1,537 research outputs found

    Polyclonal Proliferation of Large Granular Lymphocytes during Cytomegalovirus Primary Infection in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus—Infected Patient Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy

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    We report the first case of a patient infected with HIV in whom polyclonal CD8+/CD57- T lymphocyte large granular lymphocyte (LGL) proliferation was observed in association with cytomegalovirus primary infection. Because the differential diagnosis of an increased number of LGLs includes both monoclonal LGL leukemia and polyclonal proliferation of LGL, patients in whom LGL proliferation is detected always need close hematological and clinical observation to determine whether therapeutic intervention is necessar

    Transvenous Biopsy of Cavo-Atrial Tumors with the Quick-Core Needle

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    A variant application of the renal Quick-Core needle in 3 patients with cavo-atrial tumors is reported. In all 3 patients either a transjugular or transfemoral venous biopsy approach with this device yielded sufficient tissue for histological diagnosis at the first attempt. Bioptic diagnoses were confirmed either by surgery or radiological and clinical response to a specific chemotherapy. There were no procedure-related complication

    Hypoxia and reoxygenation do not upregulate adhesion molecules and natural killer cell adhesion on human endothelial cells in vitro

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    Objectives: Ischemia/reperfusion injury is characterized by endothelial cell activation leading to increased expression of adhesion molecules such as inter-cellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1, endothelial- and platelet-selectin (E- and P-selectin), and to the subsequent recruitment of leukocytes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the respective effects of a proinflammatory cytokine (tumor necrosis factor alpha , TNF-α), hypoxia and/or reoxygenation on adhesion molecule expression and natural killer (NK) cell adhesion in an in vitro model of I/R. Methods: Human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) were stimulated in vitro for 8h with TNF-α (1000 U/ml) and exposed to hypoxia (1% O2), reoxygenation (21% O2) or different combinations thereof. Cell surface expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-/P-selectin on HAEC was analyzed by flow cytometry, and culture supernatants were tested for soluble adhesion molecules by ELISA. Rolling adhesion of NK cells on HAEC was determined using a rotating assay. Results: Untreated HAEC constitutively expressed ICAM-1 on their surface but neither expressed E-/P-selectin, VCAM-1, nor shedded soluble adhesion molecules. Exposure of HAEC to hypoxia or hypoxia and reoxygenation did not upregulate cell surface expression or shedding of adhesion molecules. In contrast, TNF-α significantly upregulated cell surface expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-/P-selectin and led to the shedding of ICAM-1 and E-selectin. Combined treatment of HAEC with TNF-α, hypoxia and reoxygenation reduced E-/P-selectin surface expression and enhanced E-selectin shedding, but did not further influence ICAM-1 and VCAM-1. Soluble VCAM-1 was not detected. NK cell adhesion on HAEC increased 4-fold after TNF-α stimulation, but was not affected by hypoxia or hypoxia and reoxygenation. Conclusions: Both the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules and rolling NK cell adhesion was upregulated by TNF-α but not by hypoxia alone or hypoxia followed by reoxygenation supporting the view that anti-inflammatory treatment may reduce ischemia/reperfusion injur

    An exploration of concepts of community through a case study of UK university web production

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    The paper explores the inter-relation and differences between the concepts of occupational community, community of practice, online community and social network. It uses as a case study illustration the domain of UK university web site production and specifically a listserv for those involved in it. Different latent occupational communities are explored, and the potential for the listserv to help realize these as an active sense of community is considered. The listserv is not (for most participants) a tight knit community of practice, indeed it fails many criteria for an online community. It is perhaps best conceived as a loose knit network of practice, valued for information, implicit support and for the maintenance of weak ties. Through the analysis the case for using strict definitions of the theoretical concepts is made

    Truncated and Helix-Constrained Peptides with High Affinity and Specificity for the cFos Coiled-Coil of AP-1

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    Protein-based therapeutics feature large interacting surfaces. Protein folding endows structural stability to localised surface epitopes, imparting high affinity and target specificity upon interactions with binding partners. However, short synthetic peptides with sequences corresponding to such protein epitopes are unstructured in water and promiscuously bind to proteins with low affinity and specificity. Here we combine structural stability and target specificity of proteins, with low cost and rapid synthesis of small molecules, towards meeting the significant challenge of binding coiled coil proteins in transcriptional regulation. By iteratively truncating a Jun-based peptide from 37 to 22 residues, strategically incorporating i-->i+4 helix-inducing constraints, and positioning unnatural amino acids, we have produced short, water-stable, alpha-helical peptides that bind cFos. A three-dimensional NMR-derived structure for one peptide (24) confirmed a highly stable alpha-helix which was resistant to proteolytic degradation in serum. These short structured peptides are entropically pre-organized for binding with high affinity and specificity to cFos, a key component of the oncogenic transcriptional regulator Activator Protein-1 (AP-1). They competitively antagonized the cJun–cFos coiled-coil interaction. Truncating a Jun-based peptide from 37 to 22 residues decreased the binding enthalpy for cJun by ~9 kcal/mol, but this was compensated by increased conformational entropy (TDS ≤ 7.5 kcal/mol). This study demonstrates that rational design of short peptides constrained by alpha-helical cyclic pentapeptide modules is able to retain parental high helicity, as well as high affinity and specificity for cFos. These are important steps towards small antagonists of the cJun-cFos interaction that mediates gene transcription in cancer and inflammatory diseases

    Anti-CD154 mAb and Rapamycin Induce T Regulatory Cell Mediated Tolerance in Rat-to-Mouse Islet Transplantation

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    Anti-CD154 (MR1) monoclonal antibody (mAb) and rapamycin (RAPA) treatment both improve survival of rat-to-mouse islet xenograft. The present study investigated the effect of combined RAPA/MR1 treatment on rat-to-mouse islet xenograft survival and analyzed the role of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T regulatory cells (Treg) in the induction and maintenance of the ensuing tolerance. C57BL/6 mice were treated with MR1/RAPA and received additional monoclonal anti-IL2 mAb or anti CD25 mAb either early (0-28 d) or late (100-128 d) post-transplantation. Treg were characterised in the blood, spleen, draining lymph nodes and within the graft of tolerant and rejecting mice by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Fourteen days of RAPA/MR1 combination therapy allowed indefinite islet graft survival in >80% of the mice. Additional administration of anti-IL-2 mAb or depleting anti-CD25 mAb at the time of transplantation resulted in rejection (100% and 89% respectively), whereas administration at 100 days post transplantation lead to lower rejection rates (25% and 40% respectively). Tolerant mice showed an increase of Treg within the graft and in draining lymph nodes early post transplantation, whereas 100 days post transplantation no significant increase of Treg was observed. Rejecting mice showed a transient increase of Treg in the xenograft and secondary lymphoid organs, which disappeared within 7 days after rejection. These results suggest a critical role for Treg in the induction phase of tolerance early after islet xenotransplantation. These encouraging data support the need of developing further Treg therapy for overcoming the species barrier in xenotransplantation

    Efficacy of omalizumab in mastocytosis: allusive indication obtained from a prospective, double-blind, multicenter study (XOLMA Study)

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with mastocytosis often suffer from a variety of symptoms caused by mast cell mediators where treatments remain difficult, showing various success rates. Omalizumab, a monoclonal anti-IgE antibody, has been postulated to have a positive impact on mastocytosis-associated symptoms such as flush, vertigo, gastrointestinal problems, or anaphylaxis. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy and safety of omalizumab in systemic mastocytosis. METHODS: Patients with histologically proven mastocytosis were investigated in a multicenter prospective double-blind placebo-controlled trial to receive either omalizumab or placebo, dosed according to IgE and body weight. The primary endpoint was change in the AFIRMM activity score after 6 months of treatment. Different laboratory parameters were analyzed. RESULTS: Sixteen patients were analyzed: 7 to omalizumab and 9 to placebo (mean age 47.7 ± 13.8 vs. 45.4 ± 8.8 years; 66.6 vs. 85.7% were female; mean disease duration 10.0 ± 5.1 vs. 4.5 ± 2.9 years, respectively). After 6 months the median AFIRMM score decreased 50% from 52.0 to 26.0 in the omalizumab group versus 104.0-102.0 in the placebo group (p = 0.286); however, the difference was not significant (p = 0.941). Secondary endpoints, including the number of allergic reactions, changes in major complaints, wheal-and-flare reaction due to mechanical irritation (Darier's sign), and frequency of the use of mastocytosis-specific drugs improved in the omalizumab group, but not significantly. Adverse events like urticaria, bronchospasm, and anaphylactic shock showed no significant difference between the groups. No severe adverse events occurred. FcεRI (Fc-epsilon receptor) expression on basophils decreased after receiving omalizumab versus placebo. CONCLUSION: Omalizumab was safe and showed a tendency to improve mastocytosis-related symptoms, in particular diarrhea, dizziness, flush, and anaphylactic reactions, including the AFIRMM score and secondary endpoints; however, the difference was not significant. Due to the small study size and difference at baseline between the study groups, further studies are required to confirm our findings

    Sarcoidosis - a multisystem disease.

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    Sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disease, characterised by granuloma formation upon an unknown trigger in genetically predisposed individuals. The inflammation is characterised by an activation of both the innate immune system, with macrophages differentiating into epitheloid cells and dendritic cells, and the adaptive immune system, particularly T helper (Th) 1 and Th17 cells. Since all organs can be affected to varying extents, clinical presentation is often diverse. Most commonly, the lungs, lymph nodes, skin and eyes are involved, whereas cardiac, renal and neurological manifestations are less common but associated with higher morbidity. Depending on the clinical symptoms, a detailed evaluation including thorough clinical examination, imaging and laboratory tests should explore all possible organ involvements. In some patients, fatigue manifests as a para-sarcoidosis symptom impacting quality of life, even if sarcoidosis is in remission. Some acute syndromic presentations, such as Löfgren's syndrome, have a good prognosis and are commonly self-limiting. If possible, a topical treatment, for example for cutaneous sarcoidosis or bronchial involvement, should be applied. Treatment of severe cases with persisting disease activity necessitates long-term immunosuppressive drugs, with glucocorticoids as the first-line option. Steroid-sparing and second-line drugs include methotrexate, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil and immunomodulators such hydroxychloroquine, with the latter being first-line therapy in cutaneous sarcoidosis. Tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors (particularly adalimumab and infliximab) are used as third-line agents but are administered earlier in cases of persistent disease activity, severe organ-involvement or intolerance to conventional drugs. Treatment decisions should be based on a multidisciplinary approach, depending on organ involvement and treatment tolerability. Para-sarcoidosis manifestations, particularly fatigue, should also be carefully addressed, where the patient could also be enrolled in multidimensional rehabilitation programmes. With various organ involvement and different phenotypes, larger studies including real-world data from registries are necessary to evaluate different sarcoidosis endotypes and preferential treatment pathways