49 research outputs found

    Granzyme B; the chalk-mark of a cytotoxic lymphocyte

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    During cytotoxic lymphocyte (CL) mediated killing of target cells, granzyme B is released from the CL into the immune synapse. Recent studies have found that ELISPOT-detection of granzyme B correlated well with conventional assays for CL mediated killing. In this way, the released granzyme B can be used to mark the spot where a target cell was murdered. We discuss the benefits and potential limitations of using this assay to measure CL mediated killing of target cells

    Residual active granzyme B in cathepsin C–null lymphocytes is sufficient for perforin-dependent target cell apoptosis

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    Cathepsin C activates serine proteases expressed in hematopoietic cells by cleaving an N-terminal dipeptide from the proenzyme upon granule packaging. The lymphocytes of cathepsin C–null mice are therefore proposed to totally lack granzyme B activity and perforin-dependent cytotoxicity. Surprisingly, we show, using live cell microscopy and other methodologies, that cells targeted by allogenic CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) raised in cathepsin C–null mice die through perforin-dependent apoptosis indistinguishable from that induced by wild-type CTL. The cathepsin C–null CTL expressed reduced but still appreciable granzyme B activity, but minimal granzyme A activity. Also, in contrast to mice with inactivation of both their granzyme A/B genes, cathepsin C deficiency did not confer susceptibility to ectromelia virus infection in vivo. Overall, our results indicate that although cathepsin C clearly generates the majority of granzyme B activity, some is still generated in its absence, pointing to alternative mechanisms for granzyme B processing and activation. Cathepsin C deficiency also results in considerably milder immune deficiency than perforin or granzyme A/B deficiency

    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte–induced killing in the absence of granzymes A and B is unique and distinct from both apoptosis and perforin-dependent lysis

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)–induced death triggered by the granule exocytosis pathway involves the perforin-dependent delivery of granzymes to the target cell. Gene targeting has shown that perforin is essential for this process; however, CTL deficient in the key granzymes A and B maintain the ability to kill their targets by granule exocytosis. It is not clear how granzyme AB−/− CTLs kill their targets, although it has been proposed that this occurs through perforin-induced lysis. We found that purified granzyme B or CTLs from wild-type mice induced classic apoptotic cell death. Perforin-induced lysis was far more rapid and involved the formation of large plasma membrane protrusions. Cell death induced by granzyme AB−/− CTLs shared similar kinetics and morphological characteristics to apoptosis but followed a distinct series of molecular events. Therefore, CTLs from granzyme AB−/− mice induce target cell death by a unique mechanism that is distinct from both perforin lysis and apoptosis

    Fish Granzyme A Shows a Greater Role Than Granzyme B in Fish Innate Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity

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    Granzymes (Gzm) are serine proteases, contained into the secretory granules of cytotoxic cells, responsible for the cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) against tumor cells and intracellular pathogens such as virus and bacteria. In fish, they have received little attention to their existence, classification or functional characterization. Therefore, we aimed to identify and evaluate their functional and transcriptomic relevance in the innate CMC activity of two relevant teleost fish species, gilthead seabream and European sea bass. Afterwards, we wanted to focus on their regulation upon nodavirus (NNV) infection, a virus that causes great mortalities to sea bass specimens while seabream is resistant. In this study, we have identified genes encoding GzmA and GzmB in both seabream and sea bass, as well as GzmM in seabream, which showed good phylogenetic relation to their mammalian orthologs. In addition, we found enzymatic activity related to tryptase (GzmA and/or GzmK), aspartase (GzmB), metase (GzmM), or chymase (GzmH) in resting head-kidney leucocytes (HKLs), with the following order of activity: GzmA/K∼GzmM>> GzmH >>> GzmB. In addition, during innate CMC assays consisting on HKLs exposed to either mock- or NNV-infected target cells, though all the granzyme transcripts were increased only the tryptase activity did. Thus, our data suggest a high functional activity of GzmA/K in the innate CMC and a marginal one for GzmB. Moreover, GzmB activity was detected into target cells during the CMC assays. However, the percentage of target cells with GzmB activity after the CMC assays was about 10-fold lower than the death target cells, demonstrating that GzmB is not the main inductor of cell death. Moreover, in in vivo infection with NNV, gzm transcription is differently regulated depending on the fish species, genes and tissues. However, the immunohistochemistry study revealed an increased number of GzmB stained cells and areas in the brain of seabream after NNV infection, which was mainly associated with the lesions detected. Further studies are needed to ascertain the molecular nature, biological function and implication of fish granzymes in the CMC activity, and in the antiviral defense in particular. Keywords:Versión del edito

    Initiation of apoptosis by granzyme B requires direct cleavage of Bid, but not direct granzyme B-mediated caspase activation

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    The essential upstream steps in granzyme B-mediated apoptosis remain undefined. Herein, we show that granzyme B triggers the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway through direct cleavage of Bid; however, cleavage of procaspases was stalled when mitochondrial disruption was blocked by Bcl-2. The sensitivity of granzyme B-resistant Bcl-2-overexpressing FDC-P1 cells was restored by coexpression of wild-type Bid, or Bid with a mutation of its caspase-8 cleavage site, and both types of Bid were cleaved. However, Bid with a mutated granzyme B cleavage site remained intact and did not restore apoptosis. Bid with a mutation preventing its interaction with Bcl-2 was cleaved but also failed to restore apoptosis. Rapid Bid cleavage by granzyme B (<2 min) was not delayed by Bcl-2 overexpression. These results clearly placed Bid cleavage upstream of mitochondrial Bcl-2. In granzyme B-treated Jurkat cells, endogenous Bid cleavage and loss of mitochondrial membrane depolarization occurred despite caspase inactivation with z-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone or Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-fluoromethylketone. Initial partial processing of procaspase-3 and -8 was observed irrespective of Bcl-2 overexpression; however, later processing was completely abolished by Bcl-2. Overall, our results indicate that mitochondrial perturbation by Bid is necessary to achieve a lethal threshold of caspase activity and cell death due to granzyme B