the festival can be contextualised within historical functions, so as to highlight points of connection and departure. Thirdly, the study positions the boutique festival as but one example of a range of current local festival practices that highlight the manner in which the festival construct engages with contemporary life. This portion of the study places these local renderings within Creative Industries discourse, focussing on the notion of the Creative City. The thread that ties the areas of focus together is the role of the audience in the festival. The trope of community remains central to contemporary festival practice, but it is a term that is becoming increasingly problematic and opaque, especially within an urban context. Through a variety of constructs, contemporary festivals encourage a cultural discussion about what community means in a current context, and in so doing, invite explorations of space, identity and authenticity as well

    O acesso à justiça à luz do sistema de ensino jurídico brasileiro

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.Este trabalho tem por objetivo aprofundar o estudo do princípio do acesso à justiça e do sistema de ensino jurídico brasileiro, de forma a possibilitar o exame da relação existente entre ambos os assuntos. Para isso, no primeiro capítulo, será feita uma análise geral do referido princípio, da sua evolução conceitual e dos principais entraves a sua concretização; no segundo, tratar-se-á do ensino jurídico propriamente dito, sua origem, evolução histórica, situação atual e maiores problemas encontrados; e, por fim, no terceiro capítulo, far-se-á a conjugação dos dois tópicos anteriores, estabelecendo-se como e por que o ensino jurídico influi na problemática do acesso à justiça, ressaltando-se, ao final, a consequência prática da interação entre eles

    A primavera das mulheres: a reconfiguração da esfera pública na era das redes sociais

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    The growth of feminism, and of the subaltern and identities movements in general, is related to social practice of the formation process of the public opinion that occurs on the internet: the communicative exchange established between a variety of subjects on the web has made feminism popular, becoming one of the central axes of the public discussion in the beginning of the 21st century. Articulating two concepts of public sphere, one developed by Jürgen Habermas and the other by Hannah Arendt, we elaborated the possibility of the emergence of a virtual public sphere, a space of self-communication, mediated by digital platforms. The virtual public sphere establishes itself as a space for discursive and political disputes. Feminist women use the internet as a space for vocalizations, in that space they create discourses and narratives from a feminine point of view; due to the format and characteristics of web 2.0, these discursive productions spread out, competing for the public opinion through debate. The digital publications Escreva Lola escreva and Capitolina appear as case studies of the functioning of the virtual public sphere, demonstrating two of its particular characteristics: the first one is the interaction between the author and the reader and between the readers, the second one is the publication of discourses produced by women about themselves. We try to give an outline of the possibilities of emancipated political action (in an environment controlled by monopolistic corporations) and the horizontalization processes of the subaltern social movements.O crescimento do feminismo, e dos movimentos subalternos e de identidades em geral, está relacionado ao processo de formação de opinião pública que acontece na internet: a prática social da troca comunicativa estabelecida entre os diversos sujeitos em rede fez com que o feminismo se popularizasse, se tornando um dos eixos centrais da discussão pública no início do século XXI. Articulando os conceitos de esfera pública, desenvolvido por Jürgen Habermas, e de espaço público, de autoria de Hannah Arendt, elabora-se a possibilidade do surgimento da esfera pública virtual, um espaço de auto comunicação social, mediado por plataformas digitais. A esfera pública virtual se estabelece como um espaço de disputas discursivas e políticas. As mulheres feministas utilizam a internet como espaço de vocalização, produzindo agenciamentos políticos de gênero, discursos e narrativas a partir de um ponto de vista localizado no feminino; devido ao formato e às características da web 2.0, essas produções discursivas se espalham disputando a opinião pública através do debate. As publicações digitais Escreva Lola escreva e Capitolina aparecem como estudos de caso do funcionamento da esfera pública virtual, explicitando duas de suas características particulares: a interação entre autor e leitor e entre os leitores e da publicação de discursos produzidos por mulheres sobre si. Traça-se um esboço das possibilidades de ação política emancipada (em um ambiente controlado por corporações monopolistas) e dos processos de horizontalização dos movimentos sociais subalternos


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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a controversa técnica do poder judiciário, o ativismo judicial, bem como onde ele surgiu, qual sua história no Brasil e  à evolução do poder judiciário exercendo o papel de legislador positivo, principalmente no que tange à garantia dos direitos fundamentais sociais quando o executivo e o legislativo se mostram ineficientes. Ainda será discutido acerca das limitações desta prática e as críticas à ela impostas


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    Law 9.991/2000, which provides about investments in research and development (R&D) to the electric sector in Brazil, prioritizes innovations that provide advances to the sector. In the electricity distribution segment, the focus is on improving the overall efficiency of companies. Therefore, this paper aims to verify the correlation between the focus on innovation and relative economic efficiency. The survey was conducted in 2014 covering data from 2010 to 2013 of 20 exclusive electricity distribution companies listed on BM&FBovespa. This research is applied and descriptive, with a quantitative approach. In the data collection, the documentary strategy was used, with a technique of content analysis, collecting data in available documents. From the literature consulted, a scale was proposed to quantify the focus on innovation. To quantify the efficiency scores, Data Envelopment Analysis was used through Frontier Analyst software, based on accounting data. The main results with the scale of innovation indicate low focus on innovation in the companies surveyed. When there is no significant correlation between the innovation scores and the economic efficiency scores, other existing studies point out that, in Brazil, innovation efforts, in addition to being incipient, seek to comply with the relevant legislation rather than the benefits of innovation

    Evaluation of Australian Performing Arts Market (APAM) 2014-2018 Year Two Interim Report June 2016

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    In the awarding of the tender for APAM by the Australia Council to Brisbane Powerhouse for the delivery of the market in 2014-2018, a requirement is that a formal evaluation of the three iterations of APAM be undertaken by the Queensland University of Technology, Creative Industries Faculty, under the leadership of Associate Professor Sandra Gattenhof. The agreed research model delivers reporting on outcomes not only in the year in which APAM is delivered (2014, 2016, 2018) but also in the years between (2015, 2017).APAM sits within a context of other Markets internationally. Other Markets include InternationalPerforming Arts for Youth (IPAY) and American Performing Arts Presenters (APAP), both annual showcases/conferences held in the United States of America; Performing Arts Market in Seoul (PAMS), held yearly in October; and International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA),which holds two Congresses every year –one in New York and one in a different region of the world.Unlike other Markets, which welcome the inclusion from outside the country in which the Market takes place, the focus of APAM is solely on the presentation of Australian and near neighbour country (New Zealand) performance works, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, that are ready for national and international touring