1,715 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento socioambiental: um passo com o projeto Rondon

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    Trabalho apresentado no II Congresso Nacional do PROJETO RONDON, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 23 a 25 de setembro de 2015 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Este trabalho relata as atividades desenvolvidas durante a Operação Velho Monge do Projeto Rondon realizada no município de Peritoró-MA junto à equipe da UTFPR câmpus Pato Branco dentro da área temática de meio ambiente. As atividades ocorreram durante o período de 20 de janeiro à 01 de fevereiro de 2014. Foram ofertadas à comunidade do município oficinas de Tratamento de Água e Higiene, Fabricação de Sabão Caseiro Utilizando Óleos e Gorduras Residuais e Fabricação de Papel Reciclado, esta última com foco no público infantil. A oficina de Tratamento de Água e Higiene foi acompanhada por grande parte do corpo de agentes comunitários de saúde de Peritoró e moradores locais e a oficina de Fabricação de Sabão Caseiro por vários moradores. Diversas comunidades do município foram atendidas com as oficinas, tanto na área urbana quanto rural, tendo sido executadas em locais públicos como escolas municipais e no centro paroquial. Foi confeccionado e entregue aos participantes de todas as oficinas uma cartilha didática para uso como material de apoio contendo informações necessárias para futuras aplicações dos conhecimentos adquiridos. Além de auxiliar no desenvolvimento de soluções para problemas técnicos e sociais do município, também foi possível através da relação entre conhecimentos acadêmico-científicos e populares um significativo avanço qualitativo na formação do acadêmico

    Il-2 and mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan as targets of immune responses in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Interleukin 2 (IL-2) is considered a key player in exacerbating multiple sclerosis (MS). Therapies targeting its receptor have been developed; however, a resolution of the disease and side effects are still an issue of concern. The involvement of other factors, such as Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and envelope protein derived from human endogenous retrovirus type W (HERV-Wenv), in MS pathogenesis has been recently suggested. Here, we investigated the levels of antibodies (Abs) directed against IL-2 and HERV-Wenv in 108 MS patients, 34 patients affected by neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD), and 137 healthy controls (HCs). Our results show increased levels of Abs specific to IL-2 and HERV-Wenv-su antigens in MS vs. HCs (p < 0.0001 for IL-2, p = 0.0004 for HERV-Wenv) and significantly decreased levels in NMOSD vs. MS. The assessment of different 12-month-long therapies on Abs against IL-2, HERV-Wenv, and MAP lipoarabinomannan (LAM) demonstrated the strongest effect on anti-LAM Abs (p = 0.018), a slight reduction of anti-IL-2 Abs, and small variations for anti-HERV-Wenv Abs. These results highlight the conclusion that the impact of therapy is more correlated with selected epitopes than with the therapeutic agent. Screening for anti-IL-2 and anti-HERV-Wenv Abs has a potential as additional future practice to distinguish between symptomatically similar MS and NMOSD

    Analysis of S-band solid-state transmitters for the solar power satellite

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    The possibility of replacing the Reference System antenna in which thermionic devices are used for the dc-to-microwave conversion, with solid-state elements was explored. System, device, and antenna module tradeoff investigations strongly point toward the desirability of changing the transmitter concept to a distributed array of relatively low power elements, deriving their dc power directly from the solar cell array and whose microwave power outputs are combined in space. The approach eliminates the thermal, weight, and dc-voltage distribution problems of a system in which high power tubes are simply replaced with clusters of solid state amplifiers. The proposed approach retains the important advantages of a solid state system: greatly enhanced reliability and graceful degradation of the system

    Calibration procedure of regional flow duration curves evaluating water resource withdrawal from diversion dams

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    In the last decades, climatic changes in Mediterranean regions and frequent events of water resource scarcity in supply systems have required addressing the problem of increasing the inflows in storage reservoirs by connecting them to diversion dams. Usually, diversion dams do not have a large storage volume; consequently, these works are not able to regulate monthly flow, and they can divert to reservoirs only a part of river flow. In this field of research, this study aims to provide a procedure to evaluate water volumes withdrawn from diversion dams considering river flows and transfer flows. The procedure is founded by analysing 36 gauging stations in Sardinia (Italy), where a unique regional flow duration curve (FDC) can be defined. The effectiveness of regional evaluation of volume withdrawn, based on a monthly time scale analysis, has been investigated. The methodology allows finding optimal values of regional FDC parameters in order to better evaluate water resources withdrawn from diversion dams with respect to the current estimation used in the Sardinia Region Water Plan (SRWP). The current SRWP (RAS 2006) uses a fixed and extremely precautionary value of the FDC that underestimates withdrawal volumes. Moreover, a correlation analysis has been carried out in order to extend the evaluation of optimal FDC parameters for ungauged basins that allows to improve application of this procedure. Obtained results could allow to update the SRWP as highlighted in the final application to a real water system

    Stochastic gradient approach for energy and supply optimisation in water systems management

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    Under conditions of water scarcity, energy saving in operation of water pumping plants and the minimisation of water deficit for users and activities are frequently contrasting requirements, which should be considered when optimising large-scale multi-reservoirs and multi-users water supply systems. Undoubtedly, a high uncertainty level in predicted water resources due to hydrologic input variability and water demand behaviour characterizes this problem. The aim of this paper is to provide an efficient decision support system considering emergency water pumping plants activation schedules. The obtained results should allow the water system’s authority to adopt a robust decision policy, minimising the risk of harmful future decisions concerning the water resource management. The model has been here developed to manage this problem, in order to reduce the damages due to shortage of water and the energy-cost requirements of pumping plants. Particularly, in optimisation, we look for optimal rules considering both historical and generated synthetic scenarios of hydrologic inputs to reservoirs. Hence, using synthetic series, we can analyse climate change impacts and optimise the activation rules considering future hydrologic occurrences. A simulation model has been coupled with an optimization module using the stochastic gradient method to get robust pumping activation thresholds. This method allows to solve complex problems, solving efficiently large size real cases due to high number of data and variables. Thresholds values are identified in terms of critical storage levels in supply-reservoirs. Application of the modelling approach has been developed on a real case study in a water-shortage prone area in south-Sardinia (Italy), characterized by Mediterranean climate and high annual variability in hydrological input to reservoirs. By applying the combined simulation procedure, a robust decision strategy in pumping activation was obtained. Developing the stochastic gradient model, a main programming supports has been built by MATLAB efficiently interfaced with CPLEX for optimisation and Excel for inputs and results representation

    Stochastic gradient methods for energy saving and a correct management in complex water supply systems

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    The management optimization of complex multi-source and multi-demand water resource systems under a high uncertainty level has been a subject of interest in the research literature (Labadie, 2004; Cunha & Sousa, 2010; Yuan et al., 2016). In this context, energy saving in operation of water pumping plants and reduction of water deficit for users and activities are frequently conflicting issues. Dealing with these problems, the definition of optimal activation rules for emergency activation of pumping stations are a relevant topic recently treated in Lerma et al. (2015) and Napolitano et al. (2016). In this study we want to define a trade-off between costs and risks considering the minimization of water shortage damages and the pumping operative costs, under different hydrological scenarios occurrences possibilities. Consequently, optimization results should provide the water system Authorities with a robust information about the optimal activation rules considering a large set of generated scenarios of hydrologic inputs to reservoirs. Using synthetic series it is possible to take into account the climate change impacts and balance the rules while also considering future behavior under the risk of the occurrence of shortages and the cost of early warning procedures to avoid water scarcity, mainly related to activation of emergency water transfers. Thereafter, this problem has been faced considering an efficient optimization tool based on the Stochastic Gradient method (SQG), see Ermoliev & Wets (1988) and Gaivoronski (2005). Testing the effectiveness of this proposal, an application of the modelling approach has been developed in a water shortage prone area in South-Sardinia (Italy)

    Beneficial Effect of Phenytoin and Carbamazepine on GFAP Gene Expression and Mutant GFAP Folding in a Cellular Model of Alexander's Disease

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    Alexander's disease (AxD) is a rare, usually relentlessly progressive disorder of astroglial cells in the central nervous system related to mutations in the gene encoding the type III intermediate filament protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The pathophysiology of AxD is only partially understood. Available data indicate that an excessive GFAP gene expression may play a role. In particular, a "threshold hypothesis" has been reported, suggesting that mutant GFAP representing about 20% of the total cellular GFAP should be sufficient to cause disease. Thus, strategies based on reducing cellular mutant GFAP protein levels and/or activating biological processes involved in the correct protein folding could be effective in counteracting the toxic effect of misfolded GFAP. Considering that clomipramine (CLM), which has been selected by a wide small molecules screening as the greatest inhibitory potential drug against GFAP expression, is contraindicated because of its proconvulsant activity in the infantile form of AxD, which is also characterized by the occurrence of epileptic seizures, two powerful antiepileptic agents, carbamazepine (CBZ) and phenytoin (PHT), which share specific stereochemical features in common with CLM, were taken into consideration in a reliable in vitro model of AxD. In the present work, we document for the first time that CBZ and PHT have a definite inhibitory effect on pathological GFAP cellular expression and folding. Moreover, we confirm previous results of a similar beneficial effect of CLM. In addition, we have demonstrated that CBZ and CLM play a refolding effect on mutant GFAP proteins, likely ascribed at the induction of CRYAB expression, resulting in the decrease of mutant GFAP aggregates formation. As CBZ and PHT are currently approved for use in humans, their documented effects on pathological GFAP cellular expression and folding may indicate a potential therapeutic role as disease-modifying agents of these drugs in the clinical management of AxD, particularly in AxD patients with focal epilepsy with and without secondary generalization

    The close relationship between the Golgi trafficking machinery and protein glycosylation

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    La glicosilazione è la più comune modifica post-traduzionale delle proteine; media la loro corretta piegatura e stabilità, nonché il loro trasporto attraverso il trasporto secretorio. I cambiamenti nei glicani legati all'N e all'O sono stati associati a molteplici condizioni patologiche tra cui disturbi congeniti della glicosilazione, malattie infiammatorie e cancro. La glicosilazione della glicoproteina al Golgi coinvolge l'azione coordinata di centinaia di glicosiltransferasi e glicosidasi, che vengono mantenute nella posizione corretta attraverso il traffico di vescicole retrograde tra le cisterne di Golgi. In questa recensione, descriviamo il macchinario molecolare coinvolto nel traffico di vescicole e nel tethering presso l'apparato di Golgi e gli effetti delle mutazioni nel contesto della biosintesi dei glicani e delle malattie umane.Glycosylation is the most common post-translational modification of proteins; it mediates their correct folding and stability, as well as their transport through the secretory transport. Changes in N- and O-linked glycans have been associated with multiple pathological conditions including congenital disorders of glycosylation, inflammatory diseases and cancer. Glycoprotein glycosylation at the Golgi involves the coordinated action of hundreds of glycosyltransferases and glycosidases, which are maintained at the correct location through retrograde vesicle trafficking between Golgi cisternae. In this review, we describe the molecular machinery involved in vesicle trafficking and tethering at the Golgi apparatus and the effects of mutations in the context of glycan biosynthesis and human diseases

    Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Symptoms, Parental Bonding and Dyadic Sensitivity in Mother–Baby Interactions at Three Months Post-Partum

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    The quality of the early parent-infant relationship is crucial for the child's optimal development, and parental sensitivity plays a key role in early interactions. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of maternal perinatal depression and anxiety symptoms on dyadic sensitivity at three months post-partum, also considering a large set of maternal and infant variables. At the third trimester of pregnancy (T1) and at three months postpartum (T2), 43 primiparous women filled in a set of questionnaires evaluating symptoms of depression (CES-D) or anxiety (STAI), the woman's parental bonding experiences (PBI), alexithymia (TAS-20), maternal attachment to the baby (PAI, MPAS) and the perceived social support (MSPSS). At T2 mothers also completed a questionnaire on infant temperament and took part in the CARE-Index videotaped procedure. Dyadic sensitivity was predicted by higher maternal trait anxiety scores in pregnancy. In addition, the mother's experience of being cared for by her father in childhood was predictive of her infant's lower compulsivity, while paternal overprotection predicted higher unresponsiveness. The results highlight the influence of perinatal maternal psychological well-being and maternal childhood experiences on the quality of the dyadic relationship. The results may be useful to foster mother-child adjustment during the perinatal period