1,612 research outputs found

    Fabric anisotropy & DEM informed two-surface hyperplasticity : constitutive formulation, asymptotic states & experimental validation.

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    In geotechnical analysis continuum idealisations of the bulk material still provide the most appropriate approach for engineers designing large-scale structures. In this area, the most successful framework for describing the behaviour of soils is Critical State (CS) soil mechanics. However, the findings from discrete element method (DEM) analysis, such as the uniqueness of the CS, can provide invaluable information in the development such models. This paper details the key concepts behind a two-surface hyperplasticity model (?) whose development was informed by recent DEM findings on the uniqueness of the CS. Asymptotic states of the model will be confirmed and the DEM-continuum-experimental loop will be closed through comparison of the developed model with experimental data on coarse-grained particulate media. This will demonstrate, that providing the previous stress history is accounted for, the proposed model is suitable for a variety of particulate media

    Photonics, fiber and THz wireless communication

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    Optical-fiber’s long-haul strengths, coupled with improvements in terahertz wireless signal generation and handling with photonic technology, could constitute part of the solution for a data-hungry society

    Clinical- and cost-effectiveness of a nurse led self-management intervention to reduce emergency visits by people with epilepsy

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    People with chronic epilepsy (PWE) often make costly, and clinically unnecessary emergency department (ED) visits. Some do it frequently. No studies have examined interventions to reduce them. An intervention delivered by an epilepsy nurse specialist (ENS) might reduce visits. The rationale is it may optimize patients' self-management skills and knowledge of appropriate ED use. We examined such an intervention's clinical- and cost-effectiveness. Eighty-five adults with epilepsy were recruited from three London EDs with similar catchment populations. Forty-one PWE recruited from two EDs received treatment-as-usual (TAU) and formed the comparison group. The remaining 44 PWE were recruited from the ED of a hospital that had implemented a new ENS service for PWE attending ED. These participants formed the intervention group. They were offered 2 one-to-one sessions with an ENS, plus TAU. Participants completed questionnaires on health service use and psychosocial well-being at baseline, 6- and 12-month follow-up. Covariates were identified and adjustments made. Sixty-nine (81%) participants were retained at follow-up. No significant effect of the intervention on ED visits at 12 months or on other outcomes was found. However, due to less time as inpatients, the average service cost for intervention participants over follow-up was less than for TAU participants' (adjusted difference £558, 95% CI, −£2409, £648). Covariates most predictive of subsequent ED visits were patients' baseline feelings of stigmatization due to epilepsy and low confidence in managing epilepsy. The intervention did not lead to a reduction in ED use, but did not cost more, partly because those receiving the intervention had shorter hospital admissions. Our findings on long-term ED predictors clarifies what causes ED use, and suggests that future interventions might focus more on patients' perceptions of stigma and on their confidence in managing epilepsy. If addressed, ED visits might be reduced and efficiency-savings generated

    Role of spatial anisotropy in design storm generation: Experiment and interpretation

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    Rainfall accumulation depths over a given area are strongly dependent on the shape of the storm together with its direction of advection. A method to produce design storms exhibiting anisotropic spatial scaling is presented by combining a state-of-the-art stochastic rainfall generator STEPS with the linear generalized scale invariance (GSI) notation. The enhanced model is used to create ensembles of design storms based on an extreme storm with a distinct rainband shape observed in Melbourne, Australia. Design storms are generated both with and without accounting for anisotropy. Effect of anisotropy on precipitation characteristics is studied using the entire region covered by the radar (radar scale) and at a significantly smaller catchment scale. A rainfall-runoff model is applied to route the rainfall through the catchment into streamflow. Accounting for anisotropy allows for a more realistic description of precipitation features at the radar scale. At the catchment scale, anisotropy increases the probability of high rainfall accumulations, which translates into greater flood volumes. No discernible difference was observed in streamflow characteristics after controlling for the accumulation over the catchment. This could be explained by a lower importance of anisotropy relative to other factors affecting streamflow generation, and by the difficulties in creating representative rainfall temporal properties at the catchment scale when the radar scale is used for model calibration. The proposed method provides a tool to create ensembles of design storms when the anisotropic shape of the fields is of importance.Peer reviewe

    Holographic Lithography

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    This review summarises the work of the Durham-Sheffield, UK team working on Holographic Lithography over the last decade. It collates progress in 3D resolution and overall scale of the substrate wiring patterns designed and considers a range of approaches and applications

    PrimerBank: a PCR primer database for quantitative gene expression analysis, 2012 update

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    Optimization of primer sequences for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) and reaction conditions remains an experimental challenge. We have developed a resource, PrimerBank, which contains primers that can be used for PCR and qPCR under stringent and allele-invariant amplification conditions. A distinguishing feature of PrimerBank is the experimental validation of primer pairs covering most known mouse genes. Here, we describe a major update of PrimerBank that includes the design of new primers covering 17 076 and 18 086 genes for the human and mouse species, respectively. As a result of this update, PrimerBank contains 497 156 primers (an increase of 62% from the previous version) that cover 36 928 human and mouse genes, corresponding to around 94% of all known protein-coding gene sequences. An updated algorithm based on our previous approach was used to design new primers using current genomic information available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). PrimerBank primers work under uniform PCR conditions, and can be used for high-throughput or genome-wide qPCR. Because of their broader linear dynamic range and greater sensitivity, qPCR approaches are used to reanalyze changes in expression suggested by exploratory technologies such as microarrays and RNA-Seq. The primers and all experimental validation data can be freely accessed from the PrimerBank website, http://pga.mgh.harvard.edu/primerbank/

    Targeting Extracellular Vesicles to the Arthritic Joint using a Damaged Cartilage Specific Antibody

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    The targeted delivery of therapies to diseased tissues offers a safe opportunity to achieve optimal efficacy whilst limiting systemic exposure. These considerations apply to many disease indications, but are especially relevant for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as RA is a systemic autoimmune disease which affects multiple joints. We have identified an antibody that is specific to damaged arthritic cartilage (anti-ROS-CII) that can be used to deliver treatments specifically to arthritic joints, yielding augmented efficacy in experimental arthritis. In the current study, we demonstrate that scaffold enriched with bioactive payloads can be delivered precisely to an inflamed joint and achieve superior efficacy outcomes consistent with the pharmacological properties of these payloads. As a scaffold, we have used extracellular vesicles (EV) prepared from human neutrophils (PMN), which possess intrinsic anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to penetrate inflamed arthritic cartilage. EV fortified with anti-ROS-CII (EV/anti-ROS-CII) retained anti-ROS-CII specificity and bound exclusively to the damaged cartilage. Following systemic administration EV/anti-ROS-CII: a) exhibited the ability to localise specifically in the arthritic joint in vivo and b) was able to specifically target single (viral IL-10 or anti-TNF) or combined (viral IL-10 and anti-TNF) anti-inflammatory treatments to the arthritic joint, which accelerated attenuation of clinical and synovial inflammation. Overall, this study demonstrates the attainability of targeting a pro-resolving biological scaffold to the arthritic joint. The potential of targeting scaffolds such as EV, nanoparticles or combination thereof alongside combined therapeutics is paramount for designing systemically administered broad-spectrum of anti-inflammatory treatments

    The effect of transmucosal 0.2mg/kg Midazolam premedication on dental anxiety, anaesthetic induction and psychological morbidity in children undergoing general anaesthesia for tooth extraction

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    <b>Background:</b> The project aims were to evaluate the benefit of transmucosal Midazolam 0.2mg/kg pre-medication on anxiety, induction behaviour and psychological morbidity in children undergoing general anaesthesia (GA) extractions. <b>Method:</b> 179 children aged 5-10 years (mean 6.53 years) participated in this randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial. Ninety children had Midazolam placed in the buccal pouch. Dental anxiety was recorded pre operatively and 48 hours later using a child reported MCDAS-FIS scale. Behaviour at anaesthetic induction was recorded and psychological morbidity was scored by the parent using the Rutter Scale pre-operatively and again one-week later. Subsequent dental attendance was recorded at one, three and six months after GA. <b>Results:</b> Whilst levels of mental anxiety did not reduce overall, the most anxious patients demonstrated a reduction in anxiety after receiving midazolam premedicationmay (p=0.01). Neither induction behaviour nor psychological morbidity improved. Irrespective of group, parents reported less hyperactive (p= 0.002) and more prosocial behaviour (p=0.002) after the procedure:;, older children improved most (p=0.048), Post GA Dental attendance was poor and unrelated to after the procedure and unaffected by premedication. <b>Conclusion:</b> 0.2mg/kg buccal Midazolam provided some evidence for reducing anxiety in the most dentally anxious patients. However, induction behaviour, psychological morbidity and subsequent dental attendance were not found to alter between the premedication groups

    The Influence of Annealing Temperature and Soaking Time on the Ductility of SG 255

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    This study deals with the effect of annealing temperature on the mechanical properties of SG 255 steel. Furthermore it aims to experimentally obtain better mechanical properties in particular ductility with lower annealing temperature and to minimize the cost of the manufacturing. The SG 255 steel is used in manufacturing of domestic LPG cylinder at Halala Company located in Sulaimanyah/Iraq. A number of samples were made according to ISO 6892, and then heat treated with different annealing temperature (850, 900 and 950 ºC). Moreover, the mentioned samples were broken by tensile machine to obtain the required mechanical properties, and to be compared with that of Halala factory. It was shown that higher elongation percentage 34.18%El with lower annealing temperature 900 ºC can be achieved and this leads to decrease the cost of manufacturing without degrading of cylinder’s quality
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