5 research outputs found

    Kampüs bazlı dağıtık fotovoltaik sistem uygulaması ve entegre tasarımı

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Özyeğin University, Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, May 2018.After releasing the regulations on unlicensed electricity generation in Turkey, the main structure of the regulatory mechanism has just finished in 2014 and renewable energy generation started to grow dramatically. Ozyegin University Campus Wide Solar Energy Application is the first large-scale building integrated, grid-connected system. From the idea of the project to the implementation processes, it is a great success story for the development of the academic researches and solar energy market. The complete process of technical, economical and bureaucratic side will be investigated for the future development while giving insights about the operation period as well. Ozyegin University has completely rooftop PV system distributed on 4 buildings with a total capacity of 378 kWp. The whole system has a unique design that could be implemented on each buildings similarly. Solar energy production simulations with 4 different database systems, selection of the each component, complete system design, 3D models, financial analysis, static measurement and reports, governmental appointment mechanism, legal approval, installation, commissioning and operation are the main topics that will be covered within the thesis. The most important extraction over the analysis of system outputs is the Operational Performance Index, which should be used as a performance KPI for the photovoltaic system. At the end, the value and the originality will come from not only the system integrity but also modals generated for the development of the market.2014 yılı itibari ile Türkiye'de lisanssız elektrik üretimi ile ilgili düzenlemelerin yayınlanmasıyla birilikte, düzenleyici mekanizmanın ana yapısı tamamlanmış ve yenilenebilir enerji üretimi dramatik bir şekilde büyümeye başlamıştır. Özyeğin Üniversitesi Kampüs Geneli Güneş Enerjisi Uygulaması, Türkiye'deki ilk büyük ölçekli bina entegre, şebekeye bağlı sistemdir. Aynı zamanda döneminde birçok konuda sektörel gelişime öncülük etmiş proje fikrinden uygulama süreçlerine kadar, akademik araştırmaların ve güneş enerjisi pazarının gelişimi için büyük bir başarı hikayesi oluşturmuştur. Teknik, ekonomik ve bürokratik süreçler incelenecek ve operasyon süreci ve sistem performansı hakkında detaylı analiz sunulacaktır. Özyeğin Üniversitesi, toplam 378 kWp kapasiteli 4 bina üzerine tamamen çatı üstü entegre PV sistemine sahiptir. Bütün sistem benzer şekilde her bina üzerinde uygulanabilir benzersiz bir tasarıma sahiptir. Tez kapsamında, 4 farklı veritabanı sistemi ile güneş enerjisi üretim simülasyonları, ekipman seçimi, komple sistem tasarımı, 3D modeller, finansal analiz, statik ölçümler ve raporlar, proje başvuru mekanizması, yasal onay, kurulum, devreye alma ve işletme ana konuları oluşturmaktadır. 4 yıllık system çıktılarının analizi sonucundaki en önemli çıkarım ise fotovoltaik sistemler için kullanılması önerilen Operasyonel Performans Indeks'i olmuştur. Projedeki değer ve özgünlük, sadece sistem bütünlüğünden değil aynı zamanda pazarın gelişimi için yol gösterici oluşundan gelecektir

    A narrow range multielectrochromism from 2,5-di-(2-thienyl)-1H-pyrrole polymer bearing pendant perylenediimide moiety

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    WOS: 000346543200016A new 2,5-di-(2-thienyl)-1H-pyrrole (SNS) moiety containing perylenediimide (PDI) acceptor as pendant side chain has been synthesized for an electroactive monomer and then directly deposited onto ITO/glass surface via electrochemical polymerization process. The observed electronic interaction only at the excited state due to the presence of phenylene spacer between SNS-donor and PDI-acceptor moiety leads to efficient fluorescence quenching. This charge separation behavior was also proved by theoretical DFT calculations. Thin films of the polymer electropolymerized onto transparent electrode exhibited ambipolar multi-electrochromic behavior including purple, violet-red-khaki-blue colors in both anodic and cathodic regime only between -1.2 and 1.0 V. We further demonstrated that this polymer film has a high contrast ratio (Delta T = 45% at 900 nm), a faster response (0.5 s), high coloration efficiency (254 cm(2) C-1) and retained its performance by 92% even after 5000 cycles. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Grants CommissionCanakkale Onsekiz Mart University [2010/99]We gratefully acknowledge the supports from Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Grants Commission (Project Number: 2010/99)

    Electromyographic Findings in Overt Hypothyroidism and Subclinical Hypothyroidism

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypothyroidism may cause neurologic signs and symptoms as its effects neuromuscular system like many other systems. Subclinical hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid dysfuntion, it may cause neuromuscular signs and symptoms. In this retrospective study, it is aimed to compare neuromuscular symptoms and electromyographic (EMG) manifestations between hypothyroid patients and control group with normal thyroid function and without a disease causing polyneuropathy. METHODS: 31 overt hypothyroidic, 139 subclinic hypothyroidic patients and 50 individuals with normal thyroid function, without a disease causing polyneuropathy, as control group whom made EMG for another reason were included to the study. Neuromuscular symptoms, neurological examination and electrophysiological findings was obtained from the patient records. RESULTS: In our study, we observed frequent neuromuscular complaints such as fatigue, morning stiffness, cramp, general pain and paresthesia in favor of both for overt and subclinic hypothyroidism. Carpal Tunnel Syndrom(CTS), was statistically higher in overt hypothyroidism group than control group. CTS was also observed higher in subclinic hypothyroidism group when compared with control group but it didn't reach to statistical significance. We did not detect polyneuropathy in any group. Motor nerve velocity and compound muscle action potential amplitudes were found to be statistically significant difference between hypothyroid ve control group. CONCLUSION: Since motor fibres' and neuromuscular area's being affected in hypothyroidism, which we interpret to happen due to basal metabolism's slowing down, can show a significant recovery after thyroid replacement therapy. We consider that, in further studies, comparison of electrophysiological findings after treatment with the findings of pre -treatment is necessar

    Whole Exome Sequencing Identifies Recessive Wdr62 Mutations In Severe Brain Malformations

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    The development of the human cerebral cortex is an orchestrated process involving the birth of neural progenitors in the peri-ventricular germinal zones, cell proliferation characterized by both symmetric and asymmetric mitoses, followed by migration of post-mitotic neurons to their final destinations in 6 highly ordered, functionally-specialized layers,. An understanding of the molecular mechanisms guiding these intricate processes is in its infancy, substantially driven by the discovery of rare mutations that cause malformations of cortical development (MCD)-. Mapping of disease loci in putative Mendelian forms of MCD has been hindered by marked locus heterogeneity, small kindred sizes and diagnostic classifications that may not reflect molecular pathogenesis. Here we demonstrate the use of whole-exome sequencing to overcome these obstacles by identifying recessive mutations in WDR62 as the cause of a wide spectrum of severe cerebral cortical malformations including microcephaly, pachygria with cortical thickening as well as hypoplasia of the corpus callosum. Some patients with WDR62 mutations had evidence of additional abnormalities including lissencephaly, schizencephaly, polymicrogyria and, in one instance, cerebellar hypoplasia, all traits traditionally regarded as distinct entities. In mouse and humans, WDR62 transcripts and protein are enriched in neural progenitors within the ventricular and subventricular zones. WDR62 expression in the neocortex is transient, spanning the period of embryonic neurogenesis. Unlike other known microcephaly genes, WDR62 does not apparently associate with centrosomes and is predominantly nuclear in localization. These findings unify previously disparate aspects of cerebral cortical development and highlight the utility of whole-exome sequencing to identify disease loci in settings in which traditional methods have proved challenging.PubMedWo