21 research outputs found

    Response of Fuel Subsidy Removal as Sustainable Transport Policy (Case Study: Workers in Jakarta Metropolitan Area)

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    Motorization in urban areas contributes several problems such as congestion, accidents, gas emissions, noises, and infrastructure breakage. Meanwhile, most of the developing countries cannot overcome such growth activities, as well as in Jakarta. By December 2013, Vice Governor of Jakarta proposes fuel subsidy removal policy as one of sustainable transport policy. This study is intended to understand and investigate how fuel subsidy removal policy scenarios (25%, 50%, and 100%) in Jakarta affects travelers’ behavior and analyze such policy to support sustainable transport by using qualitative research methodology. Interviews and questionnaires survey is conducted to workers in Jakarta, which includes ranking scale question for traveler response options. The result shows that half of the respondents are not affected and will only respond to fuel price increasing at IDR 31,400 for gasoline price and IDR 26,300 for ADO (Auto Diesel Oil). Moreover, there is a tendency of respondent's to the response by changing their travel mode choices into more fuel efficient private vehicle

    Corporate social responsibility for sustainable service dominant logic

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    Abstract Due to the inadequacy of public transport and high critical level of congestion in Jakarta Metropolitan Area, implementing sustainable transport for urban future transport improvement is necessary. Critical transport situation in Jakarta Metropolitan Area has pointed the importance of implementation integrated transport system to increase people accessibility. This study is conducted to identify strategic issues in integrated transport system at operational and policy levels toward sustainable mobility, transport equity, and door to door service. According to research aim, explanatory case study is used to build an understanding the current situation. The results indicate that integrated transport system is not fully implemented yet and it found a lot of missing links and barriers in integrated transport system attributes. Moreover, transportation planning at national to local levels is not synchronous which have impacted to the implementation of integrated transport. Keywords: integrated transport, transport system, transport policy, mobility  Abstrak Tidak memadainya transportasi umum dan tingginya tingkat kemacetan lalulintas di Kota Metropilitan Jakarta menyebabkan diperlukannya penerapan transportasi yang berkelanjutan untuk perbaikan transportasi perkotaan di masa depan. Situasi transportasi di Jakarta yang telah kritis ini menunjukkan pentingnya penerapan sistem transportasi terpadu untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi isu-isu strategis dalam sistem transportasi terpadu di tingkat-tingkat operasional dan kebijakan terhadap mobilitas yang berkelanjutan, ekuitas transportasi, dan layanan pintu ke pintu. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus untuk menjelaskan situasi yang terjadi saat ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem transportasi terpadu belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan dan ditemukan banyak missing links dan hambatan dalam atribut-atribut sistem transportasi yang terintegrasi. Selain itu, perencanaan transportasi di tingkat nasional dan di tingkat daerah tidak sejalan yang berdampak pada pelaksanaan transportasi terpadu. Kata-kata kunci: transportasi terpadu, sistem transportasi, kebijakan transportasi, mobilita

    Passengers’ Perspective Toward Airport Service Quality (ASQ) (Case Study at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport)

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    Passenger satisfaction towards airport service quality is influenced by the level of service at the previous service quality. It causes the new facility is expected to exceed the previous service quality. Service quality improvement of people mover system in Grand Design of Soekarno Hatta International Airport (SHIA) expected to support increasing airport service quality management. People mover existing conditions that occur on a free shuttle bus has caused some customer complaint. The purpose of this thesis is providing strategic support as complaint handling on people mover system to enhancing SHIA service quality. The discussion involves a passenger's perspectives, passengers’ satisfaction, and airport service quality to get a purpose of research. This thesis utilizes Fodness and Murray theory regarding the accurate scale to measure SHIA service quality by using Servqual method and Kano Model approach. Airport Service Quality (ASQ) aims to give an airport more competitive in the relationship between business and operations. In this thesis offers support strategy in service quality attributes and considerations to assist airport management in improving airport service quality. This thesis finds the value gap between airport management and passengers’ perspectives that serve as accurate scale in each service attributes on people mover facility at SHIA that must be met to achieve satisfaction based on passengers’ perspectives. Also, this thesis finds several services attributes that must be met on people mover facility at SHIA as a basic service needs by passengers need. Airport management at SHIA should focus on the improved operating system of people mover system related to attributes punctuality, free of charge, information about the schedule, headway, and safety. This thesis presents the relationship between the value gap with service attributes that must be met by passengers’ perspectives, passengers’ satisfaction, and airport service quality. This thesis shows how an airport service quality is decided based on gap scale between airport management with passenger perspectives and priority services as passengers’ guarantee


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    Abstract Due to the inadequacy of public transport and high critical level of congestion in Jakarta Metropolitan Area, implementing sustainable transport for urban future transport improvement is necessary. Critical transport situation in Jakarta Metropolitan Area has pointed the importance of implementation integrated transport system to increase people accessibility. This study is conducted to identify strategic issues in integrated transport system at operational and policy levels toward sustainable mobility, transport equity, and door to door service. According to research aim, explanatory case study is used to build an understanding the current situation. The results indicate that integrated transport system is not fully implemented yet and it found a lot of missing links and barriers in integrated transport system attributes. Moreover, transportation planning at national to local levels is not synchronous which have impacted to the implementation of integrated transport. Keywords: integrated transport, transport system, transport policy, mobility  Abstrak Tidak memadainya transportasi umum dan tingginya tingkat kemacetan lalulintas di Kota Metropilitan Jakarta menyebabkan diperlukannya penerapan transportasi yang berkelanjutan untuk perbaikan transportasi perkotaan di masa depan. Situasi transportasi di Jakarta yang telah kritis ini menunjukkan pentingnya penerapan sistem transportasi terpadu untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi isu-isu strategis dalam sistem transportasi terpadu di tingkat-tingkat operasional dan kebijakan terhadap mobilitas yang berkelanjutan, ekuitas transportasi, dan layanan pintu ke pintu. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus untuk menjelaskan situasi yang terjadi saat ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem transportasi terpadu belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan dan ditemukan banyak missing links dan hambatan dalam atribut-atribut sistem transportasi yang terintegrasi. Selain itu, perencanaan transportasi di tingkat nasional dan di tingkat daerah tidak sejalan yang berdampak pada pelaksanaan transportasi terpadu. Kata-kata kunci: transportasi terpadu, sistem transportasi, kebijakan transportasi, mobilita


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    Abstract Research on the relationship between weather and transportation has several benefits, such as to anticipate the weather-induced impacts on travel behavior and transport activities and to assist the Government to pay attention to weather factors in every decision, both in the planning and implementation of a program. Indonesia is a tropical country that has only two types of weather conditions, namely dry and rainy, and both can affect the transport system, either directly or indirectly. In this study, the perception and experience of passengers as the primary data were used to find the relationship between weather and public transportation. Then the data were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative approach. From this study it is known that the number of public transport passengers increased during heavy rains by 8.9%, when strong winds of 10.1%, and increased by 3% during hot weather. The weather also affects the desire, travel behavior, perceptions of the condition of public transport, the type of vehicle used, the time of departure, and the travel decisions. Keywords: public transport, weather variability, travel behavior, passenger perception  Abstrak Penelitian tentang hubungan antara cuaca dan transportasi memiliki beberapa keuntungan, seperti untuk mengantisipasi dampak yang disebabkan cuaca terhadap perilaku perjalanan dan aktivitas transportasi serta untuk membantu Pemerintah agar memperhatikan faktor cuaca di setiap keputusan, baik dalam perencanaan maupun implementasi suatu program. Indonesia merupakan negara beriklim tropis yang hanya memiliki dua jenis kondisi cuaca, yaitu kemarau dan penghujan, dan keduanya dapat mempengaruhi sistem transportasi, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pada studi ini digunakan persepsi dan pengalaman penumpang sebagai data primer untuk mencari hubungan antara cuaca dan angkutan umum. Kemudian dilakukan analisis melalui pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dari studi ini diketahui bahwa jumlah penumpang angkutan umum mengalami peningkatan saat hujan deras sebesar 8,9%, saat angin kencang sebesar 10,1%, dan meningkat 3% saat cuaca panas. Cuaca juga mempengaruhi keinginan, travel behavior, persepsi terhadap kondisi angkutan umum, jenis kendaraan yang digunakan, waktu keberangkatan, dan keputusan-keputusan melakukan perjalanan. Kata-kata kunci: angkutan umum, cuaca, perilaku perjalanan, persepsi penumpan

    Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Service Dominant Logic

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    The process of globalization over the past five decades has given impetus to drivensustainability and related thinking in business. It is also observed that there areunprecedented trends in corporate strategy towards sustainable thinking - the emergenceof sustainability as corporate strategy and the concern of business for ecology and society.This forces companies to rethink their standard business models and increase theirinterest in innovating products and services based on the challenges of global sustainabledevelopment. The pressure from external stakeholders, mainly non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs), as drivers of change may also contribute strongly to thisendeavour. This substantial change pressure clearly reflects companies’ recognition of themounting pressures for social responsibility and governance. The overall aim of this thesisis to describe and understand how social responsibility and value-creation of customers’influence the overall service quality of companies in developing a sustainable servicebusiness. The theoretical and conceptual frame of reference finds its stimulation from the researchin sustainable development – corporate social responsibility, service research and qualitymanagement. In this way it attempts to bridge the gap between business and socialresponsibility. Theoretically and conceptually, the thesis amalgamates sustainabilitythinking and the service logic. Here, value creation and co-creation of Service DominantLogic (S-D logic) approach expands to integrate the values based approach of CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) in management thinking and have created the prevailingbusiness practices and service quality (SQ) improvement. This thesis is a compilation offive different papers that follow an interpretative case study approach. The empiricalstudy developed from the cases of multinational companies, small and mediumenterprises, smallholders and NGOs. In this thesis, ‘Sustainable Service Dominant Logic’ (SSDL) was labelled to argue thatvalue-based co-creation of the S-D logic framework can be used to create values-basedservices for sustainable business by examining the link between CSR and S-D logic basedon value, values and service quality for sustainable business. This is this thesis’scontribution to the ongoing discussion of the paradigm shift in service research. Theframework is of the integration of CSR thinking into service business to create sustainablebusiness thinking. This signifies the new thinking of incorporating different managementsystems in creating the organizational change process, sustainability and finally SQimprovement. This counters the critique against S-D logic by expanding the societal andethical dimensions by using CSR, and showing real business cases. This depends on theintegration of different change pressures for value creation, whether related to economicand social resource integration. This involves the shift of the focus of managerial controlfrom a preoccupation with financial issues to a wider awareness of CSR thinking. Theseissues are also explored by demonstrating, based on cases, how the adoption of thisperspective can also enable the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) framework to become animportant aspect of value creation. Finally, the paradigm shift can be generalized to newthinking in S-D logic and the social responsibility of businesses as the major phenomenonof the changing and globalizing business environment; time for the CSR framework to permeate S-D logic

    Values and Multi-stakeholder Dialog for Business Transformation in Light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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    The objective of this article is to create an understanding of how the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) can be used to steer stakeholder engagement for transformative change, meeting global challenges, and navigate a new business-societal practice driven by a values-based business model. The article is a conceptual study with case studies of the role that the SDGs play in multi-stakeholder dialog via the kind of sustainable business-societal practice that takes corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the next level, where it is embedded in a values-based business model, creating a new meaning to effect real business-societal transformation. Multi-stakeholder dialog implies interactive and communicative engagement with the full range of stakeholders in order to create value for all, employing a societal perspective and using the value network as a basis for effective decision-making. We explain our methodological approach by presenting multi-stakeholder dialog in practice, in the form of multiple case studies. These empirical settings consisted of two values-driven privately owned companies with a strong reporting mechanism and a clear transformation agenda based on the SDG challenges: IKEA and Lofbergs. The empirical study provides the basis for our proposed model. This article makes an original contribution to the study of the use of SDGs in management and service research. It investigates steering and navigating processes in specific contexts in order to determine what should be subject to legal enforcement and what comprises moral and/or ethical value, particularly at the societal level