11 research outputs found

    Light microscopic analysis of the effects of gd-dtpa dimeglumine and iopromide on rabbit hyaline cartilage and synovial membrane

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    Bu çalişmanin amaci kontrastli maddelerin eklem kikirdaği ve sinoviyal membran üzerine olan etkilerini tavşan modelinde araştirmaktir. Çalişmada 60 tavşan dizi kullanildi. Kontrastli ajan olarak iopromid ve Gd-DTPA diz eklemlerine intraartiküler uygulanarak 1. saat, 1.gün, 1.hafta ve 2.hafta sonra sinoviyal membran ve hiyalin kikirdak üzerine olan histolojik etkileri işik mikroskobisi yardimi ile incelendi. Kontrol grubu olarak serum fizyolojik kullanildi. iopromid ve Gd-DTPAuygulanmasindan sonra sinoviyal membranda hiperemi, hemoraji ve yüzeyel stromada vakuollü hücre artişina rastlandi. Hiyalin kikirdakta ise proliferasyon, hipertrofi ve yoğun glikojen birikimi, piknoz ve GlikozAmino Glikan boyanma azliğina neden olduğu görüldü. Bu etkilerin 2. hafta sonunda azalarak devam ettiği saptandi. Çalişmamizda kullanilan maddelerin uygulama süreleri boyunca eklem kikirdağina ve sinoviyal membran üzerine olan etkilerinin istatistiksel olarak anlamli olduğu gösterilememiştir (p>0.05).The aim of this study is to assess the effects of contrast agents on hyaline cartilage and synovial membrane in a rabbit model. Light microscopic analysis of the effects of intraarticular Iopromide and Gd-DTPA on synovial membrane and hyaline cartilage at 1st hour, 1st day, 1st week and 2nd week was performed. NaCl%0.9 was used as control. Hyperemia, hemorhage and increase in the vacuolised cell number in the superficial stroma were observed in the synovial membrane. Proliferation, hypertrophy, dense glycogen storage, pycnosis and decrease in glycosaminoglycan (GAG) staining were observed in the hyaline cartilage. These effects lessened in two weeks. We were not able to demonstrate that contrast agents have any significant effect on hyaline cartilage and synovial membrane (p>0.05)

    Wrist ligaments: Their significance in carpal instability

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the exact contribution of the supporting ligaments to the functional integrity of the wrist is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of carpal instabilities. The present study evaluates the functional significance of the wrist ligaments with respect to carpal instabilities.. Materials and Methods: Sixteen fresh cadaver wrists were dissected. Extrinsic and intrinsic ligaments of the wrists (ligamentum radioscaphocapitatum, ligamentum radiolunotriquetrum and ligamentum triquetrohamatocapitatum) were sectioned sequentially. After sectioning of each ligament, the wrist was examined for clinical signs of instability such as misalignement of carpal bones, limited range of motion and dorsal translation. When instability was suspected, radiographs were taken and if instability was confirmed, then the ligament was repaired. RESULTS: Although none of the dorsal ligaments sectioning resulted in instability, sectioning of ligamentum scaphotrapeziotrapezoideum, ligamentum radioscaphocapitatum, ligamentum radiolunotriquetrum and ligamentum triquetrohamatocapitatum displayed scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal, dorsal intercalated segment, lunotriquetral and capitohamate instability respectively. In two wrists with arthrosis, sectioning of all ligaments didn't lead to any instability CONCLUSION: Instability of the wrist can be classified on anatomical basis after the name of these four ligaments involved i.e. l. scaphotrapeziotrapezoideum, l. radioscaphocapitatum, l. radiolunotriquetrum and l. triquetrohamatocapitatum respectively. This approach clarifies the etiology and treatment of carpal instabilities

    Arthroscopic-assisted percutaneous stabilization of patellar fractures

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    The authors did percutaneous, arthroscopic-assisted osteosynthesis of patellar fractures associated with skin abrasions and lacerations in 11 patients. Skin problems did not delay the operation and the rehabilitation. The average followup was 2.8 years. All fractures healed without complications and good results were obtained in all patients using the criteria of Levack et al. This technique avoids the problems of patellar fractures with skin abrasions and may be adapted to other fractures of the patella

    Eklem HastalÕklarÕ ve Cerrahisi A two-dimensional wrist model for carpal instability and force transmission Karpal instabilite ve yük aktarÕmÕnÕn incelenmesinde iki boyutlu bir el bile÷i modeli

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    Objective Distribution of internal forces among the carpal bones and ligaments, and contribution of the supporting ligaments to the integrity of the wrist was investigated. Patients and methods Wrist radiograph of a healthy volunteer was used to develop the model. The SAP 2000 computer program was used to model the bones, cartilage and ligaments. Initially, a total of 143 Newton of compression load was applied from the metacarpals and internal force distribution across the wrist joint was recorded. Then, internal forces on the ligaments were measured after a total of 143 N of tension load was applied along the longitudinal axes of the metacarpals. The intact and ligaments-sectioned wrists were concomitantly evaluated. Results 81% of the loads were dissipated through the radius. Lunotriquetral ligament was loaded in tension with the highest values in the intact wrist. After removing of the ligaments from the system alone or as pairs, the internal force was distributed among the ligaments in various patterns. Discussion To our knowledge, this is the first study to analyze the internal force distribution along the carpal ligaments. Findings of the present study may contribute to the better understanding of the biomechanical pathoanatomy of carpal instability. Amaç Bu çalışmanın amacı dışardan uygulanan kuvvetlerle el-bilek kemikleri ve bağlar arasında iç kuvvetlerin dağılımını ve bu bağların el bilek bütünlüğündeki katkısını ortaya koymaktır . Hastalar ve yöntem Sağlıklı bir gönüllüden elde edilen el bileği radiografileri bilgisayarda SAP 2000 programı kullanılarak kemikler, kıkırdak ve bağ modellendi. İlk aşamada toplam 143 Newton kompresyon yükü metakarpallere uygulandı ve el bileği ekleminde oluşan iç kuvvet dağılımı kayıt edildi. Daha sonra hem sağlam el bileğinde, hem de bağlar kesildikten sonra oluşan iç kuvvetler toplam 143 N germe yükü metakarpallerin uzun ekseni boyunca uygulandıktan sonra kayıt edildi. Bulgular Kompresyon çalışması önceki çalışmalarla uyumlu idi. Uygulanan kuvvetin %81'i radius boyunca dağıldı. Gerinim çalışmasında sağlam el bileğinde en yüksek gerinim yüklenmesi lunotrikuetral bağda görüldü. Sistemden bağlar tek ya da çift olarak uzaklaştırıldığında iç kuvvetlerin bağlarda farklı biçimlerde dağıldığı görüldü. ÇÕkarÕmlar Bilgilerimize göre bu çalışma karpal bağlar arasında iç kuvvet dağılımını değerlendiren ilk araştırmadır. Bu bilgiler el bileği instabilitesinin biyomekanik patoanatomisini anlamaya katkı sağlayacaktır. • Anahtar sözcükler: Karpal bağlar, kuvvet aktarımı, instabilite, iki-boyutlu model, sonlu eleman

    Our three-year experience with an ultrasonographic hip screening program conducted in infants at 3 to 4 weeks of age

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, yaşamın üçüncü-dördüncü haftalarında yapılan yenidoğan kalça tarama programının sonuçları incelendi ve bu programın Türkiye şartlarında kullanılabilirliği değerlendirildi. Çalışma planı: Üç yıllık bir süreçte doğan 1440 bebeğin aileleriyle doğum sonrası ilk 48 saat içinde gelişimsel kalça displazisi (GKD) hakkında aydınlatıcı bir görüşme yapıldı ve GKD için risk faktörleri belirlendi. Bu bebekler 3-4 hafta sonra kalçaların fizik bakısı ve ultrasonografik incelemesi için yeniden çağrıldı. Sonuçlar: Belirlenen tarama randevusuna 975 bebek (%67.7; 488 kız, 487 erkek; ort. yaş 26 gün; dağılım 17-34 gün) getirildi. Graf sınıflamasına göre, 1664 kalça (%85.3) tip I olarak değerlendirildi. Tip IIc, D ve IIIa saptanan 22 kalçada (%1.2) sağaltıma hemen başlandı. Bu kalçaların biri dışında tümünde sağaltım ile en geç sekiz hafta sonra tip I kalça elde edildi. İzlemi yapılabilen tip IIa kalçaların %12’sine sağaltım gereksimi doğdu. Toplamda, 35 bebeğin (bebeklerin %3.6’sı) 45 kalçası (kalçaların %2.3’ü) tercihen Pavlik bandajı ile sağaltıma alındı. Bu bebeklerin 10’unda (%28.6) GKD için risk faktörü vardı. Pozitif aile öyküsü en fazla karşılaşılan risk faktörüydü (7 bebek; %20). Sağaltıma alınan 45 kalçanın 12’sinde (%26.7), en sık uyluk/kasık pili asimetrisi olmak üzere klinik bulgu vardı. Çıkarımlar: Üç-dört haftalıkken yapılan ultrasonografik kalça tarama programı GKD’de erken tanı ve etkin sağaltım açısından etkilidir. Ancak, doğumdan hemen sonra ailelerin GKD hakkında yeterince bilgilendirilmelerine karşın, bebeklerin yaklaşık üçte biri randevuya getirilmemiştir.Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of a newborn ultrasonographic hip screening program conducted at 3-4 weeks of life, and to assess its utility and feasibility in Turkey. Methods: During a three-year period, parents of 1440 newborns were interviewed within 48 hours following birth to be informed in detail about developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and its risk factors. They were asked to bring their infants for clinical and ultrasonographic examinations of the hips 3 to 4 weeks after birth. Results: A total of 975 infants (67.7%; 488 girls, 487 boys; mean age 26 days; range 17 to 34 days) were available on the day of screening. According to the Graf’s classification, 1664 hips (85.3%) were considered type I. Immediate treatment was initiated for 22 hips (1.2%) which were considered type IIc, D, or IIIa. All but one hip were found to be type I after eight weeks of treatment. Among type IIa hips with a complete follow-up, 12% required treatment. In total, 45 hips (2.3%) of 35 infants (3.6%) were treated preferably with a Pavlik harness. Of these, 10 infants (28.6%) had at least one risk factor for DDH, the most common being a positive family history (n=7, 20%). Of 45 treated hips, 12 hips (26.7%) exhibited positive clinical findings, the most common being asymmetry of the thigh/inguinal folds. Conclusion: Ultrasonographic hip screening program conducted at the age of 3 to 4 weeks is effective for early diagnosis and successful treatment of DDH. However, nearly one-thirds of the infants were not available at the appointed date, despite transmission of detailed information to the parents just after birth

    Morphing Air Vehicle Concepts

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    This article summarizes the current level and trends in the emerging Morphing Air Vehicle Technology. The worldwide status of the research is introduced together with proposals related to the design and development of such vehicles from aerodynamics, flight mechanics, material sciences, and structures points of view. Part I introduces the morphing concept and its potential. Part II summarizes the present technological level, while Part III discusses technological challenges and solution proposals