369 research outputs found

    The importance of the family in the economy of rural area in Extremadura during the second hale of 20th century

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    El presente artículo analiza los diferentes roles de la familia campesina en el medio rural durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, en un contexto en el que se confunden las relaciones de parentesco y las productivas, donde conviven las relaciones entre padre e hijo con las de patrón y trabajador y la educación y el proceso de socialización se entremezclan con el aprendizaje profesional de un oficio, recibiendo los niños varones mayores un aprendizaje estrechamente asociado a la marcha de la empresa familiar, ya sea esta agrícola-ganadera o artesana, las primeras hijas ejerciendo de madres auxiliares o segundas madres y las esposas adoptando una importante amalgama de roles, siendo compañeras, trabajadoras, ayudantes, madres y gestoras de la economía familiar.This article analyses the different roles of the peasant family in rural areas during the second half of 20th Century in a context in which parents relationship and productive are confused. The relationship between father and son lives together with owner and worker. The education and the process of socialization are mixed with the learning of a job. The oldest sons are taught in order to be useful to the family business (agricultural, cattle or manual). The oldest daughters are like second mothers and the wives adopt the roles of: partners, workers, helpers, mothers and manager of domestic economy.peerReviewe

    Nutrition, Nutritional Status and Functionality

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    [EN] A good quality of life means obtaining adequate nutrition and regular physical ac- tivity. This combination also reduces the risk of developing many chronic diseases while increasing one’s level of physical performance.S

    Social dimension of irrigation and the colonization of Vegas Altas

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    La implantación del regadío en la comarca de Vegas Altas y su posterior proceso de colonización dentro del contexto del denominado Plan Badajoz, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, supuso para esta comarca del sur de Extremadura una importante transformación social y económica, cuyo impacto contribuyó a crear el principal eje de desarrollo eco-nómico de Extremadura. El agua dominada por el hombre inundó estas tierras transformando campos baldíos en fértiles parcelas, en cuyo entorno se cons-truyeron poblados que albergaron a miles de familias numerosas dedicadas a su explotación, constituyendo el principal motor de desarrollo agrícola y agroalimen-tario de la región, que posteriormente el régimen franquista trató de reduplicar en otros territorios con desiguales resultados.The establishment of the irrigation in Vegas Altas region and then its process of colonization in the context of Plan Badajoz, during the second half of the twentieth century, meant for this region of South Ex-tremadura an important transformation both social and economic. This impact contributed to create the main idea of economic development in Extremadura. The water, controlled by man, filled up this land; and the barren land was transformed into fertile plot of land. Near here were built towns which have thou-sands of large families that transform this plot. These families are the centre of the agricultural and agri-food development of the region. Then the Francoist regimen tried to reduplicate it in other areas but with different results

    Rituals and parties, coexistence and solidarity in the villages of the colonization of Alagón Valley

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    El presente artículo aborda la importancia de la fiesta en los procesos de construcción de la identidad social, analizando el caso concreto de los colonos de los poblados de colonización del Valle del Alagón (Extremadura, España) establecidos a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX en diferentes localidadesde nueva creación.This article deals with the importance of the party in the process of construction of social identity. It analyses the particular case of settlers who live in the town of colonization of Alagón Valley (Extremadura, Spain) settled there since the second half of twentieth century in different towns of new creation.peerReviewe

    The economy in the agricultural villages in north of Cáceres: corn, peppers, tomatoes, cotton and tobacco

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    El presente artículo describe las principales producciones agrícolas de los poblados creados por el régimen franquista en la década de los sesenta del siglo pasado en el norte de la provincia de Cáceres. En el artículo se describen los procesos productivos, la industrialización, el cooperativismo, en definitiva las luces y las sombras de los cultivos implantados por el Instituto Nacional de Colonización (INC) en los lotes concedidos a los colonos por sorteo y que explotaron con sus familias durante aquellos años.This article describes the main agricultural production of the villages created by Francoist regime in the North of Cáceres in the 1960´s. In this article it describes the process of production, industrialization, cooperative movement, and all in all, the lights and shadows of crops introduced by “Instituto Nacional de Colonización (INC). This was determined by the sets given through raffle to the tenant farmers and they made use of it during these years.peerReviewe

    Intervención del hombre en el clima: el problema de la desertificación

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    The importance of common places in colonization villages

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    El régimen del General Franco confirió una especial importancia a los espacios comunes construidos en los poblados de colonización por el Instituto Nacional de Colonización (INC), durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. El presente artículo realiza una aproximación en torno a la importancia de estos espacios en la construcción de la identidad social, como elemento clave para conseguir la identificación de los vecinos con estas localidades de nueva creación.The System of General Franco gave a special importance to the common places built in the colonization villages by the Instituto Nacional de Colonización (INC), during the second half of the twentieth century. This article is an introduction to the importance of these places in the structure of the social identity, as a key part to achieve the identification of the residents with these new villages.peerReviewe

    The Influence of Nutrition in Alzheimer's Disease: Neuroinflammation and the Microbiome vs. Transmissible Prion

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a primary, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder. Many risk factors for the development of AD have been investigated, including nutrition. Although it has been proven that nutrition plays a role in AD, the precise mechanisms through which nutrition exerts its influence remain undefined. The object of this study is to address this issue by elucidating some of the mechanisms through which nutrition interacts with AD. This work is a qualitative systematic bibliographic review of the current literature searchable on various available databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Our evidence comprises 31 articles selected after a systematic search process. Patients suffering with AD present a characteristic microbiome that promotes changes in microglia generating a proinflammatory state. Many similarities exist between AD and prion diseases, both in terms of symptoms and in the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis. Changes in the composition of the gut microbiome due to dietary habits could be one of the environmental factors affecting the development of AD; however, this is probably not the only factor. Similarly, the mechanism for self-propagation of beta-amyloid seen in AD is similar to that seen in prions