12 research outputs found

    Analyse physico-chimique de l’eau de l’unitĂ© d’hĂ©modialyse du chr de Saint- Louis (SĂ©nĂ©gal)

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    L’insuffisance rĂ©nale chronique est un des problĂšmes majeurs de la santĂ© publique dans le monde. Au SĂ©nĂ©gal, une Ă©tude rĂ©cente rĂ©alisĂ©e dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale adulte avait retrouvĂ© une prĂ©valence de l’ordre de 6,1%. «L’eau pour dilution de concentrĂ©es d’hĂ©modialyse» est produite en continue et utilisĂ©e en grande quantitĂ© chez l’hĂ©modialysĂ© chronique, donc il apparaĂźt primordial de veiller Ă  sa bonne qualitĂ©. Au SĂ©nĂ©gal, aucune Ă©tude n’a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  ce jour pour Ă©valuer l’efficacitĂ© du systĂšme de traitement de l’eau pour dilution des concentrĂ©s de dialyse dans les diffĂ©rents centres de dialyse du pays. L’objectif de ce travail est de contrĂŽler l’efficacitĂ© du systĂšme de traitement de l’eau pour dilution de concentrĂ©es d’hĂ©modialyse afin de s’assurer de son innocuitĂ©. Les prĂ©lĂšvements ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s au niveau de trois points clĂ©s du circuit de traitement de l’eau pour hĂ©modialyse. A l’entrĂ©e et Ă  la sortie de l’osmoseur, Ă  la sortie de la boucle de distribution. Les analyses ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’électrodes spĂ©cifiques. Les valeurs de potentiels ont permis de tracer les courbes d’étalonnage. La dĂ©termination par rĂ©gression des pentes et des ordonnĂ©es Ă  l’origine de la relation de Nernst donne E(mV ) = B - A Log Cm avec des coefficients de corrĂ©lation variant entre 0,988 et 0,999 prouvant que 98% au moins des variations de tensions mesurĂ©es (E) sont attribuables Ă  la concentration. L’analyse physico-chimique des teneurs en chlorures, nitrates et fluorures rĂ©vĂšle des teneurs plus Ă©levĂ©es Ă  l’entrĂ©e de l’osmoseur qu’à la sortie. Ces basses valeurs dĂ©coulent du rĂŽle de l’osmoseur qui filtre une grande partie des électrolytes. Par contre, Ă  la sortie de la boucle de distribution les teneurs en Ă©lectrolytes des diffĂ©rents échantillons Ă©taient plus importantes que celles Ă  la sortie de l’osmoseur. Cette forte concentration en électrolytes atteste d’une pollution par la boucle de distribution de l’eau dĂ©jĂ  filtrĂ©e par l’osmoseur. L’intĂ©rĂȘt de cette Ă©tude rĂ©side dans le fait qu’elle met en lumiĂšre l’importance du contrĂŽle de la qualitĂ© de l’eau pour l’hĂ©modialyse et la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’un bon planning de maintenance prĂ©ventive efficace de l’ensemble de la boucle de traitement d’eau au sein de chaque centre.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: HĂ©modialyse, eau, chlorures, fluorures, nitrates, Ă©lectrodes spĂ©cifiquesEnglish Title: Physicochemical analysis of Saint–Louis regional hospital’s hemodialysis unit’s water (Senegal)English AbstractChronic kidney disease is a major public health problem worldwide. In Senegal, a recent study in the general adult population found a prevalence of about 6,1%. "Water for diluting concentrated hemodialysis" is produced and used continuously at high levels in hemodialysis chronic. It is therefore essential to ensure its quality. In Senegal, no study has been done to assess the effectiveness of water treatment system for dialysis concentrates dilution in different dialysis centers of the country. The objective of this work is to monitor the effectiveness of the water treatment system for hemodialysis concentrated dilution to ensure its safety. The samples were taken on key issues of hemodialysis water’s treatment circuit. Three levels of sampling were selected. At the entrance and at the outlet of the reverse osmosis unit at the outlet of the distribution loop. Analyses were performed using specific electrodes. Potential values allowed us to map the calibration curves. Determination by regression of slopes and intercepts of the Nernst relation gives with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.988 to 0.999 showing that at least 98% of the measured voltages fluctuations (E) are attributable to the concentration. Physicochemical analysis of the levels of chlorides, nitrates and fluorides reveals higher levels at the entrance of the reverse osmosis unit than at the outlet. These low values resulting of the role of reverse osmosis which filter much of the electrolytes. For against, at the outlet of the distribution loop the electrolyte content of the different samples were greater than those at the outlet of the reverse osmosis unit. This high electrolyte concentration attests to pollution of the water distribution loop already filtered by reverse osmosis. The interest of this study lies in the fact that it highlights the importance of monitoring the quality of water for hemodialysis and the need for good planning for effective preventive maintenance throughout the water treatment loop within each center.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Hemodialysis, water, nitrates, fluoride, chloride, specific electrode

    Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa

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    Africa trails the rest of the world in COVID-19 cases and deaths. However, as the pandemic spreads through the continent, we expect increases in community infection in the months ahead. Patients with kidney infection, especially those with end-stage kidney disease and those with kidney transplants, are at high risk for acquiring the disease and dying from it. While there is limited evidence for the benefit of interventions, we have the advantage of learning from the experiences of those in China, Europe and the Americas. This document sets forth guidance for dealing with our patients who have acute and chronic kidney disease, including those on renal replacement therapy and the staff involved in their care. Emphasis is placed on preparedness and prevention strategies. As evidence and experience accumulate, it is likely that updated guidance will be needed.L’Afrique suit le reste du monde en termes de nombre de cas et de dĂ©cĂšs dus Ă  COVID-19. Cependant, alors que la pandĂ©mie se propage Ă  travers le continent, nous prĂ©voyons une augmentation de l’infection communautaire dans les mois Ă  venir. Les patients atteints d’une maladie rĂ©nale, en particulier ceux atteints d’une maladie rĂ©nale chronique en phase terminale et ceux ayant subi une transplantation rĂ©nale, courent un risque Ă©levĂ© de contracter la maladie et d’en mourir. Bien que les preuves d’interventions soient limitĂ©es, nous avons l’avantage de tirer des enseignements des expĂ©riences de ceux qui se trouvent en Chine, en Europe et dans les AmĂ©riques. Ce document prĂ©sente des conseils pour traiter nos patients atteints d’insuffisance rĂ©nale aiguë et chronique, y compris ceux sous thĂ©rapie de supplĂ©ance rĂ©nale et le personnel impliquĂ© dans leurs soins. L’accent est mis sur les stratĂ©gies de prĂ©paration et de prĂ©vention. Au fur et Ă  mesure que les preuves et l’expĂ©rience s’accumulent, il est probable que des directives actualisĂ©es seront nĂ©cessaires

    Correction: Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa

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    The authors of the article ‘Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa’ [1] wish to acknowledge the contribution of Professor Hussein El Fishawy. Our guidelines drew on various sources, including the Egyptian Ministry of Health guidelines, portions of which were adapted and reproduced with permission from the Egyptian Ministry of Health. Two of the authors of those guidelines, Professors Elsayed and Zaki, are also coauthors of our paper. Professor El Fishawy was the third author of the Egyptian guidelines and we would like to acknowledge his contribution to our review through this source, especially with respect to the treatment algorithms for patients with kidney transplants and those with acute kidney injury. Reference1. Elsayed HM, Wadee S, Zaki MS, Were AJO, Ashuntantang GE, Bamgboye EL, et al. Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa. Afr J Nephrol. 2020; 23(1):109-126

    Low Immune Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine among Children in Dakar, Senegal

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    HBV vaccine was introduced into the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in Senegal and Cameroon in 2005. We conducted a cross-sectional study in both countries to assess the HBV immune protection among children. All consecutive children under 4 years old, hospitalized for any reason between May 2009 and May 2010, with an immunisation card and a complete HBV vaccination, were tested for anti-HBs and anti-HBc. A total of 242 anti-HBc-negative children (128 in Cameroon and 114 in Senegal) were considered in the analysis. The prevalence of children with anti-HBs ≄10 IU/L was higher in Cameroon with 92% (95% CI: 87%–97%) compared to Senegal with 58% (95% CI: 49%–67%), (p<0.001). The response to vaccination in Senegal was lower in 2006–2007 (43%) than in 2008–2009 (65%), (p = 0.028). Our results, although not based on a representative sample of Senegalese or Cameroonian child populations, reveal a significant problem in vaccine response in Senegal. This response problem extends well beyond hepatitis B: the same children who have not developed an immune response to the HBV vaccine are also at risk for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTwP) and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib). Field biological monitoring should be carried out regularly in resource-poor countries to check quality of the vaccine administered

    Current indication of plasma exchanges in nephrology: A systematic review

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    Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) has been firstly performed with centrifugation devices used in blood banking procedures. Nowadays, TPE is increasingly performed in intensive care units using hemodiafiltration generators that ensure better efficiency and simplicity. However, prescription for the different medical pathologies depends on weak evidence-based recommen-dations, and is often guided by the clinicianâ€Čs own experience. In this review, we briefly recall the rationale of TPE prescription before discussing the evidence level of common indications of TPE in nephrology. Currently, strong evidence-based data for the benefit of TPE is clearly demonstrated in renal diseases such as hemolytic uremic syndrome, anti-glomerular basement membrane vasculitis, and recurrent glomerulonephritis after kidney transplantation and management of humoral renal allograft rejection in high-risk recipients. However, the other indications of TPE, such as renal vasculitis associated with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, mixed cryoglobulinemia, periarte-ritis nodosa, and acute renal failure in myeloma are still controversial. Finally, TPE have been found to be clearly inefficient in lupus nephritis, except for patients with associated thrombotic mic-roangiopathy or catastrophic antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome. More randomized clinical trials are required to precisely place TPE in the management of renal diseases. Meanwhile, the decision to use this burdensome and costly therapy should be individualized according to its proven benefits and potential complications

    Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa

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    CITATION: Elsayed, H. M. et al. 2020. Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa. African Journal of Nephrology, 23(1):109-126, doi:10.21804/23-1-4097.The original publication is available at https://www.journals.ac.zaENGLISH ABSTRACT: Africa trails the rest of the world in COVID-19 cases and deaths. However, as the pandemic spreads through the continent, we expect increases in community infection in the months ahead. Patients with kidney infection, especially those with end-stage kidney disease and those with kidney transplants, are at high risk for acquiring the disease and dying from it. While there is limited evidence for the benefit of interventions, we have the advantage of learning from the experiences of those in China, Europe and the Americas. This document sets forth guidance for dealing with our patients who have acute and chronic kidney disease, including those on renal replacement therapy and the staff involved in their care. Emphasis is placed on preparedness and prevention strategies. As evidence and experience accumulate, it is likely that updated guidance will be needed. L’Afrique suit le reste du monde en termes de nombre de cas et de dĂ©cĂšs dus Ă  COVID-19. Cependant, alors que la pandĂ©mie se propage Ă  travers le continent, nous prĂ©voyons une augmentation de l’infection communautaire dans les mois Ă  venir. Les patients atteints d’une maladie rĂ©nale, en particulier ceux atteints d’une maladie rĂ©nale chronique en phase terminale et ceux ayant subi une transplantation rĂ©nale, courent un risque Ă©levĂ© de contracter la maladie et d’en mourir. Bien que les preuves d’interventions soient limitĂ©es, nous avons l’avantage de tirer des enseignements des expĂ©riences de ceux qui se trouvent en Chine, en Europe et dans les AmĂ©riques. Ce document prĂ©sente des conseils pour traiter nos patients atteints d’insuffisance rĂ©nale aiguĂ« et chronique, y compris ceux sous thĂ©rapie de supplĂ©ance rĂ©nale et le personnel impliquĂ© dans leurs soins. L’accent est mis sur les stratĂ©gies de prĂ©paration et de prĂ©vention. Au fur et Ă  mesure que les preuves et l’expĂ©rience s’accumulent, il est probable que des directives actualisĂ©es seront nĂ©cessaires.https://www.journals.ac.za/index.php/ajn/article/view/4097Publisher's versio