309 research outputs found

    Asylum Seekers of the Syrian Conflict: procedures and patterns of settlement in Germany

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    This paper reports the procedures of asylum and patterns of settlement of asylum seekers in Germany, with special focus on the asylum seekers of the Syrian conflict. Initially prepared for a workshop comparing policy responses and settlement outcomes of the Syrian conflict in several countries, this paper presents the German case addressing the development of refugee intake, asylum application duration and results and access to family unification between the years 2015 and 2017. Based on findings of the project “Addressing the Diversity of Asylum Seekers’ Needs and Aspirations”, the paper highlights the response of German authorities and civil society to the refugee intake on arrival, and exemplifies the diversity of local actors that engage actively in supporting refugee accommodation and integration measures. Additionally, it addresses the different post arrival programs and policies for accommodation and integration and the differential access of asylum seekers to different rights, offers and services. Finally, the paper summarizes the state of research into refugee intake in Germany focusing on Syrian conflict refugees

    Feminist Practices in Julie Shigekuni’s Invisible Gardens: A Japanese American Woman in the Twenty-First Century

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    This article analyzes how Julie Shigekuni’s (2004) novel Invisible Gardens offers a Japanese American feminist perspective on women’s lives. The feminist themes explored include patriarchal familial relationships, the significance of mental spaces of refuge—like a garden and other ‘beyond’ spaces—and the explicit celebration of the (sexual) body as a site of women’s empowerment.RésuméCet article analyse comment le roman Invisible Gardens (2004) de Julie Shigekuni offre une perspective nippo-américaine féministe sur la vie des femmes. Les thèmes féministes explorés comprennent les relations familiales patriarcales, l’importance des espaces de refuge mental —comme un jardin et autres espaces imaginaires—et la célébration explicite du corps (sexuel) comme lieu d’autonomisation des femmes

    Book Review: Governing the Female Body: Gender, Health, and Networks of Power

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    Review of Governing the Female Body: Gender, Health, and Networks of Power, edited by Lori Reed and Paula Saukko. SUNY Press, 2010

    Dressed to Cross: Narratives of Resistance and Integration in Sei Shônagon\u27s The Pillow Book and Yone Noguchi\u27s The American Diary of a Japanese Girl

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    The Pillow Book by Sei Shônagon, Empress Sadako\u27s lady in waiting from about 993-1000, offers rich detail about the meaning and power of dress during the Heian period [794-1185]. Throughout Yone Noguchi\u27s novel The American Diary of a Japanese Girl (1902), Morning Glory, a newly arrived Japanese immigrant to the U.S., experiments with a multitude of different identities through clothes. Both narratives appropriate (cross-) dressing as a means of overcoming gender, cultural, and class borders. Shônagon and Noguchi engage in authorial crossdressing to inhabit a social, cultural, and national space onto which they only have a precarious hold. It is especially the portrayal of what Marjorie Garber has delineated as a category crisis that links Japanese medieval writing and early fictional accounts by Japanese American authors. This article demonstrates that cross-dressing originates in moments of personal crisis and that its practice is sustained by the anxiety of cultural dislocation. The parallel identified between The Pillow Book and The American Diary-both texts largely ignored by academia-promises to clarify further early Japanese immigrants\u27 experimentation with their bodies, citizenship, and other markers of identity to create a Japanese American subjectivity

    Grab ‘em by the Pussy: How Hegemonic Masculinity Encourages Locker Room Talk and Sexual Violence against Women

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    Locker room talk refers to the degrading and sexist narrative about women that is exhibited by some heterosexual males of all ages. The instance of locker room talk is not just confined to actual locker rooms, but invades our politics, educational institutions, and service industries. By researching the origins of how boys are socialized in Western culture, I have seen a correlation between engaging in locker room talk and perpetration of sexual violence. In my extensive analysis, I pieced together how socialization of boys can turn into a hegemonic masculine gender identity which in turn predisposes men to engage in locker room talk that increases their probability of inflicting sexual violence upon women. I searched for supplemental research to support my claims about how toxic masculinity, and locker room talk specifically, can indirectly put women in danger through dehumanizing speech and objectification. This research is important because it could potentially give insight to people into how detrimental words truly can be. This research could be used to help change the overall narrative of what it means to be a man

    Women in STEM Fellowship: An Intersectional and Interdisciplinary Approach to Advancing Inclusion in the Sciences

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    At our university, women-identified individuals make up 23% of students in STEM fields; less than 15% of them graduate with a STEM degree. Nationally, more than 40% of women who enter a STEM job leave it within fewer than ten years. Gendered issues within STEM industries have been identified, yet we are far from equal opportunities for all genders. In 2018, we—the director of Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) with colleagues in Math, Computing Sciences, and Chemistry—received a $45,000 grant to create a “Women in STEM Fellowship.” The inclusion of WGS made the fellowship interdisciplinary, intersectional, and informed our decision-making process via feminist diversity, equity, and inclusion approaches. Through WGS approaches to questioning oppressive systems as well as a community-building focus, we attempted to mitigate prevalent reliance on neoliberal individualism. This article offers insights into the fellowship\u27s activities and programs, challenges and successes, as well as assessment. We call on diversity initiatives in STEM to collaborate with academic and student success units—such as WGS or Black Studies—that house much-needed expertise and to refrain from isolating efforts in STEM departments

    Analyse der Dauer epileptischer Anfälle mittels invasiver EEG-Ableitung

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    Linguistic Analysis of Czech and English Sport Reposts

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    Předmětem zkoumání této práce je žánr sportovní reportáže a jejím cílem je porovnání tohoto publicistického útvaru v jazykovém prostředí českém a anglickém. Zmíněný útvar je zkoumán z hlediska hlavních lingvistických disciplín: morfologie, lexikologie a syntaxe. Na všech rovinách lingvistického rozboru prostřednictvím mnohých příkladů z autentického materiálu dokazujeme rozdíly v různých aspektech jazyka (zastoupení slovních druhů, užití neurčitých slovesných tvarů, bohatost sportovní terminologie, uplatněné slovotvorné procesy, prostředky stylistického ozvláštnění, komplikovanost větné výstavby, specifické syntaktické struktury). Získané poznatky využíváme k rámcové stylistické charakteristice analyzovaného žánru. Výsledky obsáhlé lingvistické analýzy potvrzují jednak kondenzovanost stylu sportovní reportáže, jednak obecné rozdíly obou jazyků, které se v útvaru sportovní reportáže odrážejí. Anglická sportovní reportáž se na základě studovaného materiálu vyznačuje bohatší zásobou sportovní terminologie, rozvinutější větnou stavbou či širším repertoárem prostředků stylistické kondenzace. Její styl je charakteristický svou nominální povahou s množstvím substantiv, adjektiv a pronomen. Českou sportovní reportáž lze charakterizovat větším množstvím přejatých slov, jednodušší větnou výstavbou a celkovou...The subject matter of the thesis is the journalistic genre of sport report and its goal is to compare the Czech reports with the English ones. The sport reports were studied from the viewpoint of the main linguistic disciplines: morphology, lexicology and syntax. At all these levels of the linguistic analysis the examples from some authentic texts were used to demonstrate the differences in many aspects of both languages (e.g. distribution of parts of speech; the use of non-finite verb forms; sport terminology; applied word formation processes; some means of stylistic diversity, complexity of sentence structure, specific syntactic structures) The pieces of knowledge achieved during the analysis were used to provide some general stylistic characterization of the examined genre. The results of the comprehensive analysis confirm both the concise nature of sport reports and some general differences between Czech and English as reflected in the reports. On the basis of the examined linguistic material the English sport reports can be defined by more extensive sport terminology, more complex sentence structure and broader repertoire of the means of stylistic condensation (shortening). The style of English sport reports is characteristic of its nominal nature using a lot of substantives, adjectives and pronouns....Katedra českého jazyka a katedra české literaturyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Findings regarding the predictive validity of an admission procedure for teacher trainees

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    Mit 2007 wurden zur Professionalisierung der Lehrerbildung in Österreich die Pädagogischen Hochschulen gegründet. Damit einher ging die gesetzliche Einführung von Eignungsverfahren. Um die Prädiktorqualität eines eingesetzten Aufnahmeverfahrens für die Bewährung im Studium (Phase A) und im Lehrberuf (Phase B) zu untersuchen, startete mit 2010/11 eine Längsschnittstudie (N=309; Vollerhebung). Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die Ergebnisse aus Phase A (Studium und Praktika, 2010-2015) diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)2007 was a landmark regarding the professionalization of teacher training in Austria as the University of Education was founded and respective statutory aptitude assessment procedures were implemented. To examine the reliability of prediction with respect to the admission procedure applied for the Study Phase (A) and the Vocational Phase (B), a long-term study was launched in 2010/11 (N=309; full coverage survey). This article reports and analyses the findings of Phase A (2010-2015). (DIPF/Orig.