314 research outputs found

    Transcriptome profiling reveals expression signatures of cranial neural crest cells arising from different axial levels

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    Background: Cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) are a unique embryonic cell type which give rise to a diverse array of derivatives extending from neurons and glia through to bone and cartilage. Depending on their point of origin along the antero-posterior axis cranial NCCs are rapidly sorted into distinct migratory streams that give rise to axial specific structures. These migratory streams mirror the underlying segmentation of the brain with NCCs exiting the diencephalon and midbrain following distinct paths compared to those exiting the hindbrain rhombomeres (r). The genetic landscape of cranial NCCs arising at different axial levels remains unknown. Results: Here we have used RNA sequencing to uncover the transcriptional profiles of mouse cranial NCCs arising at different axial levels. Whole transcriptome analysis identified over 120 transcripts differentially expressed between NCCs arising anterior to r3 (referred to as r1-r2 migratory stream for simplicity) and the r4 migratory stream. Eight of the genes differentially expressed between these populations were validated by RT-PCR with 2 being further validated by in situ hybridisation. We also explored the expression of the Neuropilins (Nrp1 and Nrp2) and their co-receptors and show that the A-type Plexins are differentially expressed in different cranial NCC streams. Conclusions: Our analyses identify a large number of genes differentially regulated between cranial NCCs arising at different axial levels. This data provides a comprehensive description of the genetic landscape driving diversity of distinct cranial NCC streams and provides novel insight into the regulatory networks controlling the formation of specific skeletal elements and the mechanisms promoting migration along different paths.Rachael Lumb, Sam Buckberry, Genevieve Secker, David Lawrence and Quenten Schwar

    DC-conductivity of a suspension of insulating particles with internal rotation

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    We analyse the consequences of Quincke rotation on the conductivity of a suspension. Quincke rotation refers to the spontaneous rotation of insulating particles dispersed in a slightly conducting liquid and subject to a high DC electric field: above a critical field, each particle rotates continuously around itself with an axis pointing in any direction perpendicular to the DC field. When the suspension is subject to an electric field lower than the threshold one, the presence of insulating particles in the host liquid decreases the bulk conductivity since the particles form obstacles to ion migration. But for electric fields higher than the critical one, the particles rotate and facilitate ion migration: the effective conductivity of the suspension is increased. We provide a theoretical analysis of the impact of Quincke rotation on the apparent conductivity of a suspension and we present experimental results obtained with a suspension of PMMA particles dispersed in weakly conducting liquids

    The r'-band luminosity function of Abell1367: a comparison with Coma

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    We made a large (approximately 1degr x 1degr) r'-band imaging survey of the central regions of the two nearby clusters of galaxies, Abell1367 and Coma. The data, presented as a catalog, are used to construct the r'-band luminosity function (LF) of galaxies in these two clusters, by subtracting the Yasuda et al. (2001) galaxy counts from our cluster counts. Our Coma luminosity function is consistent with previous determinations, i.e. providing a faint end slope alpha = -1.47_-0.09^+0.08, significantly steeper than the one we find for Abell1367 (alpha = -1.07_-0.16^+0.20). The counts in Abell1367 show a relative minimum at r' ~ 19, followed by a steep increase faintward. The difference between the two clusters appears significant, given the consistency of the experimental conditions in the two clusters. Whereas for Coma we find a significant increase of the slope of the LF outwards, no such effect is found for Abell1367.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&